Muslim Father Slits 17-Year-Old Daughter’s Throat For ‘Marrying Without Permission’

That is a pretty moronic comparison. You need to work on your logic skills my friend, because that post is embarrassing! :lol:

Sounds like apples to apples to me!

There arent entire villages full of insane people. See the difference?

No, but there are entire churches full of insane people. Jim Jones comes to mind. So does David Koresh, and Heavens Gate. I admit, though that I kind of miss that guy who predicted the Rapture would happen in 2011.
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Sounds kind of like the woman in Texas who drowned her 5 kids in the bathtub because her Christian belief was that Satan wanted her to. She was found insane, and acquitted on that basis.

Are you suggesting that this family (and the other 869, or so others that are reported) are insane?

The vast, vast majority of the billion or so Muslims on the planet do not believe in this stuff. This honor killing thing is cultural. Though the people say it is their religion, it isn't. This is the same kind of thing as fundamentalist, extremist Christians. Like those Baptists who protest at military funerals. They are sick, but they are not representative of the majority if Christians.

The best thing you all could do is learn the facts and know the truth instead of just having fun with hate. Being narrow minded makes you as bad as they are.

Narrow minded? Really? I asked a legitimate question. Vandalshandle tossed out some diversion rather than addressing the subject of the OP. Or are you ignorant of the fact that "two wrongs do not make it right"? Or would you rather offer some other excuse for one religious faction committing evil while condemning some other faction you disagree with?
Can you explain the fact that the muslim community at large fails to condemn such actions by other so-called muslims, unlike christians, who tend to be pretty vocal about disavowing heinous actions by so-called christians?
You may label me "narrow-minded", but at least I am consistently objective...more than can be said for you and your blatantly subjective opinions.
This sort of inhuman cultural violence is embeded deep in the religion and is the true Islam. Honor killings are not the exception among these backward people who would dominate the world and drag us all to the Dark Ages of ignorance.

Another day, a few more slit throats..... hey..... just another day at the office!
Are you suggesting that this family (and the other 869, or so others that are reported) are insane?

The vast, vast majority of the billion or so Muslims on the planet do not believe in this stuff. This honor killing thing is cultural. Though the people say it is their religion, it isn't. This is the same kind of thing as fundamentalist, extremist Christians. Like those Baptists who protest at military funerals. They are sick, but they are not representative of the majority if Christians.

The best thing you all could do is learn the facts and know the truth instead of just having fun with hate. Being narrow minded makes you as bad as they are.

Narrow minded? Really? I asked a legitimate question. Vandalshandle tossed out some diversion rather than addressing the subject of the OP. Or are you ignorant of the fact that "two wrongs do not make it right"? Or would you rather offer some other excuse for one religious faction committing evil while condemning some other faction you disagree with?
Can you explain the fact that the muslim community at large fails to condemn such actions by other so-called muslims, unlike christians, who tend to be pretty vocal about disavowing heinous actions by so-called christians?
You may label me "narrow-minded", but at least I am consistently objective...more than can be said for you and your blatantly subjective opinions.

I have spent 7 years of my life and career living and working in Muslim countries with colleagues, associates and friends who are Muslim. I've been to their homes and to their weddings. I have traveled with them inside their countries and outside their countries. The vast majority of the more than a billion Muslims on this planet do not do honor killings and do not believe in them, and they do 'disavow' such behavior. If you don't believe me on that, Google it. They do not support. It is not part of Islam.

It is something backward people do who are poor and uneducated. It is something extremist and fundamentalist people do. Anyone who thinks otherwise is not educated or knowledgeable about Islam and how the vast majority of Muslims live.
The practice of so-called "honour killing" is in reality an act of murder.
There is absolutely no justification in Islam for "honour killing" of women or men
There is no historical background in Islam for "honour killing". No verse in the holy Quran and no saying of Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) sanctions such crimes. There were no cases of "honour killing" during the early period of Islam. This is a concept that seems to have appeared only recently, and is based only upon ignorance of the true teachings of Islam, and perhaps some ancient customs that pre-date Islam.
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Anyone else notice how this thread was about what a muslim father did to his daughter, and the liberals bring up Christianity?

Anyone? Notice?
Muslim Father Slits 17-Year-Old Daughter?s Throat For ?Marrying Without Permission? |

A Pakistani man has been arrested for killing his daughter and her husband because she married into a “less important tribe.”

Police say the 17-year-old victim and the 31-year-old man she married without their families’ consent were tied up and had their throats slit with a scythe by the girl’s family.

The family had lured the couple to their home by promising to give them their family blessing.

