Multinational Corporations Collude in US Elections


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2010
The collusion is real folks. Facebook's and twitter's censorship of Biden's email scandal that is.

THE GRAVE DANGERS posed by the censorship actions of yesterday should be self-evident. Just over two weeks before a presidential election, Silicon Valley giants — whose industry leaders and workforce overwhelmingly favor the Democratic candidate — took extraordinary steps to block millions, perhaps tens of millions, of American voters from being exposed to what purports to be a major exposé by one of the country’s oldest and largest newspapers.

As the New York Times put it in an article in March about the political preferences of tech leaders: “Silicon Valley has long leaned blue.” Large numbers of tech executives, including Facebook’s second-in-command Sheryl Sandberg, were also vocally supportive of Hillary Clinton in 2016. At the very least, the perception, if not the reality, has been created that these tech giants are using their unprecedented power over political and election-related information to prevent the dissemination of negative reporting about the presidential candidate they favor. Whatever that is, it is not democratic or something to cheer.

The rationale offered by both Twitter and Facebook to justify this censorship makes it more alarming, not less. Twitter claimed that the Post article violates its so-called “Hacked Materials Policy,” which it says permits “commentary on or discussion about hacked materials, such as articles that cover them but do not include or link to the materials themselves”; in other words, Twitter allows links to articles about hacked materials but bans “links to or images of hacked material themselves.”

Do look at the rationale Twitter and facebook offered... the "hacked materials policy". Somehow president Trump's illegally obtained tax returns were not covered by the policy, how is that? Oops. At this point the discussion relating to 230 is moot, clearly they are a publisher and need to be regarded as such. The discussion should be how to prosecute the treasonous traitors behind the election collusion.
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Is this sorta like how the Unions forced their employees to give money for campaign donations and then gave much of that money (they did not keep themselves) to political campaigns / parties the workers did not even support?
The problem is that these fuckers are trying to bait us into government action against them, so they can cry about it to the world.

I am not sure how to handle this clearly abusive course of action, but everyone should now know that you can't get your news on the internet, because Google controls it all and facebook/twitter/instagram censors it all.
The problem is that these fuckers are trying to bait us into government action against them, so they can cry about it to the world.

I am not sure how to handle this clearly abusive course of action, but everyone should now know that you can't get your news on the internet, because Google controls it all and facebook/twitter/instagram censors it all.

I say, let's make them cry and then laugh at them.
Facebook and Twitter execs had hundreds of meeting with the Obama (Soros) White House. They cooked up deplatforming their "enemies" (that's us)
Then use Parler. Ain't free enterprise great?
Facebook and Twitter execs had hundreds of meeting with the Obama (Soros) White House. They cooked up deplatforming their "enemies" (that's us)
Then use Parler. Ain't free enterprise great?

Tell Jack to Bake my Cake
You're rambling again. There is help available.

Facebook and Twitter execs had hundreds of meeting with the Obama (Soros) White House. They cooked up deplatforming their "enemies" (that's us)
Then use Parler. Ain't free enterprise great?
Free enterprise is great! I support the principle of a company running its operations as they see fit. Just remove that false "platform" designation & revoke section 230 protections against libel as a publisher.
Facebook and Twitter execs had hundreds of meeting with the Obama (Soros) White House. They cooked up deplatforming their "enemies" (that's us)
Then use Parler. Ain't free enterprise great?
Free enterprise is great! I support the principle of a company running its operations as they see fit. Just remove that false "platform" designation & revoke section 230 protections against libel as a publisher.
Why should either happen?
Facebook and Twitter execs had hundreds of meeting with the Obama (Soros) White House. They cooked up deplatforming their "enemies" (that's us)
Then use Parler. Ain't free enterprise great?
Free enterprise is great! I support the principle of a company running its operations as they see fit. Just remove that false "platform" designation & revoke section 230 protections against libel as a publisher.

Laws against treason are also great. We combine these two and that's a deal.
Facebook and Twitter execs had hundreds of meeting with the Obama (Soros) White House. They cooked up deplatforming their "enemies" (that's us)
Then use Parler. Ain't free enterprise great?
Free enterprise is great! I support the principle of a company running its operations as they see fit. Just remove that false "platform" designation & revoke section 230 protections against libel as a publisher.
^ this!
Facebook and Twitter execs had hundreds of meeting with the Obama (Soros) White House. They cooked up deplatforming their "enemies" (that's us)
Then use Parler. Ain't free enterprise great?

Tell Jack to Bake my Cake
You're rambling again. There is help available.

Christian owned bakeries are private enterprises too, right?
Facebook and Twitter execs had hundreds of meeting with the Obama (Soros) White House. They cooked up deplatforming their "enemies" (that's us)
Then use Parler. Ain't free enterprise great?

Tell Jack to Bake my Cake
You're rambling again. There is help available.

