More Evil Doings At Congress?

Section 1713 of the Budget Bill is said to:

Republicans in Congress are attempting to repeal fundamental environmental protections by attaching hundreds of amendments to a stop-gap funding measure.

If they get their way, big polluters win free rein to foul our air and threaten our climate, Shell drills in the Arctic, and hunters and ranchers get to gun down wolves.

Need more reasons to call your senator to stop this assault? This bill would also:

- Undo progress made to curb destructive mountaintop-removal mining by stopping the EPA from developing standards that list toxic coal ash as hazardous waste, reviewing water pollution issues, completing rules to protect streams from coal waste, and enforcing the Clean Water Act that governs required dredge and fill permits.

- Scrap plans for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to create a "climate service."

- Zero out U.S. funding for the Nobel-Prize-winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

- Stop the EPA from even collecting data on sources of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas pollutants.

Don't Let Congress Roll Back 40 Years of Environmental Protections

If this is an accurate description, this bill MUST be stopped.

Have you read more about it?

Hi Madeline,

I have not read the body of the bill yet but some of the amendments are good in my opinion. Certainly defunding the IPCC is a real good one. They left science and became a political advocacy group a long time ago. They need to go.

The EPA is trying to do back door legislation on CO2 which we are finding more and more to be a benign gas that is real good for plants and has no deleterious effects that can be determined, no matter what the alarmists would have you believe.

So far I am very much in favour of the amendments. The rest I don't know yet.

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