Moslem Forces Retake Ramadi From ISIL Secular Kamikazes! GOP Likely To Lose Elections!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
So the Republicans have pinned their election chances on hatreds of blacks Hispanics, women, the disabled, the refugees: And importantly, hatreds of the great Obama Administration allies, the 1.5 bil. Moslems of the planet. Now Those allies have taken back Ramadi, in Iraq!

Iraqi army declares first major victory over Islamic State in Ramadi

The Republicans already have an albatross(?), Donald Trump, dragging them down. The referenced hated universally look with disdain on a Trump national election campaign. That dims Republican chances for Congressional and Senate election wins already. The top seat would be likely already lost, even in December 2016--not to mention December, 2017. Then there are the state and local election losses.

The Republicans likely won't even let the Moslems celebrate their victory, over the ISIL Secular Kamikazes, from even rooftops, in New Jersey(?)! Where are they likely to go--if not straight into the voting booths, to vote straight Democratic Party?

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Even Trump knows it! The rule the Republicans are not following is, "Location, Location, Location!" That can actually win(?)!)
So the Republicans have pinned their election chances on hatreds of blacks Hispanics, women, the disabled, the refugees: And importantly, hatreds of the great Obama Administration allies, the 1.5 bil. Moslems of the planet. Now Those allies have taken back Ramadi, in Iraq!

Iraqi army declares first major victory over Islamic State in Ramadi

The Republicans already have an albatross(?), Donald Trump, dragging them down. The referenced hated universally look with disdain on a Trump national election campaign. That dims Republican chances for Congressional and Senate election wins already. The top seat would be likely already lost, even in December 2016--not to mention December, 2017. Then there are the state and local election losses.

The Republicans likely won't even let the Moslems celebrate their victory, over the ISIL Secular Kamikazes, from even rooftops, in New Jersey(?)! Where are they likely to go--if not straight into the voting booths, to vote straight Democratic Party?

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Even Trump knows it! The rule the Republicans are not following is, "Location, Location, Location!" That can actually win(?)!)
What is the connection of Republicans to fighting in Ramadi?
So the Republicans have pinned their election chances on hatreds of blacks Hispanics, women, the disabled, the refugees: And importantly, hatreds of the great Obama Administration allies, the 1.5 bil. Moslems of the planet. Now Those allies have taken back Ramadi, in Iraq!

Iraqi army declares first major victory over Islamic State in Ramadi

The Republicans already have an albatross(?), Donald Trump, dragging them down. The referenced hated universally look with disdain on a Trump national election campaign. That dims Republican chances for Congressional and Senate election wins already. The top seat would be likely already lost, even in December 2016--not to mention December, 2017. Then there are the state and local election losses.

The Republicans likely won't even let the Moslems celebrate their victory, over the ISIL Secular Kamikazes, from even rooftops, in New Jersey(?)! Where are they likely to go--if not straight into the voting booths, to vote straight Democratic Party?

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Even Trump knows it! The rule the Republicans are not following is, "Location, Location, Location!" That can actually win(?)!)

In the most recent Public Policy Polling poll, all kinds of tides are turning liberal, as of Dec. 21. There is, however, consternation about whether or not Santa Claus is a Republican or a Democrat--understanding about seasonal polling, (Dec. 22). It is noted below that the favorability of ACA may now put Obama in the running as a viable replacement!
Another such issue is raising the minimum wage. 72% of voters nationally support increasing the minimum wage to at least $10 an hour, with only 15% believing that it's fine where it is and 9% wanting to eliminate the minimum wage altogether. Even among Republicans there's 57% support for an increase to at least $10 an hour.

The Affordable Care Act continues to become less and less of a political liability for Democrats. We find 41% of voters supporting it now, to only 39% who are opposed. One thing that's really changed is the level of intensity about the issue on each side. It used to be that Republicans were considerably more united in their opposition to it than Democrats were in their support, but that's flipped and now 71% of Democrats are in favor of it to only 64% of Republicans who are against it.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Tiny mind, cerebral low-energy Trump brand: Maybe soon not to appear at all invincible(?), or even viable!)
What is the connection of Republicans to fighting in Ramadi?

Republicans will do anything to stop Obama from looking good.

The liberation of Ramadi makes Obama look good.

Hence, Republicans don't know whether to be happy or sad over the liberation of Ramadi. How can Republicans scare their base about ISIS if ISIS keeps losing?

I suggest all Republicans check with their masters to get the official PartyLine. You wouldn't want to be out of step with the rest of the herd.
What is the connection of Republicans to fighting in Ramadi?

Republicans will do anything to stop Obama from looking good.

The liberation of Ramadi makes Obama look good.

Hence, Republicans don't know whether to be happy or sad over the liberation of Ramadi. How can Republicans scare their base about ISIS if ISIS keeps losing?

