Mueller can't find collusion soon to end investigation


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Gold Supporting Member
Jan 19, 2010
Well if the Washington Examiner says it’s true!

Lol. Have they ever been right about anything?
"In other words, they've failed to verify things like: the alleged meetings of Carter Page with the head of Russia's state-owned oil company and a top official in the Putin government; the alleged meeting between Michael Cohen and "Kremlin representatives"; or any of the other specific claims in the dossier that weren't already public knowledge when it was written."

Has Mueller Abandoned The Trump/Russia Collusion Investigation?
Has Mueller Abandoned The Trump/Russia Collusion Investigation?

"According to the Washington Examiner's Byron York, FBI and Justice officials recently told congressional investigators that after spending nearly a year and a half looking into it, "they have not been able to verify or corroborate the substantive allegations of collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign outlined in the Trump dossier."

Yep it's coming to an end just like we said with no collusion.

Bullshit. Collusion has already been proven - the only remaining question is whether it was "criminal" collusion. The investigation is far from over. It could easily continue thru 2018 and beyond. Enjoy the ride...
Bullshit. Collusion has already been proven - the only remaining question is whether it was "criminal" collusion. The investigation if far from over. It could easily continue thru 2018 and beyond. Enjoy the ride...
You are dreaming read the link more to come...
"The latest move suggests the Special Counsel is still actively digging into, among other matters, whether Trump or any other administration official improperly tried to influence an ongoing investigation," the story says.

This could also be read as: Having failed to find any evidence of collusion, Mueller is now fishing around for something, anything, to justify the vast amount of resources being poured into his endless investigations.

Has Mueller Abandoned The Trump/Russia Collusion Investigation?
Only idiots and NaziCon websites are pushing such nonsense. There are no indicators signaling that the investigation is anywhere near ending. Enjoy your delusions.
This just broke tonight... tomorrow it will be huge breaking news.
I love this part.

"The mainstream press hasn't uncovered anything nefarious, either, despite spending a solid year looking for it. As we've noted in this space, all the bombshells they have breathlessly reported turned out to be duds, and much of what the press is now saying about the "scandal" is either wrong or exaggerated — such as that the dossier has been "proven to be accurate."

So, let's recap: After nearly 16 months of investigating, the FBI and the Justice Department admit that they haven't been able to verify any of the most damaging Trump/Russia collusion claims in the DNC/Hillary Clinton financed dossier.

Neither, apparently, has Mueller after six months of investigating.

Nor has an army of investigative reporters who've been trying to prove the charges since November 9, 2016.

Yet no one wants to let go of the story.

With each passing day, this is looking less and less like a legitimate investigation and more like an attempt by the Washington establishment to stage a palace coup against a duly elected president."

Has Mueller Abandoned The Trump/Russia Collusion Investigation?
Has Mueller Abandoned The Trump/Russia Collusion Investigation?

"According to the Washington Examiner's Byron York, FBI and Justice officials recently told congressional investigators that after spending nearly a year and a half looking into it, "they have not been able to verify or corroborate the substantive allegations of collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign outlined in the Trump dossier."

Yep it's coming to an end just like we said with no collusion.
The only thing substantive is false allegations made by Hillary and her media minions.
She was talking about it during her campaign.
Doesn't anyone remember?

The only collusion actually proven, has been perpetrated by the Clinton Campaign. The phony Russian Dossier is the Smoking Gun. Her Campaign clearly paid foreigners to manufacture the phony document. That's interfering in our Election. It's collusion.
I can't wait to find out what this witch hunt cost us...
I doubt Mueller will end the investigation any time soon regardless of the fact that he's found nothing (since there is nothing to find). He's intoxicated with power. He is a rat fuck swamp thing. I give it to at least until after the mid-terms.....
I doubt Mueller will end the investigation any time soon regardless of the fact that he's found nothing (since there is nothing to find). He's intoxicated with power. He is a rat fuck swamp thing. I give it to at least until after the mid-terms.....
That could be Zander

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