More white Europeans were taken as slaves to Africa than blacks taken to America as slaves.

This still justifies nothing.

Who said it did? European and African slavery is something we have had to deal with since the founding of this country........and the main problem we have is the democrat party, the actual political party of racism and slavery, and their current attempts to resegregate this country by race.
we didn't do it....Europeans and Africans brought slaves here...our new country had to deal with what they created.
So those mean old savers made us buy those slaves, and beat them, and sell them like animals? We, as a country, didn't want to, but they made us?
I very much doubt this is true. My quick web search put the number of Africans taken to the US as 10 times the number of Europeans enslaved by Muslims in North Africa.

Wrong......the majority of African slaves were sent not to American colonies, but to the Spanish carribean and south America.........
That isn't true.

Some were, many more were snatched from England and Ireland and slapped in chains for the tobacco plantations,

The white slaves not indentured, who began to arrive here in 1618, included hundreds of children – – waifs and strays – – who had been rounded up from streets of London to serve wealthy farmers in Virginia.

Other slaves came from the ranks of the homeless and the poor, whom King James I held responsible for spreading the plague, and from England’s swelling prison population.

The scheme was supported by James I, who believed the homeless and itinerant of London were spreading plague.

Of the first 300 white slaves to land in Virginia, only 12 managed to survive four years. The others died of ill treatment, disease, attack by native Americans or overwork.

Contemporary records show that one child victim, Elizabeth Abbott, was beaten to death when her master ordered her to be given 500 lashes for running away.

At least 70,000 white men, women, and children from England and Ireland were shipped to the colonies to be sold as slaves on the auction block during the 170 years of British rule.

  1. McCain/Obama’s CIA Responsible For 600 Acts Of Terrorism In Syria: Rothschild Czar Benjamin Netanyahu Prepares To Attack Syria.
White slaves transported to the colonies suffered a staggering loss of life in the 17th and 18th century. During the voyage to America, the white slaves were kept below deck for the entire nine to twelve week journey. They were chained with 50 other men to a board, with padlocked collars around their necks. The weeks of confinement below deck in the ship’s stifling hold often resulted in outbreaks of contagious disease, including cholera and dysentery.

Ships carrying white slaves to America often lost half their slaves to death. According to historian Sharon V. Salinger of the University of California, Riverside, “Scattered data reveal that the mortality for [white] servants at certain times equaled that for [black] slaves in the ‘middle passage,’ and during other periods actually exceeded the death rate for [Black] slaves.”}

You have an agenda, and factual history runs against your agenda.

Such is the case with the myth of "Irish slaves," an ahistorical reimagining of real events weaponized by racists and conspiracy theorists before the Web and now reaching vast new audiences online.

In short, the "Irish slaves" myth argues that the first slaves brought to the Americas were Irish, that they were white, and that this fact, covered up by liberal historians, undermines the legacy of the African slave trade and proves that modern theories of racial inferiority are true.

I don't think what you said was true. It's a lie spread by white supremacists.

Were there white European prisoners who were given the option of going to America? Sure. Were they slaves like black Americans? No.
Here's an interesting supposition by Professor Jason Hill
He believes that slavery was an assumed way of life for those who did not have the Judeo-Christian view, from Genesis, that we were made to be free.

The recent thought-provoking book by Professor Jason D. Hill compares the peoples on the continent of Africa with the Europeans for the purpose of explaining the willful acceptance of slavery by both the former and the latter. It was not that the Africans didn’t have the technology or the weapons to resist slavery imposed on them……it was that they saw no problem with the condition. It was European’s advancement, due to concepts derived from religion, right and wrong, justice, the importance of each human life, that had moved the European from a customization with such a condition.

.Professor Hill writes:

“We must remember that the beginning of African chattel slavery preceded all ideas of race as biological typology and the racism distinctly associated with them. These did not appear in Western culture before the eighteenth century.

In the nineteenth century, German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel noted in his magisterial work, Lectures on the Philosophy of World History, that slavery itself was a necessary stage in historical development made possible by the African indigenes themselves. He notes that, lacking any conception of justice or right, the African evinces a “complete contempt for man and a respect for life itself.”

