More REPARATIONS Paid to the obama's Via the TAXPAYRER


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
Raping the American taxpayer has become the obama's favorite past time since taking office. The kenyan himself playing 104 rounds of golf since taking office, his wife the wookie using the white house travel office and taxpayer money as her own personal travel agency, and now the kids. A THIRTEEN YEAR OLD is costing the American TAXPAYER for HER VACATION with friends more than most people will make in their LIFE TIME. Since this trash hit office and put America's economy in a massive tail spin decline, these filthy rat bastards preach tightening your belts, don't go to Vegas, eat less, take a STAYcation, all the while they vacation and gallivant around the world like BILLIONAIRES all financed on AMERICAN TAXPAYER MONEY. They are most destructive, filthy, two faced, lying, GONNA GET THEIR REPARATIONS, America hating trash this country has EVER had the MISFORTUNE to come in contact with. PURE HUMAN TRASH.


Story verified by <> below . . . Incredible! This cost us millions!!
AFP story on Obama daughter&#8217;s Mexico trip scrubbed from Internet | The Daily Caller

There are many articles about the pulling of this info from the papers.

After driving the U.S. more deeply into debt than any other President, this should make you shake your head.

If George Bush's daughters or Bill Clinton's daughter had done this, it would have been all over the news and the voter's would have been calling for heads to roll 24/7.

But with the "chosen one", you hear nothing in the major media.

Want to know where Obama&#8217;s 13 year-old daughter went with 12 friends?

On &#8220;spring break&#8221; in Oaxaca, Mexico; on your dime, she took two jets, 12 friends and 25 secret service men.

A thirteen year-old? WTF?

Why haven&#8217;t you heard about it?

The Obama Administration has had the Secret Service scouring the web ordering that any website mentioning this be taken down because letting the travel plans out could have endangered the president&#8217;s daughter&#8217;s security.

Nonsense, the &#8220;royal couple&#8221; just want to hide the way they are ripping off the U.S. taxpayer.

Only a few Canadian Web-sites still have it up. (both below)

The Obama&#8217;s are laughing at the &#8220;suckers&#8221; who are funding their Imperial Lifestyle.

This trip cost more than most Americans make in their entire lifetimes.

Obama's daughter spends spring break in Mexico <> Malia Obama in Mexico <>
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Faux outrage is comical.

I'm sure you get this riled up when a Republican in the WH wastes your money.

nobcolon, and your complete lack of anything worth while to say is noted... shit for brains.
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Faux outrage is comical.

I'm sure you get this riled up when a Republican in the WH wastes your money.

nobcolon, and your complete lack of anything worth while to say is noted... shit for brains.

I could make up a bunch of shit, but I figured you didn't want the competition.

"Making up shit" is what you bubble headed, socialist, odumbobots do best.

Just remember this shit on your way to the polls and most of all remember how the liberals scoffed at you. Tell your friends too.
I could make up a bunch of shit, but I figured you didn't want the competition.

"Making up shit" is what you bubble headed, socialist, odumbobots do best.


Oh boy, you can post images.

That proves something. :rolleyes:

And you're on "step one," but too stupid to realize you've been exposed.

Intelligence isn't your strong suit. I realize that. But then you have to be fairly ignorant and stupid to be a leftist, odumbobot in the first place.

The OP is about the obama's raping the American taxpayer, and you have done EXACTLY what the "picture" says you leftists do.

Hence, you are virtually a pool toy so far in this thread.
"Making up shit" is what you bubble headed, socialist, odumbobots do best.


Oh boy, you can post images.

That proves something. :rolleyes:

And you're on "step one," but too stupid to realize you've been exposed.

Intelligence isn't your strong suit. I realize that. But then you have to be fairly ignorant and stupid to be a leftist, odumbobot in the first place.

The OP is about the obama's raping the American taxpayer, and you have done EXACTLY what the "picture" says you leftists do.

Hence, you are virtually a pool toy so far in this thread.

You're an idiot.

The only fact presented is that the daughter went to Mexico. I'm not arguing that claim.

Try again.
Oh boy, you can post images.

That proves something. :rolleyes:

And you're on "step one," but too stupid to realize you've been exposed.

Intelligence isn't your strong suit. I realize that. But then you have to be fairly ignorant and stupid to be a leftist, odumbobot in the first place.

The OP is about the obama's raping the American taxpayer, and you have done EXACTLY what the "picture" says you leftists do.

Hence, you are virtually a pool toy so far in this thread.

You're an idiot.

The only fact presented is that the daughter went to Mexico. I'm not arguing that claim.

Try again.

Well if you didn't have your head buried so far up obama's colon, slopcolon, you'd quit making a complete imbecile out of yourself.

The obama girl, at THIRTEEN, took a VACATION to Mexico on TAXPAYER MONEY.

Your denial of the facts is predictable and pathetic.

Try again.

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