More Good News Coming From DOW/Futures/Jobs/Economic Forecast.Will Pelosi & Schumer Bring This Up?

Anyone watching Fox Business News Or CNBC? Hmm, all looks well for 2018. So much good news on every front of the current and future economy for the USA.
This has been going on all year. But have any of our Liberal Leaders brought up any of this good news before a crowd or on a cable news appearance?
Or are they all still crying like a bunch of three year old boys crying in their carriages because "Mommy Can't Afford To Buy Apple Jacks",,at their local grocers.
:crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby:

I'm sure that in this first year, Trump has set some sort of all-time record for getting the most done in one year of any president ever with the absolute least help and support of anyone! The fact that the entire Washington Deep State was dead set against him before he even took office vindicates and proves what a good thing it was to put him there. They are terrified that Trump will get done so many things they want unchanged that every other politician says cannot be accomplished that it will forever set a bar too high that none of them will ever be able to meet showing them all as frauds.

He has set a record for the most tweets and the most golf in one year. that is something I suppose!


The funny thing is that this chart suggests that the mini-recession actually began with the takeover of the Congress by the Dems, but rebounded within WEEKS after Oblama got in office only to return no better than it was under Bush! And with no indication of the soaring recovery there is now until long after Barry was out of office!
Anyone watching Fox Business News Or CNBC? Hmm, all looks well for 2018. So much good news on every front of the current and future economy for the USA.
This has been going on all year. But have any of our Liberal Leaders brought up any of this good news before a crowd or on a cable news appearance?
Or are they all still crying like a bunch of three year old boys crying in their carriages because "Mommy Can't Afford To Buy Apple Jacks",,at their local grocers.
:crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby:

I'm sure that in this first year, Trump has set some sort of all-time record for getting the most done in one year of any president ever with the absolute least help and support of anyone! The fact that the entire Washington Deep State was dead set against him before he even took office vindicates and proves what a good thing it was to put him there. They are terrified that Trump will get done so many things they want unchanged that every other politician says cannot be accomplished that it will forever set a bar too high that none of them will ever be able to meet showing them all as frauds.

He has set a record for the most tweets and the most golf in one year. that is something I suppose!

Pretty good considering that he OWNS the golf courses, runs them for a profit, uses them often for work while he golfs and is the only President to ever tweet. Sure beats the hell out of a president who when he wasn't flying off to Pago Pago for a lush, extravagant vacation everytime he wanted to get away from a world crisis, sat around the Oval Office with his feet up on his desk flying paper airplanes while ignoring every world crisis!

Anyone watching Fox Business News Or CNBC? Hmm, all looks well for 2018. So much good news on every front of the current and future economy for the USA.
This has been going on all year. But have any of our Liberal Leaders brought up any of this good news before a crowd or on a cable news appearance?
Or are they all still crying like a bunch of three year old boys crying in their carriages because "Mommy Can't Afford To Buy Apple Jacks",,at their local grocers.
:crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby:

I'm sure that in this first year, Trump has set some sort of all-time record for getting the most done in one year of any president ever with the absolute least help and support of anyone! The fact that the entire Washington Deep State was dead set against him before he even took office vindicates and proves what a good thing it was to put him there. They are terrified that Trump will get done so many things they want unchanged that every other politician says cannot be accomplished that it will forever set a bar too high that none of them will ever be able to meet showing them all as frauds.

He has set a record for the most tweets and the most golf in one year. that is something I suppose!

Pretty good considering that he OWNS the golf courses, runs them for a profit, uses them often for work while he golfs and is the only President to ever tweet.

It is a sweet deal for him, that is for sure. He gets to golf as often as he likes and he gets richer in the process since they are his clubs!
It is a sweet deal for him, that is for sure. He gets to golf as often as he likes and he gets richer in the process since they are his clubs!

