Murder, by county, in the United States.....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This is an interesting look at murder in the United States......broken down into every single county in the country....

The number of murders by county: 54% of US counties in 2014 had zero murders, 69% had at most 1 murder - Crime Prevention Research Center

Even within the Counties with the murders, the murders are heavily Concentrated within those counties

When you look at individual counties with a high number of murders, you find large areas with few murders. Take Los Angeles County, with 259 murders in 2014.

The county has virtually no murders in the northwestern part of the county. There was only one murder each in Beverly Hills, Hawthorne, and Van Nuys.

Clearly, different parts of the county face very different risks of murder.


The map below shows the distribution of murders in Indianapolis, with 135 murders. Although the city extends well beyond the 465 Highway that encircles downtown Indianapolis, there are only four murders outside of that loop. The northern half of the city within 465 also has relatively few murders.

And of course........

Gun Ownership
According to a 2013 PEW Research Center survey, the household gun ownership rate in rural areas was 2.11 times greater than in urban areas (“Why Own a Gun? Protection is Now Top Reason,” PEW Research Center, March 12, 2013). Suburban households are 28.6% more likely to own guns than urban households.

Despite lower gun ownership, urban areas experience much higher murder rates.

One should not put much weight on this purely “cross-sectional” evidence over one point in time, but it is still interesting to note that so much of the country has both very high gun ownership rates and zero murders.

How does murder by USA county compare per capita with murder by UK county?
How does murder by USA county compare per capita with murder by UK county?

It doesn't matter. Britain had a low murder rate even when they allowed their people to have guns, even hand guns. Then, when they banned guns, including hand guns, their gun murder rate did not did spike for years after the ban, but returned to the same level it was at before the ban.....showing that their gun murder rate and their over all murder rate did not come from normal, law abiding people having guns

As to murder.....that is a cultural issue. I think their past of feudalism, and monarchy, and then the 2 world wars created a more passive far as murder goes. Their criminals are vicious......but they just don't resort to murder as often or as easily as democrats in democrat voting districts here in the U.S......And I also think that is changing...their violent crime rates are going up...way their murder rates won't be too far behind....
Of course it matters, 2aguy, because the comparison guts you logic and conclusions.
Of course it matters, 2aguy, because the comparison guts you logic and conclusions. doesn' can push that all you want, but the murder rate in Britain had nothing to do with access to guns...since their gun murder rate was lower than ours when they still had access to guns...and didn't change after they lost access to guns. the gun crime rate spikes....42% in London last can see that gun bans and extreme gun control does not keep criminals from getting guns.....

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