
Platinum Member
Aug 7, 2011
You just can't make stuff up as good as what they try to pull off with a straight face.:lol:

MSNBC panelist claims ‘we never have that conversation’ about racism; Hilarious video debunking ensues

Panelists on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” were having a discussion about Donald Sterling being banned from involvement in the NBA for life, and Mike Barnicle said the following:

Partial transcript:

“You can’t ban racism for life. And it’s endemic in our culture. No matter how many times we say we’re gonna have a conversation about race, we never have that conversation.”
MSNBC panelist claims ?we never have that conversation? about racism; Hilarious video debunking ensues | Twitchy

[ame=]MSNBC: "We never have a conversation about racism!" - YouTube[/ame]
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It's going to be a sad loss for entertainment when "Tingles" Mathews finally strokes out during one of his spittle spewing tantrums. Fortunately, Ricky Madcow has many years ahead of her to polish her Lucile Ball level of comedy.
Is this the same Mike Barnacle that used to make up stories when he worked at a newspaper?
Now he is holier then thou?
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Is this the same Mike Barnacle that used to make up stories when he worked at a newspaper?
Now he is holier then thou?

For MSNBC, a badge of honor. They don't need people who deal with reality diluting their narrative.

Mike Barnicle, Fraud and Plagiarist, Helps Guide America Through Baseball's Era of Shame

Barnicle's speedy crawl out of his journalistic grave has been one of the great ongoing mysteries of the business. He stole and he made stuff up, and he writes for Time magazine . Time magazine doesn't care if a person steals or makes stuff up. He's all over MSNBC. MSNBC doesn't care. Joe Scarborough and Chris Matthews don't care about hanging out with a liar and a fraud and letting him talk to their viewers.

American Journalism Review

For years the popular Boston Globe columnist, the voice of the city's working class, had been dogged by suspicions that he was making up material. A local magazine for a time ran a regular feature titled ``Unbelievably Barnicle" that raised questions about the truthfulness of his work. But Boston Mike's career did nothing but flourish.

In early August, he exhibited survival skills worthy of President Clinton when he faced down his boss, who had asked him to resign after Barnicle wrote a column containing, without attribution, someone else's material.

The paper's indecisive handling of the incident and the ultimate punishment (a two-month suspension) outraged many Globe staffers, who bridled at what they saw as special treatment for Barnicle. Particularly galling for many inside and outside of the paper, including members of the black community, was the contrast to the fate of award-winning columnist Patricia Smith. Smith, who is black, was asked to resign in June, and did so, after she admitted fabricating material.

But Barnicle's reprieve was short-lived. On August 19, eight days after his suspension had been announced, Editor Matthew V. Storin told the whipsawed Globe staff that yet another Barnicle column had been called into question. Once again he had been asked to resign. And this time, he had.

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