Christian owned bakeries are private enterprises too, right?
Yes. Can you communicate through cupcakes?
Facebook and Twitter execs had hundreds of meeting with the Obama (Soros) White House. They cooked up deplatforming their "enemies" (that's us)
Then use Parler. Ain't free enterprise great?
Free enterprise is great! I support the principle of a company running its operations as they see fit. Just remove that false "platform" designation & revoke section 230 protections against libel as a publisher.
Why should either happen?
By either, are you talking about free enterprise & revoking the 230 protections?
The protections from lawsuits should be lifted because, despite the "platform" designation, both FB & Twits act as publishers & actively censor speech that does not follow a preferred narrative. This censorship allows them to not only control, but also influence public discourse to fit an agenda on 2 of the largest platforms available. Through shadow banning, "fact checking", biased search algorithms & outright falsehoods they exercise undue & unchecked abilities to sway an ignorant electorate towards a desired outcome.
As far as why have free enterprise happen, that's a tough one. Off the top of my head I would say it has proven that it far exceeds any other economic system in reducing poverty levels while raising the overall standard of living for the greatest number of people and ensuring the highest levels of personal freedom & accountability. Other than that, I'd have to think about it.
Is this sorta like how the Unions forced their employees to give money for campaign donations and then gave much of that money (they did not keep themselves) to political campaigns / parties the workers did not even support?
Company PAC's do the same thing--require employees union or otherwise to donate (lest your name be put on a list of those that don't help the company out) then this money is bundled into a nice company big pay off the corrupt pols of their choice.
Facebook and Twitter execs had hundreds of meeting with the Obama (Soros) White House. They cooked up deplatforming their "enemies" (that's us)
Then use Parler. Ain't free enterprise great?
Free enterprise is great! I support the principle of a company running its operations as they see fit. Just remove that false "platform" designation & revoke section 230 protections against libel as a publisher.
Why should either happen?
By either, are you talking about free enterprise & revoking the 230 protections?
The protections from lawsuits should be lifted because, despite the "platform" designation, both FB & Twits act as publishers & actively censor speech that does not follow a preferred narrative. This censorship allows them to not only control, but also influence public discourse to fit an agenda on 2 of the largest platforms available. Through shadow banning, "fact checking", biased search algorithms & outright falsehoods they exercise undue & unchecked abilities to sway an ignorant electorate towards a desired outcome.
As far as why have free enterprise happen, that's a tough one. Off the top of my head I would say it has proven that it far exceeds any other economic system in reducing poverty levels while raising the overall standard of living for the greatest number of people and ensuring the highest levels of personal freedom & accountability. Other than that, I'd have to think about it.
Reading is fundamental. 'Either' refers to:
  1. remove that false "platform" designation
  2. revoke section 230 protections against libel as a publisher.

1. I don't know what you're referring to.
2a. You're pulling this publisher nonsense out of your ass.
2b. Are you advocating that CrusaderFrank should be able to sue USMB because of something insulting I post?
Is this sorta like how the Unions forced their employees to give money for campaign donations and then gave much of that money (they did not keep themselves) to political campaigns / parties the workers did not even support?
Company PAC's do the same thing--require employees union or otherwise to donate (lest your name be put on a list of those that don't help the company out) then this money is bundled into a nice company big pay off the corrupt pols of their choice.
Yeah, that's exactly how it works.
Facebook and Twitter execs had hundreds of meeting with the Obama (Soros) White House. They cooked up deplatforming their "enemies" (that's us)
Then use Parler. Ain't free enterprise great?
Free enterprise is great! I support the principle of a company running its operations as they see fit. Just remove that false "platform" designation & revoke section 230 protections against libel as a publisher.
Why should either happen?
By either, are you talking about free enterprise & revoking the 230 protections?
The protections from lawsuits should be lifted because, despite the "platform" designation, both FB & Twits act as publishers & actively censor speech that does not follow a preferred narrative. This censorship allows them to not only control, but also influence public discourse to fit an agenda on 2 of the largest platforms available. Through shadow banning, "fact checking", biased search algorithms & outright falsehoods they exercise undue & unchecked abilities to sway an ignorant electorate towards a desired outcome.
As far as why have free enterprise happen, that's a tough one. Off the top of my head I would say it has proven that it far exceeds any other economic system in reducing poverty levels while raising the overall standard of living for the greatest number of people and ensuring the highest levels of personal freedom & accountability. Other than that, I'd have to think about it.
Reading is fundamental. 'Either' refers to:
  1. remove that false "platform" designation
  2. revoke section 230 protections against libel as a publisher.

1. I don't know what you're referring to.
2a. You're pulling this publisher nonsense out of your ass.
2b. Are you advocating that CrusaderFrank should be able to sue USMB because of something insulting I post?

I'd never sue you for that
Facebook and Twitter execs had hundreds of meeting with the Obama (Soros) White House. They cooked up deplatforming their "enemies" (that's us)
Then use Parler. Ain't free enterprise great?

Tell Jack to Bake my Cake
You're rambling again. There is help available.

Christian owned bakeries are private enterprises too, right?
Yes. Can you communicate through cupcakes?

It all depends on the filling

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