Mrs Sturgeon snubs alt right slag

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
Nicola Sturgeon quits BBC event over Steve Bannon invitation

Nicola Sturgeon has pulled out of a conference being jointly hosted by the BBC next month after learning that Donald Trump’s former strategist Steve Bannon had been invited to take part.

Scotland’s first minister said that allowing Bannon to freely express his opinions risked “legitimising or normalising far-right, racist views”.

She was also critical of the BBC for an attempt to justify Bannon’s inclusion at the three-day News Xchange event in Edinburgh on 13 November in an email sent to her office.

She is absolutely spot on. The more you allow these creeps into the mainstream the more you risk legitimising nazi trash. I hope that others pull out and the whole thing collapses.
While Europe cries big fat crocodile tears about this, their whole society is crumbling around them.

Not our problem, thank the good Lord. Not. Our. Problem. This is exactly what end-stage Rome was up to when Nero was fiddling. Worrying about minutia as the Vandals were at the gates.

Knock yourself out and feel great doing it, Tommy. We don't really care.
Nicola Sturgeon quits BBC event over Steve Bannon invitation

Nicola Sturgeon has pulled out of a conference being jointly hosted by the BBC next month after learning that Donald Trump’s former strategist Steve Bannon had been invited to take part.

Scotland’s first minister said that allowing Bannon to freely express his opinions risked “legitimising or normalising far-right, racist views”.

She was also critical of the BBC for an attempt to justify Bannon’s inclusion at the three-day News Xchange event in Edinburgh on 13 November in an email sent to her office.

She is absolutely spot on. The more you allow these creeps into the mainstream the more you risk legitimising nazi trash. I hope that others pull out and the whole thing collapses.

Steve Bannon is not a "nazi. "

You lefties are just realizing, very late in the game, that your ideas and policies are crap and you can't defend them against any serious challenge.
While Europe cries big fat crocodile tears about this, their whole society is crumbling around them.

Not our problem, thank the good Lord. Not. Our. Problem. This is exactly what end-stage Rome was up to when Nero was fiddling. Worrying about minutia as the Vandals were at the gates.

Knock yourself out and feel great doing it, Tommy. We don't really care.
Our sciety is not crumbling around us. You American loons watch too much fox.
While Europe cries big fat crocodile tears about this, their whole society is crumbling around them.

Not our problem, thank the good Lord. Not. Our. Problem. This is exactly what end-stage Rome was up to when Nero was fiddling. Worrying about minutia as the Vandals were at the gates.

Knock yourself out and feel great doing it, Tommy. We don't really care.
Our sciety is not crumbling around us. You American loons watch too much fox.

I've watched a number of bbc shows. Your society is seriously fucked, very similarly to ours.
While Europe cries big fat crocodile tears about this, their whole society is crumbling around them.

Not our problem, thank the good Lord. Not. Our. Problem. This is exactly what end-stage Rome was up to when Nero was fiddling. Worrying about minutia as the Vandals were at the gates.

Knock yourself out and feel great doing it, Tommy. We don't really care.
Our sciety is not crumbling around us. You American loons watch too much fox.

I really don't care one way or the other and I mean that with every fiber of my being. Here's my only care: that if and when it all goes bad for you, we don't spend one American red cent saving your hind ends.

And I mean that too

With every fiber of my being

As far as I'm concerned, no Western European nation is any ally of ours anymore. Not a single one of them. And I'm not alone in that, Tommy. Not by a long shot. Whether you care about that or not is also no concern of mine.
While Europe cries big fat crocodile tears about this, their whole society is crumbling around them.

Not our problem, thank the good Lord. Not. Our. Problem. This is exactly what end-stage Rome was up to when Nero was fiddling. Worrying about minutia as the Vandals were at the gates.

Knock yourself out and feel great doing it, Tommy. We don't really care.
Our sciety is not crumbling around us. You American loons watch too much fox.

I've watched a number of bbc shows. Your society is seriously fucked, very similarly to ours.
Brexit isnt going to happen. It will be ok.
While Europe cries big fat crocodile tears about this, their whole society is crumbling around them.