Sweet deal? He was already golfing as much as he wanted without taking on the headaches of the presidency when he could be living the life of Riley on his own private island without any of the shit he puts up with now as he donates his presidential salary to charity.
It is a sweet deal for him, that is for sure. He gets to golf as often as he likes and he gets richer in the process since they are his clubs!

Sweet deal? He was already golfing as much as he wanted without taking on the headaches of the presidency when he could be living the life of Riley on his own private island without any of the shit he puts up with now as he donates his presidential salary to charity.
so how many times has Trump flown to Hawaii for a two week vacation because he was bored/had nothing to do?
It is a sweet deal for him, that is for sure. He gets to golf as often as he likes and he gets richer in the process since they are his clubs!

Sweet deal? He was already golfing as much as he wanted without taking on the headaches of the presidency when he could be living the life of Riley on his own private island without any of the shit he puts up with now as he donates his presidential salary to charity.
so how many times has Trump flown to Hawaii for a two week vacation because he was bored/had nothing to do?

Exactly the same number of times Obama had at this point in his presidency.
It is a sweet deal for him, that is for sure. He gets to golf as often as he likes and he gets richer in the process since they are his clubs!

Sweet deal? He was already golfing as much as he wanted without taking on the headaches of the presidency when he could be living the life of Riley on his own private island without any of the shit he puts up with now as he donates his presidential salary to charity.

What headache? one has to give a shit for things to be a headache, and Trump clearly does not.
that page has turned, you're just embarrassed.

Didn't think you could.
didn't have to, you're just a little embarrassed or a lot embarrassed and lost all credibility.

Over what exactly? Claims don't mean anything if you can't back it up.
ahhh still embarrassed I see, the boy responded and you ignored it. and then bitched he didn't respond in the very next post. I get it. you can delete perhaps and save yourself.

Really? Quote it.
Always amusing to watch the partisans out of power trying to downplay/deflect from positive economic news. Side irrelevant, they both do it.
God damn, you're one of the most biased people on this board. Quote from this thread where liberals are downplaying positive economic news.
Happy to!
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That's just so far, three hours into the news!

By the way, I know these examples won't be "good enough" for you. That's how partisans play the game. Both ends. No proof is ever good enough.

But you're welcome anyway!
It is a sweet deal for him, that is for sure. He gets to golf as often as he likes and he gets richer in the process since they are his clubs!

Sweet deal? He was already golfing as much as he wanted without taking on the headaches of the presidency when he could be living the life of Riley on his own private island without any of the shit he puts up with now as he donates his presidential salary to charity.
so how many times has Trump flown to Hawaii for a two week vacation because he was bored/had nothing to do?

Exactly the same number of times Obama had at this point in his presidency.
and getting his agenda implemented. talented man.
Anyone watching Fox Business News Or CNBC? Hmm, all looks well for 2018. So much good news on every front of the current and future economy for the USA.
This has been going on all year. But have any of our Liberal Leaders brought up any of this good news before a crowd or on a cable news appearance?
Or are they all still crying like a bunch of three year old boys crying in their carriages because "Mommy Can't Afford To Buy Apple Jacks",,at their local grocers.
:crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby:

I'm sure that in this first year, Trump has set some sort of all-time record for getting the most done in one year of any president ever with the absolute least help and support of anyone! The fact that the entire Washington Deep State was dead set against him before he even took office vindicates and proves what a good thing it was to put him there. They are terrified that Trump will get done so many things they want unchanged that every other politician says cannot be accomplished that it will forever set a bar too high that none of them will ever be able to meet showing them all as frauds.
shit and he's gotten how many of the swamp creatures to resign? hly shit has he been busy and playing golf.
Didn't think you could.
didn't have to, you're just a little embarrassed or a lot embarrassed and lost all credibility.

Over what exactly? Claims don't mean anything if you can't back it up.
ahhh still embarrassed I see, the boy responded and you ignored it. and then bitched he didn't respond in the very next post. I get it. you can delete perhaps and save yourself.