I suggest all Republicans check with their masters to get the official PartyLine. You wouldn't want to be out of step with the rest of the herd.
What does Obama have to do with Ramadi? He sends airplanes to bomb supposed ISIS fighters. We don't have any boots on the ground to confirm either their presence or their deaths.That's why we need boots on the ground. To mop up. That's what makes Obama look like the babbling fool he is. He isn't using proven military tactics. He's playing soldier.
So the Republicans have pinned their election chances on hatreds of blacks Hispanics, women, the disabled, the refugees: And importantly, hatreds of the great Obama Administration allies, the 1.5 bil. Moslems of the planet. Now Those allies have taken back Ramadi, in Iraq!

Iraqi army declares first major victory over Islamic State in Ramadi

The Republicans already have an albatross(?), Donald Trump, dragging them down. The referenced hated universally look with disdain on a Trump national election campaign. That dims Republican chances for Congressional and Senate election wins already. The top seat would be likely already lost, even in December 2016--not to mention December, 2017. Then there are the state and local election losses.

The Republicans likely won't even let the Moslems celebrate their victory, over the ISIL Secular Kamikazes, from even rooftops, in New Jersey(?)! Where are they likely to go--if not straight into the voting booths, to vote straight Democratic Party?

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Even Trump knows it! The rule the Republicans are not following is, "Location, Location, Location!" That can actually win(?)!)
How far is Ramadi from Baghdad, you fucking moron?
Ten thousand Iraqi ragheads take 18 months to finally (almost) kick three hundred Isis ragheads out of a shithole town. Big whoop.
Thank God ricky ricardo didnt get his way with more troops in iraq to get killed for nothing.
So the Republicans have pinned their election chances on hatreds of blacks Hispanics, women, the disabled, the refugees: And importantly, hatreds of the great Obama Administration allies, the 1.5 bil. Moslems of the planet. Now Those allies have taken back Ramadi, in Iraq!

Iraqi army declares first major victory over Islamic State in Ramadi

The Republicans already have an albatross(?), Donald Trump, dragging them down. The referenced hated universally look with disdain on a Trump national election campaign. That dims Republican chances for Congressional and Senate election wins already. The top seat would be likely already lost, even in December 2016--not to mention December, 2017. Then there are the state and local election losses.

The Republicans likely won't even let the Moslems celebrate their victory, over the ISIL Secular Kamikazes, from even rooftops, in New Jersey(?)! Where are they likely to go--if not straight into the voting booths, to vote straight Democratic Party?

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Even Trump knows it! The rule the Republicans are not following is, "Location, Location, Location!" That can actually win(?)!)

You might want to bookmark this post. The election will be won by the republicans on the economy, every reputable financial advisor is telling people to get the hell out of the markets. They expect a crash that will dwarf 2007 by spring.
The origins of Old Testament histories are sometimes alleged to be collections of oral tradition stories, written down by Moses. Even in New Testament, Acts 7:22, Moses is described as an educated man, skilled in the ways of Egypt. Not so-stated, and in the Roman Empire, Moses is truthfully an educated man of the Imperialist household of Pharoah, skilled in all their ways of subjugation--following good, wholesome, Christian traditions(?). The translation gets stretched, but not the context of the written histories. Later on, out of Nazareth would arise the various rules of Christian enslavement. Following now are the New Secular Kamikaze rules of that order of enslavement. 1 Timothy 6:1 Likely has lots of interpretations(?).

To anyone following a particular religion, it is no surprise to anyone religious that ISIL has written down rules for enslavement of women. The antiquity-based religions all have rules and concepts about subjugations. Now in the modern times, with ISIL, there is none of the old, "Die for ISIL and go to heaven to live among virgins." The Secular version has a more immediate, secular concept. Going back to the Quran, ISIL has new rules for treating women. These also include new rules of their own making!
Exclusive: Seized documents reveal Islamic State's Department of War Spoils

Anyone is reminded that Evangelicals are attracted to the Republican Party, generally Christian Protestants. Christianity is a splintered faith--easily said reliant on the several brands of the original Subjugation Rules of the original, Moses Atrocity. The Atrocities are in code in the First Five, of the Old Testament books.

Like the Moslems: The Christians even collect money--if not by raiding the sites of the antiquities. The Christian Evangelicals are likely discovering Hulu, and anything else they can conquer, even now! Probably they cite something from Book of Revelations. There is no clear description of how ISIL regards the complex Sociology of the Christian, Protestant, Evangelicals. "Nutcase" probably applies(?)! Secular ISIL has slaves. What do the Evangelicals have to offer(?)!

