More Obama Hypocrisy

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
It is truly amazing the transformation of a politician from out of office critic to in office actor. Obama, who criticised virtually every move Bush made, has now gone ahead and done exactly what Bush did. His volte face on presidential signing statements is yet another stunning example of the towering hypocrisy of the Left. The only thing worse is the pass the Left has given him on it.
Review & Outlook: The Imperial Presidency Redux -

President Obama claimed in his 2006 campaign manifesto "The Audacity of Hope" that George W. Bush's alleged abuses of power had subverted the Constitution's "exquisite machinery," and in a 2007 speech he promised to "turn the page on the imperial Presidency." Now it seems that page won't be turned any time soon.

Democrats late last year passed an appropriations rider that denies funds for transferring enemy combatants currently held at Guantanamo to the U.S., in effect a ban on trying them as federal criminal defendants. And this week, the White House let it be known that Mr. Obama would issue a signing statement opposing Congress's bid via this provision to impair the exercise of the Constitution's core executive powers—and in the war on terror, no less.

We agree with these Congressional Democrats (and Republicans) that Mr. Obama's fixation on civilian terror trials is an awful idea. Yet while Congress can limit spending in any number of ways, the President is Commander in Chief with the power to handle wartime detainees, as well as the chief law enforcement officer vested with the sole federal constitutional power to prosecute law breakers.

Separation of power questions run on a spectrum, and tension between co-equal branches is inevitable when powers conflict. If Mr. Obama's lawyers believe Congress is imposing conditions that restrict Presidential powers—such as limiting prosecutorial discretion to bring criminal charges—then he has every right to issue a signing statement laying out the White House's interpretation of executive power and giving the agencies authority to bypass these restrictions unilaterally.

This is not some new or partisan concept. Signing statements began with James Monroe, while Walter Dellinger wrote an authoritative signing statement opinion in 1993 when he was running President Clinton's Office of Legal Counsel. What really is notable, however, is the liberal revolution in constitutional interpretation now that Mr. Obama is President.

On the trail in 2008 in Billings, Montana, Mr. Obama said that "what George Bush has been trying to do, as part of his effort to accumulate more power in the presidency, is he's been saying, 'Well, I can basically change what Congress passed by attaching a letter saying, I don't agree with this part or I don't agree with that part. I'm going to choose to interpret it this way or that way.'"

Mr. Obama—not without mentioning that "I will obey the Constitution of the United States"—added, "We're not going to use signing statements as a way of doing an end-run around Congress, all right?"
More at the source.
This goes along with Recess Appointments and Raising the Debt. Limit. That's why i always say the Hopey Changey sheep are by far the dumbest kooks in this country. These kooks should go back and read this guy's pompous preachy speeches when he voted against raising the Debt. Limit. What a joke. I do crack up when i read that stuff. This is just another Hopey Changey scam. Nothing more,nothing less.
This goes along with Recess Appointments and Raising the Debt. Limit. That's why i always say the Hopey Changey sheep are by far the dumbest kooks in this country. These kooks should go back and read this guy's pompous preachy speeches when he voted against raising the Debt. Limit. What a joke. I do crack up when i read that stuff. This is just another Hopey Changey scam. Nothing more,nothing less.

The recess appointments were necessary to have leadership in place that the GOP has been dragging its feet on for almost 2 years. Bush made recess appointments as well. This occurs when one party or the other uses stall tactics.

Maybe the solution to this, is to have some of these jobs not be appointment, but either be elected officials, or like any other job just applied for and hired.

Raising the debt ceiling is the job of congress and the president does not have a vote in the matter.
Ahh the good ole days for the Hopey Changey nuts. Remember when their Hopey Changey One used to pretend he was against Signing Statements,Recess Appointments,and Raising Debt. Limits? Yikes! Hope & Change = Empty Slogans for Empty Heads.
Ahh the good ole days for the Hopey Changey nuts. Remember when their Hopey Changey One used to pretend he was against Signing Statements,Recess Appointments,and Raising Debt. Limits? Yikes! Hope & Change = Empty Slogans for Empty Heads.

Can you offer an solutions to these problems other than just partisan rhetoric?

No recess appointments -
effect - no leadership in certain departments
cause - GOP not wanting to confirm
solutions - GOP has hearings and either confirms or rejects
current state - GOP is not having hearings on this matter and thus Obama does a temporary recess appointment so a department has leadership to help it operate

can you offer up any real solutions to this?

