Most ridiculous conspiracies


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
1)existenceof Bigfoot

2)fake moon landings

3)9/11 was ans inside job

4) Paul McCarrtney of the Beates was killed in an auto accident

None has any basis of proof whatsoever......................
I would disagree on bigfoot. There are strange things out there in the forests that are not easily dismissed. Now there are some hoaxsters out there but that does not preclude that there is a possibility of some unfound creatures in the northwest territories. So I would not call this one ridiculous.
I think the one about 9-11 is the most ridiculous one. You know the one about the 19 hijackers with break away box cutters over powering dedicated pilots and crew.
Flying huge commercial airliners, with very poor flying skills unimpeded for a considerable amount of time bypassing a multibillion dollar defense industry apparatus, while they were playing "war games" on the same day as their attack was planned, flying into 2 massive skyscrapers but actually knocking down 3, in record time, and accomplishing 3 first time in history collapses due to fire.
And whats even more ridiculous is we knew they were planning an attack! And did nothing to stop them!
The fact they hit the part of the Pentagon that housed all the bean counters at a time when it was announced there were missing trillions at the DOD! Was just pure luck too!
But they were quickly identified as they left a trail of incriminating evidence all over the place, AND a few of them even survived with their passports!:lol::lol:
Oh and did I mention that the mastermind of all this was said to live in a cave, and his family and our own presidents family, at the time are very well connected since the 1930s or so??
Yeah..ridiculous isn't it?
Talk about ridiculous and wacky!
If ever there was a more ridiculous conspiracy theory, I sure haven't heard of it yet, this beats them all!
How about cutting income taxes creates jobs?
or Offshoring creates jobs in the USA.
Or if the market does well so does America.
Or that myth of Rush being a pill popper.
I think the one about 9-11 is the most ridiculous one. You know the one about the 19 hijackers with break away box cutters over powering dedicated pilots and crew.
Flying huge commercial airliners, with very poor flying skills unimpeded for a considerable amount of time bypassing a multibillion dollar defense industry apparatus, while they were playing "war games" on the same day as their attack was planned, flying into 2 massive skyscrapers but actually knocking down 3, in record time, and accomplishing 3 first time in history collapses due to fire.
And whats even more ridiculous is we knew they were planning an attack! And did nothing to stop them!
The fact they hit the part of the Pentagon that housed all the bean counters at a time when it was announced there were missing trillions at the DOD! Was just pure luck too!
But they were quickly identified as they left a trail of incriminating evidence all over the place, AND a few of them even survived with their passports!:lol::lol:
Oh and did I mention that the mastermind of all this was said to live in a cave, and his family and our own presidents family, at the time are very well connected since the 1930s or so??
Yeah..ridiculous isn't it?
Talk about ridiculous and wacky!
If ever there was a more ridiculous conspiracy theory, I sure haven't heard of it yet, this beats them all!

I think the conspiracy that claims you have evidence to back up your bullshit is the most ridiculous. Many claims you have tons of evidence, yet you can't produce one real piece of evidence. Why is that?
The mysterious deaths of the witnesses of 9/11!!
Is there a Conspiracists Handbook that they are running here? Is this not a carbon copy of the JFK Assassination?
Years after the event, people that witnessed the event start getting killed off? REALLY!?
I think the one about 9-11 is the most ridiculous one. You know the one about the 19 hijackers with break away box cutters over powering dedicated pilots and crew.
Flying huge commercial airliners, with very poor flying skills unimpeded for a considerable amount of time bypassing a multibillion dollar defense industry apparatus, while they were playing "war games" on the same day as their attack was planned, flying into 2 massive skyscrapers but actually knocking down 3, in record time, and accomplishing 3 first time in history collapses due to fire.
And whats even more ridiculous is we knew they were planning an attack! And did nothing to stop them!
The fact they hit the part of the Pentagon that housed all the bean counters at a time when it was announced there were missing trillions at the DOD! Was just pure luck too!
But they were quickly identified as they left a trail of incriminating evidence all over the place, AND a few of them even survived with their passports!:lol::lol:
Oh and did I mention that the mastermind of all this was said to live in a cave, and his family and our own presidents family, at the time are very well connected since the 1930s or so??
Yeah..ridiculous isn't it?
Talk about ridiculous and wacky!
If ever there was a more ridiculous conspiracy theory, I sure haven't heard of it yet, this beats them all!

