More From Delicate Snowflakeville


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
Some of our newly-minted college grads and their professors just cannot stand to hear anything which does not conform to their leftarded narrative. It offends their delicate sensibilities.

Dozens walk out before Mike Pence's commencement address at Taylor University
Dozens of graduates and faculty at Taylor University walked out of graduation exercises Saturday morning minutes before the introduction of Vice President Mike Pence...

In caps and gowns, the students and faculty rose and quietly walked down the aisle and out of the auditorium in the Kesler Student Activities Center at Taylor.

The protest, planned and discussed prior to Saturday’s ceremony,

Pussys grabbed and delivered to the libtard nation.
Pussys grabbed and delivered to the libtard nation.
As with the raging horde of 9/11 "truthers," the number of irrational leftards may have peaked and have begun their inexorable slide. Expect ANTIFA to ramp up their activity as their numbers dwindle.
Running to their Safe Space, I imagine. What a shame that this has been done to them. Teaching our kids to avoid opinions they don't like, that's horrible. What a lousy thing to do to a young mind.
They don't need to agree with any of Pence's beliefs but to not even listen to what the man just a heartbeat away from the Oval Office had to say is sadly typical of what our kids are being taught: if you don't like what you may hear, stick your head in the sand and sing Kumbaya as loudly as possible.
I wonder how many were PoliSci or similar Leftist/Progressive degree majors who would tell you they believe in “Free Speech”.
I can’t believe the university itself allowed such disrespect.
When I went to school, you could forfeit your right to a degree, if you went against code of conduct standards. The courts have also found such to be legal-

Academic institutions generally withhold a degree for three reasons: First, for academic problems, such as failing grades or academic dishonesty; second, for non-academic problems, such as failure to pay tuition or fees; and, third, for social misconduct that the college or university disapproves.14

In other cases, courts have also upheld the right of educational institutions to withhold a degree for student activity unrelated to academics but contrary to university policy. For example, in People ex rel. O’Sullivan v. New York Law School,36 the Law School withheld a student’s diploma for an incident involving a protest against the choice of a graduation speaker. The New York Supreme Court stated:
It cannot be that a student having passed all examinations necessary for a degree can, before his graduation, excite disturbance and threaten injury to the school or college without being amendable to some punishment. No course would seem open except to forthwith expel him or refuse his degree. . . . The faculties of educational institutions having power to confer degrees
. . . are necessarily vested with a broad discretion as to the persons who shall receive those honors. . . . Any other rule would be subversive of all discipline in the school. . . . We see no reason why the right to discipline is not as great between the final examination and the graduation as before. . . .37
Running to their Safe Space, I imagine.

What a shame that this has been done to them. Teaching our kids to avoid opinions they don't like, that's horrible.

What a lousy thing to do to a young mind.
I don't think they were "avoiding" anything, Mac. The only thing "done" to their young minds was the choice to "vote with their feet" about a decision THEY made about Pence and the kind of drivel he was likely to preach at them. Just because they don't agree with you doesn't make them victims.
Running to their Safe Space, I imagine.

What a shame that this has been done to them. Teaching our kids to avoid opinions they don't like, that's horrible.

What a lousy thing to do to a young mind.
I don't think they were "avoiding" anything, Mac. The only thing "done" to their young minds was the choice to "vote with their feet" about a decision THEY made about Pence and the kind of drivel he was likely to preach at them. Just because they don't agree with you doesn't make them victims.
An example of my point. We should always encourage young people to expose themselves to all ideas, not encourage and make excuses for avoidance. I can't even believe I have to say that. This is just the latest in a long, long, long line of examples.

This is the same kind of bullshit as "Safe Spaces", and it blows my mind that adults are fine with it.
And in the end all it does is make them look like delicate snowflakes.

Here they were thinking it was going to be earth shattering. Fckn loons
That’s just plain and simple disrespectful. The faculty is a disgrace and if the Dean of the school doesn’t do something then he needs to be removed. I have over 20 nieces and nephews and have had sat there through speeches of politicians I dislike and don’t agree with but we didn’t leave Just shows how corrupt and evil the left is.

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Running to their Safe Space, I imagine.

What a shame that this has been done to them. Teaching our kids to avoid opinions they don't like, that's horrible.

What a lousy thing to do to a young mind.
I don't think they were "avoiding" anything, Mac. The only thing "done" to their young minds was the choice to "vote with their feet" about a decision THEY made about Pence and the kind of drivel he was likely to preach at them. Just because they don't agree with you doesn't make them victims.

Pretty divisive of them, don't you think?
Running to their Safe Space, I imagine.

What a shame that this has been done to them. Teaching our kids to avoid opinions they don't like, that's horrible.