The origins of deity appear in a far less mechanized Western Civilization, even oblivious to advances in China even then. Now that actual Moslem fundamentalists--including both Shia and Sunni--have combined in opposition to Secular, ISIL rules: Then any identity of ISIL as Moslem is clearly false. The rules of convenience,now shown on paper as the new Caliphate priorities: Are actually Quran re-written--which happens(?). . . .In lots of Churches(?)! The re-capture of Ramadi--even happened during the weekend of the Universal Peace Holiday, surrounding December 25--of Roman Fertility origins(?)! Moslems captured territory back from the more obscure,Secular organization. The rules of that organization, themselves have to be captured. They are not for sale in the local bookstores, probably even in Iowa. They are apparently not even offered for free!?! Bibles, admittedly, are often like that(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations: Not Claiming Virgins, for sale(?)!)
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So the Republicans have pinned their election chances on hatreds of blacks Hispanics, women, the disabled, the refugees: And importantly, hatreds of the great Obama Administration allies, the 1.5 bil. Moslems of the planet. Now Those allies have taken back Ramadi, in Iraq!

Iraqi army declares first major victory over Islamic State in Ramadi

The Republicans already have an albatross(?), Donald Trump, dragging them down. The referenced hated universally look with disdain on a Trump national election campaign. That dims Republican chances for Congressional and Senate election wins already. The top seat would be likely already lost, even in December 2016--not to mention December, 2017. Then there are the state and local election losses.

The Republicans likely won't even let the Moslems celebrate their victory, over the ISIL Secular Kamikazes, from even rooftops, in New Jersey(?)! Where are they likely to go--if not straight into the voting booths, to vote straight Democratic Party?

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Even Trump knows it! The rule the Republicans are not following is, "Location, Location, Location!" That can actually win(?)!)
WTF are "Moslem" forces?
So the Republicans have pinned their election chances on hatreds of blacks Hispanics, women, the disabled, the refugees: And importantly, hatreds of the great Obama Administration allies, the 1.5 bil. Moslems of the planet. Now Those allies have taken back Ramadi, in Iraq!

Iraqi army declares first major victory over Islamic State in Ramadi

The Republicans already have an albatross(?), Donald Trump, dragging them down. The referenced hated universally look with disdain on a Trump national election campaign. That dims Republican chances for Congressional and Senate election wins already. The top seat would be likely already lost, even in December 2016--not to mention December, 2017. Then there are the state and local election losses.

The Republicans likely won't even let the Moslems celebrate their victory, over the ISIL Secular Kamikazes, from even rooftops, in New Jersey(?)! Where are they likely to go--if not straight into the voting booths, to vote straight Democratic Party?

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Even Trump knows it! The rule the Republicans are not following is, "Location, Location, Location!" That can actually win(?)!)
See these idiots. They can't deny what you are saying so they attack you. I posted a history leading up to it in:
OMG! Obama leading from behind -----> and winning! | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
And the don't even bother trying to argue, just attack.

How about this statement from Hossfly:
We don't have any boots on the ground to confirm either their presence or their deaths.

Why are Republicans so sick, they feel we should have boots on the ground no matter what?
There is widely noted skill in having held back Shia Moslem forces, upgrading instead the Sunni Moslem forces. Both brands were opposed to the Secular, Kamikaze, ISIL brand. The Middle Eastern Civilizations tend to antiquity in basis. Clearly a more diplomatic way of life is required, different from how Bush-Cheney-Trump-Ryan-Cruz-Rubio-Christie-Fiorina-Kasich-Paul-Paul, appear likely to do things. Probably Senator Graham had the combined version right! "Kill them all!" and while using four-letter, and other words, to boot! Republican diplomatic efforts in the Middle East have been noted far different, now, for nearly two decades.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Many young warriors die worldwide before age six months. Coitus therein shown, not on Lands of Many Nations, and unnatural act! Many buy party dresses instead, it is thought such a wonderful thing(?)!)
So the Republicans have pinned their election chances on hatreds of blacks Hispanics, women, the disabled, the refugees: And importantly, hatreds of the great Obama Administration allies, the 1.5 bil. Moslems of the planet. Now Those allies have taken back Ramadi, in Iraq!

Iraqi army declares first major victory over Islamic State in Ramadi

The Republicans already have an albatross(?), Donald Trump, dragging them down. The referenced hated universally look with disdain on a Trump national election campaign. That dims Republican chances for Congressional and Senate election wins already. The top seat would be likely already lost, even in December 2016--not to mention December, 2017. Then there are the state and local election losses.

The Republicans likely won't even let the Moslems celebrate their victory, over the ISIL Secular Kamikazes, from even rooftops, in New Jersey(?)! Where are they likely to go--if not straight into the voting booths, to vote straight Democratic Party?

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Even Trump knows it! The rule the Republicans are not following is, "Location, Location, Location!" That can actually win(?)!)


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