Not our problem, thank the good Lord. Not. Our. Problem. This is exactly what end-stage Rome was up to when Nero was fiddling. Worrying about minutia as the Vandals were at the gates.

Knock yourself out and feel great doing it, Tommy. We don't really care.
Our sciety is not crumbling around us. You American loons watch too much fox.

I've watched a number of bbc shows. Your society is seriously fucked, very similarly to ours.
Brexit isnt going to happen. It will be ok.

Why do you think we care
While Europe cries big fat crocodile tears about this, their whole society is crumbling around them.

Not our problem, thank the good Lord. Not. Our. Problem. This is exactly what end-stage Rome was up to when Nero was fiddling. Worrying about minutia as the Vandals were at the gates.

Knock yourself out and feel great doing it, Tommy. We don't really care.
Our sciety is not crumbling around us. You American loons watch too much fox.

I've watched a number of bbc shows. Your society is seriously fucked, very similarly to ours.
Brexit isnt going to happen. It will be ok.

Really? So much for democracy.
While Europe cries big fat crocodile tears about this, their whole society is crumbling around them.

Not our problem, thank the good Lord. Not. Our. Problem. This is exactly what end-stage Rome was up to when Nero was fiddling. Worrying about minutia as the Vandals were at the gates.

Knock yourself out and feel great doing it, Tommy. We don't really care.
Our sciety is not crumbling around us. You American loons watch too much fox.

I've watched a number of bbc shows. Your society is seriously fucked, very similarly to ours.
Brexit isnt going to happen. It will be ok.

Really? So much for democracy.

One thing is sure: these Western Europeans want to shoot off their mouths at us, blame us for everything, hate everything about us including our president, and etc--but when it comes to it, they want us to be their defacto military.

A lot of us are done with it, and done with calling them allies as well. I mean that and so do a lot of other Americans.

Tell Western Europeans you don't care about their opinions and, oh yeah, you don't give a rat's patootie about being their ally anymore, including you don't care about sending your young men and women to defend them should the need arise.

Then watch them tell you, hey hey, they didn't REALLY mean it, they really love America SOOOO much, really really they do.

No they don't. They hate us and have hated us for years.

Screw 'em. I really mean it.
While Europe cries big fat crocodile tears about this, their whole society is crumbling around them.

Not our problem, thank the good Lord. Not. Our. Problem. This is exactly what end-stage Rome was up to when Nero was fiddling. Worrying about minutia as the Vandals were at the gates.

Knock yourself out and feel great doing it, Tommy. We don't really care.
Our sciety is not crumbling around us. You American loons watch too much fox.

I've watched a number of bbc shows. Your society is seriously fucked, very similarly to ours.
Brexit isnt going to happen. It will be ok.

Really? So much for democracy.

One thing is sure: these Western Europeans want to shoot off their mouths at us, blame us for everything, hate everything about us including our president, and etc--but when it comes to it, they want us to be their defacto military.

A lot of us are done with it, and done with calling them allies as well. I mean that and so do a lot of other Americans.

Tell Western Europeans you don't care about their opinions and, oh yeah, you don't give a rat's patootie about being their ally anymore, including you don't care about sending your young men and women to defend them should the need arise.

Then watch them tell you, hey hey, they didn't REALLY mean it, they really love America SOOOO much, really really they do.

No they don't. They hate us and have hated us for years.

Screw 'em. I really mean it.

I care, because in Europe we can see what our lefties want to do here.

Note that Tommy supports overruling Brexit, which was a democratic referendum.
Our sciety is not crumbling around us. You American loons watch too much fox.

I've watched a number of bbc shows. Your society is seriously fucked, very similarly to ours.
Brexit isnt going to happen. It will be ok.

Really? So much for democracy.

One thing is sure: these Western Europeans want to shoot off their mouths at us, blame us for everything, hate everything about us including our president, and etc--but when it comes to it, they want us to be their defacto military.

A lot of us are done with it, and done with calling them allies as well. I mean that and so do a lot of other Americans.