A police spokesperson said, “When the couple reached there, they tied them with ropes. [The girl’s father] cut their throats.”

Police have arrested the family, who said they murdered the couple because their daughter’s husband, Muafia Hussein, comes from a “less important tribe.”

The Daily Mail reports that, “The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan said 869 so-called ‘honor killings’ were reported in the media last year – several a day. But the true figure is probably much higher since many cases are never reported.”

The practice is considered “tradition” in tribal regions of Pakistan.

Earlier this month, a 19-year-old girl and her husband appealed to the police for protection after her family denounced her marriage. Instead, her family came to her husband’s home and took their daughter, “swearing on the Koran they would not harm her and would hold a proper wedding ceremony.”

The couple’s lawyer, Zia Kiyyani, said, “During this the girl shouted, cried, and mourned for her life and her husband’s life because she knew that they will kill them both.”


Obviously this is Israel's fault.

Revealed: Father of toddler who baked to death in a hot car 'told his family how to collect son's $27,000 life insurance policy while he was in jail' | Mail Online
These people are monsters ^^^

I agree, are you saying the people that do "honor" killings are not?

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
Sounds kind of like the woman in Texas who drowned her 5 kids in the bathtub because her Christian belief was that Satan wanted her to. She was found insane, and acquitted on that basis.

She was suffering from postpartum depression, there were more factors to the event than just religion. For you not being able to reason this out is a show of your lack of understanding.
The vast, vast majority of the billion or so Muslims on the planet do not believe in this stuff. This honor killing thing is cultural. Though the people say it is their religion, it isn't. This is the same kind of thing as fundamentalist, extremist Christians. Like those Baptists who protest at military funerals. They are sick, but they are not representative of the majority if Christians.

The best thing you all could do is learn the facts and know the truth instead of just having fun with hate. Being narrow minded makes you as bad as they are.

Narrow minded? Really? I asked a legitimate question. Vandalshandle tossed out some diversion rather than addressing the subject of the OP. Or are you ignorant of the fact that "two wrongs do not make it right"? Or would you rather offer some other excuse for one religious faction committing evil while condemning some other faction you disagree with?
Can you explain the fact that the muslim community at large fails to condemn such actions by other so-called muslims, unlike christians, who tend to be pretty vocal about disavowing heinous actions by so-called christians?
You may label me "narrow-minded", but at least I am consistently objective...more than can be said for you and your blatantly subjective opinions.

I have spent 7 years of my life and career living and working in Muslim countries with colleagues, associates and friends who are Muslim. I've been to their homes and to their weddings. I have traveled with them inside their countries and outside their countries. The vast majority of the more than a billion Muslims on this planet do not do honor killings and do not believe in them, and they do 'disavow' such behavior. If you don't believe me on that, Google it. They do not support. It is not part of Islam.

It is something backward people do who are poor and uneducated. It is something extremist and fundamentalist people do. Anyone who thinks otherwise is not educated or knowledgeable about Islam and how the vast majority of Muslims live.

Does Islam Approve Of Honour Killings Of Women?

There is absolutely no justification in Islam for "honour killing" of women or men
There is no historical background in Islam for "honour killing". No verse in the holy Quran and no saying of Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) sanctions such crimes. There were no cases of "honour killing" during the early period of Islam. This is a concept that seems to have appeared only recently, and is based only upon ignorance of the true teachings of Islam, and perhaps some ancient customs that pre-date Islam.

Lecture me all you want. I have not noticed you contradicting people who paint all christians with a wide brush the same way you are defending muslims. So the question remains, one example of an obvious nut case (who happens to claim her 'god' made her kill her children) makes all christians evil? But hundreds of incidents of muslim "honor" killings is not equivalent? Killing in the name of one's religion does seem unequally represented by muslims as opposed to christians. Well, unless you wish to consider aborting unborn children...
So the family tied them up while the father slit their throats. With a sythe. He had to go all Grim fucking Reaper on them.

I know that is fucked up, but something about this is freaking badass.

In America, people get shot, or stabbed, or they get their throats slit with a knife.

This guy fucking slit open their throats with a sythe.

Narrow minded? Really? I asked a legitimate question. Vandalshandle tossed out some diversion rather than addressing the subject of the OP. Or are you ignorant of the fact that "two wrongs do not make it right"? Or would you rather offer some other excuse for one religious faction committing evil while condemning some other faction you disagree with?
Can you explain the fact that the muslim community at large fails to condemn such actions by other so-called muslims, unlike christians, who tend to be pretty vocal about disavowing heinous actions by so-called christians?
You may label me "narrow-minded", but at least I am consistently objective...more than can be said for you and your blatantly subjective opinions.

