Mueller is Coming: Former Prosecutor Rudy Giuliani Gets Crazier as Mueller Gets Closer


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Jun 7, 2018
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Mueller is Coming: Former Prosecutor Rudy Giuliani Gets Crazier as Mueller Gets Closer

Rudy objects? LOL too, too funny

If Mueller tries to include in a final report details gleaned from White House documents or interviews with administration officials, “we specifically reserved our right to object,” said Rudolph W. Giuliani, the former New York City mayor who represents Trump. Russia investigation could spark battle to learn Robert Mueller’s findings . Exclusive: Trump team should be allowed to ‘correct’ final Mueller report, says Giuliani

The president pointedly refused on Thursday to say whether any report from Mueller should be made public, telling reporters, “We’ll have to see.”

We shall see? The poor dope, when the charges come down, maybe he can claim not guilty by way of insanity

even Trump's supporters sound crazy. Which way is Lindsey Our Lady of the Carolinas Graham leaning? Shutting down Mueller probe would be ‘disaster’ for Republicans, Lindsey Graham says -- Republicans to Trump: Hands off Mueller


Rare bipartisan moment: Both sides embrace Robert Mueller as special counsel
Paul Singer, Eliza Collins and Erin Kelly, USA TODAY Published 8:32 p.m. ET May 17, 2017 | Updated 8:41 p.m. ET May 17, 2017

Rare bipartisan moment: Both sides embrace Robert Mueller as special counsel
Well when he gets here, don't try to wake anyone with his biased demagoguery, because no one should be impressed by his biased bullcrap.
Mueller is Coming: Former Prosecutor Rudy Giuliani Gets Crazier as Mueller Gets Closer

Rudy objects? LOL too, too funny

If Mueller tries to include in a final report details gleaned from White House documents or interviews with administration officials, “we specifically reserved our right to object,” said Rudolph W. Giuliani, the former New York City mayor who represents Trump. Russia investigation could spark battle to learn Robert Mueller’s findings . Exclusive: Trump team should be allowed to ‘correct’ final Mueller report, says Giuliani

The president pointedly refused on Thursday to say whether any report from Mueller should be made public, telling reporters, “We’ll have to see.”

We shall see? The poor dope, when the charges come down, maybe he can claim not guilty by way of insanity

even Trump's supporters sound crazy. Which way is Lindsey Our Lady of the Carolinas Graham leaning? Shutting down Mueller probe would be ‘disaster’ for Republicans, Lindsey Graham says -- Republicans to Trump: Hands off Mueller


Rare bipartisan moment: Both sides embrace Robert Mueller as special counsel
Paul Singer, Eliza Collins and Erin Kelly, USA TODAY Published 8:32 p.m. ET May 17, 2017 | Updated 8:41 p.m. ET May 17, 2017

Rare bipartisan moment: Both sides embrace Robert Mueller as special counsel


This time for really real, not like the last 7,221,666,112,110 times..... :lmao:
Well, I want to see him impeached, or him to resign, or for him to be kicked out through the next election, (though that may be too late to save this great nation from his abominations that causes desolation for us all)

He's done some pretty traitorous things with enemies of our Nation, he's a chronic liar and an unethical being and a cheater, and he has no regard for the laws and protocols of our Nation along with no regard for the Constitution our founders created or the laws derived from it... he is a man of lawlessness, (and has been his whole life)

This makes him unfit to serve us, he puts our Nation further in danger every day he sits in that oval office imo...

and no, I'm not going in to detail, this is simply a short summary... but I've gone over it in many many posts the past 3 years on why he is unfit to serve us and does not put America first,,, he's a man of destruction and he's on a mission to destroy us and every thing we ever stood for that was good.... contrary to what you Trumpsters (crazily, in my mind) believe about him.

so this ain't something new from me, you all know what I think and have thought consistently about DJT for some years now... ;)

every inch of me, inside and out, is screaming, Warning! Danger, Will Robinson!! Danger! (for those of you young enough to not know where that saying came from... uhhhh.... phooey on you!) :p
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Well, I want to see him impeached, or him to resign, or for him to be kicked out through the next election, (though that may be too late to save this great nation from his abominations that causes desolation for us all)

He's done some pretty traitorous things with enemies of our Nation, he's a chronic liar and an unethical being and a cheater, and he has no regard for the laws and protocols of our Nation along with no regard for the Constitution our founders created or the laws derived from it... he is a man of lawlessness, (and has been his whole life)

