Mr Nasralny. The sad fate of a traitor and an idiot.


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
He hasn't any smallest chance to win against the Putin gang. Why? Because he's a Jew, belongs to a nation which has a problem in communication with Russians.To discuss about isn't topic here, you can inform yourselves about routes of the problem by some books written by Noble Prize winner Mr Solzhenitsyn like 'Archipelago Gulag' and 'Two hundred Years together'.
The last Jew Russian trusted to was Mr Yeltsin, a well-known corruption fighter before.......Any comments.
Mr Nasralny wasn't dangerous for Putin because he hasn't voters. 1 -2 % isn't enough to run for president in Russia,
He fervently collected all possible grants and money from his western benefactors and hoped to save some money for his nice life somewhere in Tel Aviv ( together with his relatives ) of Florida.
He was wrong. Too much invested in him.Who benefits from the 'poisoning'? Not Putin, because Mr Nasralny is nothing for him, but NWO and all those who wants to eliminate Russia from the map.
The faked 'assassination' shall stop NS2, Europa shall purchase four times more expensive LPG by Trump, of course EU politicians pocket huge bribes ( like for imposing of lockdowns from WHO).
His stupid wife should let him stay in Russia, Putin of course would do anything possible the moron survive.
And now the guy is in the NWO hospital #1 in Germany, the Berlin hospital 'Charite' which is the first to spread any lie about Corona fake pandemic and to serve government.

Bottom line:

Don't work for Soros and NWO, you will finally die.
Like Skripals.
Where are them now?
Of course murdered as dangerous witnesses, allegedly in witnesses protective program.

It is difficult to believe they enjoy drinking beer now.
Even they close relatives believe they are already dead.


All three traitors have been dealing with like used condoms.
I don't think Navalny is Jewish. Did you make that up?

I also thought you hated Putin because he doesn't let Russians infect other Russians with COVID-19, or at least you claimed that he's a dictator because of that.
I don't think Navalny is Jewish. Did you make that up?

I also thought you hated Putin because he doesn't let Russians infect other Russians with COVID-19, or at least you claimed that he's a dictator because of that.

I don't hate Putin, I hate his politic which has transformed Russia to a NWO prison.
Putin is a slave of NWO and playing here an innocent victim card.
He is a thief and must explain where he got $350bn from.
But Mr Nasralny isn't better, he is a fake opposition, he and Putin together fool Russians.
He is a creature of NWO and Putin, his existence is only for disappointment of Russians and to preventing a Revolution against the thievish dwarf-like KGB tyran.

Only idiot can believe Russians ( with 200 years experience mutual existnece and almost 100m dead ) will follow a Jewish revolutionist again.

Look below, mother and aunt of Mr Nasralny


Mr Nasralny is the brother of Putin
Russia badly needs a true Russian leader who gives Russians Freedom and Peace.
But NWO, Putin and guys like Mr Nasralny derail any true opposition in Russia.

This guy could became the Russian leader.

But he was murdered by Putin and his NWO gang


And there are many like he, who really were murdered by Putin & NWO.

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