More of my paranoid rantings as some try to protect the Canadian Creepy Ones. Another coincidence for you to explain...


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Once again, I live a thousand miles from Ottawa. I should never have an IP from Ottawa and the tech person I called at representing my ISP stumbled trying to explain it.

Have you considered therapy?
Save it. This angle has been tried before.

It will be your country too, maybe even your next of kin. Everyone always believes they are immune and invincible until they are not.
Save it. This angle has been tried before.

It will be your country too, maybe even your next of kin. Everyone always believes they are immune and invincible until they are not.
It's not about how others feel and you suggesting it does just amplifies the problem. You need psychiatric help. Your imagining government agents or police officers before and after you in a line, really clinched it.
It's not an "angle", it's a question. And a serious one. The Canadian secret police are not out to get you. You need help.
How would you state so with such conviction?

Maybe I should write a book about my experiences. Certainly I shouldnt have so many names and details, right?
You didn't answer my question. How can you state with such confidence?

This is the problem with Americans. Assuming your sentiments are genuine; you believe that the rest of the world is like America. It is not. This is why we NEED America to remain free and the traditional nation of civil liberties.

It is very hard work. Be it Israel, America, France or others, we need you to lead the way in the domain of liberty. Your dismissive attitude illustrates that you believe Canadians have a Constitution that is shaped like Americas. We do not. Even many Canadians are too ill informed to know that we do not.
I will not say, we don't have many options here though. We have a few who rule the roost along with a many small resellers who need to beg to use their infrastructure.
Maybe that's your answer. In the US, we have many options but if you have only a few - they may have limited public IP addresses.

Here's a tip. If they really are after you, they can get you. So, relax. Enjoy the new year and stop obsessing so much.

There is a lot to be scared of. Having a public IP address a thousand miles from home isn't one of them.
Once again, I live a thousand miles from Ottawa. I should never have an IP from Ottawa and the tech person I called at representing my ISP stumbled trying to explain it.

View attachment 881909
We always have to measure whether what we sense that we are experiencing is real or just possibly paranoia kicking in. But for others to dismiss what we sense out of hand is generally out of their loyalty to government or whatever that makes them not want to believe the government or whatever is misbehaving.

When we first moved to Albuquerque in the 1980's, I went to work for the Conference of Churches (an ecumenical group facilitating cooperation between the churches to accomplish various useful projects.) This was during the time that aiding and abetting migrating illegals was considered illegal and enforced and most of the volunteers with the CofC were doing just that. I did not participate and was uncomfortable with it, but did not object to their illegal efforts. They had learned to be exceedingly careful but we all suspected we were being watched by law enforcement at some level.

During that time I began to sense that our home phone was bugged or had been tapped. There were absolutely no conversations happening that I cared if anybody overheard, but it bothered me. A man who was a good friend of ours in our church was a recently retired FBI agent and I ran my concerns by him. I don't know what he did or how he tested it, but he told me my concerns were most likely valid so don't talk about anything illegal on the phone.

I left the CofC for another job after just a few months and after awhile no longer had the sense I was being monitored. Did it happen? I don't know. But it was interesting.

So yeah, we may just be experiencing some paranoia in these things. But sometimes we are sensing the real deal too.
Maybe that's your answer. In the US, we have many options but if you have only a few - they may have limited public IP addresses.

Here's a tip. If they really are after you, they can get you. So, relax. Enjoy the new year and stop obsessing so much.

There is a lot to be scared of. Having a public IP address a thousand miles from home isn't one of them.
It goes well beyond this Magnus. Yes, I am aware they can get me and I suspect that have already via my wife and numerous activities over the years. Slowly but surely. A sign of just how guilty they are, not me.

As a former CIA agent told me (or so he said he was) many years ago in an online exchange. "Do everything you can to publicly out them and make them aware that you know what you know and they will back off".

Unfortunately he underestimates just how abusive and unaccountable Canadian authorities are, however, I have heeded his advice even as it exposed to them the extent of what I know going back to my years as a youth.

