MSNBC: No Evidence of Collusion

Day after day the voices of those declaring the false accusations against Trump continue to get louder.

Only die-hard delusional butt-hurt snowflakes who can't accept Hillary lost the election on her own, led by the Conspiracy Theory-Pushing Queen of Denial, still refuse to accept it yet.

I, personally, hope the DNC continues to push the evidence-less claims all the way to 2018 so America finally gets sick and tired of their BS and take MORE Congressional seats from them.

I, personally, hope Hillary continues to push the Conspiracy Theory through 2020...from her jail cell. :p
You even have Jesse Walters who is as right wing partisan as you can get admitting that the Russian collusion thing is starting to worry him. It's not just the snowflakes
Thanks for demonstrating that there are still die-hard hold-outs who will never accept the truth.

Slade probably still believes Gore won, too.

I thought snowflakes had been defined as white high school educated repubs.
Ah well the original name of the tea party was teabaggers. They were too dumb to know the def
MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell responds to Hillary Clinton's accusation that the Russians never could have known how to effectively deploy the files they stole from her campaign without help from "Americans." Mitchell, a longtime friend of the Clintons, describes this accusation as a "conspiracy theory" without evidence.

"She doesn't have the evidence, but she obviously is hoping that this is what Robert Mueller and what the Congressional committee's going to do," Mitchell told MSNBC viewers.

Editor's note: Clinton also accused WikiLeaks of timing the release of the first batch of John Podesta's emails to coincide with the release of the "Grab 'Em By The P***Y" tape. It should be well known for those who witnessed the events of 2016 that the WikiLeaks dump was not timed to coincide with the Access Hollywood tape, but in fact it was the other way around. It was well-known at the time that WikiLeaks was planning to dump files about the Clinton campaign 'by the end of the week.' Certain parties had been sitting on the Access Hollywood tape for more than a year, before releasing it on the Friday afternoon which ended the week in which WikiLeaks had promised to publish. For Clinton's assumption to be true, WikiLeaks must have been aware of the Access Hollywood tape before it was released, which seems impossible. On the other hand, WikiLeaks publicly stated many times that they were going to release a bombshell about the Clinton campaign, which would have served as a warning to release a counter-tape.

Andrea Mitchell: No Evidence For Hillary's "Conspiracy Theory" That Russia Must Have Had Help From "Americans"

Even MSNBC understands how preposterous Obama's Russia hoax is.
So your made up mind opinion is golden?
Andrea is better than all the CIA experts.?
I get it, that's what you want to hear.
You have never done any high level research obviously. It takes years to weigh everything.
Don't just spout the latest one liner that agrees with you
Ummm....the CIA has already stated THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION...

MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell responds to Hillary Clinton's accusation that the Russians never could have known how to effectively deploy the files they stole from her campaign without help from "Americans." Mitchell, a longtime friend of the Clintons, describes this accusation as a "conspiracy theory" without evidence.

"She doesn't have the evidence, but she obviously is hoping that this is what Robert Mueller and what the Congressional committee's going to do," Mitchell told MSNBC viewers.

Editor's note: Clinton also accused WikiLeaks of timing the release of the first batch of John Podesta's emails to coincide with the release of the "Grab 'Em By The P***Y" tape. It should be well known for those who witnessed the events of 2016 that the WikiLeaks dump was not timed to coincide with the Access Hollywood tape, but in fact it was the other way around. It was well-known at the time that WikiLeaks was planning to dump files about the Clinton campaign 'by the end of the week.' Certain parties had been sitting on the Access Hollywood tape for more than a year, before releasing it on the Friday afternoon which ended the week in which WikiLeaks had promised to publish. For Clinton's assumption to be true, WikiLeaks must have been aware of the Access Hollywood tape before it was released, which seems impossible. On the other hand, WikiLeaks publicly stated many times that they were going to release a bombshell about the Clinton campaign, which would have served as a warning to release a counter-tape.