I have spent 7 years of my life and career living and working in Muslim countries with colleagues, associates and friends who are Muslim. I've been to their homes and to their weddings. I have traveled with them inside their countries and outside their countries. The vast majority of the more than a billion Muslims on this planet do not do honor killings and do not believe in them, and they do 'disavow' such behavior. If you don't believe me on that, Google it. They do not support. It is not part of Islam.

It is something backward people do who are poor and uneducated. It is something extremist and fundamentalist people do. Anyone who thinks otherwise is not educated or knowledgeable about Islam and how the vast majority of Muslims live.

Does Islam Approve Of Honour Killings Of Women?

There is no historical background in Islam for "honour killing". No verse in the holy Quran and no saying of Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) sanctions such crimes. There were no cases of "honour killing" during the early period of Islam. This is a concept that seems to have appeared only recently, and is based only upon ignorance of the true teachings of Islam, and perhaps some ancient customs that pre-date Islam.

Lecture me all you want. I have not noticed you contradicting people who paint all christians with a wide brush the same way you are defending muslims. So the question remains, one example of an obvious nut case (who happens to claim her 'god' made her kill her children) makes all christians evil? But hundreds of incidents of muslim "honor" killings is not equivalent? Killing in the name of one's religion does seem unequally represented by muslims as opposed to christians. Well, unless you wish to consider aborting unborn children...

LOL I thought you all didn't want to talk about Christians? My point was to be informative about the connection (non-existant) between Islam and honor killings. Apparently, knowledge is something you are not interested in.
I have spent 7 years of my life and career living and working in Muslim countries with colleagues, associates and friends who are Muslim. I've been to their homes and to their weddings. I have traveled with them inside their countries and outside their countries. The vast majority of the more than a billion Muslims on this planet do not do honor killings and do not believe in them, and they do 'disavow' such behavior. If you don't believe me on that, Google it. They do not support. It is not part of Islam.

It is something backward people do who are poor and uneducated. It is something extremist and fundamentalist people do. Anyone who thinks otherwise is not educated or knowledgeable about Islam and how the vast majority of Muslims live.

Does Islam Approve Of Honour Killings Of Women?

Lecture me all you want. I have not noticed you contradicting people who paint all christians with a wide brush the same way you are defending muslims. So the question remains, one example of an obvious nut case (who happens to claim her 'god' made her kill her children) makes all christians evil? But hundreds of incidents of muslim "honor" killings is not equivalent? Killing in the name of one's religion does seem unequally represented by muslims as opposed to christians. Well, unless you wish to consider aborting unborn children...

LOL I thought you all didn't want to talk about Christians? My point was to be informative about the connection (non-existant) between Islam and honor killings. Apparently, knowledge is something you are not interested in.

If there is no connection between islaam and "honor" killings, what is the motivating factor when someone slices their child's throat, and the throat of her husband open? Why would a pre-teen girl be stoned to death for being raped by her relatives, or a christian woman and mother be incarcerated and sentenced to death for not recanting her christianity and accepting islaam?
Lecture me all you want. I have not noticed you contradicting people who paint all christians with a wide brush the same way you are defending muslims. So the question remains, one example of an obvious nut case (who happens to claim her 'god' made her kill her children) makes all christians evil? But hundreds of incidents of muslim "honor" killings is not equivalent? Killing in the name of one's religion does seem unequally represented by muslims as opposed to christians. Well, unless you wish to consider aborting unborn children...

LOL I thought you all didn't want to talk about Christians? My point was to be informative about the connection (non-existant) between Islam and honor killings. Apparently, knowledge is something you are not interested in.

If there is no connection between islaam and "honor" killings, what is the motivating factor when someone slices their child's throat, and the throat of her husband open? Why would a pre-teen girl be stoned to death for being raped by her relatives, or a christian woman and mother be incarcerated and sentenced to death for not recanting her christianity and accepting islaam?

If you would just read the information in the link I posted, you would have all your questions answered. Don't be a little baby bird with his mouth hanging open waiting for mama to put the predigested food in: educate yourself. Be a big boy and do your own reading.

The first link I posted will answer your questions about honor killings.

This link has access to many topics and should answer your other questions. Oh, and, you're welcome. :)
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Muslim Father Slits 17-Year-Old Daughter?s Throat For ?Marrying Without Permission? |

A Pakistani man has been arrested for killing his daughter and her husband because she married into a “less important tribe.”

