Most Conservatives Still Believe The Civil War Wasn't Over Slavery


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
Civil War still divides Americans

So after 150 years, the majority of conservatives still believe the Civil War wasn't over slavery?

Why is this? Why do they believe the "States Rights" claim is sufficient enough to shield them from the fact that -- those states rights were those states preserving the right to maintain slavery -- so either way you slice it, the civil war was over slavery --

This is why whenever I see a conservative twisting themselves into pretzels to claim otherwise --- it makes their subsequent claims of not being racist look foolish.

Next time conservatives want to pretend that the Civil War wasn't over slavery -- they better travel back in time and tell all of those southern states to stop telling everyone it was over slavery
Civil War still divides Americans

So after 150 years, the majority of conservatives still believe the Civil War wasn't over slavery?

Why is this? Why do they believe the "States Rights" claim is sufficient enough to shield them from the fact that -- those states rights were those states preserving the right to maintain slavery -- so either way you slice it, the civil war was over slavery --

This is why whenever I see a conservative twisting themselves into pretzels to claim otherwise --- it makes their subsequent claims of not being racist look foolish.

Next time conservatives want to pretend that the Civil War wasn't over slavery -- they better travel back in time and tell all of those southern states to stop telling everyone it was over slavery

Oh you mean the democrat war to kill their fellow countrymen rather than give up their slaves, right?
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The civil war was about "keeping the Nation together" and exercising executive power that didnt exist.
Secession was about slavery.
Lincoln didnt give a shit about the slaves, he just didnt want it to SPREAD. He wanted to keep it where it was.
Well, let's be precise, when you say "Civil War" are you referring to the war itself or to southern secession? The two are linked, obviously, but they each have different causes.
What was the difference?
Well the first wave of secession was obviously primarily related to fears about slavery, but the second wave after Fort Sumter was due to Lincoln's policies in response to Fort Sumter. Then the Civil War itself was based on Lincoln's desire to force the southern states to remain in the Union, and as he himself favored an amendment explicitly enshrining slavery as a constitutional right it would be incorrect to say that the Civil War was fought over slavery.
Yea, the only thing an intelligent person has to do is read the fucking letters the southern states (confederacy) wrote explaining why they were seceding. Then read the speeches from the president and vice president of the confederacy to know why they were going to war.
The Civil War was fought over several issues, slavery being one but not the main one. More over state's rights.

A very small percentage of Southerners owned slaves.
Yea, the only thing an intelligent person has to do is read the fucking letters the southern states (confederacy) wrote explaining why they were seceding. Then read the speeches from the president and vice president of the confederacy to know why they were going to war.
Well if you read Davis's inaugural address he states, "our true policy is peace, and the freest trade which our necessities will permit." So it's not quite that simple.

Jefferson Davis' First Inaugural Address | The Papers of Jefferson Davis | Rice University
Well, let's be precise, when you say "Civil War" are you referring to the war itself or to southern secession? The two are linked, obviously, but they each have different causes.
I don't think they had different causes, they seceded because they wanted to control their own economy, and slavery was a part of their economy, although not all slave states seceded.

Although I guess an argument could be made that the right to secede was invoked, the reasons for it were tied to slavery.
Civil War still divides Americans

So after 150 years, the majority of conservatives still believe the Civil War wasn't over slavery?

Why is this? Why do they believe the "States Rights" claim is sufficient enough to shield them from the fact that -- those states rights were those states preserving the right to maintain slavery -- so either way you slice it, the civil war was over slavery --

This is why whenever I see a conservative twisting themselves into pretzels to claim otherwise --- it makes their subsequent claims of not being racist look foolish.

Next time conservatives want to pretend that the Civil War wasn't over slavery -- they better travel back in time and tell all of those southern states to stop telling everyone it was over slavery
Americans, and clearly that means white Americans, are simply dishonest about race.

At no time in this country's history did white American believe that blacks were "that bad off", including during the height of Jim Crow atrocities.

