More Validity to Questions about Obama than Questions About Romney


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
More Validity to Questions about Obama than Questions About Romney

The Republicans want to see Mitt’s tax records because Reid said, “The word is out. Mitt didn’t oay taxes for ten years..” And who put that word out? Reid!! On the floor of Congress no less. He can put up any proof, no data, no, nada, nuttink!

However we have a president who cannot rlease any records of past accomplishments, but oh yes, there is one. From his publisher:

The Vetting - Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent in 1991 Booklet: 'Born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii'The Vetting - Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent in 1991 Booklet: 'Born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii'

This states, “Born in Kenya…” from his own literary Agent in 1991. What a profound mistake that wasn’t noticed by Obama, eh?

1. But the scam goes much deeper. Reviewing only the admissions of Barack Obama, we are told that Obama was born to U.S. citizen Stanley Ann Dunham, legally adopted by a foreign national named Lolo Soetoro, had taken the name Barry SOETORO, and was given Indonesian citizenship.

2. He was raised as a Muslim in Indonesia, and attended a school there that accepted all faiths. At one point, Barry SOETORO moved to Hawaii to reside with his grandparents after Lolo SOETORO and Stanley Ann DUNHAM divorced. Obama completed high school as Barry SOETORO Much is missing from his early years, including a legal name change from Barry SOETORO to Barack Hussein Obama II. Absent of any document to show the legal process of a name change within the U.S., it is likely that the man sitting in the Oval Office is, in fact, Barry SOETORO.

3. The above would also serve to explain the discrepancies with his social security number and region of issuance, a matter we are very familiar with in our capacity as licensed investigators. The reasons we have seen published concerning the allegations of the association of multiple social security numbers with Barry SOETORO and Barack Hussein OBAMA has always bothered us, but not necessarily for the reasons often published.

More at article…
The unraveling of Barry Soetoro, a/k/a Barack Hussein Obama II

So, we see that there is more information and data to show that there is more reason to wonder about Barry and his records than ever was about the claim that Reid put out on Mitt’s “didn’t pay any taxes for ten years…”

But Reid isn't paying attention. He just wants those headlines regardless that he just made the whole thing up.
Oh good. I hope the Republican party goes full Birther Madness bewteen now and November.

It's a winning strategy! Just ask Donald Trump.

It has more merit than Mitt didn't pay taxes for ten years! :lmao:
Oh good. I hope the Republican party goes full Birther Madness bewteen now and November.

It's a winning strategy! Just ask Donald Trump.

It has more merit than Mitt didn't pay taxes for ten years! :lmao:

OK then. Keep pushing it. Loudly.


Explain the pamphlet that Obama permitted the release claiming he was born in Kenya and brought up in Hawaii. That in itself has to raise the most exuberant Obama supporters eyebrows and hasn't been questioned by any. scared?

When it fits his agenda, he was born in Kenya, then Hawaii when he wants to be president. Admitted to be Barry soetoro, there is not a legal name changed listed for him. Hmmmm....

Now talk to me about Mittens tax returns information.....loudly...please.
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It has more merit than Mitt didn't pay taxes for ten years! :lmao:

OK then. Keep pushing it. Loudly.


Explain the pamphlet that Obama permitted the release claiming he was born in Kenya and brought up in Hawaii.

Eh? "permitted"? It was one draft distributed. It was subsequently changed.

That in itself has to raise the most exuberant Obama supporters eyebrows

Why? because someone got it wrong?

Keep shouting this topic from the hilltops.
More Validity to Questions about Obama than Questions About Romney

The Republicans want to see Mitt’s tax records because Reid said, “The word is out. Mitt didn’t oay taxes for ten years..” And who put that word out? Reid!! On the floor of Congress no less. He can put up any proof, no data, no, nada, nuttink!

