MSNBC looking Pooped out...

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
I'm concerned for all those pooped out MSNBC News (cough..cough) pudheads, oh pundits..

All that personal destruction of Republicans and..leaning forward.. to kiss Obama's ass, is taking it's toll..

Fat Eddies up to 5 gallons of sweat per show, Mathews eyes are like piss holes in the snow, Rachel M. doesn't even bother to shave her mustache anymore, Sharpton's froth level requires a dribble cup and poor old Joe, he just sucks hot air and blows..

I tell's a sad state of affairs, my friends...:(
Well then... the kenyan is an absolute shoe in with a reelection team like that working for him... :lol:
so funny... one thread after another that's nothing more than one long rightwingnut troll.


What.. I've acquired a stalker...?... I guess I should alert the mod squad.

Interesting too, I hardly ever read your threads unless I'm sleepy and going to bed..

I've noticed there usually just your ring of rep ho's and puppets though, shameless...:eek:
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the problem is you cant prove lies on MSNBC or any other station at the levels that Fox doess them
GE owns NBC. GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt is this President's "Jobs Czar." GE doesn't pay Taxes. GE Outsources Thousands & Thousands of American Jobs. Now why doesn't a self-professsed Left Wing/Progressive Network who prides itself on railing against those "Evil Businesses",ever mention GE when they're ranting & raving? Gee,i wonder why? NBC really is a bad joke. They are not reporting truth. They are only reporting what they believe will benefit GE and the Democratic Party. That's the reality.
Lets see the Maddcow chick and the 'Thrill up my Leg' dude at NBC freak about this...

GE paid no Taxes on $14 Billion in profits.

General Electric, one of the largest corporations in America, filed a whopping 57,000-page federal tax return earlier this year but didn't pay taxes on $14 billion in profits. The return, which was filed electronically, would have been 19 feet high if printed out and stacked.

The fact that GE paid no taxes in 2010 was widely reported earlier this year, but the size of its tax return first came to light when House budget committee chairman Paul Ryan (R, Wisc.) made the case for corporate tax reform at a recent townhall meeting. "GE was able to utilize all of these various loopholes, all of these various deductions--it's legal," Ryan said. Nine billion dollars of GE's profits came overseas, outside the jurisdiction of U.S. tax law. GE wasn't taxed on $5 billion in U.S. profits because it utilized numerous deductions and tax credits, including tax breaks for investments in low-income housing, green energy, research and development, as well as depreciation of property.

"I asked the GE tax officer, 'How long was your tax form?'" Ryan said. "He said, 'Well, we file electronically, we don't measure in pages.'" Ryan asked for an estimate, which came back at a stunning 57,000 pages. When Ryan relayed the story at the townhall meeting in Janesville, there were audible gasps from the crowd.
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Ya know GE pays BIG advertising bucks to FOX NEWS? The NUMBER one NEW broadcaster in da WORLD is FOX NEWS..
Yup just let GE and the White House do all the thinkin for ya. NBC viewers are very lazy & dumbed-down. Sorry,i know that's rude but it is the truth.

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