Andrea Mitchell: No Evidence For Hillary's "Conspiracy Theory" That Russia Must Have Had Help From "Americans"

Even MSNBC understands how preposterous Obama's Russia hoax is.
So your made up mind opinion is golden?
Andrea is better than all the CIA experts.?
I get it, that's what you want to hear.
You have never done any high level research obviously. It takes years to weigh everything.
Don't just spout the latest one liner that agrees with you
Ummm....the CIA has already stated THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION...

Did you read "years"?
Be patient and please cut and paste more, I can just ignore it. And please keep the second grade CAPS? Hilarious
Day after day the voices of those declaring the false accusations against Trump continue to get louder.

Only die-hard delusional butt-hurt snowflakes who can't accept Hillary lost the election on her own, led by the Conspiracy Theory-Pushing Queen of Denial, still refuse to accept it yet.

I, personally, hope the DNC continues to push the evidence-less claims all the way to 2018 so America finally gets sick and tired of their BS and take MORE Congressional seats from them.

I, personally, hope Hillary continues to push the Conspiracy Theory through 2020...from her jail cell. :p
You even have Jesse Walters who is as right wing partisan as you can get admitting that the Russian collusion thing is starting to worry him. It's not just the snowflakes
Thanks for demonstrating that there are still die-hard hold-outs who will never accept the truth.

Slade probably still believes Gore won, too.

What are you talking about?
Day after day the voices of those declaring the false accusations against Trump continue to get louder.

Only die-hard delusional butt-hurt snowflakes who can't accept Hillary lost the election on her own, led by the Conspiracy Theory-Pushing Queen of Denial, still refuse to accept it yet.

I, personally, hope the DNC continues to push the evidence-less claims all the way to 2018 so America finally gets sick and tired of their BS and take MORE Congressional seats from them.

I, personally, hope Hillary continues to push the Conspiracy Theory through 2020...from her jail cell. :p
You even have Jesse Walters who is as right wing partisan as you can get admitting that the Russian collusion thing is starting to worry him. It's not just the snowflakes
Thanks for demonstrating that there are still die-hard hold-outs who will never accept the truth.

Slade probably still believes Gore won, too.

The lying media tried to make Gore win when they reported the polls in Florida had closed, conveniently leaving out the fact that the panhandle was in a different time zone. Lying democrats, all.
MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell responds to Hillary Clinton's accusation that the Russians never could have known how to effectively deploy the files they stole from her campaign without help from "Americans." Mitchell, a longtime friend of the Clintons, describes this accusation as a "conspiracy theory" without evidence.

"She doesn't have the evidence, but she obviously is hoping that this is what Robert Mueller and what the Congressional committee's going to do," Mitchell told MSNBC viewers.

Editor's note: Clinton also accused WikiLeaks of timing the release of the first batch of John Podesta's emails to coincide with the release of the "Grab 'Em By The P***Y" tape. It should be well known for those who witnessed the events of 2016 that the WikiLeaks dump was not timed to coincide with the Access Hollywood tape, but in fact it was the other way around. It was well-known at the time that WikiLeaks was planning to dump files about the Clinton campaign 'by the end of the week.' Certain parties had been sitting on the Access Hollywood tape for more than a year, before releasing it on the Friday afternoon which ended the week in which WikiLeaks had promised to publish. For Clinton's assumption to be true, WikiLeaks must have been aware of the Access Hollywood tape before it was released, which seems impossible. On the other hand, WikiLeaks publicly stated many times that they were going to release a bombshell about the Clinton campaign, which would have served as a warning to release a counter-tape.

Andrea Mitchell: No Evidence For Hillary's "Conspiracy Theory" That Russia Must Have Had Help From "Americans"

Even MSNBC understands how preposterous Obama's Russia hoax is.
So your made up mind opinion is golden?
Andrea is better than all the CIA experts.?
I get it, that's what you want to hear.
You have never done any high level research obviously. It takes years to weigh everything.
Don't just spout the latest one liner that agrees with you
You're ignoring the evidence. Mitchell is saying the same thing Feinstein, Manchin and Waters, all of whom have access to classified information, said after being briefed by the FBI and CIA.

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