Mueller's Folly.....Part Two

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
With his perjury charge against Flynn falling apart thanks to Comey's rare moment of honesty (he claimed the agents didn't believe Flynn was lying and were flabbergasted he was charged) and a new judge, the Nunes/Gowdy Memo, and not a whiff of collusion or obstruction, what exactly is he "investigating"? Friday he charged 13 Russians with meddling, none of which are under arrest because they live in.... Russia. So that's about it, Bob...time to call in the dogs and piss on the fire. Oh, and BTW, get yourself a good attorney because the next special counsel is going to be taking a look at YOU and your buddies who cooked up this bullshit.

Personally I have a theory, but am not willing to voice it, yet.
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Mewler is floundering....end the charade
If Struck even breathed on any documents Mueller has the case he thinks he has against anyone won't be heard by a fucking night court judge.
Muller is smart enough to know this.

That's the clown who interviewed both Hillary (with her attorney who was given immunity to testify but never did) and Flynn, who was interviewed under false pretenses without an attorney present. Judge Judy would tell her bailiff to grab Mueller by the collar and toss him out of her (fake) court. :lol:
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If the goal wasn't ever a criminal charge, but based on the assumption that Trump would fire Mueller and get impeached, once again DJT has been the fox in the hen house. Now the whole country is laughing at Mueller, the FBI, and chattering class. They can't beat him, can't even put a dent in him.

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