I think the conspiracy that claims you have evidence to back up your bullshit is the most ridiculous. Many claims you have tons of evidence, yet you can't produce one real piece of evidence. Why is that?

you need to define evidence...but I doubt you are capable
I think the one about 9-11 is the most ridiculous one. You know the one about the 19 hijackers with break away box cutters over powering dedicated pilots and crew.
Flying huge commercial airliners, with very poor flying skills unimpeded for a considerable amount of time bypassing a multibillion dollar defense industry apparatus, while they were playing "war games" on the same day as their attack was planned, flying into 2 massive skyscrapers but actually knocking down 3, in record time, and accomplishing 3 first time in history collapses due to fire.
And whats even more ridiculous is we knew they were planning an attack! And did nothing to stop them!
The fact they hit the part of the Pentagon that housed all the bean counters at a time when it was announced there were missing trillions at the DOD! Was just pure luck too!
But they were quickly identified as they left a trail of incriminating evidence all over the place, AND a few of them even survived with their passports!:lol::lol:
Oh and did I mention that the mastermind of all this was said to live in a cave, and his family and our own presidents family, at the time are very well connected since the 1930s or so??
Yeah..ridiculous isn't it?
Talk about ridiculous and wacky!
If ever there was a more ridiculous conspiracy theory, I sure haven't heard of it yet, this beats them all!

I think the conspiracy that claims you have evidence to back up your bullshit is the most ridiculous. Many claims you have tons of evidence, yet you can't produce one real piece of evidence. Why is that?

you need to define evidence...but I doubt you are capable

Well, as usual, you're wrong.

The evidence I am looking for is real evidence as in the kind that would stand up in a court of law. In this instance, this evidence would be evidence of a controlled demolition. Valid evidence would be things like steel showing signs of being cut with explosives, detonators, audio evidence, or seismic evidence. Jones and many others have proclaimed they have this evidence that proves the official story of why the towers and WTC 7 collapsed, yet not one person has come forward with an actual piece of evidence that proves they are right and the official story is wrong.

Oh sure, they come forward with opinions and unsubstantiated claims, but come on, some foreign dignitary saying he thinks 9/11 was carried out by the US government isn't evidence. It is opinion. People saying they heard explosions isn't evidence, especially when truthers have to pretend explosions = explosives and truthers have to pretend that is what the witness REALLY meant to say.

So, eots. What evidence do you have that your version(s) of what happened on 9/11 are true?
How about, conspiracy theories as a whole??...THATS ridiculous.. It’s amazing what we allow our minds to conjure up for us, eh?
The evidence I am looking for is real evidence as in the kind that would stand up in a court of law.
The court wouldn't hear the Gallup claims, it was biased for the government. This is what we are trying to explain to you. Because a rigged system will not except the evidence that counters the 9-11 OCT, Does not mean the evidence is not valid or they don't have any.

In this instance, this evidence would be evidence of a controlled demolition.
There is and it has been presented to you. But it is ignored. Ignoring it while calling the presenters crazy is the weakest pussy ass shit you can do to rebuttal it.

Valid evidence would be things like steel showing signs of being cut with explosives, detonators, audio evidence, or seismic evidence.
There is and has been linked many times, and explained to death.

Jones and many others have proclaimed they have this evidence that proves the official story of why the towers and WTC 7 collapsed, yet not one person has come forward with an actual piece of evidence that proves they are right and the official story is wrong.
BS you simply ignore it as do the courts. Short of a confession, and even then it would probably be denied.
Your opinion is based on what is being complained about, that the system is set up to protect the OCT.

Oh sure, they come forward with opinions and unsubstantiated claims, but come on, some foreign dignitary saying he thinks 9/11 was carried out by the US government isn't evidence.
This is pure BS. The researchers have made valid claims and provided the proof and evidence to back them up.

It is opinion. People saying they heard explosions isn't evidence, especially when truthers have to pretend explosions = explosives and truthers have to pretend that is what the witness REALLY meant to say.
So witnesses aren't allowed in your warped definition of law and justice? You ignore all that we post that counters your warped views.

So, eots. What evidence do you have that your version(s) of what happened on 9/11 are true?
Again it has been presented, and you ignore it. Ignoring it wont make it go away, or invalidate what has been presented and linked.
And you still run away from posting any indisputable NIST evidence, why is this?
Because you are a scared delusional misfit that can only run away from the issues while calling others what you really are! :lol:

Until you post any indisputable NIST evidence, and show exactly how and why the buildings "offered only minimal resistance" and why "they essentially fell at free fall speed" or explain why WTC7 experienced free fall, and NIST fails to explain this, you are considered a waste of time, and I'm done with you.
There are others that at least try to debate within the rules, you fail in every post.
The evidence I am looking for is real evidence as in the kind that would stand up in a court of law.
The court wouldn't hear the Gallup claims, it was biased for the government. This is what we are trying to explain to you. Because a rigged system will not except the evidence that counters the 9-11 OCT, Does not mean the evidence is not valid or they don't have any.
Wrong yet again. Gallup had no evidence to back up her claims. Courts rely on evidence. The fact neither you nor the rest of the TBM can come up with a single shred of evidence means you will never see a trial. Those are the facts. You have been asked repeatedly for evidence. You either run or whine that nobody ELSE has "real" evidence even after people take the time to patiently explain to you just how wrong you are.