Raising the Debt Ceiling -
responsibility - congress, not the president
why it is necessary - to keep government running, to not default in the US debt to creditors
effect if ceiling is not raised - we default to creditors and the US government loses it bond rating and thus the dollar loses value

can you offer up any real solutions to this? if your solution is simply to cut spending, please name where these cuts will come from exactly and any affect positive or negative that this will have on both the economy and the american people.
Ahh the good ole days for the Hopey Changey nuts. Remember when their Hopey Changey One used to pretend he was against Signing Statements,Recess Appointments,and Raising Debt. Limits? Yikes! Hope & Change = Empty Slogans for Empty Heads.

Can you offer an solutions to these problems other than just partisan rhetoric?

No recess appointments -
effect - no leadership in certain departments
cause - GOP not wanting to confirm
solutions - GOP has hearings and either confirms or rejects
current state - GOP is not having hearings on this matter and thus Obama does a temporary recess appointment so a department has leadership to help it operate

can you offer up any real solutions to this?

Raising the Debt Ceiling -
responsibility - congress, not the president
why it is necessary - to keep government running, to not default in the US debt to creditors
effect if ceiling is not raised - we default to creditors and the US government loses it bond rating and thus the dollar loses value

can you offer up any real solutions to this? if your solution is simply to cut spending, please name where these cuts will come from exactly and any affect positive or negative that this will have on both the economy and the american people.

So why did your Hopey Changey give numerous pompous preachy speeches opposing Presidential Signing Statements,Recess Appointments,and Raising Debt. Limits? He actually voted against raising the Debt. Limit and gave several pompous speeches on the subject. Now he's demanding the Debt. Limit be raised. This post was on his obvious Hypocrisy. The OP really did nail it. You're just rattling off a bunch of excuses. Obviously solutions to problems will be found. But your guy is a dishonest hypocrite and that's the fact Jack.
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Ahh the good ole days for the Hopey Changey nuts. Remember when their Hopey Changey One used to pretend he was against Signing Statements,Recess Appointments,and Raising Debt. Limits? Yikes! Hope & Change = Empty Slogans for Empty Heads.

Can you offer an solutions to these problems other than just partisan rhetoric?

No recess appointments -
effect - no leadership in certain departments
cause - GOP not wanting to confirm
solutions - GOP has hearings and either confirms or rejects
current state - GOP is not having hearings on this matter and thus Obama does a temporary recess appointment so a department has leadership to help it operate

can you offer up any real solutions to this?

Raising the Debt Ceiling -
responsibility - congress, not the president
why it is necessary - to keep government running, to not default in the US debt to creditors
effect if ceiling is not raised - we default to creditors and the US government loses it bond rating and thus the dollar loses value

can you offer up any real solutions to this? if your solution is simply to cut spending, please name where these cuts will come from exactly and any affect positive or negative that this will have on both the economy and the american people.

So why did your Hopey Changey give numerous pompous preachy speeches opposing Presidential Signing Statements,Recess Appointments,and Raising Debt. Limits? He actually voted against raising the Debt. Limit and gave several pompous speeches on the subject. Now he's demanding the Debt. Limit be raised. This post was on his obvious Hypocrisy. The OP really did nail it. You're just rattling off a bunch of excuses. Obviously solutions to problems will be be found. But your guy is a dishonest hypocrite and that's the fact Jack.

seriously i never claimed that he was a god or that i followed him blindly. i simply asked for you to offer up some solutions rather than just complaining about the problems.

thats the biggest issue with the country right now, more people are concerned with complaining about what the other guy is or isnt doing, instead of trying to be part of the solution. i offer no excuses, he campaigned on it and he wasnt able to fulfill on a some of those promises. should he be held accountable and explain his action, yes, should everything else he as done be discredited because of this, no. look at this other pieces of legislation that he has passed that he campaigned on.

- Ban registered lobbyists from working in the administration on areas in which they have lobbied over the previous two years and bar officials who leave the administration from lobbying the executive branch for the duration of Obama's presidency.

- Convene a bipartisan group of key lawmakers to foster better executive-legislative relations and bipartisan unity on foreign policy.

- Expand hate-crimes statutes

- Enact a 90-day foreclosure moratorium for homeowners who are making good faith efforts to pay their mortgages.

- Implement a permanent tax cut of $500 for individuals and $1,000 for families.

- Deploy at least two additional combat brigades and $1 billion in additional non-military aid to Afghanistan.

- Health Care Reform

Track Obama's campaign promises | The Washington Post

you pick on what you see be his failures, while i highlight his accomplishments.
Obama is not a hypocrite anymore than any other politician is a hypocrite.

