Mueller, Hillary, And Democrat's Witch Hunt Succeed In Demonstrating Barry Was Ignorant OR...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
...already in Putin's Pocket.

In a televised debate, Presidential candidate Mitt Romney warned that Russia was still a formidable threat / enemy to the United States. Instead of intellectually responding Barry went for 'cute/funny', seeking to score a pithy 'zinger'. He responded by telling Romney that 'the 1980s called and want their foreign policy back'.

Well, the 1980s DID call, and they suggested Barry pull his ignorant head out of his ass and see the reality of what was going on.

About the same time Obama was making this stupid comment, Vladimir Putin stated in an interview in Russia that one of his biggest regrets for his nation was seeing the USR fall apart and splinted into several different nations. He said that he was going to try to reverse that if he could.

The Obama administration paid no attention to him. Instead of being wary, Hillary presented a Russian Ambassador with a plastic 'Reset' prop, intending to signify the Obama administration's re-setting of the Russian-US relationship. Unfortunately for Hillary, the plague on the prop did NOT say 'Reset' in read 'OVERCHARGE'. (Perhaps this was 'foreshadowing' and what she was referring to was the $145 million she would later take from Russia in her Influence Peddling business.)

One thing the Democrat / Mueller Witch Hunt has successfully done is to expose all of the Liberal-Russian connections and crimes perpetrated by Liberals illegally colluding and collaborating with Russians.

For example:
Evidence shows Obama, Mueller, Holder, and Hillary hid evidence of Russian crimes associated with their attempt to acquire Uranium One and US uranium. They made it possible for the Russians to purchase Uranium One, move the uranium outside of the US, and to get it shipped over to Europe and into Russian hands.

For Example:
Evidence shows Obama, Comey, and Lynch knew of Russian PsyOps programs and efforts to spread division, hatred, and violence within the US while interfering in our election...and chose to do nothing. (Barry was too busy trying not to piss off Vlad and to get his approval for Obama to illegally invade Syria.

For Example:
Obama, Comey, and Hillary paid millions to a foreign spy working with Russians for a Russian propaganda-filled report Hillary used illegally in a US election and one Comey / the FBI used to illegally acquire FISA warrants to spy on a GOP candidate in the middle of an election.

All of this, considering Obama's remark to Romney in their debate, makes me wonder if Barry was already in Putin's pocket when he made that comment during the debate.

As you may remember, Barry was caught on audio when he thought he was off-mike telling interim puppet Medvedev to pass on to Vlad that he - Barry - would be more flexible after his (Barry's) re-election. Since then, after his re-election, Barry has aided and abetted Russia, permitted them to commit all kinds of things to the US, to get away with a LOT!

One thing Mueller's witch hunt has proven is the only evidence that exists and has been shown proven illegal collusion with the Russians has been the evidence against Democrats, not Trump.

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