Muslim immigrant enters California Lieutenant governor race


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

Muslim immigrant enters California lieutenant governor race


Well isn't this special nothing like handing our states, and our Country over to a bunch of fks who were NEVER AMERICAN.........I don't give a crap wth they are from that is not the point.........
Don't forget little ole Michigan just put a few little Muslims into office as well............Nawwww the West isn't being taken over it's just your fkn imagination.
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Muslim immigrant enters California lieutenant governor race
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Well isn't this special nothing like handing our states, and our Country over to a bunch of fks who were NEVER AMERICAN.........I don't give a crap wth they are from that is not the point.........
Don't forget little ole Michigan just put a few little Muslims into office as well............Nawwww the West isn't being taken over it's just your fkn imagination.
Their false prophet says the US is going to be theirs so yes a real push on it.

And what they call the Umayyad, the green area

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Muslim immigrant enters California lieutenant governor race
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Well isn't this special nothing like handing our states, and our Country over to a bunch of fks who were NEVER AMERICAN.........I don't give a crap wth they are from that is not the point.........
Don't forget little ole Michigan just put a few little Muslims into office as well............Nawwww the West isn't being taken over it's just your fkn imagination.
Their false prophet says the US is going to be theirs so yes a real push on it.

And what they call the Umayyad, the green area


That video " Obsession" that i've often posted here and doubt anybody ever watched it, told me this about ten years ago.
Along with another video that went around in the military called How the West would be taken over.

If more people learned to watch things instead of thinking everything is a gawd dam conspiracy theory we probably wouldn't have so many clueless imbeciles who know nothing.
Engaging in the political process could be called assimilating.
You dont have to vote for him you sad bedwetting baastards.
Engaging in the political process could be called assimilating.
You dont have to vote for him you sad bedwetting baastards.

He has no place here in the west to begin with and considering that over 90% of the worlds Muslims are theocratic I would assume that his motive is the exact opposite of assimilating.
If the Cali voters have half a brain they will kick this death cult asshole to the curb.

But it is Cali so who knows. The guy could be their next Governor.
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Muslim immigrant enters California lieutenant governor race
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Well isn't this special nothing like handing our states, and our Country over to a bunch of fks who were NEVER AMERICAN.........I don't give a crap wth they are from that is not the point.........
Don't forget little ole Michigan just put a few little Muslims into office as well............Nawwww the West isn't being taken over it's just your fkn imagination.
Their false prophet says the US is going to be theirs so yes a real push on it.

And what they call the Umayyad, the green area


That video " Obsession" that i've often posted here and doubt anybody ever watched it, told me this about ten years ago.
Along with another video that went around in the military called How the West would be taken over.

If more people learned to watch things instead of thinking everything is a gawd dam conspiracy theory we probably wouldn't have so many clueless imbeciles who know nothing.
True but even searching for the why's and in's and out's of it all without a spirit to understand they won't. That is why there seems like so many are willingly being led as sheep to the slaughter. There is a lot of propaganda out there in an attempt to keep people in a confused state. That "Management of savagery"online translated pdf. is one people should read too. Most of those poor people being slaughter in the ME and Africa don't know it is out there either. The management of savagery was based on this dudes religious philosophy Taqī ad-Dīn Aḥmad ibn Taymiyyah. Iran's religious leader and a few others have a similar idea of remaining in and gaining control over more territories. Their ideas of who should control what and Iran's don't jive so that is where the truly messy crap has been coming from.

I told this before in the religious and ethics forum but will repeat it for you. I belonged to a small prophetic group back in 2006-2007. We shared night visions, etc. One of the member shared about one that was very disturbing to him. It was a Muslim invasion coming up from the south and their was one in his yard with a weapon/rifle (type he wasn't sure of the make) in his hand. He sat in his house and watched the guy going through everything out there trying to consider if he should shoot the guy or not. Not something he wanted to do but if it came down to his family or the invader the invader would have to go. He then saw him go to the water tap outside to get a drink from it. He knew the water was poison but thought to warn the guy because he wouldn't even wish that an enemy drink the poisoned water. Then he awoke. I had looked back then online but couldn't find anything to connect the dots for the invasion part at that time but did find that a foreign entity was in control of the water for the region he lived in and that concerned me a lot.

It was the year before last as I awoke I recalled hearing; 'Do not be distressed and sadden about the children of Um for they were created for the day of destruction'. At that time we had just gotten Internet so I started looking to find who are the children of Um. That is when I came across the ones that were hyped and excited about winning the war of the Ummah and the videos of the Kuwait imam professor calling for destruction in America (he described how easy anthrax or jihad of any kind would be here). I also came across a lot of information on their plans for the new asia. The new Islam converts in Indonesia are looking at taking all of that areas around Malay while some of the Paki's work on the rest. That is why they were killing monks in 2011[?] and the monks started to defend themselves by returning their violence on them.

I can't seem to find some of those websites now I'd originally found on the plan so I don't know if they just removed them or the search just is not bringing them up (I probably saved them somewhere but we changed computers around and had to redo two of them so may not have those links). After Trump won the election is when they seem to disappear in the searches.

I am also seeing now a lot of young people do not want to go along with this old war mantra that a lot of those imams have pushed. Palestinians are even aligned with Israel against what Iran, Russia and Assad, and the al-Qaeda groupies are doing and they want no part of it (came across a few tweets where they were looking at taking Israel and Palestine under the auspices of treating their Muslim brothers there right because for so long they hadn't been treating them right). Hamas arrested one of their violent war monger leaders Dec. 2016 that has a group in Syria. When I got to followers of that arrestee' I read a lot of conversations about their hopes for being successful. Then I came across ones that described ISIS as being Iran's deal and the al-Qaeda that came out of Pakistan that is furious with them and some of their own in Southern Iraq calling for peace and a turn in of weaponry so they can have peace among their tribes. According to a few that was an Iranian push for the slaughter in Egypt of the Coptic's and police too (the Muslim Brotherhood?). So Shia thugs, Sunni thugs and then add on top of that international thugs from either faction that do money laundering, weapons running, theft, extortion, kidnapping then drugs and wallah you have a mess over there that they all keep stirred as they work to keep or get control. South American cartels and their gangs do the same type crap and have made a lot of areas in Mexico and other countries messy in their vicious slaughtering of people with no remorse and some of those gangs are ran out of the Ca. prison system. The locals and those who do not submit are their targets there but then we have a bit of that type shit that goes on here to with our own gangsta' thugs that have seemingly built their little empires in certain areas.

A toon w/ tweet;
جعفر وياسين جعفر الأوزبيكي وفيتش صادقييف
وهو مسؤول كبير في القاعدة يقيم في مدينة مشهد

# One of them
Jaafar, Yasin Jaafar al-Uzbeki and Fitch Sadekiev
A senior al Qaeda official based in Mashhad


al-Nursah and al-Qaeda had a falling out last year and did a split

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