Most Millennials Are Finding It Hard to Transition Into Adulthood. (Snowflakedom doesn't work)

Thank god marijuana is becoming legal everywhere, slacker time just isn't the same as when you can light up a fatty. Smoking mj, meaningless sex, and playing video games is what youth is for. College if you have time left over.

Holy crap...what a bunch of roast beef sandwiches.

Most millennials are finding it hard to transition into adulthood, report finds

By his twenties, Kyle Kaylor imagined he would be living on his own, nearing a college degree, and on his way to a job that fulfilled him.

Instead, at 21, he found himself out of school, living with his parents, and "stuck" working as a manager at a fast food restaurant scraping to make hand-to-mouth.

Launching into adulthood has been tricky, he said.

"It became too difficult financially to be in school and not working," says Kaylor, who dropped out of Lincoln Christian University, in Illinois, after one semester because of a money crunch. "And without schooling, you can't get a job that you can survive on, so I had to move back home," he said.
Gee, we give them participation medals and safe spaces and avoid triggers and micro aggressions and try not to hurt their "feelings" and do everything we can to make sure they're not exposed to thoughts and opinions that might offend or challenge them, and they end up finding it tough to deal?

To a conservative Adulthood is being a slave to the corporation for the next 60 years. That is all a worker is anymore in this fucking country...Slave to make the rich richer!
To a conservative Adulthood is being a slave to the corporation

Whether or not the predilection for being "slave to the corporation" is unique to "conservative adults" is open to question. I suspect that behavior pattern is as abundantly found among conservatives as among non-conservatives.
That is all a worker is anymore in this fucking country...Slave to make the rich richer!
Except when one focuses one's efforts on joining the ranks of business owners instead of remaining among the ranks of business employees. Many owners of businesses also work, often but not always in the business they own, you know.
Thank god marijuana is becoming legal everywhere, slacker time just isn't the same as when you can light up a fatty. Smoking mj, meaningless sex, and playing video games is what youth is for. College if you have time left over.

Smoking mj, meaningless sex, and playing video games is what youth is for. College if you have time left over.

Well, I can offer only that when I was in college (and grad school), my prioritization of those activities was the opposite of what you've depicted. My prioritization may have had something to do with why,less than a decade after finishing college, I was self-employed and thriving quite nicely for it. That's not to say the prioritization you suggest cannot yield similar or better results, but rather that I'm not aware of how to make that approach do so.
Thank god marijuana is becoming legal everywhere, slacker time just isn't the same as when you can light up a fatty. Smoking mj, meaningless sex, and playing video games is what youth is for. College if you have time left over.

Smoking mj, meaningless sex, and playing video games is what youth is for. College if you have time left over.

Well, I can offer only that when I was in college (and grad school), my prioritization of those activities was the opposite of what you've depicted. My prioritization may have had something to do with why,less than a decade after finishing college, I was self-employed and thriving quite nicely for it. That's not to say the prioritization you suggest cannot yield similar or better results, but rather that I'm not aware of how to make that approach do so.

You should have taken that one semester class on sense of humor. It would have served you well during life.
What exactly is it we're to think or feel with regard to a college dropout who can't get a decently paying job?
Do you even know how expensive college is now?

Do you know how worthless a college degree is compared to how much you pay for it?

Do you want parents to always pay for their kids' higher education, or the kids?

It's ridiculous that people will spent $200,000 to get a master's degree in Elizabethan Poetry and expect many people, if any, to have any interest in paying them for that skill set.
Thank god marijuana is becoming legal everywhere, slacker time just isn't the same as when you can light up a fatty. Smoking mj, meaningless sex, and playing video games is what youth is for. College if you have time left over.

Smoking mj, meaningless sex, and playing video games is what youth is for. College if you have time left over.

Well, I can offer only that when I was in college (and grad school), my prioritization of those activities was the opposite of what you've depicted. My prioritization may have had something to do with why,less than a decade after finishing college, I was self-employed and thriving quite nicely for it. That's not to say the prioritization you suggest cannot yield similar or better results, but rather that I'm not aware of how to make that approach do so.

You should have taken that one semester class on sense of humor. It would have served you well during life.

Perhaps. You should have put "LOL" or something more or less like it amidst your comments, and I'd have known or had some idea that you were being facetious, joking, or whatever. Sorry to have to say that, but far too many posters here write things that are patently absurd and they appear to actually mean that foolishness. I've gotten to the point I no longer take for granted that a poster cannot truly mean the stuff they write, no matter how ridiculous it and they would have to be for that to be so.

Thus, I'm sorry I didn't realize you were just kidding, but I didn't. Hopefully you better now understand why.
Thank god marijuana is becoming legal everywhere, slacker time just isn't the same as when you can light up a fatty. Smoking mj, meaningless sex, and playing video games is what youth is for. College if you have time left over.

