More National Guard records

nakedemperor said:
This logic seems a double standard. You're saying the military made a mistake by issuing 3 purple hearts that Kerry didn't deserve, letting him off the hook early. But the military couldn't possibly have made a mistake honorably discharging Dubya? The facts show that he did not complete his duty. Hell he didn't even fly an airplane for the last 2 years of his guard commitment. I think its possibly the military made a mistake here as well. You guys ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS use this retort: "So the national guard isn't honorable!? Blasphemy!!" STOP TWISTING LOGIC. You're USUALLY misinterpreting the truth that GEORGE BUSH did not serve honorably.

Win $10,000:
Trying to desperately portray Kerry as a better leader by using his service record has been a FAILURE. Give up.
neo_68710 said:
alright we want to debate four years from now not the past lets go. No jobs, Great Depression, No Health care at least Iraq is free though. The only thing that could make me cry is 4 more years of that. At least people that make $200,000 or more a year will get a tax break though.

Great Depression?!? What the hell are you talking about? We have had 10 straight quarters of economic growth, coming on the heels of the worst attack on American soil since Pearl Harbor. The economy has created 1,500,000 jobs in the last year alone. And EVERYONE'S taxes were lowered under Bush's tax cuts. So you have no legs left to stand on... unless you really think that government-provided health care is a winner of an issue - which most Americans do not.
Sadams weapons were destroyed 12 years ago but Bush seems to be stuck in the past as well. Why can we only bring up the past if it makes the Great Dbya look good but as soon as he looks dumb well thats in the past let it go, how lame.
gop_jeff what are you talking about we have the worst job loss in 75 YEARS. That is not growth sorry I think my legs are fine nice try though.
neo_68710 said:
gop_jeff what are you talking about we have the worst job loss in 75 YEARS. That is not growth sorry I think my legs are fine nice try though.

and why is that neo?
Health care is important to me I don't have a rich dad like dbya to pay for everything and save me when things go wrong.
neo_68710 said:
Sadams weapons were destroyed 12 years ago but Bush seems to be stuck in the past as well. Why can we only bring up the past if it makes the Great Dbya look good but as soon as he looks dumb well thats in the past let it go, how lame.

Obviously, it was not Bush who brought up the past in the case of Kerry's war record. If the GOP really wanted to discuss the past, we would be talking about Kerry's post Viet Nam actions and his senatorial voting record.
neo_68710 said:
Health care is important to me I don't have a rich dad like dbya to pay for everything and save me when things go wrong.
get a damn job and pay for your own then !!
I also learned in school how to make charts look good or bad. Once again nice try.
neo_68710 said:
Health care is important to me I don't have a rich dad like dbya to pay for everything and save me when things go wrong.

Health care is important to me too, but I dont expect every one else in the country to pay for my care. Again, there is a certain amount of personal responsibility involved. One could arrange to spend his money assuring his health care, among other things.
I have a job and I'm glad for it and I have health care but it costs me what I think a small family should cost. Please don't get hostil we are just having a friendly chat.
CSM good point very good point but you have to agree that I should be able to go to the doctor without having a gunshot wound and not make payments for the rest of my life.
neo_68710 said:
I also learned in school how to make charts look good or bad. Once again nice try.

Ok so where are your charts? The ones that show the unenployment rate in the catastrophic downward spiral and the one showing the average income hurtling towards the bottomless pits?

I find it ironic that folks will accuse the current administration of fear mongering by talking about the terrorist threats to this country and then turn around and try to instill the fear of a collapsing economy, and failed health care system in the US voter. No hypocrisy there, eh?
neo_68710 said:
CSM good point very good point but you have to agree that I should be able to go to the doctor without having a gunshot wound and not make payments for the rest of my life.

who do you want to pay YOUR bill ?
neo_68710 said:
CSM good point very good point but you have to agree that I should be able to go to the doctor without having a gunshot wound and not make payments for the rest of my life.

Actually, if you had a gunshot wound and went to the emergency room, they more than likely would treat you enough to at least keep you alive. I would agree that they might not replace the eye that you shot out with your Red Ryder BB gun. The use of you here is the generic you, not you personally.

The underlying question is: who should pay for the treatment? If you think the cost of health care is high, to what do you attribute those costs?
Series Id: LNS13000000Seasonal AdjustedSeries title: (Seas) Unemployment LevelLabor force status: UnemployedType of data: Number in thousandsAge: 16 years and over

Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual
1994 8630 8583 8470 8331 7915 7927 7946 7933 7734 7632 7375 7230
1995 7375 7187 7153 7645 7430 7427 7527 7484 7478 7328 7426 7423
1996 7491 7313 7318 7415 7423 7095 7337 6882 6979 7031 7236 7253
1997 7158 7102 7000 6873 6655 6799 6655 6608 6656 6454 6308 6476
1998 6368 6306 6422 5941 6047 6212 6259 6179 6300 6280 6100 6032
1999 5976 6111 5783 6004 5796 5951 6025 5838 5915 5778 5716 5653
2000 5698 5853 5730 5483 5758 5648 5749 5861 5631 5540 5643 5641
2001 5997 6072 6136 6274 6227 6481 6583 7057 7151 7723 8020 8291
2002 8126 8184 8278 8578 8397 8384 8400 8335 8269 8363 8565 8698
2003 8428 8581 8519 8799 8957 9245 9048 8929 8966 8797 8653 8398
2004 8297 8170 8352 8164 8203 8248 8196 8022

This is from the U.S. deparment of labor as you can see unemplyment rose quite high between 2000-2004. sorry that it looks weird it didn't paste well.
I want cheaper health care to pay for my hospital bills I thought that was clear man you are dumb please ask logical questions.
neo_68710 said:
I want cheaper health care to pay for my hospital bills I thought that was clear man you are dumb please ask logical questions.

Whats your proposal/solution for cheaper health care?
I wish I could debate longer but I must go. Have a good day everyone. Maybe I can get back here tomorrow I will see.

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