Police say the 17-year-old victim and the 31-year-old man she married without their families’ consent were tied up and had their throats slit with a scythe by the girl’s family.

The family had lured the couple to their home by promising to give them their family blessing.

A police spokesperson said, “When the couple reached there, they tied them with ropes. [The girl’s father] cut their throats.”

Police have arrested the family, who said they murdered the couple because their daughter’s husband, Muafia Hussein, comes from a “less important tribe.”

The Daily Mail reports that, “The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan said 869 so-called ‘honor killings’ were reported in the media last year – several a day. But the true figure is probably much higher since many cases are never reported.”

The practice is considered “tradition” in tribal regions of Pakistan.

Earlier this month, a 19-year-old girl and her husband appealed to the police for protection after her family denounced her marriage. Instead, her family came to her husband’s home and took their daughter, “swearing on the Koran they would not harm her and would hold a proper wedding ceremony.”

The couple’s lawyer, Zia Kiyyani, said, “During this the girl shouted, cried, and mourned for her life and her husband’s life because she knew that they will kill them both.”


Obviously this is Israel's fault.

Fundamentalist Christians ‘spanked’ daughter to death

Fundamentalist Christians ?spanked? daughter to death*|*Raw Replay

Parents Biblically Beat Child to Death for Mispronouncing Word

Parents Biblically Beat Child to Death for Mispronouncing Word | Secular News Daily

Religiosity Common Among Mothers Who Kill Children

Religiosity Common Among Mothers Who Kill Children

The rightwing white goyim are some sick assholes :eek:
Muslim Father Slits 17-Year-Old Daughter?s Throat For ?Marrying Without Permission? |

A Pakistani man has been arrested for killing his daughter and her husband because she married into a “less important tribe.”

Police say the 17-year-old victim and the 31-year-old man she married without their families’ consent were tied up and had their throats slit with a scythe by the girl’s family.

The family had lured the couple to their home by promising to give them their family blessing.

A police spokesperson said, “When the couple reached there, they tied them with ropes. [The girl’s father] cut their throats.”

Police have arrested the family, who said they murdered the couple because their daughter’s husband, Muafia Hussein, comes from a “less important tribe.”

The Daily Mail reports that, “The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan said 869 so-called ‘honor killings’ were reported in the media last year – several a day. But the true figure is probably much higher since many cases are never reported.”

The practice is considered “tradition” in tribal regions of Pakistan.

Earlier this month, a 19-year-old girl and her husband appealed to the police for protection after her family denounced her marriage. Instead, her family came to her husband’s home and took their daughter, “swearing on the Koran they would not harm her and would hold a proper wedding ceremony.”

The couple’s lawyer, Zia Kiyyani, said, “During this the girl shouted, cried, and mourned for her life and her husband’s life because she knew that they will kill them both.”


Obviously this is Israel's fault.

Fundamentalist Christians ‘spanked’ daughter to death

Fundamentalist Christians ?spanked? daughter to death*|*Raw Replay

Parents Biblically Beat Child to Death for Mispronouncing Word

Parents Biblically Beat Child to Death for Mispronouncing Word | Secular News Daily

Religiosity Common Among Mothers Who Kill Children

Religiosity Common Among Mothers Who Kill Children

The rightwing white goyim are some sick assholes :eek:

Liberals like you are the most predictable of all.

Called the shot, and you did not disappoint. Mainly cause you are a schmuck.

I love too how you and the others insinuate how atheist liberals never commit acts of sick depravity.

Why so quick to point out the murders that Christians made in this thread? No, do not tell me, we already know.

Either way, do not respond to me you hopeless hypocritical hack.

Funny, how you think atheist liberals never commit mass murders. I think that is really funny. I am wondering you did not list any....
Sounds kind of like the woman in Texas who drowned her 5 kids in the bathtub because her Christian belief was that Satan wanted her to. She was found insane, and acquitted on that basis.

Not even close. No church told her to kill her children. She was tried and found to be insane. This man knew he was acting correctly because that's what he learned in the mosque. He did nothing wrong not even legally wrong.
So the family tied them up while the father slit their throats. With a sythe. He had to go all Grim fucking Reaper on them.

I know that is fucked up, but something about this is freaking badass.

In America, people get shot, or stabbed, or they get their throats slit with a knife.

This guy fucking slit open their throats with a sythe.


You desperately need a shrink.
Sounds kind of like the woman in Texas who drowned her 5 kids in the bathtub because her Christian belief was that Satan wanted her to. She was found insane, and acquitted on that basis.

What kind of a pos jap bike is that in your avi?

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