Muslim Democrat Keith Ellison yells at Hannity for connecting Islam to terrorism


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
Is Congressman Keith Ellision someone who people call a "moderate" muslim.....?

Muslim Keith Ellison yells at Hannity for connecting Islam to terrorism. The first Muslim in the US Congress was a guest on Hannity’s Fox News show last night, and he promptly began to show how hypersensitive he is against any mere mention of the truth about the connection between Muslims and terrorists. It was surprising to see Ellison on a show like Hannity’s because the congressman is usually too introverted to come on and face off against a tough conservative. Ellison verified his true colors when he immediately started yelling at Hannity for wanting to hold the congressman accountable for defamatory statements he had made against Fox News. After that, the congressman took exception to Hannity connecting Islam to terrorism.

Ellison’s appearance is part of his months-long agonizing over the fact that there are actually intellectually honest people in the US who tell the truth about Muslims and terrorists. Namely…that there is a huge and disproportionate number of terrorists who happen to be Muslims. The genesis for this was Peter King’s March hearing in Congress concerning Muslims and how they may be getting radicalized in their little communities in the US. Despite the fact that King was more than fair and non-prejudicial—his hearing was, after all, merely a fact-finding mission and not a McCarthyist exercise as Democrats have charged—liberals like Ellison are still all over him in their accusations.

You can tell when someone who is being interviewed is ready to cause trouble instead of being cooperative and answer the questions. You can tell this when the person, as in Ellison’s case, starts lecturing the host about what he wants to answer and what he wants to ignore! As soon as Hannity began reading back to him some of the irresponsibly inflammatory allegations he had flung against Fox News—such as Fox News apparently condemning the whole Islamic religion as being one of terrorism…or something outlandish like that—Ellison began getting evasive and then hostile.

Muslim Democrat Keith Ellison yells at Hannity for connecting Islam to terrorism - Vancouver American Politics |
What have Arabs and Muslims done for this country?
Arabs/Muslims outnumber Jews like 10 to 1. They have been here for about as long.
But there are no Arabs or Muslims on the Supreme Court. There are very few who have been congressmen. In the military we have Muslims like Col Hassan or Sgr Asan Akhbar. What major corporation is headed by a Muslim or Arab? How many Nobel Prizes have American Arabs/Muslims won?
Is Congressman Keith Ellision someone who people call a "moderate" muslim.....?

Muslim Keith Ellison yells at Hannity for connecting Islam to terrorism. The first Muslim in the US Congress was a guest on Hannity’s Fox News show last night, and he promptly began to show how hypersensitive he is against any mere mention of the truth about the connection between Muslims and terrorists. It was surprising to see Ellison on a show like Hannity’s because the congressman is usually too introverted to come on and face off against a tough conservative. Ellison verified his true colors when he immediately started yelling at Hannity for wanting to hold the congressman accountable for defamatory statements he had made against Fox News. After that, the congressman took exception to Hannity connecting Islam to terrorism.

Ellison’s appearance is part of his months-long agonizing over the fact that there are actually intellectually honest people in the US who tell the truth about Muslims and terrorists. Namely…that there is a huge and disproportionate number of terrorists who happen to be Muslims. The genesis for this was Peter King’s March hearing in Congress concerning Muslims and how they may be getting radicalized in their little communities in the US. Despite the fact that King was more than fair and non-prejudicial—his hearing was, after all, merely a fact-finding mission and not a McCarthyist exercise as Democrats have charged—liberals like Ellison are still all over him in their accusations.

You can tell when someone who is being interviewed is ready to cause trouble instead of being cooperative and answer the questions. You can tell this when the person, as in Ellison’s case, starts lecturing the host about what he wants to answer and what he wants to ignore! As soon as Hannity began reading back to him some of the irresponsibly inflammatory allegations he had flung against Fox News—such as Fox News apparently condemning the whole Islamic religion as being one of terrorism…or something outlandish like that—Ellison began getting evasive and then hostile.

Muslim Democrat Keith Ellison yells at Hannity for connecting Islam to terrorism - Vancouver American Politics |

You know it would be considerably different for the Muslims of this nation if they stood up and took a stand against the Terrorists and their bloody attacks against innocent people of the world...but they don't they remain quiet almost indifferent to their religions intolerant violence. So is it really any great shocker that people of our Nation simply don't trust anyone of that religion?
Is Congressman Keith Ellision someone who people call a "moderate" muslim.....?