Mr. Jones said:
There is and it has been presented to you. But it is ignored. Ignoring it while calling the presenters crazy is the weakest pussy ass shit you can do to rebuttal it.
It is OPINION. It is not backed up by evidence. Where is the evidence? You claimed AE911 had evidence. I went out and looked. NONE of it was evidence. And all you can do is re-spam their crap and hope and pray SOMEONE finds some evidence in all their bullshit. If not you just pretend spamming the same ol' shit is "good enough". It isn't.

Mr. Jones said:
There is and has been linked many times, and explained to death.
So why can't you pick out one real good piece of evidence? I am not asking for the entire AE911 site. I am asking YOU for ONE real piece of evidence your bullshit theories are correct. Why can't you do this? You constantly claim you have all this evidence.

All we get is whining and excuses from you.

Mr. Jones said:
BS you simply ignore it as do the courts. Short of a confession, and even then it would probably be denied.
Wrong yet again. Like I said, you have to have evidence, not spurrious claims. Courts don't work that way. Paranoid delusions don't hold up in a court of law. Not now. Not ever.

Mr. Jones said:
Your opinion is based on what is being complained about, that the system is set up to protect the OCT.
The weak excuse of the man who can't prove dick.

Mr. Jones said:
This is pure BS. The researchers have made valid claims and provided the proof and evidence to back them up.
Yet you can't post a single piece of evidence. Spamming the boards with bullshit is NOT posting a single piece of real evidence. What's the matter Jonesie? Can't do your own research? You just pretending everyone else's work is good enough? It isn't.

Mr. Jones said:
So witnesses aren't allowed in your warped definition of law and justice? You ignore all that we post that counters your warped views.
Witnesses are conflicting. You have some that heard loud explosions. Audio tapes proved they were lying. Where is the credibility? The "expert witnesses" at AE911 have yet to produce anything coherent. A bunch of lazy assholes pretending they are experts while sitting around going "nuh uh" isn't expert opinion.

Mr. Jones said:
So, eots. What evidence do you have that your version(s) of what happened on 9/11 are true?
Again it has been presented, and you ignore it.
Read above. Posting the same lies over and over again aren't going to make them come true no matter HOW many times you click them ruby slippers together. :lol:

Mr. Jones said:
Ignoring it wont make it go away, or invalidate what has been presented and linked.
It's been gone over and found to be nothing but opinion and bullshit. You have to do better. How hard is it to come up with something other than opinion?

Mr. Jones said:
And you still run away from posting any indisputable NIST evidence, why is this?
:lol: You've had your ass kicked so many times over this lame statement, I am surprised you have the balls to keep making it. The NIST theory fits all known evidence. Are you claiming the video tapes and audio tapes are in dispute now? Are you claiming the steel that showed no signs of being cut is now in dispute? Are you claiming the seismic evidence that refutes your claims of explosives is now in dispute?

So where is your evidence that refutes the NIST's evidence? Or are you just making more bullshit claims and hoping nobody notices? OOOPS! People noticed!

Mr. Jones said:
Because you are a scared delusional misfit that can only run away from the issues while calling others what you really are! :lol:
:lol: Wrong yet again. My posts prove you a liar on this one. Oh well. If that is all you have....

Mr. Jones said:
Until you post any indisputable NIST evidence, and show exactly how and why the buildings "offered only minimal resistance" and why "they essentially fell at free fall speed" or explain why WTC7 experienced free fall, and NIST fails to explain this, you are considered a waste of time, and I'm done with you.
Already been done ad nauseum. You couldn't grasp it the first dozen or so times, why should anyone think you would grasp it this time?

Mr. Jones said:
There are others that at least try to debate within the rules, you fail in every post.
Again, you REALLY need to look up hypocrite in the dictionary. :lol: You DO know how to use a dictionary, right? I even spelled it right for you so it should be easy to look up. You do know your alphabet and the order the letters go in, right? :lol:

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