What a lousy thing to do to a young mind.
I don't think they were "avoiding" anything, Mac. The only thing "done" to their young minds was the choice to "vote with their feet" about a decision THEY made about Pence and the kind of drivel he was likely to preach at them. Just because they don't agree with you doesn't make them victims.
An example of my point. We should always encourage young people to expose themselves to all ideas, not encourage and make excuses for avoidance. I can't even believe I have to say that. This is just the latest in a long, long, long line of examples.

This is the same kind of bullshit as "Safe Spaces", and it blows my mind that adults are fine with it.
They obviously exposed themselves to enough ideas to know they didn't agree with or wish to listen to Pence's commencement address. This was not a lecturer they had to listen to for an exam. It was their commencement speaker.
Running to their Safe Space, I imagine.

What a shame that this has been done to them. Teaching our kids to avoid opinions they don't like, that's horrible.

What a lousy thing to do to a young mind.
I don't think they were "avoiding" anything, Mac. The only thing "done" to their young minds was the choice to "vote with their feet" about a decision THEY made about Pence and the kind of drivel he was likely to preach at them. Just because they don't agree with you doesn't make them victims.
An example of my point. We should always encourage young people to expose themselves to all ideas, not encourage and make excuses for avoidance. I can't even believe I have to say that. This is just the latest in a long, long, long line of examples.

This is the same kind of bullshit as "Safe Spaces", and it blows my mind that adults are fine with it.
They obviously exposed themselves to enough ideas to know they didn't agree with or wish to listen to Pence's commencement address. This was not a lecturer they had to listen to for an exam. It was their commencement speaker.

It was an commencement address. Odds are it would have been meaningless and vague generalities.

Indeed, if it was NOT, he would be the one being divisive.

A commencement speech is not a place to make a political point.
Running to their Safe Space, I imagine.

What a shame that this has been done to them. Teaching our kids to avoid opinions they don't like, that's horrible.

What a lousy thing to do to a young mind.
I don't think they were "avoiding" anything, Mac. The only thing "done" to their young minds was the choice to "vote with their feet" about a decision THEY made about Pence and the kind of drivel he was likely to preach at them. Just because they don't agree with you doesn't make them victims.
An example of my point. We should always encourage young people to expose themselves to all ideas, not encourage and make excuses for avoidance. I can't even believe I have to say that. This is just the latest in a long, long, long line of examples.

This is the same kind of bullshit as "Safe Spaces", and it blows my mind that adults are fine with it.
They obviously exposed themselves to enough ideas to know they didn't agree with or wish to listen to Pence's commencement address. This was not a lecturer they had to listen to for an exam. It was their commencement speaker.

It was an commencement address. Odds are it would have been meaningless and vague generalities.

Indeed, if it was NOT, he would be the one being divisive.

A commencement speech is not a place to make a political point.

What a way to remember what should be a proud day in one's life.

A few students from a cow college trying to look important
Correll, knockithefuckoff.

You have a good third of this country, telling themselves that those that disagree with them, are such bad people that they cannot even sit though a ceremony together.

That is deeply divisive, and is tearing this nation apart.
Correll, knockithefuckoff.

You have a good third of this country, telling themselves that those that disagree with them, are such bad people that they cannot even sit though a ceremony together.

That is deeply divisive, and is tearing this nation apart.
That's better. Use your words, not the funny button for every goddamned thing you don't agree with.
Ugh. College graduation ceremonies are such dreadfully boring affairs. Let's all spend several hours listening to the faculty pat themselves on the back while we wonder if damp skin and headaches are signs of a heat stroke.
Running to their Safe Space, I imagine.

What a shame that this has been done to them. Teaching our kids to avoid opinions they don't like, that's horrible.

What a lousy thing to do to a young mind.
I don't think they were "avoiding" anything, Mac. The only thing "done" to their young minds was the choice to "vote with their feet" about a decision THEY made about Pence and the kind of drivel he was likely to preach at them. Just because they don't agree with you doesn't make them victims.
An example of my point. We should always encourage young people to expose themselves to all ideas, not encourage and make excuses for avoidance. I can't even believe I have to say that. This is just the latest in a long, long, long line of examples.

This is the same kind of bullshit as "Safe Spaces", and it blows my mind that adults are fine with it.
They obviously exposed themselves to enough ideas to know they didn't agree with or wish to listen to Pence's commencement address. This was not a lecturer they had to listen to for an exam. It was their commencement speaker.

Obviously you need to take you medicine. Doesn’t matter faculty and students don’t walk out on the speaker whether they like him or not. It’s disrespectful especially faculty. I have had to sit through graduation speeches from people I didn’t like. I sat there and listen. The left just shows how immature and how low they are. Pure pond scum.

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