Really? Quote it.
Always amusing to watch the partisans out of power trying to downplay/deflect from positive economic news. Side irrelevant, they both do it.
God damn, you're one of the most biased people on this board. Quote from this thread where liberals are downplaying positive economic news.
Happy to!
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From this thread: GREAT: Jobs Report Crushes Expectations!...
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From this thread: 2.2 million jobs created since the election. Hooray USA! This is a good thing, right?
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That's just so far, three hours into the news!

By the way, I know these examples won't be "good enough" for you. That's how partisans play the game. Both ends. No proof is ever good enough.

But you're welcome anyway!

Yeah, I already responded to that and even pulled out a few posts and asked Mac to explain how those posts were liberals downplaying the economy. He has not bothered to back up his claim on any of those.

Please keep up.

EDIT: My reply to Mac's post that you quoted is #31, dingdong.
It is a sweet deal for him, that is for sure. He gets to golf as often as he likes and he gets richer in the process since they are his clubs!

Sweet deal? He was already golfing as much as he wanted without taking on the headaches of the presidency when he could be living the life of Riley on his own private island without any of the shit he puts up with now as he donates his presidential salary to charity.
so how many times has Trump flown to Hawaii for a two week vacation because he was bored/had nothing to do?

Exactly the same number of times Obama had at this point in his presidency.
and getting his agenda implemented. talented man.

getting his agenda implemented?

You mean golfing and eating KFC?
didn't have to, you're just a little embarrassed or a lot embarrassed and lost all credibility.

Over what exactly? Claims don't mean anything if you can't back it up.
ahhh still embarrassed I see, the boy responded and you ignored it. and then bitched he didn't respond in the very next post. I get it. you can delete perhaps and save yourself.

Really? Quote it.
Always amusing to watch the partisans out of power trying to downplay/deflect from positive economic news. Side irrelevant, they both do it.
God damn, you're one of the most biased people on this board. Quote from this thread where liberals are downplaying positive economic news.
Happy to!
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From this thread: GREAT: Jobs Report Crushes Expectations!...
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From this thread: 2.2 million jobs created since the election. Hooray USA! This is a good thing, right?
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That's just so far, three hours into the news!

By the way, I know these examples won't be "good enough" for you. That's how partisans play the game. Both ends. No proof is ever good enough.

But you're welcome anyway!

Yeah, I already responded to that and even pulled out a few posts and asked Mac to explain how those posts were liberals downplaying the economy. He has not bothered to back up his claim on any of those.

Please keep up.
I care why. I provided what you asked for. see you're not very happy for a guy with a happy cappy on.
It is a sweet deal for him, that is for sure. He gets to golf as often as he likes and he gets richer in the process since they are his clubs!

Sweet deal? He was already golfing as much as he wanted without taking on the headaches of the presidency when he could be living the life of Riley on his own private island without any of the shit he puts up with now as he donates his presidential salary to charity.
so how many times has Trump flown to Hawaii for a two week vacation because he was bored/had nothing to do?

Exactly the same number of times Obama had at this point in his presidency.
and getting his agenda implemented. talented man.

getting his agenda implemented?

You mean golfing and eating KFC?
and getting his agenda implemented. KFC, good shit.
Over what exactly? Claims don't mean anything if you can't back it up.
ahhh still embarrassed I see, the boy responded and you ignored it. and then bitched he didn't respond in the very next post. I get it. you can delete perhaps and save yourself.

Really? Quote it.
Always amusing to watch the partisans out of power trying to downplay/deflect from positive economic news. Side irrelevant, they both do it.
God damn, you're one of the most biased people on this board. Quote from this thread where liberals are downplaying positive economic news.
Happy to!
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From this thread: GREAT: Jobs Report Crushes Expectations!...
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From this thread: 2.2 million jobs created since the election. Hooray USA! This is a good thing, right?
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That's just so far, three hours into the news!

By the way, I know these examples won't be "good enough" for you. That's how partisans play the game. Both ends. No proof is ever good enough.

But you're welcome anyway!