However we have a president who cannot rlease any records of past accomplishments, but oh yes, there is one. From his publisher:

The Vetting - Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent in 1991 Booklet: 'Born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii'The Vetting - Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent in 1991 Booklet: 'Born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii'

This states, “Born in Kenya…” from his own literary Agent in 1991. What a profound mistake that wasn’t noticed by Obama, eh?

1. But the scam goes much deeper. Reviewing only the admissions of Barack Obama, we are told that Obama was born to U.S. citizen Stanley Ann Dunham, legally adopted by a foreign national named Lolo Soetoro, had taken the name Barry SOETORO, and was given Indonesian citizenship.

2. He was raised as a Muslim in Indonesia, and attended a school there that accepted all faiths. At one point, Barry SOETORO moved to Hawaii to reside with his grandparents after Lolo SOETORO and Stanley Ann DUNHAM divorced. Obama completed high school as Barry SOETORO Much is missing from his early years, including a legal name change from Barry SOETORO to Barack Hussein Obama II. Absent of any document to show the legal process of a name change within the U.S., it is likely that the man sitting in the Oval Office is, in fact, Barry SOETORO.

3. The above would also serve to explain the discrepancies with his social security number and region of issuance, a matter we are very familiar with in our capacity as licensed investigators. The reasons we have seen published concerning the allegations of the association of multiple social security numbers with Barry SOETORO and Barack Hussein OBAMA has always bothered us, but not necessarily for the reasons often published.

More at article…
The unraveling of Barry Soetoro, a/k/a Barack Hussein Obama II

So, we see that there is more information and data to show that there is more reason to wonder about Barry and his records than ever was about the claim that Reid put out on Mitt’s “didn’t pay any taxes for ten years…”

But Reid isn't paying attention. He just wants those headlines regardless that he just made the whole thing up.

People are forgetting that Reid first made that claim in a Huffington Post interview and that would not be protected speech.
Rather than cling to birther issues (which I suspect had its beginnings under democrats) it would be better to have other more important questions addressed. Questions like who is it in the white house leaking classified information? Why did the government not help Dr. Afridi after he got Bin Laden on our behalf? What's in the Fast and Furious papers? Has the presidebt committed outright treason?
Rather than cling to birther issues (which I suspect had its beginnings under democrats) it would be better to have other more important questions addressed. Questions like who is it in the white house leaking classified information? Why did the government not help Dr. Afridi after he got Bin Laden on our behalf? What's in the Fast and Furious papers? Has the presidebt committed outright treason?

I was just exhibiting the fallacy of validity of the Reid comments. But you have an excellent point.
Reid is the 2012 answer to Joe McCarthy.

No, that would be Michelle Bachmann, even Republicans have associated Bachmann with McCarthy.

Now to the thread's topic. Well for one, I still don't even come close to being a birther, but I do believe that Obama should release some of the personal records he has sealed. I do feel he has satisfied questions about his birth. The Arizona Secretary of State is satisfied and he''s Romney's Arizona co-chairman for Romney's election.
But, what about other records that Obama has sealed? Why would the guy seal his college records? Make no sense to me.
Then there's Romney, release your tax records already, will ya?
But again, his tax records aren't that big of a concern. My big concern about Romney is exactly what does he stand for? After he felt like he had the nomination sown up, out came the Etch-A-Sketch comment from his staff. Who exactly his he bull-shitting, the folks who had voted for him to get the nomination or the voting public? :confused:
So Obama and Romney, inquiring minds want top know, what exactly is the truth?
Rather than cling to birther issues (which I suspect had its beginnings under democrats) it would be better to have other more important questions addressed. Questions like who is it in the white house leaking classified information? Why did the government not help Dr. Afridi after he got Bin Laden on our behalf? What's in the Fast and Furious papers? Has the presidebt committed outright treason?

I was just exhibiting the fallacy of validity of the Reid comments. But you have an excellent point.

One of the reasons why democrats are so rabid about keeping the white house is because a republican administration might find out exactly what the democrats have been doing for four years.

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