I believe he truly wanted to make changes. He was niaive to the way things happen in wshington and thus why I saw him as too inexperienced to be President....and such niaivity was evident when he made such promises.

However, he entered the post and found that the only way he can govern properly is to play the game.

I commend him for putting aside his rosy glasses and doing what he needs to do to move this country forward.

I dont agree with what he believes will move this country forward, but at least he is putting aside his convictions to implement what he beleives is best.
Can you offer an solutions to these problems other than just partisan rhetoric?

No recess appointments -
effect - no leadership in certain departments
cause - GOP not wanting to confirm
solutions - GOP has hearings and either confirms or rejects
current state - GOP is not having hearings on this matter and thus Obama does a temporary recess appointment so a department has leadership to help it operate

can you offer up any real solutions to this?

Raising the Debt Ceiling -
responsibility - congress, not the president
why it is necessary - to keep government running, to not default in the US debt to creditors
effect if ceiling is not raised - we default to creditors and the US government loses it bond rating and thus the dollar loses value

can you offer up any real solutions to this? if your solution is simply to cut spending, please name where these cuts will come from exactly and any affect positive or negative that this will have on both the economy and the american people.

So why did your Hopey Changey give numerous pompous preachy speeches opposing Presidential Signing Statements,Recess Appointments,and Raising Debt. Limits? He actually voted against raising the Debt. Limit and gave several pompous speeches on the subject. Now he's demanding the Debt. Limit be raised. This post was on his obvious Hypocrisy. The OP really did nail it. You're just rattling off a bunch of excuses. Obviously solutions to problems will be be found. But your guy is a dishonest hypocrite and that's the fact Jack.

seriously i never claimed that he was a god or that i followed him blindly. i simply asked for you to offer up some solutions rather than just complaining about the problems.

thats the biggest issue with the country right now, more people are concerned with complaining about what the other guy is or isnt doing, instead of trying to be part of the solution. i offer no excuses, he campaigned on it and he wasnt able to fulfill on a some of those promises. should he be held accountable and explain his action, yes, should everything else he as done be discredited because of this, no. look at this other pieces of legislation that he has passed that he campaigned on.

- Ban registered lobbyists from working in the administration on areas in which they have lobbied over the previous two years and bar officials who leave the administration from lobbying the executive branch for the duration of Obama's presidency.

- Convene a bipartisan group of key lawmakers to foster better executive-legislative relations and bipartisan unity on foreign policy.

- Expand hate-crimes statutes

- Enact a 90-day foreclosure moratorium for homeowners who are making good faith efforts to pay their mortgages.

- Implement a permanent tax cut of $500 for individuals and $1,000 for families.

- Deploy at least two additional combat brigades and $1 billion in additional non-military aid to Afghanistan.

- Health Care Reform

Track Obama's campaign promises | The Washington Post

you pick on what you see be his failures, while i highlight his accomplishments.

I dont disagree with you...

but this.....:

- Implement a permanent tax cut of $500 for individuals and $1,000 for families.

I saw that as using tax payer money to buy votes when, in fact, he didnt have the tax payer money to spend.

It was not a difficult promise to keep....but it was most certtainly a fooliosh one 9in my eyes.

As for the others? He is most certainloy making headway, and now with chekcs and balances back in place (opposing majorities), he very well may prove to be a great leader. Not my ideology,m but then again, neither were carter, clinton and others....and I am still a happy citizen.
Can you offer an solutions to these problems other than just partisan rhetoric?

No recess appointments -
effect - no leadership in certain departments
cause - GOP not wanting to confirm
solutions - GOP has hearings and either confirms or rejects
current state - GOP is not having hearings on this matter and thus Obama does a temporary recess appointment so a department has leadership to help it operate

can you offer up any real solutions to this?

Raising the Debt Ceiling -
responsibility - congress, not the president
why it is necessary - to keep government running, to not default in the US debt to creditors
effect if ceiling is not raised - we default to creditors and the US government loses it bond rating and thus the dollar loses value

can you offer up any real solutions to this? if your solution is simply to cut spending, please name where these cuts will come from exactly and any affect positive or negative that this will have on both the economy and the american people.

