That Veterans’ Job Corps Bill thing


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
September 28th, 2012 @ This ain't Hell, but you can see it from here » Blog Archive » That Veterans’ Job Corps Bill thing

Someone mentioned it this morning in the comments, and I thought I’d address the Veterans’ Job Corps Bill of 2012 that failed to make it through the Senate last week. Here’s the text, if you want to read it all, since I’m not interested in addressing the bill completely. It’s Senate Bill S.3457.

If you are a veteran who is unemployed and don’t really care about the work you do, I guess it’s not that bad, but it really doesn’t offer anything that isn’t already available. For example, the bill offers for veterans employment;

(1) in conservation, resource management, and historic preservation projects on public lands and maintenance and improvement projects for cemeteries under the jurisdiction of the National Cemetery Administration; and

(2) as firefighters and law enforcement officers.

It doesn’t create any jobs, though. It just offers assistance getting jobs that are already available. It does, however offer grants to agencies that employ veterans, but there are no specifics on those grants. They could last a month, a year, a decade, but there’s no real language that addresses those grants except that the Secretary of Veterans Affairs will manage that.

The bill gives priority to veterans hired as police officers or firefighters, but we all know that usually happens anyway, because veterans are the types of employees those agencies are attempting to recruit because of the demands of those jobs in regards to physical fitness and tolerance for the long hours.

It also makes the DVA Secretary responsible for reporting on the progress of the Job Corps, and we all know how that turns out – we’re always getting rosy reports from the DVA on how well they’re doing in spite of the available evidence otherwise.
The bill also tells the DVA to set up “One Stop” centers with internet access to help veterans find the available jobs. Like we don’t have that already in our homes or at the library or a thousand other places. Like the VA.

(e) Report- Not later than 455 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Labor shall submit to the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs and the Committee on Heath, Education, Labor, and Pensions of the Senate and the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs and the Committee on Education and the Workforce of the House of Representatives a report on the pilot program that includes the findings of the Secretary with respect to the feasibility and advisability of providing computing facilities as described in subsection (a) with assistance as described in subsection (d) at all one-stop centers.
So, the DVA has more than a year just to report if setting up those One Stop facilities is even feasible, so there’s no help for veterans in that regard for more than a year from the date the law is passed.

The bill also provides off-base transition training. We all know how effective the on-base transition training is when we’re leaving the service, I don’t know how anyone thinks that more government training is going to be much of a help, except in employing more DVA bureaucrats punching their time sheet.

The Veterans’ Job Corps Bill doesn’t really do anything useful. If anyone was thinking that it creates more jobs for veterans, it doesn’t. It creates more jobs for bureaucrats – now if you were hoping to get one of those jobs, you’ve got a reason to be disappointed that it didn’t pass.

But, honestly, I don’t see anything in the bill that isn’t already being done in another shape or form. I’ll admit that I work for the federal government, but all I needed was an opportunity to work, and when Bill Clinton did away with the Carter-era double-dipping prohibition, that was all I needed. Since I’m a disabled combat veteran, I had a hiring preference anyway. It didn’t hurt that it was almost guaranteed that I’d clear the security clearance hurdle, either.

Now, I know that the IAVA and Paul Rieckhoff are going to make a big deal out of the Senate’s failure to act on the VJC Bill, it’ll probably be the centerpiece of their scorecard this year, but they’re going to have to show me where the bill was more than a bureaucrat employment bill.

IAVA’s statement linked above said the bill created jobs for police and firefighters and it did nothing of the sort as you can read for yourself, unless you think that giving non-specific grants is creating jobs. Paul and the gang are hoping you don’t read the bill and just take their word for it.

The Veterans’ Job Corps Bill of 2012 was nothing more than a boondoggle to wave in front of veterans. The truth is that the federal government can’t do anything for veterans that we can’t do ourselves for a lot less money

This explains why my Senator Heller (R-NV) voted against it. Good for him!:cool:
This is what's called a rationalization, an excuse for being shitty.
Expensive Gov' Jobs Bills may work when the Economy is booming and there's plenty of Jobs to be had. But it's not and there aren't.

Some people are under the impression that getting a College Degree and/or some sort of Jobs Training will suddenly and spontaneously create that job. It won't.

It's like putting the Cart before the Horse.
It's just a typical election year handout by Democraps trying to lure Veteran voters. Most Vets don't need this program and really don't see the need for yet another VA program when others do the job for them.

This is just another blatant attempt by Democraps to act holier than thou for no reason and when we can't afford it.