It continues that way today, in where white Americans don't think that blacks "have it that bad" and firmly believe that it's WORSE to be CALLED racist than to have ACTUAL racism occur.

Conservatives are largely white, so....that's the long and short of it.
Civil War still divides Americans

So after 150 years, the majority of conservatives still believe the Civil War wasn't over slavery?

Why is this? Why do they believe the "States Rights" claim is sufficient enough to shield them from the fact that -- those states rights were those states preserving the right to maintain slavery -- so either way you slice it, the civil war was over slavery --

This is why whenever I see a conservative twisting themselves into pretzels to claim otherwise --- it makes their subsequent claims of not being racist look foolish.

Next time conservatives want to pretend that the Civil War wasn't over slavery -- they better travel back in time and tell all of those southern states to stop telling everyone it was over slavery
Sounds like the Conservatives have read history and understand the times. You, not so much.
Civil War still divides Americans

So after 150 years, the majority of conservatives still believe the Civil War wasn't over slavery?

Why is this? Why do they believe the "States Rights" claim is sufficient enough to shield them from the fact that -- those states rights were those states preserving the right to maintain slavery -- so either way you slice it, the civil war was over slavery --

This is why whenever I see a conservative twisting themselves into pretzels to claim otherwise --- it makes their subsequent claims of not being racist look foolish.

Next time conservatives want to pretend that the Civil War wasn't over slavery -- they better travel back in time and tell all of those southern states to stop telling everyone it was over slavery
It wasn't! It was about the Damn Yankees takin' our 'propty without payin' us fer it. You cudda had em. Trust me. (-:
Well, let's be precise, when you say "Civil War" are you referring to the war itself or to southern secession? The two are linked, obviously, but they each have different causes.
I don't think they had different causes, they seceded because they wanted to control their own economy, and slavery was a part of their economy, although not all slave states seceded.

Although I guess an argument could be made that the right to secede was invoked, the reasons for it were tied to slavery.
That's essentially what I just said. The deep south seceded primarily over slavery. After Fort Sumter states like Virginia seceded due to Lincoln's response. But that's different from why the Civil War was fought.
There were lot's of issues that led to the Civil War. But the one that people were most passonate about was slavery.
Civil War still divides Americans

So after 150 years, the majority of conservatives still believe the Civil War wasn't over slavery?

Why is this? Why do they believe the "States Rights" claim is sufficient enough to shield them from the fact that -- those states rights were those states preserving the right to maintain slavery -- so either way you slice it, the civil war was over slavery --

This is why whenever I see a conservative twisting themselves into pretzels to claim otherwise --- it makes their subsequent claims of not being racist look foolish.

Next time conservatives want to pretend that the Civil War wasn't over slavery -- they better travel back in time and tell all of those southern states to stop telling everyone it was over slavery
Americans, and clearly that means white Americans, are simply dishonest about race.

At no time in this country's history did white American believe that blacks were "that bad off", including during the height of Jim Crow atrocities.

It continues that way today, in where white Americans don't think that blacks "have it that bad" and firmly believe that it's WORSE to be CALLED racist than to have ACTUAL racism occur.

Conservatives are largely white, so....that's the long and short of it.

Yeah and blacks are some of the biggest racists on the planet.

That's really the long and short of it
Well, let's be precise, when you say "Civil War" are you referring to the war itself or to southern secession? The two are linked, obviously, but they each have different causes.
I don't think they had different causes, they seceded because they wanted to control their own economy, and slavery was a part of their economy, although not all slave states seceded.

Although I guess an argument could be made that the right to secede was invoked, the reasons for it were tied to slavery.
That's essentially what I just said. The deep south seceded primarily over slavery. After Fort Sumter states like Virginia seceded due to Lincoln's response. But that's different from why the Civil War was fought.
But then slave states like Maryland, Kentucky and Missouri didn't secede, so it might be partially geographical and strategic.

The questions are, what if states would have tried seceding at another time in history over something else? Obviously the Civil War set some precedents.
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