Multiple Stadiums Break Into ‘F**k Joe Biden’ Chants At NCAA Division 1 Football Games


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Multiple Stadiums Break Into ‘F**k Joe Biden’ Chants At NCAA Division 1 Football Games

Tens of thousands of fans curse embattled Democrat POTUS at ACC and Sun Belt NCAA football games

5 Sep 2021 ~~ By Gabriel Keane

Video footage from a Coastal Carolina Chanticleers football game over the weekend show fans at the Brooks Stadium, which seats some 21,000 people, break into a spirited chant of “F**k Joe Biden.” Another video captured the same chant at the even larger Lane Stadium in Virginia Tech, where players and fans enraged liberals on social media by celebrating the start of football season with Metallica’s “Enter Sandman.”​

At the Coastal Carolina game, fans could be seen clapping and chanting in unison to the chant of “F**k Joe Biden!” Biden’s mismanagement of messaging on COVID and his general lack of support among large swaths of the American public have led to increasingly vocal public dissent from the Biden regime in recent weeks.

An even larger audience at the Virginia Tech Hokies game jeered, “F**k Joe Biden,” in yet another repudiation of the Democrat party regime.

The Virginia Tech players used Metallica’s “Enter Sandman” as their entrance music before their game with North Carolina, in a moment that quickly went viral on social media as fans celebrated a return to normality amidst the corporate media’s COVID frenzy. Liberal activists on Twitter seethed at the video.

In a turn of events that shocked many COVID fans, neither members of the audience nor any players were carted off the field on ventilators for daring to show up outdoors without wearing a mask, and Virginia Tech went to clinch an upset victory over North Carolina.

LMAO....looks like there's a trend's taking place.
I don't think ESPN likes this, what will they do?
September 4th 2021 another "Day of Insurrection" by Americans demonstrating against the illegally elected fraudulent President Joe Biden. Will the FBI go around and arrest all those that shouted F**K Biden....
Not reported but confirmed by LSU Students yesterday it was LSU vs UCLA, the LSU gallery also chanted the same F**k Biden’ loudly.
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3 dudes in the stands yelling "fuck joe biden" does not a chant make.
3 dudes in the stands yelling "fuck joe biden" does not a chant make.
3 dudes in the stands yelling "fuck joe biden" does not a chant make.
Yeah somehow he finds three people in the stands saying that to equal tens of thousands. :rofl: When I saw that video of all those thousands jumping up and yelling I was expecting them to be yelling that from the title of the thread but all they were doing was jumping up in excitement over the game. Pretty poor attempt to prove there are thousands of college football fans hating on Biden and multiple stadiums.:rofl:
Yeah somehow he finds three people in the stands saying that to equal tens of thousands. :rofl: When I saw that video of all those thousands jumping up and yelling I was expecting them to be yelling that from the title of the thread but all they were doing was jumping up in excitement over the game. Pretty poor attempt to prove there are thousands of college football fans hating on Biden and multiple stadiums.:rofl:
You're right. Our younger generation is far too stupid to comprehend how bad Biden actually is. Dumbest generation ever.

Multiple Stadiums Break Into ‘F**k Joe Biden’ Chants At NCAA Division 1 Football Games

Tens of thousands of fans curse embattled Democrat POTUS at ACC and Sun Belt NCAA football games

5 Sep 2021 ~~ By Gabriel Keane

Video footage from a Coastal Carolina Chanticleers football game over the weekend show fans at the Brooks Stadium, which seats some 21,000 people, break into a spirited chant of “F**k Joe Biden.” Another video captured the same chant at the even larger Lane Stadium in Virginia Tech, where players and fans enraged liberals on social media by celebrating the start of football season with Metallica’s “Enter Sandman.”​

At the Coastal Carolina game, fans could be seen clapping and chanting in unison to the chant of “F**k Joe Biden!” Biden’s mismanagement of messaging on COVID and his general lack of support among large swaths of the American public have led to increasingly vocal public dissent from the Biden regime in recent weeks.