He goes on to say that “slavery is the basic legal relationship in Africa,” a place where the distinction between master and slave is completely endemic and accepted as natural. For Hegel, in a culture where human life has little or no value, the enslavement of Africans by Europeans is at least partially necessary on the premise that it can educate the African to have consciousness of his freedom.” Jason D. Hill, “What Do White Americans Owe Black People.”

Yep....Western beliefs ended slavery around the world.......there are still 3rd world countries that have slavery, and you have criminals sex slavery and labor slavery, but we are doing our best to stop the leftists and democrats........
So those mean old savers made us buy those slaves, and beat them, and sell them like animals? We, as a country, didn't want to, but they made us?

Nope.....but it was the Europeans and AFricans, and you don't want to bring them up because you simply hate this was the beliefs of our Founders that ended slavery here......and we did it by killing a bunch of democrats who wanted to keep blacks as slaves.

The democrat party was a party created by slave owners and we take down statues to their war heroes, we need to disband the democrat party for the relic to slavery and racism that it the democrat party tries to resegregate our society by race...

Modern Slavery and Woke Hypocrisy :: Gatestone Institute

There are currently an estimated 9.2 million men, women and children living in modern slavery in Africa, according to the Global Slavery Index, which includes forced labor, forced sexual ...

Comment: Where is the outrage?

Modern Slavery and Woke Hypocrisy :: Gatestone Institute

There are currently an estimated 9.2 million men, women and children living in modern slavery in Africa, according to the Global Slavery Index, which includes forced labor, forced sexual ...

Comment: Where is the outrage?

The U.N. is all over this....their soldiers are doing their part by taking up a small portion of the sex slave trade........and their U.N. diplomats are protecting those slave states...

All hail the U.N.
Since it is beyond you......holding America up for condemnation for a universal practice at the time is just dumb....but it is useful for modern day racists and leftists to attack our Constitution, and Bill of Rights......because those things get in their way....
Doesn't matter what the universal practice was at the time. It was wrong, and we did it. Not that long ago, using asbestos was universally accepted, but there are still massive settlements being made for it's use. Smoking was universally accepted. In some cases, it was advertised that doctors recommended one brand over another as much as 10 to 1. Just because something was once accepted doesn't make that thing right.
Doesn't matter what the universal practice was at the time. It was wrong, and we did it. Not that long ago, using asbestos was universally accepted, but there are still massive settlements being made for it's use. Smoking was universally accepted. In some cases, it was advertised that doctors recommended one brand over another as much as 10 to 1. Just because something was once accepted doesn't make that thing right.

They did it over 157 years ago, and our Founding principals ended it....along with shooting several hundred thousand democrat party slave owners.....

You morons want to use a universal practice, ended in this country 157 years ago to tear this country apart.........
What I mean is I doubt you did even a basic search, you just spewed shit.
A new study suggests that a million or more European Christians were enslaved by Muslims in North Africa between 1530 and 1780

according to the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database, 12.5 million Africans were shipped to the New World. 10.7 million survived the dreaded Middle Passage, disembarking in North America, the Caribbean and South America.

I don't spew shit, do you?

The Muslims had been taking slaves from Europe since about 700 AD. They took DOZENS of times more slaves than the short 300 year run of African slavery. And the abduction of whites as slaves continues to this day.
Spewing shit or do you have any supporting documentation?

The most prolific use of slaves was by the Roman Empire, about 99% of their slaves were white, Followed by the Egyptians, who had a mixture of races as slaves. Right behind them is the Muslim Caliphates.
So? What's your point? Are you justifying US slavery?
Why do people feel the need to diminish the horrors of slavery?

In the US is was almost exclusively Blacks that were slaves what does it matter if other countries used White people as slaves?

The fact of the matter is that the slave trade is alive and well today but now we call it human trafficking.

Why does this crime against humanity need to be argued from the basis of skin color?
Wrong......the majority of African slaves were sent not to American colonies, but to the Spanish carribean and south America.........
You're right, I should have said the 'Americas' (as in North and South America) not the 'US'. In my defense you originally said 'America'.

