Most white trash grocery list in history discovered at Wal*Mart


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
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Does obesity cause horrific spelling? At the very least, pay close attention to this shopping list found at Walmart so you can learn what foods to avoid if don't want to become a moron. At the very least, don't put cedar cheese on a hamberger or musturd on a saugage. And definitely don't wash it down with surger and coolaid.​
I have to say...this is about the level at which the majority of my clientele read and write.

I have clients who consistently...CONSISTENTLY....cant' figure out where to put their own names on an application. Despite the fact that they do it at least twice a year...year after year.

Thank goodness pretty soon we won't even need applications. They will just have to sit at a computer in the lobby and grunt for yes, two for no...and have the food deposited on their heads.
Even more scary...a lot of these clients work as care givers, drive cars, and often operate heavy equipment.
Well not the cigs and the beer.

They bought those with their TANF dollars.

And then stole toilet paper from the bar on the way home, lol.
Dam it Minni 15, I told you that you lost it inside the store. Make a copy and we will jump on the mules and go back.
I wondered where I dropped that list. I couldn't remember half the shit my wife wanted me to get and got into trouble when I got home...:redface:
"bannas". :lol:

But I got to admit that sometimes I struggle spelling bananas. Same with Mississippi. I still have to use the phonetic rhythm I learned in elementary school. Em eye ess ess, eye ess ess, eye pee pee eye. :lol:
I wonder if the list is real or fake....this is why we really need to take stock of how we cook these days. They were playing with the idea of cooking/shopping classes for food stamp recipients. See they could have gotten a big bag of rice, a big bag of beans, a whole truckload of flour, yeast, salt, and another truckload of basic cuts of meat that would last all month, rather than all that refined stuff that is easy, but expensive, and a dietary zero.

Of course, who wants to eat beans and rice day in and day out...but that's not the point! You don't get fat on beans and rice day in and day out, and it's GOOD FOR YOU.

I, however, hate beans and rice and can certainly understand the pull of all the fluffy, salty, incredibly

I wish I had biscuits and packets of gravy right now.
I have to say...this is about the level at which the majority of my clientele read and write.

I have clients who consistently...CONSISTENTLY....cant' figure out where to put their own names on an application. Despite the fact that they do it at least twice a year...year after year.

Thank goodness pretty soon we won't even need applications. They will just have to sit at a computer in the lobby and grunt for yes, two for no...and have the food deposited on their heads.

I didn't know you worked in a place that gave grants to research scientists.

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