An even larger audience at the Virginia Tech Hokies game jeered, “F**k Joe Biden,” in yet another repudiation of the Democrat party regime.

The Virginia Tech players used Metallica’s “Enter Sandman” as their entrance music before their game with North Carolina, in a moment that quickly went viral on social media as fans celebrated a return to normality amidst the corporate media’s COVID frenzy. Liberal activists on Twitter seethed at the video.

In a turn of events that shocked many COVID fans, neither members of the audience nor any players were carted off the field on ventilators for daring to show up outdoors without wearing a mask, and Virginia Tech went to clinch an upset victory over North Carolina.

LMAO....looks like there's a trend's taking place.
I don't think ESPN likes this, what will they do?
September 4th 2021 another "Day of Insurrection" by Americans demonstrating against the illegally elected fraudulent President Joe Biden. Will the FBI go around and arrest all those that shouted F**K Biden....
Not reported but confirmed by LSU Students yesterday it was LSU vs UCLA, the LSU gallery also chanted the same F**k Biden’ loudly.

Just a point....VT always uses Enter Sandman. It's actually one of the greatest College Football entrances in the game
We have tickets to the Baylor Bears game next Saturday. Somehow I can't see the Southern Baptists using the f-word.


12 Sep 2021 ~~ By John Hinderacker
Yesterday Joe Biden attended the 9/11 memorial ceremony in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. He didn’t speak, but he talked to reporters (vaccinated, outdoors, with mask on) after it was over. This clip, which I created from C-Span’s video, offers a window into Biden’s current preoccupations.
Biden talks about the need for unity–Democrats are always in favor of unity when they are in power–but he can’t do it without taking a graceless swipe at Donald Trump. He refers disgustedly to someone wanting to box him (“I should be so lucky”). I don’t get the reference, but I do recall Biden saying on the campaign trail that he would like to take Donald Trump behind the barn and beat him up. That was in the pre-unity days, I guess. Biden rambles on, talking about Robert E. Lee in Afghanistan, things “coming out of Florida,” and someone holding a “F so and so” sign. I guess that means Biden’s motorcade passed a group of protesters holding “F*** Joe Biden” signs. More on that in a moment. First the clip:
Meanwhile, a movement of sorts has developed at college football games, where thousands of students chant “F*** Joe Biden” in unison. InstaPundit collected some of the videos. Here is another one:

The movement seems to be spreading, and the college football season is just getting under way. Why do so many of America’s young people hold Joe Biden in contempt? I don’t know–there are many possible reasons–but it is good to see.
I’m thinking there’s a reason he didn’t make any live remarks at any of the remembrance sites yesterday. He simply isn’t up to it. I’m guessing most days at the White House now require considerable staff prep—and lots of vitamin or stimulant shots—to get him through maybe two hours of “work” or a very limited speaking appearance. This can’t go on much longer.

I agree with Mr. Hinderacker, "This can't go on much longer".
Meanwhile, The Quisling complicit media, CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC and NPR tell us every hour that Clueless Joey Xi Bai Dung is doing a great job and is uniting the country. Inflation, Crime, illegal immigration, Afghan debacle, and Covid mandates along other issues are made up by the 'Right Wing'. Who should we believe?
3 dudes in the stands yelling "fuck joe biden" does not a chant make.
Correct airplanemechanic ,I will accomplish what the op failed to do.The op failed to provide any evidence in his op that there were more than a handful of people in a stadium chanting that. I however DO have hard core evidence in these two videos that an entire stadium DID chant that,so it indeed IS happening.:auiqs.jpg:

IT indeed is happening around the country,two different stadiums. one at the university of alabama,the other the university of kentucky so it indeed is happening around the country in all college stadiums. :auiqs.jpg: the OP just failed to give any proof of that.well now i AM giving proof of it.:auiqs.jpg:

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NO doubt the Right Wing Trumpanzees would chant such a declasse' event.

When football players silently protested racism the same clowns had a shit storm.

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