Smoking mj, meaningless sex, and playing video games is what youth is for. College if you have time left over.

Well, I can offer only that when I was in college (and grad school), my prioritization of those activities was the opposite of what you've depicted. My prioritization may have had something to do with why,less than a decade after finishing college, I was self-employed and thriving quite nicely for it. That's not to say the prioritization you suggest cannot yield similar or better results, but rather that I'm not aware of how to make that approach do so.

You should have taken that one semester class on sense of humor. It would have served you well during life.

Perhaps. You should have put "LOL" or something more or less like it amidst your comments, and I'd have known or had some idea that you were being facetious, joking, or whatever. Sorry to have to say that, but far too many posters here write things that are patently absurd and they appear to actually mean that foolishness. I've gotten to the point I no longer take for granted that a poster cannot truly mean the stuff they write, no matter how ridiculous it and they would have to be for that to be so.

Thus, I'm sorry I didn't realize you were just kidding, but I didn't. Hopefully you better now understand why.

Xelor, why do you post like you are a robot from another galaxy?
Thank god marijuana is becoming legal everywhere, slacker time just isn't the same as when you can light up a fatty. Smoking mj, meaningless sex, and playing video games is what youth is for. College if you have time left over.

Smoking mj, meaningless sex, and playing video games is what youth is for. College if you have time left over.

Well, I can offer only that when I was in college (and grad school), my prioritization of those activities was the opposite of what you've depicted. My prioritization may have had something to do with why,less than a decade after finishing college, I was self-employed and thriving quite nicely for it. That's not to say the prioritization you suggest cannot yield similar or better results, but rather that I'm not aware of how to make that approach do so.

You should have taken that one semester class on sense of humor. It would have served you well during life.

Perhaps. You should have put "LOL" or something more or less like it amidst your comments, and I'd have known or had some idea that you were being facetious, joking, or whatever. Sorry to have to say that, but far too many posters here write things that are patently absurd and they appear to actually mean that foolishness. I've gotten to the point I no longer take for granted that a poster cannot truly mean the stuff they write, no matter how ridiculous it and they would have to be for that to be so.

Thus, I'm sorry I didn't realize you were just kidding, but I didn't. Hopefully you better now understand why.

"far too many posters here write things that are patently absurd and they appear to actually mean that foolishness."

Say no more I can't argue with that!

Yes it was meant to be humorous.
In which states do most millenials live with their parents?

Yesiree-Bob, 7 out of the top 10 states are liberal..............:cow:.
What's even funnier is they kill themselves for 60 years being the slave for low wages...

The republican party certainly isn't going to get us back to the value of money and standards of 40-50 years ago...Unions and anti-trust are the only way.
People can achieve reasonable goals if they're smart and willing to work at it.
Trump is working hard to make it easier for them by bringing good jobs back into the US. Something you seem to be against.
They're screwed!

But then again, every generation since the Boomers have been somewhat screwed.

It's almost as if the entire purpose of the human experiment was to see to it that we Boomers had the best of everything.
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What exactly is it we're to think or feel with regard to a college dropout who can't get a decently paying job?
Do you even know how expensive college is now?

Do you know how worthless a college degree is compared to how much you pay for it?

Do you want parents to always pay for their kids' higher education, or the kids?

It's ridiculous that people will spent $200,000 to get a master's degree in Elizabethan Poetry and expect many people, if any, to have any interest in paying them for that skill set.
Be that as it may, they need only find one such employer.

I wonder how many people take master's degrees with Elizabethan poetry concentrations, or similarly abstruse advanced degrees. I don't think the answer really matters, for most people who take liberal arts degrees end up working in disciplines that are unrelated to their degree. After all, one has to remember that a liberal arts degree shows adeptness with original and critical thought in general. That's very different from a technical degree, which shows proficiency and knowledge with regard to a very specific field of activity.

I doubt many employers (outside of academia) have lacuna whereby hiring specialists in Elizabethan poetry or a similarly arcane liberal art is the solution. Myriad employers, however, have need of strong general thinkers who are very adept at seeing connections between seemingly disparate events and objectives. Indeed, most employers need that skillset more than they need technical specialists, although there are surely acute instances in which a technical specialist is the only thing they need. Ideally, they'd have and hire a specialist who is equally adroit at abstract thinking, but individuals who have comparable facility in both kinds of thinking and performance are rare.
Thank god marijuana is becoming legal everywhere, slacker time just isn't the same as when you can light up a fatty. Smoking mj, meaningless sex, and playing video games is what youth is for. College if you have time left over.

Smoking mj, meaningless sex, and playing video games is what youth is for. College if you have time left over.

Well, I can offer only that when I was in college (and grad school), my prioritization of those activities was the opposite of what you've depicted. My prioritization may have had something to do with why,less than a decade after finishing college, I was self-employed and thriving quite nicely for it. That's not to say the prioritization you suggest cannot yield similar or better results, but rather that I'm not aware of how to make that approach do so.