My biggest mistake was not allowing an interview I gave to a major newspaper here as I decided that I didn't want to go on the record because of my wifes job at the time. We were concerned they would interfere with our only form of income. In America it is different, politicians hold accountability to police agencies. Not in Canada.
In Canada your postal code identifies you

3--0 -------- rd. Ottawa, Ontario.
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We always have to measure whether what we sense that we are experiencing is real or just possibly paranoia kicking in. But for others to dismiss what we sense out of hand is generally out of their loyalty to government or whatever that makes them not want to believe the government or whatever is misbehaving.

When we first moved to Albuquerque in the 1980's, I went to work for the Conference of Churches (an ecumenical group facilitating cooperation between the churches to accomplish various useful projects.) This was during the time that aiding and abetting migrating illegals was considered illegal and enforced and most of the volunteers with the CofC were doing just that. I did not participate and was uncomfortable with it, but did not object to their illegal efforts. They had learned to be exceedingly careful but we all suspected we were being watched by law enforcement at some level.

During that time I began to sense that our home phone was bugged or had been tapped. There were absolutely no conversations happening that I cared if anybody overheard, but it bothered me. A man who was a good friend of ours in our church was a recently retired FBI agent and I ran my concerns by him. I don't know what he did or how he tested it, but he told me my concerns were most likely valid so don't talk about anything illegal on the phone.

I left the CofC for another job after just a few months and after awhile no longer had the sense I was being monitored. Did it happen? I don't know. But it was interesting.

So yeah, we may just be experiencing some paranoia in these things. But sometimes we are sensing the real deal too.
Especially in my case when I am aware of the undercovers and agent provocateurs in my neighborhood as a kid. I was floored that ALL of them are now cops. It is clear that the path to policing in Canada is to be the False Flag runner and "good earner".

Once they interfered in my career at IBM by literally planting cops in my workplace, they knew that the damage done to Canadas economy would be severe if I shared the details and I did. As one America government worker told me, diplomatically, "if this is going on in a U.S corporation in Canada I would say it is problematic".

Their best bet would have been to allow me to live my life post-graduate at IBM. I would never have investigated and learned what I did. Their next best option would have been to allow me to keep my job at the bank, but they interferred there too. Then I became aware of the girl who committed suicide at the flippant comment by a cop ("do it then", and she did).

Their last opportunity would have been to allow me a job at Dell, doing the EXACT same thing I was doing at IBM with ridiculous results including a nomination for an award. Instead, I knew the Creepy Ones would interfere. There was no way I shouldn't have been hired for that job.

This is how the Security Industrial Complex arrogance eventually boomerangs.

Once that job fell through I reached a different state of determination. Losing my wife caused me to spiral as we were together 18 years, but my deep faith in G-d has pulled me through. I am far from perfect, but I am dealing with so much, including my health issues. They would celebrate if I died tomorrow.
Especially in my case when I am aware of the undercovers and agent provocateurs in my neighborhood as a kid. I was floored that ALL of them are now cops. It is clear that the path to policing in Canada is to be the False Flag runner and "good earner".

Once they interfered in my career at IBM by literally planting cops in my workplace, they knew that the damage done to Canadas economy would be severe if I shared the details and I did. As one America government worker told me, diplomatically, "if this is going on in a U.S corporation in Canada I would say it is problematic".

Their best bet would have been to allow me to live my life post-graduate at IBM. I would never have investigated and learned what I did. Their next best option would have been to allow me to keep my job at the bank, but they interferred there too. Then I became aware of the girl who committed suicide at the flippant comment by a cop ("do it then", and she did).

Their last opportunity would have been to allow me a job at Dell, doing the EXACT same thing I was doing at IBM with ridiculous results including a nomination for an award. Instead, I knew the Creepy Ones would interfere. There was no way I shouldn't have been hired for that job.

This is how the Security Industrial Complex arrogance eventually boomerangs.

Once that job fell through I reached a different state of determination. Losing my wife caused me to spiral as we were together 18 years, but my deep faith in G-d has pulled me through. I am far from perfect, but I am dealing with so much, including my health issues. They would celebrate if I died tomorrow.
Well of course I don't know you, don't know the details or whether your perceptions are justified or not. But I certainly am in no position to say you're wrong about any of it. But I am pretty much convinced that when we sense that we should be watching our back, it is wise to pay attention to that.

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