Muslim Inbreeding is a Huge Problem


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Marriage between cousins remains rampant in much of the Muslim world. And the results are truly tragic. A 2005 BBC survey found that 55 percent of Britain’s huge Pakistani population was married to a first cousin. The BBC’s research, for example, found that that while British Pakistanis accounted for roughly 3.4% of all births, “they had 30% of all British children with recessive disorders and a higher rate of infant mortality.” Each year 700 babies in the UK are born with genetic disabilities as a result of consanguineous marriage.

Inbreeding brings health problems, low IQs, aggression and social problems.

It's Time to Address the Muslim's World's Biggest Secret
Marriage between cousins remains rampant in much of the Muslim world. And the results are truly tragic. A 2005 BBC survey found that 55 percent of Britain’s huge Pakistani population was married to a first cousin. The BBC’s research, for example, found that that while British Pakistanis accounted for roughly 3.4% of all births, “they had 30% of all British children with recessive disorders and a higher rate of infant mortality.” Each year 700 babies in the UK are born with genetic disabilities as a result of consanguineous marriage.

Inbreeding brings health problems, low IQs, aggression and social problems.

It's Time to Address the Muslim's World's Biggest Secret

No shit, while in Saudi Arabia, a nurse told me that the marriages in the family accounted for 30% of babies born with a defect. Almost 99% of these infants would be taken into the desert and buried, never to be seen again. Camel Jockeys are very progressive like a liberal is...
Marriage between cousins remains rampant in much of the Muslim world. And the results are truly tragic. A 2005 BBC survey found that 55 percent of Britain’s huge Pakistani population was married to a first cousin. The BBC’s research, for example, found that that while British Pakistanis accounted for roughly 3.4% of all births, “they had 30% of all British children with recessive disorders and a higher rate of infant mortality.” Each year 700 babies in the UK are born with genetic disabilities as a result of consanguineous marriage.

Inbreeding brings health problems, low IQs, aggression and social problems.

It's Time to Address the Muslim's World's Biggest Secret

Their IQ is low because they wont eat an animal smarter than they are..Pork...
Does it say how what percentage of Muslims come from breeding with a camel?
Probably why they’re crazy.

Islam seems to have a lot of fanaticism, hate and ultra violence, but the Dems defend it because they are part of their coalition of hate.

Probably why they’re crazy.

Islam seems to have a lot of fanaticism, hate and ultra violence, but the Dems defend it because they are part of their coalition of hate.

View attachment 230775

see attachment---^^^^^^ Kaffirin like me are fully justified in openly
stating ----ISLAM STINKS, The Koran is a pile of dog shit---and muhummad
had the personality of a wild pig and the brain (no more than a small
aggregate of ganglia) of an earthworm. His ass lickers are trying to outlaw
my freedom of expression
Oy vey!! ... :eek-52:

"oy veh" is a Hebrew expression which is often translated as
"WOE!!!!" Unlike virtually all expletives in Arabic----it is not
More proof that he's not a real Muslim. He already admitted to not having any facial hair.

I have facial hair-----ONE coarse hair has been STUBBORNLY growing
out of a little tiny mole on the left corner of my chin for years
Oy vey!! ... :eek-52:

"oy veh" is a Hebrew expression which is often translated as
"WOE!!!!" Unlike virtually all expletives in Arabic----it is not
More proof that he's not a real Muslim. He already admitted to not having any facial hair.

I have facial hair-----ONE coarse hair has been STUBBORNLY growing
out of a little tiny mole on the left corner of my chin for years
Well, that's more than sunni has!!! :lol:
Marriage between cousins remains rampant in much of the Muslim world. And the results are truly tragic. A 2005 BBC survey found that 55 percent of Britain’s huge Pakistani population was married to a first cousin. The BBC’s research, for example, found that that while British Pakistanis accounted for roughly 3.4% of all births, “they had 30% of all British children with recessive disorders and a higher rate of infant mortality.” Each year 700 babies in the UK are born with genetic disabilities as a result of consanguineous marriage.

Inbreeding brings health problems, low IQs, aggression and social problems.

It's Time to Address the Muslim's World's Biggest Secret

Ok. Where does it say in the Quran (or any interpretation) don't marry your first cousin generation after generation? Who is keeping track of it?

They have Muslim dating sites and I would imagine that is the opportunity to interact with people from different backgrounds instead of the family, friends and community method.
Marriage between cousins remains rampant in much of the Muslim world. And the results are truly tragic. A 2005 BBC survey found that 55 percent of Britain’s huge Pakistani population was married to a first cousin. The BBC’s research, for example, found that that while British Pakistanis accounted for roughly 3.4% of all births, “they had 30% of all British children with recessive disorders and a higher rate of infant mortality.” Each year 700 babies in the UK are born with genetic disabilities as a result of consanguineous marriage.

Inbreeding brings health problems, low IQs, aggression and social problems.

It's Time to Address the Muslim's World's Biggest Secret

Ok. Where does it say in the Quran (or any interpretation) don't marry your first cousin generation after generation? Who is keeping track of it?

They have Muslim dating sites and I would imagine that is the opportunity to interact with people from different backgrounds instead of the family, friends and community method.

Good Luck!!! :biggrin:

"INTERACTION" between persons of different gender is not permitted
Marriage between cousins remains rampant in much of the Muslim world. And the results are truly tragic. A 2005 BBC survey found that 55 percent of Britain’s huge Pakistani population was married to a first cousin. The BBC’s research, for example, found that that while British Pakistanis accounted for roughly 3.4% of all births, “they had 30% of all British children with recessive disorders and a higher rate of infant mortality.” Each year 700 babies in the UK are born with genetic disabilities as a result of consanguineous marriage.

Inbreeding brings health problems, low IQs, aggression and social problems.

It's Time to Address the Muslim's World's Biggest Secret

Ok. Where does it say in the Quran (or any interpretation) don't marry your first cousin generation after generation? Who is keeping track of it?

They have Muslim dating sites and I would imagine that is the opportunity to interact with people from different backgrounds instead of the family, friends and community method.

Good Luck!!! :biggrin:

View attachment 230778

number 16 is cute

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