Most overrated rock bands

Can't think of one just now. But post one I disagree with and I'll let you know.
Honestly - Rolling Stones.
And I say that with the opinion that Some Girls is one of the best rock albums of all time.
Buuuut - nearly everything they did - they did over 50 years ago. And almost every song you are going to hear on the radio actually only came from 3 albums.
They have 31 studio albums. With only 3 good, and a couple others not too bad.
They may still be together, but they have sounded dreadful for the past 20 years at least.
I agree with rightwinger that the Grateful Dead are THE most overrated rock band of all-time. I always though Black Sabbath was overrated as well.

Greatful Dead are musical wonders. Dead live is must see…. high Or not. The best live show since Lynrd or Springsteen.

edit: that was with Garcia. I don’t know anymore what is left of them?

on album? Uh…go listen to American Beauty and see if it soon does not grow on everyone. Becoming a favorite for all.
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I agree with rightwinger that the Grateful Dead are THE most overrated rock band of all-time. I always though Black Sabbath was overrated as well.

Black Sabbath music is HS garage band beginner stuff. But they had Ozzy. It was fun and mysterious over decades. I rate them pretty high. They got it done.
Another - the Beatles.
No they are not the first rock band, and no they didn't create the sound they are known for.
Paul McCartney would record himself farting if he thought it would sell. Most of the songs he did are bubble gum teeny bopper songs.
They were all over the place. Some of their music was absolutely brilliant and new. But most were just okay to crap.
It is impossible to imagine the same people did I am the Walrus, also did Maxwell Hammer... whatever the hell that was.
I agree with rightwinger that the Grateful Dead are THE most overrated rock band of all-time. I always though Black Sabbath was overrated as well.
I always liked Jerry Garcia, and Grateful Dead cover bands keep some of the old music alive

They were Rock tinged with Country

For instance;

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