Muslim Keith Ellison yells at Hannity for connecting Islam to terrorism. The first Muslim in the US Congress was a guest on Hannity’s Fox News show last night, and he promptly began to show how hypersensitive he is against any mere mention of the truth about the connection between Muslims and terrorists. It was surprising to see Ellison on a show like Hannity’s because the congressman is usually too introverted to come on and face off against a tough conservative. Ellison verified his true colors when he immediately started yelling at Hannity for wanting to hold the congressman accountable for defamatory statements he had made against Fox News. After that, the congressman took exception to Hannity connecting Islam to terrorism.

Ellison’s appearance is part of his months-long agonizing over the fact that there are actually intellectually honest people in the US who tell the truth about Muslims and terrorists. Namely…that there is a huge and disproportionate number of terrorists who happen to be Muslims. The genesis for this was Peter King’s March hearing in Congress concerning Muslims and how they may be getting radicalized in their little communities in the US. Despite the fact that King was more than fair and non-prejudicial—his hearing was, after all, merely a fact-finding mission and not a McCarthyist exercise as Democrats have charged—liberals like Ellison are still all over him in their accusations.

You can tell when someone who is being interviewed is ready to cause trouble instead of being cooperative and answer the questions. You can tell this when the person, as in Ellison’s case, starts lecturing the host about what he wants to answer and what he wants to ignore! As soon as Hannity began reading back to him some of the irresponsibly inflammatory allegations he had flung against Fox News—such as Fox News apparently condemning the whole Islamic religion as being one of terrorism…or something outlandish like that—Ellison began getting evasive and then hostile.

Muslim Democrat Keith Ellison yells at Hannity for connecting Islam to terrorism - Vancouver American Politics |

You know it would be considerably different for the Muslims of this nation if they stood up and took a stand against the Terrorists and their bloody attacks against innocent people of the world...but they don't they remain quiet almost indifferent to their religions intolerant violence. So is it really any great shocker that people of our Nation simply don't trust anyone of that religion?

Google "Muslims speak out against terrorism", these childish dumb assumptions can be cured with a few casual button pushes on your keyboard.
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Is Congressman Keith Ellision someone who people call a "moderate" muslim.....?

You know it would be considerably different for the Muslims of this nation if they stood up and took a stand against the Terrorists and their bloody attacks against innocent people of the world...but they don't they remain quiet almost indifferent to their religions intolerant violence. So is it really any great shocker that people of our Nation simply don't trust anyone of that religion?

Google "Muslims speak out against terrorism", this childish dumb assumptions can be cured with a few casual button pushes on your keyboard.

If I have to dig for the information Drock then the message is far to hidden and this message it seems to me is critical to the Muslim community enough to the point that it might be a really good idea to step up message so that its very loud and clear to the American people. Because right now its not and hasn't been.
You know it would be considerably different for the Muslims of this nation if they stood up and took a stand against the Terrorists and their bloody attacks against innocent people of the world...but they don't they remain quiet almost indifferent to their religions intolerant violence. So is it really any great shocker that people of our Nation simply don't trust anyone of that religion?

Google "Muslims speak out against terrorism", this childish dumb assumptions can be cured with a few casual button pushes on your keyboard.

If I have to dig for the information Drock then the message is far to hidden and this message it seems to me is critical to the Muslim community enough to the point that it might be a really good idea to step up message so that its very loud and clear to the American people. Because right now its not and hasn't been.

I don't think googling a term constitutes "Digging." You could wait for rightwing websites and news sources to send you the information, but they have no interest in reporting it.
You know it would be considerably different for the Muslims of this nation if they stood up and took a stand against the Terrorists and their bloody attacks against innocent people of the world...but they don't they remain quiet almost indifferent to their religions intolerant violence. So is it really any great shocker that people of our Nation simply don't trust anyone of that religion?

Google "Muslims speak out against terrorism", this childish dumb assumptions can be cured with a few casual button pushes on your keyboard.

If I have to dig for the information Drock then the message is far to hidden and this message it seems to me is critical to the Muslim community enough to the point that it might be a really good idea to step up message so that its very loud and clear to the American people. Because right now its not and hasn't been.

