Muslim Who Won’t Sell Pork Loses Dunkin’ Donuts Franchise

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
An Arab-American owner of a Chicago-area Dunkin’ Donuts store has to give up his franchise after he lost his long-running legal battle with the restaurant chain over his religious objections to selling pork products.

The company’s lawsuit came two weeks after a federal jury found that the chain did not discriminate against Elkhatib for refusing to renew his franchise agreement because he declined to sell breakfast sandwiches with bacon, ham or sausage.

The dietary restrictions of Elkhatib’s Muslim faith forbid him from eating or handling pork. When he decided to go into the restaurant business, his faith one of the reasons why he invested in Dunkin’ Donuts in 1979. The chain did not introduce breakfast sandwiches until 1984.

For nearly 20 years, Dunkin’ Donuts accommodated his religious beliefs, even providing him signs for his store that said, “No meat products available,” Elkhatib asserted in court documents. But in 2002, the company reversed course and told him it would not renew his franchise agreement if he did not sell its full line of products.

Elkhatib sued the company but because he is not an employee of Dunkin’ Donuts, he could not sue under federal laws banning religious discrimination in the work place. Instead, he invoked a law that bars racial and certain forms of ancestry discrimination in the making of contracts.

A Chicago federal judge rejected Elkhatib’s claim, finding that it was a religious rather than a racial claim. But in 2007 an appellate court allowed the case to go to trial, finding that Dunkin’ Donuts did not consistently apply its rules on franchise holders. In fact, Elkhatib’s lawyer found a Chicago location that did not sell breakfast sandwiches with pork because many of the customers followed Jewish dietary laws that ban the consumption of pork products.

Elkhatib’s franchise agreement expired in April 2008, but Dunkin’ Donuts allowed him to keep operating the store until the end of the trial.

Muslim Who Won’t Sell Pork Loses Dunkin’ Donuts Franchise | Chill Yo Islam Yo
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When he bought the franchise DD didn't sell pork products.

And for 20 years he has been operating his business without offering bacon or pork sausage products with the blessings of DD corporate office.

Then all at once DD comes along and changes the rules and says that he has to offer pork products.
When he bought the franchise DD didn't sell pork products.

And for 20 years he has been operating his business without offering bacon or pork sausage products with the blessings of DD corporate office.

Then all at once DD comes along and changes the rules and says that he has to offer pork products.

Yes. So?

Contracts are for a specified term, they choose to not allow an exception at contract renewal. Happens all the time. In this case it involved items to be served on the menu, in other cases it might have to do with fee rates, or cleanliness standards, or location, etc.

The company said here are the terms - accept of decline, it's up to you.

Elkhatib is still free to run a donut shop, just not under the brand name of "Dunkin’ Donuts", there are many small business bakeries in this country - many no associated with a brand name and they do just fine. Hell he could probably use it as a marketing tool to attract religious customers that shy away from pork products and vegetarians/vegans that shy away from meat products all together and establish himself in the nitch market.

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I don't understand, this is business. I buy all my liquor and beer from an Indian Muslim and he could care less, he tags it and bags it for me at the register.
I don't understand, this is business. I buy all my liquor and beer from an Indian Muslim and he could care less, he tags it and bags it for me at the register.
And that Indian muslim is a hypocrite and is violating Islam by selling a haram product.

I am sure he thinks it's OK because he is selling it to non muslims. (kufar)

But he is wrong and will pay for it in the after life. :evil:
I don't understand, this is business. I buy all my liquor and beer from an Indian Muslim and he could care less, he tags it and bags it for me at the register.
And that Indian muslim is a hypocrite and is violating Islam by selling a haram product.

I am sure he thinks it's OK because he is selling it to non muslims. (kufar)

But he is wrong and will pay for it in the after life. :evil:

So Muslims are completely forbidden from selling anything haram, even if its just business?
I don't understand, this is business. I buy all my liquor and beer from an Indian Muslim and he could care less, he tags it and bags it for me at the register.
And that Indian muslim is a hypocrite and is violating Islam by selling a haram product.

I am sure he thinks it's OK because he is selling it to non muslims. (kufar)

But he is wrong and will pay for it in the after life. :evil:

So Muslims are completely forbidden from selling anything haram, even if its just business?

Weird... they'll happily strap C4 cluttered with ball bearings onto kids and send them into market places filled with other Muslims and then blow those kids to hell... but woe betide them if they sell alcohol or pork.
So Muslims are completely forbidden from selling anything haram, even if its just business?
It is hypocritical and unIslamic to invite people to accept Islam on one hand; and yet sell them something that is harmful with the other hand.