So why did your Hopey Changey give numerous pompous preachy speeches opposing Presidential Signing Statements,Recess Appointments,and Raising Debt. Limits? He actually voted against raising the Debt. Limit and gave several pompous speeches on the subject. Now he's demanding the Debt. Limit be raised. This post was on his obvious Hypocrisy. The OP really did nail it. You're just rattling off a bunch of excuses. Obviously solutions to problems will be be found. But your guy is a dishonest hypocrite and that's the fact Jack.

seriously i never claimed that he was a god or that i followed him blindly. i simply asked for you to offer up some solutions rather than just complaining about the problems.

thats the biggest issue with the country right now, more people are concerned with complaining about what the other guy is or isnt doing, instead of trying to be part of the solution. i offer no excuses, he campaigned on it and he wasnt able to fulfill on a some of those promises. should he be held accountable and explain his action, yes, should everything else he as done be discredited because of this, no. look at this other pieces of legislation that he has passed that he campaigned on.

- Ban registered lobbyists from working in the administration on areas in which they have lobbied over the previous two years and bar officials who leave the administration from lobbying the executive branch for the duration of Obama's presidency.

- Convene a bipartisan group of key lawmakers to foster better executive-legislative relations and bipartisan unity on foreign policy.

- Expand hate-crimes statutes

- Enact a 90-day foreclosure moratorium for homeowners who are making good faith efforts to pay their mortgages.

- Implement a permanent tax cut of $500 for individuals and $1,000 for families.

- Deploy at least two additional combat brigades and $1 billion in additional non-military aid to Afghanistan.

- Health Care Reform

Track Obama's campaign promises | The Washington Post

you pick on what you see be his failures, while i highlight his accomplishments.

The Post wasn't on solutions. It was on your Hopey Changey One's obvious Hypocrisy. Solutions to problems will obviously be found but that's not the subject of this post. Your replies were just deflection excuses. Go back and read your guy's past pompous speeches on this and many other subjects. You can deflect all you want but the OP still nailed it. It is what it is.
So why did your Hopey Changey give numerous pompous preachy speeches opposing Presidential Signing Statements,Recess Appointments,and Raising Debt. Limits? He actually voted against raising the Debt. Limit and gave several pompous speeches on the subject. Now he's demanding the Debt. Limit be raised. This post was on his obvious Hypocrisy. The OP really did nail it. You're just rattling off a bunch of excuses. Obviously solutions to problems will be be found. But your guy is a dishonest hypocrite and that's the fact Jack.

seriously i never claimed that he was a god or that i followed him blindly. i simply asked for you to offer up some solutions rather than just complaining about the problems.

thats the biggest issue with the country right now, more people are concerned with complaining about what the other guy is or isnt doing, instead of trying to be part of the solution. i offer no excuses, he campaigned on it and he wasnt able to fulfill on a some of those promises. should he be held accountable and explain his action, yes, should everything else he as done be discredited because of this, no. look at this other pieces of legislation that he has passed that he campaigned on.

- Ban registered lobbyists from working in the administration on areas in which they have lobbied over the previous two years and bar officials who leave the administration from lobbying the executive branch for the duration of Obama's presidency.

- Convene a bipartisan group of key lawmakers to foster better executive-legislative relations and bipartisan unity on foreign policy.

- Expand hate-crimes statutes

- Enact a 90-day foreclosure moratorium for homeowners who are making good faith efforts to pay their mortgages.

- Implement a permanent tax cut of $500 for individuals and $1,000 for families.

- Deploy at least two additional combat brigades and $1 billion in additional non-military aid to Afghanistan.

- Health Care Reform

Track Obama's campaign promises | The Washington Post

you pick on what you see be his failures, while i highlight his accomplishments.

I dont disagree with you...

but this.....:

- Implement a permanent tax cut of $500 for individuals and $1,000 for families.

I saw that as using tax payer money to buy votes when, in fact, he didnt have the tax payer money to spend.

It was not a difficult promise to keep....but it was most certtainly a fooliosh one 9in my eyes.

As for the others? He is most certainloy making headway, and now with chekcs and balances back in place (opposing majorities), he very well may prove to be a great leader. Not my ideology,m but then again, neither were carter, clinton and others....and I am still a happy citizen.

Did he steal that one from Dubya? What was Dubya trying to buy?
seriously i never claimed that he was a god or that i followed him blindly. i simply asked for you to offer up some solutions rather than just complaining about the problems.

thats the biggest issue with the country right now, more people are concerned with complaining about what the other guy is or isnt doing, instead of trying to be part of the solution. i offer no excuses, he campaigned on it and he wasnt able to fulfill on a some of those promises. should he be held accountable and explain his action, yes, should everything else he as done be discredited because of this, no. look at this other pieces of legislation that he has passed that he campaigned on.

- Ban registered lobbyists from working in the administration on areas in which they have lobbied over the previous two years and bar officials who leave the administration from lobbying the executive branch for the duration of Obama's presidency.