I see, so they would essentially need to knock on your door and give you a personal apology for what someone did 10,000 miles away that they have nothing in common with except religion.

Please PM so I can give you my address so that you can come to my house and apologize for the christian parents who denied their children medical coverage because of their beliefs. I'm an atheist, so I think it's a rational decision to judge all you christians on what the craziest and most immoral of your religion do.

Sounds fair, right?
Google "Muslims speak out against terrorism", this childish dumb assumptions can be cured with a few casual button pushes on your keyboard.

If I have to dig for the information Drock then the message is far to hidden and this message it seems to me is critical to the Muslim community enough to the point that it might be a really good idea to step up message so that its very loud and clear to the American people. Because right now its not and hasn't been.

I see, so they would essentially need to knock on your door and give you a personal apology for what someone did 10,000 miles away that they have nothing in common with except religion.

Please PM so I can give you my address so that you can come to my house and apologize for the christian parents who denied their children medical coverage because of their beliefs. I'm an atheist, so I think it's a rational decision to judge all you christians on what the craziest and most immoral of your religion do.

Sounds fair, right?

Tell me something Drock do you really think middle America the vast majority of our nation spends all day on the internet is that really what you think or are you simply being somewhat adolescent about what I said.

Do you really think the Muslim community as a whole has spent any time at all trying to get the message out or do we have just sound bytes of some radical congress man screaming at a some reporter about how badly Muslims are picked on...ya that's a message that going to resonate with the American people.

The simple fact of the mater is that unless the Muslim community steps up and gets its message out the Vast majority of our nation will remain distrustful of the anyone associated with that religion.
If I have to dig for the information Drock then the message is far to hidden and this message it seems to me is critical to the Muslim community enough to the point that it might be a really good idea to step up message so that its very loud and clear to the American people. Because right now its not and hasn't been.

I see, so they would essentially need to knock on your door and give you a personal apology for what someone did 10,000 miles away that they have nothing in common with except religion.

Please PM so I can give you my address so that you can come to my house and apologize for the christian parents who denied their children medical coverage because of their beliefs. I'm an atheist, so I think it's a rational decision to judge all you christians on what the craziest and most immoral of your religion do.

Sounds fair, right?

Tell me something Drock do you really think middle America the vast majority of our nation spends all day on the internet is that really what you think or are you simply being somewhat adolescent about what I said.

Do you really think the Muslim community as a whole has spent any time at all trying to get the message out or do we have just sound bytes of some radical congress man screaming at a some reporter about how badly Muslims are picked on...ya that's a message that going to resonate with the American people.

The simple fact of the mater is that unless the Muslim community steps up and gets its message out the Vast majority of our nation will remain distrustful of the anyone associated with that religion.

It's adolescent to say you have to "dig" for information when a basic 5 second google search will give you page after page of exactly what you're saying doesn't happen.

If he's a member of Congress he's probably an idiot, so is Hannity, so they likely deserve each other, but any opportunity I get I'm going to speak out against bigotry. Hannity isn't quiet about his hate for muslims, the Congressman isn't quiet about his desire to pull the victim card.

The simple fact of the matter is it doesn't matter if every single muslim in this country posts a youtube video speaking out against it, you'll still have blind, ignorant, racist bigots who are going to judge billions based on the actions of dozens or hundreds. Which is what? Roughly .00000000001%?
Google "Muslims speak out against terrorism", this childish dumb assumptions can be cured with a few casual button pushes on your keyboard.

If I have to dig for the information Drock then the message is far to hidden and this message it seems to me is critical to the Muslim community enough to the point that it might be a really good idea to step up message so that its very loud and clear to the American people. Because right now its not and hasn't been.

I see, so they would essentially need to knock on your door and give you a personal apology for what someone did 10,000 miles away that they have nothing in common with except religion.

Please PM so I can give you my address so that you can come to my house and apologize for the christian parents who denied their children medical coverage because of their beliefs. I'm an atheist, so I think it's a rational decision to judge all you christians on what the craziest and most immoral of your religion do.

Sounds fair, right?

At the very least... you would think that muslim U.S. Congressman would be concerned about the spread of radical islam in the United States.....

however Islam is takes precedence over any country....and muslims believe in jihad.....most may not take part of violent jihad.....but all are part of stealthy jihad....because all the Muslim faithful must make Jihad...

