More winning-Obamacare on the ropes

Only those on the reprehensible right would perceive millions of Americans losing access to affordable health care "winning."

If the ACA was affordable you might have a point, but since it isn't, I'm not sure what your point is other than your usual babbling partisan asshattery.
Only those on the reprehensible right would perceive millions of Americans losing access to affordable health care "winning."

If the ACA was affordable you might have a point, but since it isn't, I'm not sure what your point is other than your usual babbling partisan asshattery.

Obamacare was such a great idea they had to set fines for people who didnt see its greatness.
more than two weeks out and no grand plan from the cheeto

and really supporting a child rapist who has all these peddie friends?

Remember when you said Trump wasnt *really* anti-abortion and nothing would come of his rhetoric? Remember when you said he wasnt really out to end Obamacare it was just rhetoric?
The de-obamafication of America continues. We all knew Obamacare was unconstitutional.

Obamacare in Jeopardy as Appeals Court Hears Case Backed by Trump

Yeah, a great idea but probably unconstitutional.

Still though, Donald might not want to get the courts all riled up on non-liberal constitutional interpretations of executive powers so I don't know if I'd call it winning.

Unless you want hospitals to throw those who can't pay out in the street still bleeding more than you want a border wall or tanks at a parade.
Hospitals don’t throw people out! They find alternative ways to treat! Please fking stop misrepresenting medical procedures

They tell one to follow up with a family doctor after they take care of your emergency.

So? That's a perfectly reasonable protocol.
The de-obamafication of America continues. We all knew Obamacare was unconstitutional.

Obamacare in Jeopardy as Appeals Court Hears Case Backed by Trump

Yeah, a great idea but probably unconstitutional.

Still though, Donald might not want to get the courts all riled up on non-liberal constitutional interpretations of executive powers so I don't know if I'd call it winning.

Unless you want hospitals to throw those who can't pay out in the street still bleeding more than you want a border wall or tanks at a parade.
Hospitals don’t throw people out! They find alternative ways to treat! Please fking stop misrepresenting medical procedures

They tell one to follow up with a family doctor after they take care of your emergency.

So? That's a perfectly reasonable protocol.

Yes it is , but most people on the ACA will not have ins. So once again its to the ER and only ER.
The de-obamafication of America continues. We all knew Obamacare was unconstitutional.

Obamacare in Jeopardy as Appeals Court Hears Case Backed by Trump

Yeah, a great idea but probably unconstitutional.

Still though, Donald might not want to get the courts all riled up on non-liberal constitutional interpretations of executive powers so I don't know if I'd call it winning.

Unless you want hospitals to throw those who can't pay out in the street still bleeding more than you want a border wall or tanks at a parade.
Hospitals don’t throw people out! They find alternative ways to treat! Please fking stop misrepresenting medical procedures

They tell one to follow up with a family doctor after they take care of your emergency.

So? That's a perfectly reasonable protocol.

Yes it is , but most people on the ACA will not have ins. So once again its to the ER and only ER.

That is utter nonsense. A lot of people on ACA used to have private insurance but lost it due to ObabbleCare which forced them onto the system. There are also plenty of free clinics that see poor people. The ACA is just expensive (and actually unusuable) insurance. It is not health care. Health care options pre-existed the ACA, and will out last it.
Yeah, a great idea but probably unconstitutional.

Still though, Donald might not want to get the courts all riled up on non-liberal constitutional interpretations of executive powers so I don't know if I'd call it winning.

Unless you want hospitals to throw those who can't pay out in the street still bleeding more than you want a border wall or tanks at a parade.
Hospitals don’t throw people out! They find alternative ways to treat! Please fking stop misrepresenting medical procedures

They tell one to follow up with a family doctor after they take care of your emergency.

So? That's a perfectly reasonable protocol.

Yes it is , but most people on the ACA will not have ins. So once again its to the ER and only ER.

That is utter nonsense. A lot of people on ACA used to have private insurance but lost it due to ObabbleCare which forced them onto the system. There are also plenty of free clinics that see poor people. The ACA is just expensive (and actually unusuable) insurance. It is not health care. Health care options pre-existed the ACA, and will out last it.

You post utter nonsense, many will not be able to afford ins, esp if they have pre-existing conditions. Nope there are more people insurance now thanks to the ACA. The ACA dictates Health ins companies. Lot you know about healthcare, and I suspect nothing.
Hospitals don’t throw people out! They find alternative ways to treat! Please fking stop misrepresenting medical procedures

They tell one to follow up with a family doctor after they take care of your emergency.

So? That's a perfectly reasonable protocol.

Yes it is , but most people on the ACA will not have ins. So once again its to the ER and only ER.

That is utter nonsense. A lot of people on ACA used to have private insurance but lost it due to ObabbleCare which forced them onto the system. There are also plenty of free clinics that see poor people. The ACA is just expensive (and actually unusuable) insurance. It is not health care. Health care options pre-existed the ACA, and will out last it.

You post utter nonsense, many will not be able to afford ins, esp if they have pre-existing conditions. Nope there are more people insurance now thanks to the ACA. The ACA dictates Health ins companies.

Many people on ACA can't afford it: high premiums, high deductibles and high co-pays combined with doctors quitting medicine due to the ACA make it Fake Insurance.
The de-obamafication of America continues. We all knew Obamacare was unconstitutional.

Obamacare in Jeopardy as Appeals Court Hears Case Backed by Trump

Yeah, a great idea but probably unconstitutional.