- Convene a bipartisan group of key lawmakers to foster better executive-legislative relations and bipartisan unity on foreign policy.

- Expand hate-crimes statutes

- Enact a 90-day foreclosure moratorium for homeowners who are making good faith efforts to pay their mortgages.

- Implement a permanent tax cut of $500 for individuals and $1,000 for families.

- Deploy at least two additional combat brigades and $1 billion in additional non-military aid to Afghanistan.

- Health Care Reform

Track Obama's campaign promises | The Washington Post

you pick on what you see be his failures, while i highlight his accomplishments.

I dont disagree with you...

but this.....:

- Implement a permanent tax cut of $500 for individuals and $1,000 for families.

I saw that as using tax payer money to buy votes when, in fact, he didnt have the tax payer money to spend.

It was not a difficult promise to keep....but it was most certtainly a fooliosh one 9in my eyes.

As for the others? He is most certainloy making headway, and now with chekcs and balances back in place (opposing majorities), he very well may prove to be a great leader. Not my ideology,m but then again, neither were carter, clinton and others....and I am still a happy citizen.

Did he steal that one from Dubya? What was Dubya trying to buy?

GWB was already a sitting president and in his final term. He tried to spark the economy and it failed. Obama was on the campaign trail saying....and I paraphrase for affect....."vote for me and you will get a 500 check in the mail. Vote for him and you will get nothing"


Bear in mind, he knew it would not help the economy seeing as bush tried the same exact thing just months earlier and it failed.

People were struggling and was a great ploy to get votes...

And by the way...just as when Bush did did nothing for the economy.
So why did your Hopey Changey give numerous pompous preachy speeches opposing Presidential Signing Statements,Recess Appointments,and Raising Debt. Limits? He actually voted against raising the Debt. Limit and gave several pompous speeches on the subject. Now he's demanding the Debt. Limit be raised. This post was on his obvious Hypocrisy. The OP really did nail it. You're just rattling off a bunch of excuses. Obviously solutions to problems will be be found. But your guy is a dishonest hypocrite and that's the fact Jack.

seriously i never claimed that he was a god or that i followed him blindly. i simply asked for you to offer up some solutions rather than just complaining about the problems.

thats the biggest issue with the country right now, more people are concerned with complaining about what the other guy is or isnt doing, instead of trying to be part of the solution. i offer no excuses, he campaigned on it and he wasnt able to fulfill on a some of those promises. should he be held accountable and explain his action, yes, should everything else he as done be discredited because of this, no. look at this other pieces of legislation that he has passed that he campaigned on.

- Ban registered lobbyists from working in the administration on areas in which they have lobbied over the previous two years and bar officials who leave the administration from lobbying the executive branch for the duration of Obama's presidency.

- Convene a bipartisan group of key lawmakers to foster better executive-legislative relations and bipartisan unity on foreign policy.

- Expand hate-crimes statutes

- Enact a 90-day foreclosure moratorium for homeowners who are making good faith efforts to pay their mortgages.

- Implement a permanent tax cut of $500 for individuals and $1,000 for families.

- Deploy at least two additional combat brigades and $1 billion in additional non-military aid to Afghanistan.

- Health Care Reform

Track Obama's campaign promises | The Washington Post

you pick on what you see be his failures, while i highlight his accomplishments.

The Post wasn't on solutions. It was on your Hopey Changey One's obvious Hypocrisy. Solutions to problems will obviously be found but that's not the subject of this post. Your replies were just deflection excuses. Go back and read your guy's past pompous speeches on this and many other subjects. You can deflect all you want but the OP still nailed it. It is what it is.

how are posting his success a deflection? you posted how Obama was a hypocrite, i simply refuted that by showing what campaign promises he has been able to meet so far. how is that deflection?

once again, you like to complain about what he isnt doing, why dont you concentrate on what he is doing. if youre not part of the solution, then youre part of the problem.
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Hopey Changey sheep really are pretty hilarious. Their guy does the same exact things he and they viciously ripped the other guys for doing,yet they praise him. Pretty twisted hypocrisy. "Hope & Change" really does = Empty Slogans for Empty Heads. SHEESH!
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Hopey Changey sheep really are pretty hilarious. Their guy does the same exact things he and they viciously ripped the other guys for doing,yet they praise him. Pretty twisted hypocrisy. "Hope & Change" really does = Empty Slogans for Empty Heads. SHEESH!

it goes both ways.

I find nothing wrong in adressing ones failures by also addressing their accomplishments.

It opens the door to an honest and useful debate.

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