Jihad may mean "struggle" as in the struggle in life to be a good person....but it also means the struggle against the infidel....Mohammed is a leading example.....and anyone who is not a muslim is considered an infidel....
You know it would be considerably different for the Muslims of this nation if they stood up and took a stand against the Terrorists and their bloody attacks against innocent people of the world...but they don't they remain quiet almost indifferent to their religions intolerant violence. So is it really any great shocker that people of our Nation simply don't trust anyone of that religion?

Google "Muslims speak out against terrorism", this childish dumb assumptions can be cured with a few casual button pushes on your keyboard.

If I have to dig for the information Drock then the message is far to hidden and this message it seems to me is critical to the Muslim community enough to the point that it might be a really good idea to step up message so that its very loud and clear to the American people. Because right now its not and hasn't been.

You bring up an interesting point right there. I remember a few years ago, San Diego had a big anti-terrorism rally set up and run by local muslims. It was on the nightly news...that night. After a day, you couldn't find mention of it anywhere, even when searching via Google. It's like knowledge of these muslim led anti-terrorism protests fell into a black hole.
If I have to dig for the information Drock then the message is far to hidden and this message it seems to me is critical to the Muslim community enough to the point that it might be a really good idea to step up message so that its very loud and clear to the American people. Because right now its not and hasn't been.

I see, so they would essentially need to knock on your door and give you a personal apology for what someone did 10,000 miles away that they have nothing in common with except religion.

Please PM so I can give you my address so that you can come to my house and apologize for the christian parents who denied their children medical coverage because of their beliefs. I'm an atheist, so I think it's a rational decision to judge all you christians on what the craziest and most immoral of your religion do.

Sounds fair, right?

At the very least... you would think that muslim U.S. Congressman would be concerned about the spread of radical islam in the United States.....

however Islam is takes precedence over any country....and muslims believe in jihad.....most may not take part of violent jihad.....but all are part of stealthy jihad....because all the Muslim faithful must make Jihad...

Jihad may mean "struggle" as in the struggle in life to be a good person....but it also means the struggle against the infidel....Mohammed is a leading example.....and anyone who is not a muslim is considered an infidel....

Did he say he wasn't concerned about it? I didn't watch I can't I'm at work.

But i'll type until my fingernails crack whenever someone tries to make it sound like it's rational to judge all muslims on the acts of terrorists.
Is Congressman Keith Ellision someone who people call a "moderate" muslim.....?

You know it would be considerably different for the Muslims of this nation if they stood up and took a stand against the Terrorists and their bloody attacks against innocent people of the world...but they don't they remain quiet almost indifferent to their religions intolerant violence. So is it really any great shocker that people of our Nation simply don't trust anyone of that religion?

Google "Muslims speak out against terrorism", these childish dumb assumptions can be cured with a few casual button pushes on your keyboard.

You and I dont have much in common, but you are right on this.
The media does'nt do enough to put GOOD muslims in front of their cameras. The bad ones make for more "sensation" news.
Google "Muslims speak out against terrorism", this childish dumb assumptions can be cured with a few casual button pushes on your keyboard.

If I have to dig for the information Drock then the message is far to hidden and this message it seems to me is critical to the Muslim community enough to the point that it might be a really good idea to step up message so that its very loud and clear to the American people. Because right now its not and hasn't been.

You bring up an interesting point right there. I remember a few years ago, San Diego had a big anti-terrorism rally set up and run by local muslims. It was on the nightly news...that night. After a day, you couldn't find mention of it anywhere, even when searching via Google. It's like knowledge of these muslim led anti-terrorism protests fell into a black hole.

Which is entirely my point Mom and POP Joe citizen doesn't spend time on google looking up tidbits about Muslims.

The message is either out there or it isn't and in this case it isn't wither or not that by design I have no idea but the average citizen the ones who are being asked to trust a religion that they see on TV as being bloody murdering bastards are not going to spend anytime investigating if they are all like that.

This is a simple truth and it is completely disingenuous for a person to suggest otherwise.
You know it would be considerably different for the Muslims of this nation if they stood up and took a stand against the Terrorists and their bloody attacks against innocent people of the world...but they don't they remain quiet almost indifferent to their religions intolerant violence. So is it really any great shocker that people of our Nation simply don't trust anyone of that religion?

