Movie Artist Who Portrayed Characters Killing Cops Elected Governer

Personally Doctor? I don't give a flying FUCK whom you listen to...follow...or the like...

YOUR LIBERTY to do so...when the likes of YOU try to Foist it upon MY liberty to make it practice in common by LAW? THEN *I Object*...

There's a subtile difference...but then I see that Responsibility isn't one of your strong suits...

You know why I think you're drunk?

Your posts make no sense, and have nothing to do with anything that I was talking about.
You are of course welcome to your own opinions.

As are *YOU* which to date mean ZERO to those of us that understand common sense and aren't LED by the nosehairs of a Rascist OP?

*YES MARC...that means YOU...*BOY*

Drunk again, Tommy?

Yep....dat's Tommy en'em boozin and hittin' up dat Moonshine.


My how flexible Tommy is?...and RELAXED. WoW!!!

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Personally Doctor? I don't give a flying FUCK whom you listen to...follow...or the like...

YOUR LIBERTY to do so...when the likes of YOU try to Foist it upon MY liberty to make it practice in common by LAW? THEN *I Object*...

There's a subtile difference...but then I see that Responsibility isn't one of your strong suits...

You know why I think you're drunk?

Your posts make no sense, and have nothing to do with anything that I was talking about.

You know zero...and they don't make sense because you lack Decency...and lack Home training...MORALS.

Again? That's just *YOU*... Keep Obfuscating're proving that you LOST the argument, and have NO leg to stand upon...

But those in the music business that you so HONOR are sour...BITTER individuals....that fail to conform with Society at large...which they are at Liberty to DO....[/i]

Ah, so the guy a with misogynistic, anti-semite in his avatar who is supposed to represent a 'patriot' crica 1770s is not about individual freedoms after all. We should all 'conform' with society...hhhmmmm:cool:

Naturally... YOU have to defer to OBFUSCATION to my AVIE and SIG?

WHY in Heaven's NAME didn't you just come out and say:"I have ZERO else..."?

Be honest for ONCE in your misbegotten LIFE?

HHHmmmm...let's see, you totally ignore the whole point of my post (hint: the slur on Gibson was a passing one), and you accuse me of Obfuscation? Retard alert! :eek:
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As are *YOU* which to date mean ZERO to those of us that understand common sense and aren't LED by the nosehairs of a Rascist OP?

*YES MARC...that means YOU...*BOY*

Drunk again, Tommy?

Yep....dat's Tommy en'em boozin and hittin' up dat Moonshine.


My how flexible Tommy is?...and RELAXED. WoW!!!


And the resident Rascist weighs in with utter nonsense...

See I can lead you idiots by the nose, and I am doing a good job at it...just a warnng guys...

*Continue*'re falling into my trap... really need to sober up.

You're all over the place.
Ah, so the guy a with misogynistic, anti-semite in his avatar who is supposed to represent a 'patriot' crica 1770s is not about individual freedoms after all. We should all 'conform' with society...hhhmmmm:cool:

Naturally... YOU have to defer to OBFUSCATION to my AVIE and SIG?

WHY in Heaven's NAME didn't you just come out and say:"I have ZERO else..."?

Be honest for ONCE in your misbegotten LIFE?

HHHmmmm...let's see, you totally ignore the whole point of my post (hint: the slur or Gibson was a passing one), and you accuse me of Obfuscation? Retard alert! :eek:

Are you daft? I addressed it...even *DISMISSED IT*. Please continue your tour of incompitence of reading comprehension...

See? This is FUN...
Drunk again, Tommy?

Yep....dat's Tommy en'em boozin and hittin' up dat Moonshine.


My how flexible Tommy is?...and RELAXED. WoW!!!


And the resident Rascist weighs in with utter nonsense...

See I can lead you idiots by the nose, and I am doing a good job at it...just a warnng guys...

*Continue*'re falling into my trap...

My, my, my....Tommy can dance too.

See Tommy dance...

Dance Tommy....DANCE!!!!


As are *YOU* which to date mean ZERO to those of us that understand common sense and aren't LED by the nosehairs of a Rascist OP?

*YES MARC...that means YOU...*BOY*

Drunk again, Tommy?

Yep....dat's Tommy en'em boozin and hittin' up dat Moonshine.


My how flexible Tommy is?...and RELAXED. WoW!!!

And you be's trowin' dem forties, whiles eatins dat fried chickin's, and waitins fo' da dams welfare checks to arrives. So mammys can go buys ya' a dam chitlin'......Word up!

Eh, ya' black racist fuck?
He's an actor. Don't you think there is a difference between being an acting doing pretend rolls versus writing poetry/lyrics encouraging cop killings?
No, I do not think there's a difference between portraying a cop killer and rapping about being a cop killer. Anymore than I think writing about Moby Dick makes you a genuine threat to whales. And I doubt the publishing of Melville's tale of the sea encouraged more whaling.

Artistic license has no meaning in the partisan lexicon, does it?
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He's an actor. Don't you think there is a difference between being an acting doing pretend rolls versus writing poetry/lyrics encouraging cop killings?
No, I do not think there's a difference between portraying a cop killer and rapping about being a cop killer. Anymore than I think writing about Moby Dick makes you a genuine threat to whales. And I doubt the publishing of Melville's tale of the sea encouraged more whaling.

Artistic license has no meaning in the partisan lexicon, does it?

Thank you!!

Finally...some sound reasoning. Something sorely lacking on the right.
I heard you the first time, you Mel Gibson-loving Jew Hater really need to sober up.

You're all over the place.

Marc? YOU need to become LESS RACIST...and more HUMAN.

Whatever...Mel Gibson loving Jew Hater.


Official translation:

"Whatever...I have to disparage YOU T, to get my meaning across despite that YOU, the T , has explained his Avie and Sigline over and over again...but then I have a problem reading and I am a dolt...but I won't ever ADMIT IT...But it suits my EGO and feelings just fine so FUCK The T *I MARC* am perfectly happy with being a RACIST asswipe...:eusa_shhh:"
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