More white Europeans were taken as slaves to Africa than blacks taken to America as slaves.

And another idiot.........Colin Powell had it offered on a silver platter but he turned it down......

Any conservative black American could become President with republicans voting for him idiot. We vote policies, not race...unlike the democrats.
So now not elected blacks count as elected??

Sure, but repubs do it to limit the strength of the black vote.
Actually Democrats are much more aggressive with this. There isn't anyone who knows more about this than this guy. Audio and text in the link.

Ryan Girdusky On Redistricting And The 2022 Midterms​

You have absolutelly not any idea why and what the USA had done in case of the Bey of Algier and how they stopped this criminals, isn't it? I would say still today this is a good reason for Europe to be thankful to the USA.
All the infant US navy did was stop the Bey of Algiers from preying on AMERICAN ships. The Barbary Pirates still preyed on the ships of weaker or less resolute nations.
All the infant US navy did was stop the Bey of Algiers from preying on AMERICAN ships. The Barbary Pirates still preyed on the ships of weaker or less resolute nations.

Nevertheless this was the point which started to change the "status quo". This "infant" ships were more than only a little problem for this extremly cruel and brutal criminal kidnappers and slave traders.
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Nevertheless this was the point which started to change the "status quo". This "infant" ships were more than only a little problem for this extremly cruel and brutal criminal kidnappers and slave traders.
The British and French had long before used the same logic on the Barbary Pirates. That’s why their ships were usually not bothered. The Bey preyed on ships from weak countries.
The British and French had long before used the same logic on the Barbary Pirates.

No! The Brits for sure - but I guess also the French - had no slaves in their own country. The new modern slavery had been an effect of colonialism ... and is for example also today a reason why still people are fighting against Capitalism. They - and I - say a "killer instinct capitalism" is [still] without any scruple because not even animals have really such a "killer instinct" but only another way to eat their steaks for to be alive.

That’s why their ships were usually not bothered.

¿Because they sold slaves as working tools to the USA which had been hunted from Arabs (North Africans) in the more Southern regions of Africa?

The Bey preyed on ships from weak countries.

Every freighter for business is weak. But as far as I know was it also for the Brits and the Frech impossible to attack Algiers. But the USA wan without any big problem. In German means ALL-GIER by the way something like "everything [because of] greed".
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"Racism was gone by the 1980's"? :rofl:

What do you base that inane statement on?
Racism, as a reason for black failure, was pretty much gone by then. It's now just a tattered relic of a bygone day, but still talked about by some who crave the 'goodle days' as if it's alive and well, as well as some who believe they can still get some milk from that dried up teat. ;)
So those mean old savers made us buy those slaves, and beat them, and sell them like animals? We, as a country, didn't want to, but they made us?
Still to dense to get it aren't you------the slaves that wound up in america were the LUCKY ones. Being sent anywhere else was far far worse.
As a fan of Thomas Sowell, a video excerpt of his book ”A Thomas Sowell Reader“ came up in the menu…….in that excerpt he points out

1) slavery was not a race issue

2) more whites were taken as slaves to Africa than blacks were taken to America as slaves

Both of these are true.

Remember….the reason Africans eventually became the slaves of choice in the new world was that they could not escape the way Indians and Europeans could………

Later, to justify their owning slaves, the people who would become the democrat party began to add the racial element to the issue of American slavery……

Christians justified slavery with the story of Ham in the Bible.
Christians justified slavery with the story of Ham in the Bible.

Nope…….God recognized the behavior as part oh human failure and gave rules that freed slaves after 7 years and mandated humane treatment during that period….

And christian republicans fought to end slavery in the U.S. while the democrat party took the country to Civil War to keep blacks as slaves
Nope…….God recognized the behavior as part oh human failure and gave rules that freed slaves after 7 years and mandated humane treatment during that period….

And christian republicans fought to end slavery in the U.S. while the democrat party took the country to Civil War to keep blacks as slaves

God wrote the 10 Commandments

For some reason he neglected to include Slavery
God fucked up the 10 Commandments

Moses endures endless struggles to free Israelites from slavery.

Then when God gives Moses the 10 Commandments, he neglects to say that slavery is bad

Worshiping idols, coveting is bad
But Slavery? Not so much
Hmmmmm…. how is that funny rather than accurate? Slavery is theft.

We know that. The reason they don't want to accept the simplest fact about slavery is because they openly want to enslave anyone who has what they are too stupid or too lazy to go out and get for themselves, and take what they have.


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