Still though, Donald might not want to get the courts all riled up on non-liberal constitutional interpretations of executive powers so I don't know if I'd call it winning.

Unless you want hospitals to throw those who can't pay out in the street still bleeding more than you want a border wall or tanks at a parade.

Hospitals can now bill Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama for indigent medical care. They are very concerned with it.
Yeah, a great idea but probably unconstitutional.

Still though, Donald might not want to get the courts all riled up on non-liberal constitutional interpretations of executive powers so I don't know if I'd call it winning.

Unless you want hospitals to throw those who can't pay out in the street still bleeding more than you want a border wall or tanks at a parade.
Hospitals don’t throw people out! They find alternative ways to treat! Please fking stop misrepresenting medical procedures

They tell one to follow up with a family doctor after they take care of your emergency.

So? That's a perfectly reasonable protocol.

Yes it is , but most people on the ACA will not have ins. So once again its to the ER and only ER.

That is utter nonsense. A lot of people on ACA used to have private insurance but lost it due to ObabbleCare which forced them onto the system. There are also plenty of free clinics that see poor people. The ACA is just expensive (and actually unusuable) insurance. It is not health care. Health care options pre-existed the ACA, and will out last it.

I cant remember the exact figures but there was a guy in the Northeast destroyed by Obamacare. Previously he had spent 600 every few months for injections in his knee to keep working. After being forced onto Obamacare he paid like 600 per month with a ten thousand dollar deductible and could no longer afford the injections.
Hospitals don’t throw people out! They find alternative ways to treat! Please fking stop misrepresenting medical procedures

They tell one to follow up with a family doctor after they take care of your emergency.

So? That's a perfectly reasonable protocol.

Yes it is , but most people on the ACA will not have ins. So once again its to the ER and only ER.

That is utter nonsense. A lot of people on ACA used to have private insurance but lost it due to ObabbleCare which forced them onto the system. There are also plenty of free clinics that see poor people. The ACA is just expensive (and actually unusuable) insurance. It is not health care. Health care options pre-existed the ACA, and will out last it.

I cant remember the exact figures but there was a guy in the Northeast destroyed by Obamacare. Previously he had spent 600 every few months for injections in his knee to keep working. After being forced onto Obamacare he paid like 600 per month with a ten thousand dollar deductible and could no longer afford the injections.

And that is the Calculus of Obamacare in a nutshell: make the insurance for which people pay too expensive to use...and then use their payments to subsidize freeloaders.
The de-obamafication of America continues. We all knew Obamacare was unconstitutional.

Obamacare in Jeopardy as Appeals Court Hears Case Backed by Trump

Yeah, a great idea but probably unconstitutional.

Still though, Donald might not want to get the courts all riled up on non-liberal constitutional interpretations of executive powers so I don't know if I'd call it winning.

Unless you want hospitals to throw those who can't pay out in the street still bleeding more than you want a border wall or tanks at a parade.
Some other arrangements must be made-we can't go on this way. How are the Dems coming with their fix as promised in the 2018 elections?
Trump’s still president
The Dems said they would fix what the Republicans did not-where is it? Or did they over promise?
Impeach 45
omg trump supporters worried about the funny

and really of all people should just be quiet....tell me again that you no longer concern yourself with politics...go on lie to me like trump does

Yep worried anti Americans like you take control! Just remember that fkwad. You hate Americans right?
The de-obamafication of America continues. We all knew Obamacare was unconstitutional.

Obamacare in Jeopardy as Appeals Court Hears Case Backed by Trump

Yeah, a great idea but probably unconstitutional.

Still though, Donald might not want to get the courts all riled up on non-liberal constitutional interpretations of executive powers so I don't know if I'd call it winning.

Unless you want hospitals to throw those who can't pay out in the street still bleeding more than you want a border wall or tanks at a parade.
Some other arrangements must be made-we can't go on this way. How are the Dems coming with their fix as promised in the 2018 elections?
Trump’s still president
The Dems said they would fix what the Republicans did not-where is it? Or did they over promise?
Impeach 45
Not happening-this term.
Yeah, a great idea but probably unconstitutional.

Still though, Donald might not want to get the courts all riled up on non-liberal constitutional interpretations of executive powers so I don't know if I'd call it winning.

Unless you want hospitals to throw those who can't pay out in the street still bleeding more than you want a border wall or tanks at a parade.
Some other arrangements must be made-we can't go on this way. How are the Dems coming with their fix as promised in the 2018 elections?
Trump’s still president
The Dems said they would fix what the Republicans did not-where is it? Or did they over promise?
Impeach 45
Not happening-this term.

Not ever happening. The dems never mentioned it in their debate. Nor Mueller. Thats just red meat to keep their Communist base riled up.

Regime change begins at home: Communist Party USA
The wealthy like Tramp help pay for the ACA and they do not want their money to go to paupers or low lifes, the poor who have pre-existing conditions and those who make under 100 grand a year with 2 kids.

He serves the RICH, which means, only people that can pay a high price for healthcare deserve it, and the rest are fed the crumbs.

He would rather walk over one dying than give a red cent of his money. The greed at the top is atrocious.

Doctors paid a lot of money to become doctors. Medicine is not free. Grow up, Tompkins.
Only those on the reprehensible right would perceive millions of Americans losing access to affordable health care "winning."
Problem is people that want nothing to do with it, certainly cannot benefit from it, and cannot afford it or forced into the shit. How are you going to pay for the shit? That’s all socialism is is one thing after another forced on people that want nothing to do with it...

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