More proof of anti-Christian hypocrisy!


Nov 10, 2004
I posted a request on another board that is mostly populated by Liberals and Left-Wingers. They claim to be compassionate. I requested that board members discontinue the use of the lower case "x" in front of -ian or -mas when referring to Christians or Christmas. What resulted is me getting slammed by several other members of the board! I wonder which side they would support if I used the phrase "rag-head" and was asked not to.
Deornwulf said:
I posted a request on another board that is mostly populated by Liberals and Left-Wingers. They claim to be compassionate. I requested that board members discontinue the use of the lower case "x" in front of -ian or -mas when referring to Christians or Christmas. What resulted is me getting slammed by several other members of the board! I wonder which side they would support if I used the phrase "rag-head" and was asked not to.

why do you care?

xmas is a legit form, or alternative to christmas.
Actually, it is not. Xmas is tolerated as slang. The difference being the use of the capital letter. However, "xian" is not normally accepted for Christian. The point I am trying to make is that since it is a Christian issue, I got no sensitivity from these people who would be the first ones to decry any terminology used that was offensive to the pet minority groups of the left.
Actually, the X was first used by Christians as an abbreviation for Christ. In Greek, Christ is spelled Kh-r-i-s-t-o-s. The first letter is Chi, which looks a lot like our X. Thus, the abbreviation.

Edit: that would look a lot cooler if I knew how to paste in Symbol font...
-=d=- said:
why do you care?

xmas is a legit form, or alternative to christmas.

I know you don't care one way or another, but it sure offends me when I see an X in Christmas, or it written in lower case. I agree with the movement with the bumper stickers "Lets Keep Christ In Christmas". That said, I also realize it is your right to call it anything you want to as it is my right to be offended.
gop_jeff said:
Actually, the X was first used by Christians as an abbreviation for Christ. In Greek, Christ is spelled Kh-r-i-s-t-o-s. The first letter is Chi, which looks a lot like our X. Thus, the abbreviation.

Edit: that would look a lot cooler if I knew how to paste in Symbol font...


'Keep the Christ in Christmas' is about Christians turning people away from God, imo.
Deornwulf said:
I got no sensitivity from these people who would be the first ones to decry any terminology used that was offensive to the pet minority groups of the left.

duh...Liberals hate Christians. Christians are the only group alive today, other than White Males who cannot be justified in claiming 'hate' crimes.

Nobody cares if a Christian is offended, because those on the Left 'hate' things which are 'good'.
I've been trying to edge out the anti-Christmas sentiment by wishing everyone a happy Chirst-mas (in other words, pronouncing the long 'i' in the word).
Deornwulf said:
Actually, it is not. Xmas is tolerated as slang. The difference being the use of the capital letter. However, "xian" is not normally accepted for Christian. The point I am trying to make is that since it is a Christian issue, I got no sensitivity from these people who would be the first ones to decry any terminology used that was offensive to the pet minority groups of the left.

Honestly, :gives: Xmas is just shorthand. Its useful.
Pick your battles. I don't like how people spell the word "muslim" and pronounce it as muzlim.

Deornwulf said:
Actually, it is not. Xmas is tolerated as slang. The difference being the use of the capital letter. However, "xian" is not normally accepted for Christian. The point I am trying to make is that since it is a Christian issue, I got no sensitivity from these people who would be the first ones to decry any terminology used that was offensive to the pet minority groups of the left.
I suppose that for me, it depends upon how you are using it, much like any slang or nickname....

If you are using X-Mas or xmas as an abbreviation because after writing 5000 Christmas cards the thought of writing out Christmas one more time makes you go crosseyed, then I agree with NakedEmperor...who cares!

But if you are using it as a way to downplay the fact that Christmas exists because Christians believe it is the day that Jesus Christ was born...or at the very least, is the day on which Christians celebrate the birth of their Lord and Savior...well then, I think thats inappropriate...and i think that you need more to do!!!! :rolleyes:
nakedemperor said:
The vast majority of liberals are Christians; your statement makes no sense.

Ok, let's get specific. Loud, outspoken, ultra-lib, progressive, secularist nuts hate Christians because Christian morals interfere with their agenda.

There, happy? :p
I think many are missing the point. I "took offense" at a word and was blown off by the majority of posters who would be the first ones up in arms if some pet minority group of the Democrats was offended by a word. Was it because it really doesn't matter or because as a Christian, I have no right to be offended due to all of the past transgressions of those claiming to be Christians?
nakedemperor said:
The vast majority of liberals are Christians; your statement makes no sense.

...because you know the vast majority of Liberals? It's nearly impossible to be both a follower of Christ and a political Liberal. Oil. Water.
Deornwulf said:
I think many are missing the point. I "took offense" at a word and was blown off by the majority of posters who would be the first ones up in arms if some pet minority group of the Democrats was offended by a word. Was it because it really doesn't matter or because as a Christian, I have no right to be offended due to all of the past transgressions of those claiming to be Christians?

As I insinuated - Christians aren't allowed to be offended. If they were using the word 'Fag' I bet the Admins on the board would be all OVER changing it.


It's okay to get angry with people - don't sin in your anger, however. Sometimes it does the cause of Christ MORE harm to be vocal.
Hobbit said:
Ok, let's get specific. Loud, outspoken, ultra-lib, progressive, secularist nuts hate Christians because Christian morals interfere with their agenda.

There, happy? :p

"Ultra-liberal secularist nuts" is one thing. "Liberals hate Christians" is quite another. If the distinction is a subtle one for you you've got to step back form the dangers of generalization.
-=d=- said:
...because you know the vast majority of Liberals? It's nearly impossible to be both a follower of Christ and a political Liberal. Oil. Water.

Its statistical. On top of being common sense.

Tell this to the tens of millions of Christian liberals.

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