Meanwhile....they're cutting $500B from the DoD budget, yeah so much for supporting the troops bullshit.
It's just a typical election year handout by Democraps trying to lure Veteran voters. Most Vets don't need this program and really don't see the need for yet another VA program when others do the job for them.

This is just another blatant attempt by Democraps to act holier than thou for no reason and when we can't afford it.

Meanwhile....they're cutting $500B from the DoD budget, yeah so much for supporting the troops bullshit.

Just another example of the GOP blocking any effort to improve the economy. They have stated that is their greatest effort to get Obama ourt of the WH. But is it too little too late. When yuo nominate a Tin Man...that is what you get...a Tin Man...:lol:
It's just a typical election year handout by Democraps trying to lure Veteran voters. Most Vets don't need this program and really don't see the need for yet another VA program when others do the job for them.

This is just another blatant attempt by Democraps to act holier than thou for no reason and when we can't afford it.

Meanwhile....they're cutting $500B from the DoD budget, yeah so much for supporting the troops bullshit.

We cannot afford a jobs bill for veterans yet we can afford an incredibly bloated defense budget? Are we broke or are republicans just all too willing to discard veterans after they are done fighting for us?
Idiots like you spend money on shit that isn't needed and then deny buying stuff that is needed like national defense.

Most Vets don't need some bullshit help getting a police job or don't even dream about being a cop. Most Vets would prefer the DoD budget remain strong so their ass doesn't get recalled in a WW3 scenario with China or Russia.....dumbfuck.

Democraps were caught spending money we don't have just to lure Vets for some votes....typical left-wing bullshit.

It's just a typical election year handout by Democraps trying to lure Veteran voters. Most Vets don't need this program and really don't see the need for yet another VA program when others do the job for them.

This is just another blatant attempt by Democraps to act holier than thou for no reason and when we can't afford it.

Meanwhile....they're cutting $500B from the DoD budget, yeah so much for supporting the troops bullshit.

We cannot afford a jobs bill for veterans yet we can afford an incredibly bloated defense budget? Are we broke or are republicans just all too willing to discard veterans after they are done fighting for us?
You don't know shit about stimulating the economy.

My undergrad degree was Economics, so shut the fuck up.

Oh, the looming $500B budget cut from the DoD has been said to lay off 1,000,000 in the DoD industry.....that is a alot of police and firemen you need to hire, dumbfuck.

It's just a typical election year handout by Democraps trying to lure Veteran voters. Most Vets don't need this program and really don't see the need for yet another VA program when others do the job for them.

This is just another blatant attempt by Democraps to act holier than thou for no reason and when we can't afford it.

Meanwhile....they're cutting $500B from the DoD budget, yeah so much for supporting the troops bullshit.

Just another example of the GOP blocking any effort to improve the economy. They have stated that is their greatest effort to get Obama ourt of the WH. But is it too little too late. When yuo nominate a Tin Man...that is what you get...a Tin Man...:lol:
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It's just a typical election year handout by Democraps trying to lure Veteran voters. Most Vets don't need this program and really don't see the need for yet another VA program when others do the job for them.

This is just another blatant attempt by Democraps to act holier than thou for no reason and when we can't afford it.

Meanwhile....they're cutting $500B from the DoD budget, yeah so much for supporting the troops bullshit.

Exactly! My son got out of the Army after spending 13 months in Iraq disarming IED's and went to work as a security guard to pay for EMT training. When he finished that, he got a job in a hospital as an ER Tech, which, with his GI Bill, paid his way through his Paramedic course.
Now, more qualified, he got a substantial raise at the hospital and saved up enough to attend Broward Fire Academy, again with the help of his GI Bill.
He's now in his 4th year as a Firefighter/Paramedic in a department near New Haven, CT.
He's making a damned good salary considering all the extra shifts he takes so his fellow firefighters with families can spend holidays at home, and he owes no one.
It's just a typical election year handout by Democraps trying to lure Veteran voters. Most Vets don't need this program and really don't see the need for yet another VA program when others do the job for them.

This is just another blatant attempt by Democraps to act holier than thou for no reason and when we can't afford it.

Meanwhile....they're cutting $500B from the DoD budget, yeah so much for supporting the troops bullshit.