You should have taken that one semester class on sense of humor. It would have served you well during life.

Perhaps. You should have put "LOL" or something more or less like it amidst your comments, and I'd have known or had some idea that you were being facetious, joking, or whatever. Sorry to have to say that, but far too many posters here write things that are patently absurd and they appear to actually mean that foolishness. I've gotten to the point I no longer take for granted that a poster cannot truly mean the stuff they write, no matter how ridiculous it and they would have to be for that to be so.

Thus, I'm sorry I didn't realize you were just kidding, but I didn't. Hopefully you better now understand why.

Xelor, why do you post like you are a robot from another galaxy?

One reason is so I can get individuals to reply to me often enough that I can confidently determine they have nothing of merit to say, in which case I can stop reading their posts and no longer reply to them.
Thank god marijuana is becoming legal everywhere, slacker time just isn't the same as when you can light up a fatty. Smoking mj, meaningless sex, and playing video games is what youth is for. College if you have time left over.

Smoking mj, meaningless sex, and playing video games is what youth is for. College if you have time left over.

Well, I can offer only that when I was in college (and grad school), my prioritization of those activities was the opposite of what you've depicted. My prioritization may have had something to do with why,less than a decade after finishing college, I was self-employed and thriving quite nicely for it. That's not to say the prioritization you suggest cannot yield similar or better results, but rather that I'm not aware of how to make that approach do so.

You should have taken that one semester class on sense of humor. It would have served you well during life.

Perhaps. You should have put "LOL" or something more or less like it amidst your comments, and I'd have known or had some idea that you were being facetious, joking, or whatever. Sorry to have to say that, but far too many posters here write things that are patently absurd and they appear to actually mean that foolishness. I've gotten to the point I no longer take for granted that a poster cannot truly mean the stuff they write, no matter how ridiculous it and they would have to be for that to be so.

Thus, I'm sorry I didn't realize you were just kidding, but I didn't. Hopefully you better now understand why.

"far too many posters here write things that are patently absurd and they appear to actually mean that foolishness."

Say no more I can't argue with that!

Yes it was meant to be humorous.

FWIW and to expound on my apology, I should have watched the video clip you included in your post. I didn't, and that's my fault. Had I, I would have realized you were kidding. That video is as good as an "LOL."
They're screwed!

But then again, every generation since the Boomers have been somewhat screwed.

It's almost as if the entire purpose of the human experiment was to see to it that we Boomers had the best of everything.
You guys carry a lot of political clout, but you're dying off. Soon us GenXers will take over.
Holy crap...what a bunch of roast beef sandwiches.

Most millennials are finding it hard to transition into adulthood, report finds

By his twenties, Kyle Kaylor imagined he would be living on his own, nearing a college degree, and on his way to a job that fulfilled him.

Instead, at 21, he found himself out of school, living with his parents, and "stuck" working as a manager at a fast food restaurant scraping to make hand-to-mouth.

Launching into adulthood has been tricky, he said.

"It became too difficult financially to be in school and not working," says Kaylor, who dropped out of Lincoln Christian University, in Illinois, after one semester because of a money crunch. "And without schooling, you can't get a job that you can survive on, so I had to move back home," he said.

The part about not being able to get a good job without collage is the reason these kids are so fucked up. They grow up with lazy fucking parents getting told they will always win if they get good grades and go to collage. Honestly, this kid has it so hard because he is a pussy. All of the unemployed people I know are collage grads to some degree. All of them found a way to survive. This young man lives at his moms out of lasyness and nothing more. Screw this crying little bastard .
It looks like many a millennial will be suffering from PTSD as they grow older due to their own ineptness brought on by liberal brainwashing. I expect a horde of false 'GoFundMe' pages in social media in the near future. !

Why don't "Conservative" businessmen demand that the universities give out a degree where the student only takes job-related subjects? Also, they are hypocrites if they do any recruiting at all at Berkeley and the other Social Justice Warlord havens. The non-involved students must pay the price for letting Commie scum take over in those cells.
25% of millenials living at home do not work or study!

Could be time to reinstate the draft, especially with NoKo in the eventual crosshairs.
Students Are Special Snowflakes Too Precious to Send to War

Eliminate the 2-S deferment; the draftdodging brownnoses can go to college after they've done their patriotic duty. Such at class-biased deferment really proved how unnatural unpaid educations is; the rulers had to threaten death in Vietnam to anyone who wouldn't submit to that unfunded mandate.
They're screwed!

But then again, every generation since the Boomers have been somewhat screwed.

It's almost as if the entire purpose of the human experiment was to see to it that we Boomers had the best of everything.
You guys carry a lot of political clout, but you're dying off. Soon us GenXers will take over.
Cut Us Some Slacker

We call them Generation X because they never ask why.

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