This makes him unfit to serve us, he puts our Nation further in danger every day he sits in that oval office imo...

and no, I'm not going in to detail, this is simply a short summary... but I've gone over it in many many posts the past 3 years on why he is unfit to serve us and does not put America first,,, he's a man of destruction and he's on a mission to destroy us and every thing we ever stood for that was good.... contrary to what you Trumpsters (crazily, in my mind) believe about him.

so this ain't something new from me, you all know what I think and have thought consistently about DJT for some years now... ;)

every inch of me, inside and out, is screaming, Warning! Danger, Will Robinson!! Danger! (for those of you young enough to not know where that saying came from... uhhhh.... phooey on you!) :p

You want to see him dead, he is your enemy, he blocked the plot to end America. Mainly you want America dead.
This country is so divided :(

You must be conservative or independent leaning. You'll never hear any hard left democrat say that. The more divided the happier they are.

Independent and most of all logical

Great! I'm independent too and most of all, LOGICAL. Used to teach it in fact. I always go with the candidate that makes the most sense. Amazingly, that never seems to be a Democrat anymore.
Well, I want to see him impeached, or him to resign, or for him to be kicked out through the next election, (though that may be too late to save this great nation from his abominations that causes desolation for us all)

He's done some pretty traitorous things with enemies of our Nation, he's a chronic liar and an unethical being and a cheater, and he has no regard for the laws and protocols of our Nation along with no regard for the Constitution our founders created or the laws derived from it... he is a man of lawlessness, (and has been his whole life)

This makes him unfit to serve us, he puts our Nation further in danger every day he sits in that oval office imo...

and no, I'm not going in to detail, this is simply a short summary... but I've gone over it in many many posts the past 3 years on why he is unfit to serve us and does not put America first,,, he's a man of destruction and he's on a mission to destroy us and every thing we ever stood for that was good.... contrary to what you Trumpsters (crazily, in my mind) believe about him.

so this ain't something new from me, you all know what I think and have thought consistently about DJT for some years now... ;)

every inch of me, inside and out, is screaming, Warning! Danger, Will Robinson!! Danger! (for those of you young enough to not know where that saying came from... uhhhh.... phooey on you!) :p

You want to see him dead, he is your enemy, he blocked the plot to end America. Mainly you want America dead.
Are YOU CRAZY? Do you take meds for your mental issues and just forgot to take them? :rolleyes:

I don't want anyone dead, let alone DJT.... I just think we are in big big big danger every day he sits in that office!!! And I am serious, not joking at all! He really needs to be removed from office imo!!! :eek:
Well, I want to see him impeached, or him to resign, or for him to be kicked out through the next election, (though that may be too late to save this great nation from his abominations that causes desolation for us all)

He's done some pretty traitorous things with enemies of our Nation, he's a chronic liar and an unethical being and a cheater, and he has no regard for the laws and protocols of our Nation along with no regard for the Constitution our founders created or the laws derived from it... he is a man of lawlessness, (and has been his whole life)

This makes him unfit to serve us, he puts our Nation further in danger every day he sits in that oval office imo...

and no, I'm not going in to detail, this is simply a short summary... but I've gone over it in many many posts the past 3 years on why he is unfit to serve us and does not put America first,,, he's a man of destruction and he's on a mission to destroy us and every thing we ever stood for that was good.... contrary to what you Trumpsters (crazily, in my mind) believe about him.

so this ain't something new from me, you all know what I think and have thought consistently about DJT for some years now... ;)

every inch of me, inside and out, is screaming, Warning! Danger, Will Robinson!! Danger! (for those of you young enough to not know where that saying came from... uhhhh.... phooey on you!) :p

You want to see him dead, he is your enemy, he blocked the plot to end America. Mainly you want America dead.
Are YOU CRAZY? Do you take meds for your mental issues and just forgot to take them? :rolleyes:

I don't want anyone dead, let alone DJT.... I just think we are in big big big danger every day he sits in that office!!! And I am serious, not joking at all! He really needs to be removed from office imo!!! :eek:
Good for you, and I mean that.

Now please think about your irrational fear, that Donnie is a danger. He isn’t. He is really no different from Big Ears. On this forum during BO’s time, you saw many righties espouse irrational fears about him. You are doing the exact same thing.

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