Exactly! My son got out of the Army after spending 13 months in Iraq disarming IED's and went to work as a security guard to pay for EMT training. When he finished that, he got a job in a hospital as an ER Tech, which, with his GI Bill, paid his way through his Paramedic course.
Now, more qualified, he got a substantial raise at the hospital and saved up enough to attend Broward Fire Academy, again with the help of his GI Bill.
He's now in his 4th year as a Firefighter/Paramedic in a department near New Haven, CT.
He's making a damned good salary considering all the extra shifts he takes so his fellow firefighters with families can spend holidays at home, and he owes no one.

bet he didnt build that on his own. btw kudos to raising a good person. this world needs more.
Liberals are like the alcoholic father that spends the family's money on booze then tells the family they need to cutback on spending money by turning off the TV and telephone service....then the idiot goes out and buys a new lawn chair telling the family they should be happy he bought them the new lawn chair they don't need.
It's just a typical election year handout by Democraps trying to lure Veteran voters. Most Vets don't need this program and really don't see the need for yet another VA program when others do the job for them.

This is just another blatant attempt by Democraps to act holier than thou for no reason and when we can't afford it.

Meanwhile....they're cutting $500B from the DoD budget, yeah so much for supporting the troops bullshit.

Exactly! My son got out of the Army after spending 13 months in Iraq disarming IED's and went to work as a security guard to pay for EMT training. When he finished that, he got a job in a hospital as an ER Tech, which, with his GI Bill, paid his way through his Paramedic course.
Now, more qualified, he got a substantial raise at the hospital and saved up enough to attend Broward Fire Academy, again with the help of his GI Bill.
He's now in his 4th year as a Firefighter/Paramedic in a department near New Haven, CT.
He's making a damned good salary considering all the extra shifts he takes so his fellow firefighters with families can spend holidays at home, and he owes no one.

bet he didnt build that on his own. btw kudos to raising a good person. this world needs more.

No he didn't build it on his own, but he sure as hell earned it.

And thanks! He did turn out well despite a broken home and my history.

Josh was the kid who came home from school and the first thing he did was check to see if the garbage needed emptying. Always about fulfilling his personal responsibilities.
It's just a typical election year handout by Democraps trying to lure Veteran voters. Most Vets don't need this program and really don't see the need for yet another VA program when others do the job for them.

This is just another blatant attempt by Democraps to act holier than thou for no reason and when we can't afford it.

Meanwhile....they're cutting $500B from the DoD budget, yeah so much for supporting the troops bullshit.

Just another example of the GOP blocking any effort to improve the economy. They have stated that is their greatest effort to get Obama ourt of the WH. But is it too little too late. When yuo nominate a Tin Man...that is what you get...a Tin Man...:lol:

Funny, the article said it failed in the commiecrat controlled senate, care to try again?

A Tin Man you say, that's a hell of allot better than no man at all like we got now.
It's just a typical election year handout by Democraps trying to lure Veteran voters. Most Vets don't need this program and really don't see the need for yet another VA program when others do the job for them.

This is just another blatant attempt by Democraps to act holier than thou for no reason and when we can't afford it.

Meanwhile....they're cutting $500B from the DoD budget, yeah so much for supporting the troops bullshit.

Exactly! My son got out of the Army after spending 13 months in Iraq disarming IED's and went to work as a security guard to pay for EMT training. When he finished that, he got a job in a hospital as an ER Tech, which, with his GI Bill, paid his way through his Paramedic course.
Now, more qualified, he got a substantial raise at the hospital and saved up enough to attend Broward Fire Academy, again with the help of his GI Bill.
He's now in his 4th year as a Firefighter/Paramedic in a department near New Haven, CT.
He's making a damned good salary considering all the extra shifts he takes so his fellow firefighters with families can spend holidays at home, and he owes no one.

Give you son my thanks for his service and a slap on the back for doning a great job.
Exactly! My son got out of the Army after spending 13 months in Iraq disarming IED's and went to work as a security guard to pay for EMT training. When he finished that, he got a job in a hospital as an ER Tech, which, with his GI Bill, paid his way through his Paramedic course.
Now, more qualified, he got a substantial raise at the hospital and saved up enough to attend Broward Fire Academy, again with the help of his GI Bill.
He's now in his 4th year as a Firefighter/Paramedic in a department near New Haven, CT.
He's making a damned good salary considering all the extra shifts he takes so his fellow firefighters with families can spend holidays at home, and he owes no one.

bet he didnt build that on his own. btw kudos to raising a good person. this world needs more.

No he didn't build it on his own, but he sure as hell earned it.

And thanks! He did turn out well despite a broken home and my history.

Josh was the kid who came home from school and the first thing he did was check to see if the garbage needed emptying. Always about fulfilling his personal responsibilities.

I don't think the issue is a broken home as much as the quality of the home. And obviously you provided a quality home.
  • Thanks
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Uh idiot, the GOP doesn't act like Democrap scum.

The GOP has always supported Vets and the military better than Democraps, we're just not willing to waste money on bogus programs for Vets.

I find it despicable when either side plays partisan politics with our vets.

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