Tell Western Europeans you don't care about their opinions and, oh yeah, you don't give a rat's patootie about being their ally anymore, including you don't care about sending your young men and women to defend them should the need arise.

Then watch them tell you, hey hey, they didn't REALLY mean it, they really love America SOOOO much, really really they do.

No they don't. They hate us and have hated us for years.

Screw 'em. I really mean it.

I care, because in Europe we can see what our lefties want to do here.

Note that Tommy supports overruling Brexit, which was a democratic referendum.

Lefties gonna Left, that's for sure. It's enough that we have to clean up their mess here. The Lefties in Western Europe hate us, openly and without reservation, but when their back's against the wall, they want us to save their bacon.

So what? Watch what they do but don't be fooled for a second. They're not an ally and haven't been for generations. I'm honestly not even sure why we rebuilt Europe to the extent we did after WW2 to be honest. But, we did, there's no going back now. However, we surely do not need to be suckered again.

Trump knows this, he understands it. In part they hate him because he understands it.
I've watched a number of bbc shows. Your society is seriously fucked, very similarly to ours.
Brexit isnt going to happen. It will be ok.

Really? So much for democracy.

One thing is sure: these Western Europeans want to shoot off their mouths at us, blame us for everything, hate everything about us including our president, and etc--but when it comes to it, they want us to be their defacto military.

A lot of us are done with it, and done with calling them allies as well. I mean that and so do a lot of other Americans.

Tell Western Europeans you don't care about their opinions and, oh yeah, you don't give a rat's patootie about being their ally anymore, including you don't care about sending your young men and women to defend them should the need arise.

Then watch them tell you, hey hey, they didn't REALLY mean it, they really love America SOOOO much, really really they do.

No they don't. They hate us and have hated us for years.

Screw 'em. I really mean it.

I care, because in Europe we can see what our lefties want to do here.

Note that Tommy supports overruling Brexit, which was a democratic referendum.

Lefties gonna Left, that's for sure. It's enough that we have to clean up their mess here. The Lefties in Western Europe hate us, openly and without reservation, but when their back's against the wall, they want us to save their bacon.

So what? Watch what they do but don't be fooled for a second. They're not an ally and haven't been for generations. I'm honestly not even sure why we rebuilt Europe to the extent we did after WW2 to be honest. But, we did, there's no going back now. However, we surely do not need to be suckered again.

Trump knows this, he understands it. In part they hate him because he understands it.

And supporting the EU was madness. And nato expansion.
Our sciety is not crumbling around us. You American loons watch too much fox.

I've watched a number of bbc shows. Your society is seriously fucked, very similarly to ours.
Brexit isnt going to happen. It will be ok.

Really? So much for democracy.

One thing is sure: these Western Europeans want to shoot off their mouths at us, blame us for everything, hate everything about us including our president, and etc--but when it comes to it, they want us to be their defacto military.

A lot of us are done with it, and done with calling them allies as well. I mean that and so do a lot of other Americans.

Tell Western Europeans you don't care about their opinions and, oh yeah, you don't give a rat's patootie about being their ally anymore, including you don't care about sending your young men and women to defend them should the need arise.

Then watch them tell you, hey hey, they didn't REALLY mean it, they really love America SOOOO much, really really they do.

No they don't. They hate us and have hated us for years.

Screw 'em. I really mean it.

I care, because in Europe we can see what our lefties want to do here.

Note that Tommy supports overruling Brexit, which was a democratic referendum.
No, I want a vote on the deal. That is democratic.
Tommy has nothing to say.

What gives, Tommy? I mean what did you think would happen, you Western Europeans with your big mouths and big American hate?

Europeans honestly thought that Americans were so stupid that you all could verbally run us down for all the years since the WWW opened, viciously and openly, and we'd say--oh yeah, these are some great allies, these people love us.

But you know--that hasn't happened. It turns out Americans are onto you and don't feel like sending our sons and daughters to fight for your sustenance anymore.