Yeah, I already responded to that and even pulled out a few posts and asked Mac to explain how those posts were liberals downplaying the economy. He has not bothered to back up his claim on any of those.

Please keep up.
I care why. I provided what you asked for. see you're not very happy for a guy with a happy cappy on.

Why do you care? Because you claimed I ignored his post when I directly responded to it, liar.
ahhh still embarrassed I see, the boy responded and you ignored it. and then bitched he didn't respond in the very next post. I get it. you can delete perhaps and save yourself.

Really? Quote it.
God damn, you're one of the most biased people on this board. Quote from this thread where liberals are downplaying positive economic news.
Happy to!
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From this thread: GREAT: Jobs Report Crushes Expectations!...
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From this thread: 2.2 million jobs created since the election. Hooray USA! This is a good thing, right?
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That's just so far, three hours into the news!

By the way, I know these examples won't be "good enough" for you. That's how partisans play the game. Both ends. No proof is ever good enough.

But you're welcome anyway!

Yeah, I already responded to that and even pulled out a few posts and asked Mac to explain how those posts were liberals downplaying the economy. He has not bothered to back up his claim on any of those.

Please keep up.
I care why. I provided what you asked for. see you're not very happy for a guy with a happy cappy on.

Why do you care? Because you claimed I ignored his post when I directly responded to it, liar.
cause you did. want that post number as well?
Really? Quote it.
Happy to!
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From this thread: GREAT: Jobs Report Crushes Expectations!...
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From this thread: 2.2 million jobs created since the election. Hooray USA! This is a good thing, right?
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That's just so far, three hours into the news!

By the way, I know these examples won't be "good enough" for you. That's how partisans play the game. Both ends. No proof is ever good enough.

But you're welcome anyway!

Yeah, I already responded to that and even pulled out a few posts and asked Mac to explain how those posts were liberals downplaying the economy. He has not bothered to back up his claim on any of those.

Please keep up.
I care why. I provided what you asked for. see you're not very happy for a guy with a happy cappy on.

Why do you care? Because you claimed I ignored his post when I directly responded to it, liar.
cause you did. want that post number as well?

You're an idiot.
Over what exactly? Claims don't mean anything if you can't back it up.
ahhh still embarrassed I see, the boy responded and you ignored it. and then bitched he didn't respond in the very next post. I get it. you can delete perhaps and save yourself.

Really? Quote it.
Always amusing to watch the partisans out of power trying to downplay/deflect from positive economic news. Side irrelevant, they both do it.
God damn, you're one of the most biased people on this board. Quote from this thread where liberals are downplaying positive economic news.
Happy to!
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From this thread: GREAT: Jobs Report Crushes Expectations!...
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From this thread: 2.2 million jobs created since the election. Hooray USA! This is a good thing, right?
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That's just so far, three hours into the news!

By the way, I know these examples won't be "good enough" for you. That's how partisans play the game. Both ends. No proof is ever good enough.

But you're welcome anyway!

Yeah, I already responded to that and even pulled out a few posts and asked Mac to explain how those posts were liberals downplaying the economy. He has not bothered to back up his claim on any of those.

Please keep up.
I care why. I provided what you asked for. see you're not very happy for a guy with a happy cappy on.
Remember how the game is played:

1. Ask for examples or proof of a post that has upset you
2. When examples or proof are provided, deny that they're good enough
3. Demand explanation of the proof, knowing that you'll once again deny that it's good enough
4. When the person who provided the proof refuses to play along, claim some kind of victory, like you're in grade school

It's my own fault for getting sucked into the game in the first place. I should know better.

This happens all the time here.

Yeah, I already responded to that and even pulled out a few posts and asked Mac to explain how those posts were liberals downplaying the economy. He has not bothered to back up his claim on any of those.

Please keep up.
I care why. I provided what you asked for. see you're not very happy for a guy with a happy cappy on.

Why do you care? Because you claimed I ignored his post when I directly responded to it, liar.
cause you did. want that post number as well?

You're an idiot.
says the idiot.

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