Muslims Defend Christians During Attack in Kenya

big deal , so 24,000 of YOUR 'ilk' sign a petition and I'm supposed to be impressed Progressive ?? Thankfully there are NO normal Americans signing that petition so its all cool 'Progressive' !!
big deal , so 24,000 of YOUR 'ilk' sign a petition and I'm supposed to be impressed Progressive ?? Thankfully there are NO normal Americans signing that petition so its all cool 'Progressive' !!

Normal Americans? I suppose you that that's you!:thewave: I don't suppose that you know that 50% of Americans said that they would be embarrassed by a Trump presidency.

So who and what else do you hate besides Muslims and the United States of America? :ahole-1:
I don't hate muslims , I just think that they are incompatible with Western society . And in the USA I can never see them as Honoring and following the Constitution and Bill of Rights because as [true and actual] muslims they cannot accept anything other than 'moes' laws and rules and traditions . But yeah , I don't hate muslims . I wish them well in the third world homelands and i and Trump want to keep them there Progressive !!
as far as 50 percent that find TRUMP an embarrassment , good for them and the more the merrier !! I want to hear their whining and see their crying !! Seeing and hearing their whining and crying will make me smile same as your whining and crying makes me smile Progressive !!:afro:
I don't hate muslims , I just think that they are incompatible with Western society . And in the USA I can never see them as Honoring and following the Constitution and Bill of Rights because as [true and actual] muslims they cannot accept anything other than 'moes' laws and rules and traditions . But yeah , I don't hate muslims . I wish them well in the third world homelands and i and Trump want to keep them there Progressive !!
You might want to check out some of the horseshit being promoted by evangelical Christians about Christian Dominionism and basing laws on the bible instead of the Constitution. Why aren't you railing against that. Some of the people who are pushing that insanity are already in our government and a few of them are running for president. If you don't think that's a problem also. you are just a dumb ass hypocrite. You can't have it both ways. Either you understand that ALL fanatical religion is a threat to the constitution and our way of life or you're just blowing smoke to justify discrimination against Muslims.
no religion is on a rampage like islam and their jihad rampage is world wide and is part of islam for TRUE islamists and has been since invention of islam [submission] . Only thing I hope is that a 60 some year old guy like you has Grandkids that he cares about because unless islam is controlled and left to fester in its home lands its gonna have an effect on your Grandkids .
I don't hate muslims , I just think that they are incompatible with Western society . And in the USA I can never see them as Honoring and following the Constitution and Bill of Rights because as [true and actual] muslims they cannot accept anything other than 'moes' laws and rules and traditions . But yeah , I don't hate muslims . I wish them well in the third world homelands and i and Trump want to keep them there Progressive !!
You might want to check out some of the horseshit being promoted by evangelical Christians about Christian Dominionism and basing laws on the bible instead of the Constitution. Why aren't you railing against that. Some of the people who are pushing that insanity are already in our government and a few of them are running for president. If you don't think that's a problem also. you are just a dumb ass hypocrite. You can't have it both ways. Either you understand that ALL fanatical religion is a threat to the constitution and our way of life or you're just blowing smoke to justify discrimination against Muslims.
------------- SORRY , I bumped Progressives post !!
no religion is on a rampage like islam and their jihad rampage is world wide and is part of islam for TRUE islamists and has been since invention of islam [submission] . Only thing I hope is that a 60 some year old guy like you has Grandkids that he cares about because unless islam is controlled and left to fester in its home lands its gonna have an effect on your Grandkids .
You are pathetically in denial. Yes world wide some Muslims are on a rampage. However, here at home some Christians are on a rampage and they present a much more clear and present danger to the Constitution and our democracy. Either you have your head in the sand OR you are OK with Christian domination of government but do not have the integrity to admit that. Which is it?
like I said earlier , you are a silly male [claims to be male] of some sort Progressive !!
like I said earlier , you are a silly male [claims to be male] of some sort Progressive !!
Holy shit! That's it? All that you have left is to call me silly and question my gender- for whatever stupid reason I'll never know. You can't defend yourself or answer the charge of hypocrisy so this is what you resort to. Pathetic indeed.
What the hell were those those Muslims thinking? Protecting Christians from al-Shabab? Don't they know that they were supposed to join al-Shabab in it's quest to kill Christians? I bet they did it, just so they could come to the US and become citizens.
Muslim passengers defended Christian passengers during an extremist attack on a bus in Kenya on Monday.
Members of the al-Shabab militant organization shot at a bus in Mandera, Kenya, forcing it to stop. Once the militants boarded the bus, they attempted to separate Muslim and Christian passengers, intending to kill the Christians on board, the BBC reported.
“We even gave some non-Muslims our religious attire to wear in the bus so that they would not be identified easily. We stuck together tightly," Abdi Mohamud Abdi, a Muslim passenger, told Reuters . "The militants threatened to shoot us but we still refused and protected our brothers and sisters. Finally they gave up and left but warned that they would be back.”