So, his business is 'inviting people to accept Islam'? Really? Damn. Interesting what one learns on the interwebs.
So Muslims are completely forbidden from selling anything haram, even if its just business?
It is hypocritical and unIslamic to invite people to accept Islam on one hand; and yet sell them something that is harmful with the other hand.

So, his business is 'inviting people to accept Islam'? Really? Damn. Interesting what one learns on the interwebs.
Are you really that dense in real life?? :cool:
When he bought the franchise DD didn't sell pork products.

And for 20 years he has been operating his business without offering bacon or pork sausage products with the blessings of DD corporate office.

Then all at once DD comes along and changes the rules and says that he has to offer pork products.

If his Muslim brothers didn't poke a sleeping giant on September 11, 2001 this probably wouldn't have been a problem.

Fuck him. :thup:
Good for D&D, fuck you Muslim fucks! A customer might watch into this Muslim crybabies D&D and order a breakfast sandwich without that meat and be disappointed. This could be a dapper on that customers view of D&D's products.

D&D has all the right to demand their products be made and served the same way. That is what a franchise does. If this Muslim crybaby doesn't like it, then open his own chain and not get the branding that D&D has with it!

Again, Radical Islam isn't the problem, ISLAM ITSELF IS THE PROBLEM!!!

An Arab-American owner of a Chicago-area Dunkin’ Donuts store has to give up his franchise after he lost his long-running legal battle with the restaurant chain over his religious objections to selling pork products.

The company’s lawsuit came two weeks after a federal jury found that the chain did not discriminate against Elkhatib for refusing to renew his franchise agreement because he declined to sell breakfast sandwiches with bacon, ham or sausage.

The dietary restrictions of Elkhatib’s Muslim faith forbid him from eating or handling pork. When he decided to go into the restaurant business, his faith one of the reasons why he invested in Dunkin’ Donuts in 1979. The chain did not introduce breakfast sandwiches until 1984.

For nearly 20 years, Dunkin’ Donuts accommodated his religious beliefs, even providing him signs for his store that said, “No meat products available,” Elkhatib asserted in court documents. But in 2002, the company reversed course and told him it would not renew his franchise agreement if he did not sell its full line of products.

Elkhatib sued the company but because he is not an employee of Dunkin’ Donuts, he could not sue under federal laws banning religious discrimination in the work place. Instead, he invoked a law that bars racial and certain forms of ancestry discrimination in the making of contracts.

A Chicago federal judge rejected Elkhatib’s claim, finding that it was a religious rather than a racial claim. But in 2007 an appellate court allowed the case to go to trial, finding that Dunkin’ Donuts did not consistently apply its rules on franchise holders. In fact, Elkhatib’s lawyer found a Chicago location that did not sell breakfast sandwiches with pork because many of the customers followed Jewish dietary laws that ban the consumption of pork products.

Elkhatib’s franchise agreement expired in April 2008, but Dunkin’ Donuts allowed him to keep operating the store until the end of the trial.

Muslim Who Won’t Sell Pork Loses Dunkin’ Donuts Franchise | Chill Yo Islam Yo
I don't understand, this is business. I buy all my liquor and beer from an Indian Muslim and he could care less, he tags it and bags it for me at the register.
And that Indian muslim is a hypocrite and is violating Islam by selling a haram product.

I am sure he thinks it's OK because he is selling it to non muslims. (kufar)

But he is wrong and will pay for it in the after life. :evil:

All Muslims are hypocrites, why should this one be any different?
When he bought the franchise DD didn't sell pork products.

And for 20 years he has been operating his business without offering bacon or pork sausage products with the blessings of DD corporate office.

Then all at once DD comes along and changes the rules and says that he has to offer pork products.

Doesn't matter.

A franchise has the right to tell its store owners what to sell.

If he doesn't want to follow the franchise rules then he can open his own pork free doughnut shop.
I don't understand, this is business. I buy all my liquor and beer from an Indian Muslim and he could care less, he tags it and bags it for me at the register.

To be fair ( I agree with DD on this) Muslims are not forbidden to handle alcohol just can't consume it. His faith forbids him from even touching pork. It would make him unclean. To have to sell it would mean he basically could not enter his own stores kitchen area or handle the product.

His law suit was reasonable on its face, I just happen to agree that DD has the right to enforce their product line on anyone with the franchise.

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