More Mexicans are leaving the USA......will tomato prices rise

So your Mother would have acted morally if she killed you, is this your point?

The act of killing a child is not immoral on its face. The means, however may be.

Abortion is almost alway immoral, as it is generally carried out against an innocent party to nullify the consequences of a conscious and deliberate choice by the woman.

On the other hand, the 10-12 year old boy my father filled full of lead in Vietnam in 1967 got exactly what he deserved for throwing a grenade at the military convoy my father was riding in.

It never occurred to you we as a society should have never had our men in that boys home in the first place?

He deserved to die?

You lack empathy, what the fuck would you expect your kid to do if there were trucks full of occupying Chinese soldiers rolling around?

I doubt your daddy would be proud of what you just said. And if he would be he's a fuckign sociopath
Mexico had it made for over 20+ years shafting us, but if they wish to boycott corn then they better be prepared for what awaits them....the free ride is over

Mexico is the SECOND LARGEST purchaser of American products in the WORLD. Now if you don't think they can hurt us you've got your head stuck up in a very DARK PLACE. In 2015 they purchased 257.3 BILLION dollars in American products.

Yes we have trade deficits with many countries. And it's because we are a larger country and require more products than Mexico or smaller countries do. It's not that they're ripping us off dumbass. The only time we'll get a trade surplus is when we're dealing with larger populated countries like China. But they manipulate their currency to make certain that doesn't happen.

You'll note that Trump has not gone after China and it's because he is held hostage by them, as the Trump empire owns hotels there.
Trump's Hotels In China Could Be A Conflict For The President-Elect

Add to that--that illegals, predominately Hispanics contribute 4 TRILLION a year to this economy by being here, circulating money into this economy and it's us that owe them money, not the other way around.


We're one of the most insular economies on the planet

Mexico is not

only ~12.5% of our GDP comes from exports.

While mexico exports 35%, and I don't even need to bother to look to* know where that goes

We have all the leverage.

Not saying Trumps policy is rational. But his thinking about the positions of power in teh relationship are very accurate.

You don't know JACK SHIT about Mexico. There is nothing socialistic about them. Everyone works or they don't eat. There is no Welfare, they just instituted a small social security fund program, that few contribute into. The majority pay no income tax, their Federal income taxes to support Mexico, comes from Pemex gas stations.

Furthermore, most of our oil comes from Mexico.


Wrong. In 2015, we only got 8% of our oil from Mexico

How much petroleum does the United States import and export? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)
More Mexicans are crossing the border — to leave the US. Here’s one family’s story.

Seriously, are you scared of paying an American minimum wage to pick crops?
No, but that is too little for picking tomatoes,

No picking needed anymore

It was hard to tell for sure how many but that trolly car looking thing doing the picking had several workers on board. I saw an operation similar to that back in the 1980's but the workers were walking along side the picker doing something rather than riding on it.
More Mexicans are crossing the border — to leave the US. Here’s one family’s story.

Seriously, are you scared of paying an American minimum wage to pick crops?
No, but that is too little for picking tomatoes,

No picking needed anymore

It was hard to tell for sure how many but that trolly car looking thing doing the picking had several workers on board. I saw an operation similar to that back in the 1980's but the workers were walking along side the picker doing something rather than riding on it.

There are at least 3 workers, one on each machine. Add a couple for the picker and you might have 6. No way 6 people can pick at the rate of this machine. Nor do I see a bunch of stuff in with the tomatoes, no green ones either. Not sure how they do that , it is impressive.
More Mexicans are crossing the border — to leave the US. Here’s one family’s story.

Seriously, are you scared of paying an American minimum wage to pick crops?
No, but that is too little for picking tomatoes,

No picking needed anymore

It was hard to tell for sure how many but that trolly car looking thing doing the picking had several workers on board. I saw an operation similar to that back in the 1980's but the workers were walking along side the picker doing something rather than riding on it.

There are at least 3 workers, one on each machine. Add a couple for the picker and you might have 6. No way 6 people can pick at the rate of this machine. Nor do I see a bunch of stuff in with the tomatoes, no green ones either. Not sure how they do that , it is impressive.

I love pickled green tomatoes......mmmmmm......
More Mexicans are crossing the border — to leave the US. Here’s one family’s story.

Seriously, are you scared of paying an American minimum wage to pick crops?
No, but that is too little for picking tomatoes,

No picking needed anymore

It was hard to tell for sure how many but that trolly car looking thing doing the picking had several workers on board. I saw an operation similar to that back in the 1980's but the workers were walking along side the picker doing something rather than riding on it.

There are at least 3 workers, one on each machine. Add a couple for the picker and you might have 6. No way 6 people can pick at the rate of this machine. Nor do I see a bunch of stuff in with the tomatoes, no green ones either. Not sure how they do that , it is impressive.

Yeah that was a well made video showing mechinization at its finest.
hmm pay a little more for fruits and veggies OR pay a bit more too allow illegals to stay (welfare, hospital costs, public schooling, deportation costs, and crime, etc.)...

I'm more than happy to pay a bit more for fruits and veggies! I pay a premium price for fruits and veggies from the locally grown stock all summer, by choice, doing so in the winter isn't a problem.
More Mexicans are crossing the border — to leave the US. Here’s one family’s story.