Google "Muslims speak out against terrorism", these childish dumb assumptions can be cured with a few casual button pushes on your keyboard.

You and I dont have much in common, but you are right on this.
The media does'nt do enough to put GOOD muslims in front of their cameras. The bad ones make for more "sensation" news.

What do you consider a GOOD muslim.....?

a muslim who speaks against violent jihad.....yet engages in stealth jihad....?
Why does Hannity have guests anyway. He will not shut his stupid face long enough for someone to get a word in edgewise.

[ame=]YouTube - Sean Hannity interviews Keith Ellison on Radical Islam 4-20-2011[/ame]
If I have to dig for the information Drock then the message is far to hidden and this message it seems to me is critical to the Muslim community enough to the point that it might be a really good idea to step up message so that its very loud and clear to the American people. Because right now its not and hasn't been.

You bring up an interesting point right there. I remember a few years ago, San Diego had a big anti-terrorism rally set up and run by local muslims. It was on the nightly news...that night. After a day, you couldn't find mention of it anywhere, even when searching via Google. It's like knowledge of these muslim led anti-terrorism protests fell into a black hole.

Which is entirely my point Mom and POP Joe citizen doesn't spend time on google looking up tidbits about Muslims.

The message is either out there or it isn't and in this case it isn't wither or not that by design I have no idea but the average citizen the ones who are being asked to trust a religion that they see on TV as being bloody murdering bastards are not going to spend anytime investigating if they are all like that.

This is a simple truth and it is completely disingenuous for a person to suggest otherwise.

That's the opposite of your point, your original point was that muslims don't speak out enough, then you came on here with this post and said the media doesn't cover it enough.

Those are two entirely different points, not even in the same ballpark.

I can totally understand why muslims would even be hesitant to speak out against this stuff, living in a society that essentially celebrates islamophobia. Not speaking out doesn't mean in favor of it, remember that. I never talk about pedophilia so one could say I don't speak out against it, doesn't mean I think it's any less disgusting than someone who shouts behind a megaphone.
You bring up an interesting point right there. I remember a few years ago, San Diego had a big anti-terrorism rally set up and run by local muslims. It was on the nightly news...that night. After a day, you couldn't find mention of it anywhere, even when searching via Google. It's like knowledge of these muslim led anti-terrorism protests fell into a black hole.

Which is entirely my point Mom and POP Joe citizen doesn't spend time on google looking up tidbits about Muslims.

The message is either out there or it isn't and in this case it isn't wither or not that by design I have no idea but the average citizen the ones who are being asked to trust a religion that they see on TV as being bloody murdering bastards are not going to spend anytime investigating if they are all like that.

This is a simple truth and it is completely disingenuous for a person to suggest otherwise.

That's the opposite of your point, your original point was that muslims don't speak out enough
, then you came on here with this post and said the media doesn't cover it enough.

Those are two entirely different points, not even in the same ballpark.

I can totally understand why muslims would even be hesitant to speak out against this stuff, living in a society that essentially celebrates islamophobia. Not speaking out doesn't mean in favor of it, remember that. I never talk about pedophilia so one could say I don't speak out against it, doesn't mean I think it's any less disgusting than someone who shouts behind a megaphone.

That's the opposite of your point, your original point was that muslims don't speak out enough

Dear God do I really need to take you by the hand and lead you through this its not that complicated. The Muslim community is crying that people don't understand them well its a little hard for anyone to either understand them or trust them when they have put very little effort into community outreach who's fault is that?

Where did I suggest the Media doesn't cover anybody enough? Don't put words into my mouth that are not there sport.

The Muslim community's message is hasn't risen above the noise in the background LIKE I SAID its either there or its not in this case its not. If the Muslim community is upset that people don't trust them then AS I SAID they need to step up the message.

And in case you've lived in a cave pulling stunts like that in NY with their community center is not going to ingrain good will and peaceful thoughts with the American population. Or for that matter DEMANDING that Shari law be followed in our Courts ya that's a brilliant way for promoting public acceptance.

living in a society that essentially celebrates islamophobia
Yes they've done such a damn fine job of allaying fears of the public and have gone out of their way to be part of our Nation haven't they. Brilliant ya......

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