Modern Slavery and Woke Hypocrisy :: Gatestone Institute

There are currently an estimated 9.2 million men, women and children living in modern slavery in Africa, according to the Global Slavery Index, which includes forced labor, forced sexual ...

Comment: Where is the outrage?
1 in 3 girls are sexually abused in the US before the age of 18
1 in 5 boys are sexually abused in the US before the age of 18
There isn't enough outrage to stop that. That doesn't mean that someone found to have done that long ago is blameless.
What exactly is your point? How does slavery today justify the slaves owned in this country in the past?

Modern Slavery and Woke Hypocrisy :: Gatestone Institute

There are currently an estimated 9.2 million men, women and children living in modern slavery in Africa, according to the Global Slavery Index, which includes forced labor, forced sexual ...

Comment: Where is the outrage?

Fake news site.
Nope.....but it was the Europeans and AFricans, and you don't want to bring them up because you simply hate this was the beliefs of our Founders that ended slavery here......and we did it by killing a bunch of democrats who wanted to keep blacks as slaves.

The democrat party was a party created by slave owners and we take down statues to their war heroes, we need to disband the democrat party for the relic to slavery and racism that it the democrat party tries to resegregate our society by race...
Wow. You really are screwed up in the head, aren't you? I don't know anybody that has a problem condemning slavery, whether it was our slavery in the past, or today's slavery in Africa, or anywhere else it might exist. I have often asked you to point out politicians alive today who advocate slavery. Slavery was a shameful part of the Democratic party's past, a couple of centuries ago, and I don't know of anyone who doesn't freely admit that, but the party has changed. You are just too stupid to acknowledge that.
Wow. You really are screwed up in the head, aren't you? I don't know anybody that has a problem condemning slavery, whether it was our slavery in the past, or today's slavery in Africa, or anywhere else it might exist. I have often asked you to point out politicians alive today who advocate slavery. Slavery was a shameful part of the Democratic party's past, a couple of centuries ago, and I don't know of anyone who doesn't freely admit that, but the party has changed. You are just too stupid to acknowledge that.

I have often asked you to point out politicians alive today who advocate slavery.

You must mean someone else.......cause you never asked me.....
They did it over 157 years ago, and our Founding principals ended it....along with shooting several hundred thousand democrat party slave owners.....

You morons want to use a universal practice, ended in this country 157 years ago to tear this country apart.........
If the laws causing roadblocks and restrictions for black people would have ended 157 years ago, you might have a point, but they didn't. As a kid, I remember "whites only" water fountains, and restaurants that didn't serve blacks. As a young man, a union I joined was proud of the fact that they had never had a black member, and claimed they never would. In 1963, the governor of Alabama made his famous speech where he declared "Segregation Today, Segregation Tomorrow, and Segregation Forever" Much more recent than that, I've seen well documented evidence that blacks were denied loans Those things didn't end 157 years ago. Are you really too stupid to see that?
If the laws causing roadblocks and restrictions for black people would have ended 157 years ago, you might have a point, but they didn't. As a kid, I remember "whites only" water fountains, and restaurants that didn't serve blacks. As a young man, a union I joined was proud of the fact that they had never had a black member, and claimed they never would. In 1963, the governor of Alabama made his famous speech where he declared "Segregation Today, Segregation Tomorrow, and Segregation Forever" Much more recent than that, I've seen well documented evidence that blacks were denied loans Those things didn't end 157 years ago. Are you really too stupid to see that?

The ones perpetrating the discrimination and violence belonged to and supported the democrat party.....

That Governor was a democrat...George Wallace...

Are you too stupid to realize that our current race problems stem, again, from the democrat party? They are the ones refusing to educate black children in the schools they control, they are the ones trying to resegregate society based on race.......
I have often asked you to point out politicians alive today who advocate slavery.

You must mean someone else.......cause you never asked me.....
I've ask you, along with several other crazies that same question many times. Considering your mental capacity, I'm not surprised that you don't remember. Either way, you can't deny that I just ask you, and await an answer.

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