So, there it is. Vicious anti-Americanism, if it hasn't all but killed our alliances, has cooled them to the point of rigor mortis. I don't know what to say about that. It is what it is.
I've watched a number of bbc shows. Your society is seriously fucked, very similarly to ours.
Brexit isnt going to happen. It will be ok.

Really? So much for democracy.

One thing is sure: these Western Europeans want to shoot off their mouths at us, blame us for everything, hate everything about us including our president, and etc--but when it comes to it, they want us to be their defacto military.

A lot of us are done with it, and done with calling them allies as well. I mean that and so do a lot of other Americans.

Tell Western Europeans you don't care about their opinions and, oh yeah, you don't give a rat's patootie about being their ally anymore, including you don't care about sending your young men and women to defend them should the need arise.

Then watch them tell you, hey hey, they didn't REALLY mean it, they really love America SOOOO much, really really they do.

No they don't. They hate us and have hated us for years.

Screw 'em. I really mean it.

I care, because in Europe we can see what our lefties want to do here.

Note that Tommy supports overruling Brexit, which was a democratic referendum.

Lefties gonna Left, that's for sure. It's enough that we have to clean up their mess here. The Lefties in Western Europe hate us, openly and without reservation, but when their back's against the wall, they want us to save their bacon.

So what? Watch what they do but don't be fooled for a second. They're not an ally and haven't been for generations. I'm honestly not even sure why we rebuilt Europe to the extent we did after WW2 to be honest. But, we did, there's no going back now. However, we surely do not need to be suckered again.

Trump knows this, he understands it. In part they hate him because he understands it.
I seem to remember we went into the Stan and Iraq in support of you after 9/11. A lot of british kids died out there on your behalf. Its rather shocking that you forget that.
I've watched a number of bbc shows. Your society is seriously fucked, very similarly to ours.
Brexit isnt going to happen. It will be ok.

Really? So much for democracy.

One thing is sure: these Western Europeans want to shoot off their mouths at us, blame us for everything, hate everything about us including our president, and etc--but when it comes to it, they want us to be their defacto military.

A lot of us are done with it, and done with calling them allies as well. I mean that and so do a lot of other Americans.

Tell Western Europeans you don't care about their opinions and, oh yeah, you don't give a rat's patootie about being their ally anymore, including you don't care about sending your young men and women to defend them should the need arise.

Then watch them tell you, hey hey, they didn't REALLY mean it, they really love America SOOOO much, really really they do.

No they don't. They hate us and have hated us for years.

Screw 'em. I really mean it.

I care, because in Europe we can see what our lefties want to do here.

Note that Tommy supports overruling Brexit, which was a democratic referendum.
No, I want a vote on the deal. That is democratic.

Yep. Keeping voting till you get the result you want, and then it's done.

That's not democracy Tommy. You do that, don't pretend to be a democracy anymore.
Brexit isnt going to happen. It will be ok.

Really? So much for democracy.

One thing is sure: these Western Europeans want to shoot off their mouths at us, blame us for everything, hate everything about us including our president, and etc--but when it comes to it, they want us to be their defacto military.

A lot of us are done with it, and done with calling them allies as well. I mean that and so do a lot of other Americans.

Tell Western Europeans you don't care about their opinions and, oh yeah, you don't give a rat's patootie about being their ally anymore, including you don't care about sending your young men and women to defend them should the need arise.

Then watch them tell you, hey hey, they didn't REALLY mean it, they really love America SOOOO much, really really they do.

No they don't. They hate us and have hated us for years.

Screw 'em. I really mean it.

I care, because in Europe we can see what our lefties want to do here.

Note that Tommy supports overruling Brexit, which was a democratic referendum.

Lefties gonna Left, that's for sure. It's enough that we have to clean up their mess here. The Lefties in Western Europe hate us, openly and without reservation, but when their back's against the wall, they want us to save their bacon.

So what? Watch what they do but don't be fooled for a second. They're not an ally and haven't been for generations. I'm honestly not even sure why we rebuilt Europe to the extent we did after WW2 to be honest. But, we did, there's no going back now. However, we surely do not need to be suckered again.

