Muslim Refugees in America Demand Halal School Menu

Face it haters......the muslim students will get their special Halal meals at school.

Whether you like it or not. ... :eusa_angel:

typical, the strong always has to bend over and take it up the ass for a minority too fucking stupid (?) to assimilate.

as a Christian i do not demand anything special or out of the norm, so why should any NON-Christian ?
I fail to see the problem.

Many schools provide Kosher meals for their Jewish students.

Halal is basically the same thing. .. :cool:
Jews worship the one true God, muslims worship satan, big difference.

Is that really necessary?

I admit I have little regard for islam, and I think ALL religions fail to represent God adequately, but telling a guy who you would otherwise agree with on most issues that he worships satan is a pretty low blow.

Sunni Man has been a good conservative poster here, he doesn't deserve that sort of insult.

I only neg bed wetters, but I came close to negging that post.

i would sure like to see proof of that, i know of no skool in my area that do it.

Your standard of English suggests you don't know any schools at all.
However, why bother with schools as an example when the white house kitchen had to be Jewified to keep America's pimps happy.

[ame=]Koshering the White House Kitchen for Hanukkah - YouTube[/ame]

They are feeding a boat load of cut-throat Jewish lawyers labeled politicians is why. Screw em, bring on the fired chicken, mustard greens, mud beans and corn bread.


Now that made me laugh for real.


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