Seriously, are you scared of paying an American minimum wage to pick crops?
No, but that is too little for picking tomatoes,

No picking needed anymore

It was hard to tell for sure how many but that trolly car looking thing doing the picking had several workers on board. I saw an operation similar to that back in the 1980's but the workers were walking along side the picker doing something rather than riding on it.

I don't know anything about it, but I would think that the machine could only pick a majority of tomatoes. You might still need humans to get the ones the machine didn't get.
More Mexicans are crossing the border — to leave the US. Here’s one family’s story.

Seriously, are you scared of paying an American minimum wage to pick crops?
No, but that is too little for picking tomatoes,

No picking needed anymore

How dare you question the intentional deception of poor immigrants working in the hot sun picking fruits and vegetables for pennies a day.

The illegals need to be seen as slave labor who are beaten and whipped by big Agriculture and paid sweatshop wages.

Our poor downtrodden friends from the south are apparently doing well. I stopped at a Hispanic restaurant for lunch yesterday. The place was packed with Hispanics shelling out 14 to 20 dollars each for lunch.

The narrative has them eating beans 3 meals a day.
More Mexicans are crossing the border — to leave the US. Here’s one family’s story.

Seriously, are you scared of paying an American minimum wage to pick crops?
No, but that is too little for picking tomatoes,

No picking needed anymore

It was hard to tell for sure how many but that trolly car looking thing doing the picking had several workers on board. I saw an operation similar to that back in the 1980's but the workers were walking along side the picker doing something rather than riding on it.

I don't know anything about it, but I would think that the machine could only pick a majority of tomatoes. You might still need humans to get the ones the machine didn't get.

Looking at the video it appears that the whole plant is harvested or pretty darn close. I am not sure how they get all the fruit to ripen at the same time nor separate it. I am thinking they must have some people in the picker sorting out the green tomatoes but I don't see where the green tomatoes are going.
More Mexicans are crossing the border — to leave the US. Here’s one family’s story.

Seriously, are you scared of paying an American minimum wage to pick crops?
No, but that is too little for picking tomatoes,

No picking needed anymore

It was hard to tell for sure how many but that trolly car looking thing doing the picking had several workers on board. I saw an operation similar to that back in the 1980's but the workers were walking along side the picker doing something rather than riding on it.

I don't know anything about it, but I would think that the machine could only pick a majority of tomatoes. You might still need humans to get the ones the machine didn't get.

Looking at the video it appears that the whole plant is harvested or pretty darn close. I am not sure how they get all the fruit to ripen at the same time nor separate it. I am thinking they must have some people in the picker sorting out the green tomatoes but I don't see where the green tomatoes are going.

Well...... perhaps. Again, I know nothing about that kind of stuff living in the city my whole life. But I believe this is the wave of the future when it comes to agriculture. What will these immigrants do then???
More Mexicans are crossing the border — to leave the US. Here’s one family’s story.

Seriously, are you scared of paying an American minimum wage to pick crops?
No, but that is too little for picking tomatoes,

No picking needed anymore

It was hard to tell for sure how many but that trolly car looking thing doing the picking had several workers on board. I saw an operation similar to that back in the 1980's but the workers were walking along side the picker doing something rather than riding on it.

I don't know anything about it, but I would think that the machine could only pick a majority of tomatoes. You might still need humans to get the ones the machine didn't get.

Looking at the video it appears that the whole plant is harvested or pretty darn close. I am not sure how they get all the fruit to ripen at the same time nor separate it. I am thinking they must have some people in the picker sorting out the green tomatoes but I don't see where the green tomatoes are going.

I just found this other video that explains the process step by step. But all it says is that the green ones are hand picked at the site and then further sorted later on. I'm guessing more hand picking.

I am not a leftist, and you are a far righty, so your perspective is badly skewed.

I pay less than that, and I can pay $5 a head, if necessary.

The overwhelming majority of Americans will not work in the fields, Ray, for minimum wage.

my perspective is badly skewed? You mean your a righty that takes leftist positions all the time and I'm the one that's skewed?

So who said minimum wage? If any employer can't get workers for minimum wage, they have to increase their offer or do without. An employer that does without goes out of business. So farmers will have to pay much more than minimum wage to get the work done, and yes, we will pay for it when we buy their products. I have no problem with that.
You are wrong, of course, about my position, because you are so far right. Finally, you, however, get the idea that farmers will have to pay more for labor.

They don't want to, of course, and the economics of supply and demand will trump (heh) Trump.

Makes no sense whatsoever. If a farmer can't get people to do the work, the farmer goes out of business. It doesn't matter if they want to pay or not, they have no choice.
You clearly don't understand our culture. Best to you and have a good day.
More Mexicans are crossing the border — to leave the US. Here’s one family’s story.

Seriously, are you scared of paying an American minimum wage to pick crops?
No, but that is too little for picking tomatoes,

No picking needed anymore

It was hard to tell for sure how many but that trolly car looking thing doing the picking had several workers on board. I saw an operation similar to that back in the 1980's but the workers were walking along side the picker doing something rather than riding on it.
Yup. A point on robotics: if the field is all roboticized, then people get to go back to school for retraining. That is what is happening in the manufacturing industries the which the working classes who voted for Trump don't get. Their day is gone, and they will need to retrain.

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