More on Arabs funding Obama at Harvard


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Via Hyscience:mad: Shocker: 'Did Arabs Fund Obama At Harvard?' (Video) :: Political News and commentaries :: Hyscience

Via Trevor Loudon, who writes that Percy Sutton, the New York politician who made this startling claim, was part of a clique of Harlem activist/ politicians including Rep. Charlie Rangel, David Dinkins, Basil Paterson, and Denny Farrell, who were closely connected to Democratic Socialists of America and the Communist Party USA ... and that Mr Sutton was also a mentor to current US Attorney General Eric Holder. This video was posted to YouTube on Sep 26, 2012 by Notice the Barack Obama, Frank Marshall Davis, Vernon Jarrett, Valerie Jarrett connection.

This certainly explains where he got the money to attend a hotshot Ivy League school in spite of reportedly miserable undergrad marks. :confused:
Sorry bout that,

1. History will root out all Obama's fraudulent declarations.
2. Sooner or later, all his records will release.
3. Then we will see who this guy actually is.

Sorry bout that,

1. Obama will get what he deserves in his deception of America.
2. One day "The Chickens Come Home To Roost*!
3. And I will be standing there with my arms crossed laughing, and watching him get dragged through the mud. :badgrin:
4. But the damage will be already done by then, and stupid people like ^^^these^^^, are the reason he has gotten as far as he got, libnuts and all those whom gave him his office shall be to blame.

Sorry bout that,

1. Obama will get what he deserves in his deception of America.
2. One day "The Chickens one Home To Roost*!
3. And I will be standing there with my arms crossed laughing, and watching him get dragged through the mud. :badgrin:
4. But the damage will be already done by then, and stupid people like ^^^these^^^, are the reason he has gotten as far as he got, libnuts and all those whom gave him his office shall be to blame.


I just hating watching wingnut conspiracy theorists disgracing the uniform like this.

Yet no condemnation for our liar and thief.......Odd I would say. Considering much of the recent history of this admin.

Watch out...Veterans that disagree with the white house are terrorists dont ya know......
lying is not disagreeing.

Its fucking unAmerican to tell lies about a president because you are in a different party than him
Sorry bout that,

1. History will root out all Obama's fraudulent declarations.
2. Sooner or later, all his records will release.
3. Then we will see who this guy actually is.


Would that be before or after he destroies the country?
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. History will root out all Obama's fraudulent declarations.
2. Sooner or later, all his records will release.
3. Then we will see who this guy actually is.


Would that be before or after he destroies the country?

1. What ever he fucks up we can fix, and shall.
2. We are Americans.

[ame=]Percy Sutton approached by Khalid A-Mansour - YouTube[/ame]

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