Trump knows this, he understands it. In part they hate him because he understands it.
I seem to remember we went into the Stan and Iraq in support of you after 9/11. A lot of british kids died out there on your behalf. Its rather shocking that you forget that.

Oh yes, and then used that to abuse us verbally and viciously for years and years and years after. Bush, the war, etc. Like allies do, you know.

I absolutely do not forget.
Brexit isnt going to happen. It will be ok.

Really? So much for democracy.

One thing is sure: these Western Europeans want to shoot off their mouths at us, blame us for everything, hate everything about us including our president, and etc--but when it comes to it, they want us to be their defacto military.

A lot of us are done with it, and done with calling them allies as well. I mean that and so do a lot of other Americans.

Tell Western Europeans you don't care about their opinions and, oh yeah, you don't give a rat's patootie about being their ally anymore, including you don't care about sending your young men and women to defend them should the need arise.

Then watch them tell you, hey hey, they didn't REALLY mean it, they really love America SOOOO much, really really they do.

No they don't. They hate us and have hated us for years.

Screw 'em. I really mean it.

I care, because in Europe we can see what our lefties want to do here.

Note that Tommy supports overruling Brexit, which was a democratic referendum.

Lefties gonna Left, that's for sure. It's enough that we have to clean up their mess here. The Lefties in Western Europe hate us, openly and without reservation, but when their back's against the wall, they want us to save their bacon.

So what? Watch what they do but don't be fooled for a second. They're not an ally and haven't been for generations. I'm honestly not even sure why we rebuilt Europe to the extent we did after WW2 to be honest. But, we did, there's no going back now. However, we surely do not need to be suckered again.

Trump knows this, he understands it. In part they hate him because he understands it.
I seem to remember we went into the Stan and Iraq in support of you after 9/11. A lot of british kids died out there on your behalf. Its rather shocking that you forget that.

You know what the real wonder to me is, did you think there would be no repercussions?

That's the real puzzle to me. Here, we Western Europeans, we have this really strong, rich, powerful ally. Let's abuse them all over the WWW and all over our print and broadcast media. Let's mock them, lambaste them, and blame them for EVERYTHING at every opportunity.

That will be good. I'm sure it won't yield any poor results for us, ever. Because Americans, who gave the world Hollywood, blue jeans, Silicone valley, cars, Rock and Roll....they're just that stupid.


Really? So much for democracy.

One thing is sure: these Western Europeans want to shoot off their mouths at us, blame us for everything, hate everything about us including our president, and etc--but when it comes to it, they want us to be their defacto military.

A lot of us are done with it, and done with calling them allies as well. I mean that and so do a lot of other Americans.

Tell Western Europeans you don't care about their opinions and, oh yeah, you don't give a rat's patootie about being their ally anymore, including you don't care about sending your young men and women to defend them should the need arise.

Then watch them tell you, hey hey, they didn't REALLY mean it, they really love America SOOOO much, really really they do.

No they don't. They hate us and have hated us for years.

Screw 'em. I really mean it.

I care, because in Europe we can see what our lefties want to do here.

Note that Tommy supports overruling Brexit, which was a democratic referendum.

Lefties gonna Left, that's for sure. It's enough that we have to clean up their mess here. The Lefties in Western Europe hate us, openly and without reservation, but when their back's against the wall, they want us to save their bacon.

So what? Watch what they do but don't be fooled for a second. They're not an ally and haven't been for generations. I'm honestly not even sure why we rebuilt Europe to the extent we did after WW2 to be honest. But, we did, there's no going back now. However, we surely do not need to be suckered again.

Trump knows this, he understands it. In part they hate him because he understands it.
I seem to remember we went into the Stan and Iraq in support of you after 9/11. A lot of british kids died out there on your behalf. Its rather shocking that you forget that.

Oh yes, and then used that to abuse us verbally and viciously for years and years and years after. Bush, the war, etc. Like allies do, you know.

I absolutely do not forget.
We were lied to by Bush and Blair. Nobody disputes that. But that doesnt diminish the service of those youngsters who fought an died in support of our ally. Shocking that you seek to lie about this and enigrate their sacrifice.

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