Al SHabab is mostly Somalis, makes sense fellow Kenyans sticking up for each other. There are a lot of 'black' Kenyans now who are Muslim, guess the Somalis couldn't tell the difference.
a little more news for you !! --- Islamic State okays taking organs of living non-Muslims --- Islamic state says that its ok to take organs from living non muslims Progressive
I never said that the IS was good and never defended them. They do not represent the Islamic religion. This is just another diversion to avoid addressing the points that I made. I once was young, stupid and angry but in my old age came to understand that you can't live long that way. It will take it's toll on you in more ways than one , as I suspect that it already is. Let go of the hate and fear! To tell you the truth, you do not strike me as being all that bright, and I am becoming bored with you.
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What the hell were those those Muslims thinking? Protecting Christians from al-Shabab? Don't they know that they were supposed to join al-Shabab in it's quest to kill Christians? I bet they did it, just so they could come to the US and become citizens.
Muslim passengers defended Christian passengers during an extremist attack on a bus in Kenya on Monday.
Members of the al-Shabab militant organization shot at a bus in Mandera, Kenya, forcing it to stop. Once the militants boarded the bus, they attempted to separate Muslim and Christian passengers, intending to kill the Christians on board, the BBC reported.
“We even gave some non-Muslims our religious attire to wear in the bus so that they would not be identified easily. We stuck together tightly," Abdi Mohamud Abdi, a Muslim passenger, told Reuters . "The militants threatened to shoot us but we still refused and protected our brothers and sisters. Finally they gave up and left but warned that they would be back.”

I spent about two months in Mombasa, people there, Muslim and christian alike are for the most part pretty tight. (for the most part) There are friends who cross religious lines ( in my limited experience I noticed this) Kenya is a little better at this than other Muslim/African countries. They are very nationalistic and when I was there I heard a lot of complaints about Somalis sneaking into their country and ruining things. They even marry Kenyans so they can emigrate as Kenyans instead of Somalis. Not a lot of love lost there
islam is a fighting religion , conversion by the sword , always been like that since its invention in about 6-700 AD . Heck , shortly after invention of islam which means 'submission' the muslims started raiding and conquering neighboring lands . Spain [andulusia] was one of the lands and muslims conquered it about 700 and were only kicked out as RULERS in the late 1400s . muslims tried parts of Europe but failed in Austria and France . Vlad Tepes fought them in his lands and the muslims turned around when they encountered Vlads ' Forest of the Impaled' . In more recent times the USA fought the muslims in the USA first war around 1800 . From the Halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli is a song of the Marines Corp and commemorates that first ever USA war [Barbary War] . ------------ Anyway , every Westerner and especially American should read and learn what muslims are like . Plus they should watch current events in Europe with the invasion of the Syrian refugee invaders Progressive .
see and hear the 'somali' muslims in Minnesota !! --- --- here you go Progressive !!
Jamal said almost everyone in the community denounces terror groups. But as many as 40 other young men from Minneapolis have joined Islamic fighters after they were pulled in by jihadists through social media.

Tell the whole story . Tell the truth! There are militants ....but it does not reflect the entire Muslim community. And, you still refuse to deal with the Christian extremism that I pointed out. All that you can do is deal in propaganda
as I have said , you are a silly person as you deny whats going on in the muslim world no matter if its in Minnesota or in the muslims messed up third world home lands . You do serve a purpose though so I am glad that you are here Progressive !!-------------------------- So you try to change the subject ehh ?? Stick to the subject of 'muslims' and islam in this thread . Start a thread on Christian fantasies that you have in your mind and I might respond Progressive !!.

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