More Election Fraud From The Left

Makes me sick, watching Republicans make up crazy lies about vote fraud, so they can justify their thug tactics of stopping people from voting.

Calibration errors occur all over, and affect both sides. The difference is that, not being victimhood-seeking partisan thugs, Democrats don't lie their ass off and pretend it's a conspiracy when it goes against them. They just report that the machine needs fixed.

Republicans, is that so much to ask, that for just once you put your nation ahead of your party? If it is too much to ask, let everyone know.
Makes me sick, watching Republicans make up crazy lies about vote fraud, so they can justify their thug tactics of stopping people from voting.

Calibration errors occur all over, and affect both sides. The difference is that, not being victimhood-seeking partisan thugs, Democrats don't lie their ass off and pretend it's a conspiracy when it goes against them. They just report that the machine needs fixed.

Republicans, is that so much to ask, that for just once you put your nation ahead of your party? If it is too much to ask, let everyone know.
Seems kinda strange that voting machines are "calibrated" so precisely and this was reported in another state when a Rep Congressman voted and the x's showed up in the Dem column. Happens every year and it's the same old story. Aren't graveyard registrations good enough?
9 times out of 10 the "error" is in favor of the Democrats. Coincidence? Not likely.
You guys can lie ... and being Republicans, you will ... that calibration errors always favor the Democrat, but nobody outside your prancing pansy victimhood club will believe it. Sure, you'll fall for it, but you're all mewling sissies, willing to believe any story that gets you to a precious victimhood orgasm.

Did I mention you're all pansy liars? Probably, but it's worth mentioning again.

Again, calibration errors happen all over to all sides. Mewling pansies call it a conspiracy. Honest people just get the machine fixed.
9 times out of 10 the "error" is in favor of the Democrats. Coincidence? Not likely.
Yep. Same old thing every year.

CHICAGO, October 27, 2014 — As news circulated last week about an Illinois voting machine “calibration error” changing Republican votes to Democrat ones, a new report questions the integrity of thousands of GOP voting records in Chicago and whether or not they, too, have been compromised.

Early voting kicked off in scandal-ridden Cook County last week when Jim Moynihan, a Republican candidate for state representative, tried to vote for himself and found his vote had been cast for his opponent.

“I tried to cast a vote for myself and instead it cast the vote for my opponent,” Moynihan said. “You could imagine my surprise as the same thing happened with a number of races when I tried to vote for a Republican and the machine registered a vote for a Democrat.”

Officials say the machine was suffering from a “calibration error” and has now been taken out of service.

But longtime Republican activist William J. Kelly says that there may actually be thousands of GOP voting records at-risk in Illinois.

VOTER FRAUD Thousands of Republican voting records at-risk in Chicago Communities Digital News
You guys can lie ... and being Republicans, you will ... that calibration errors always favor the Democrat, but nobody outside your prancing pansy victimhood club will believe it. Sure, you'll fall for it, but you're all mewling sissies, willing to believe any story that gets you to a precious victimhood orgasm.

Did I mention you're all pansy liars? Probably, but it's worth mentioning again.

Again, calibration errors happen all over to all sides. Mewling pansies call it a conspiracy. Honest people just get the machine fixed.
I'll play your silly game: You're right! You win!
9 times out of 10 the "error" is in favor of the Democrats. Coincidence? Not likely.

Got a cite for that % or just pull it out of your ass? I think we know. The Republicans are lining up the excuses for why they didn't get their "sure win".

I see Conrad is already BUTTHURT!

The truth will be told Tuesday. Have your fun now, but remember 9/7/12. :lmao:

BTW, your comment makes no sense.
I got it, if we are full of it. Then if it's true and the fraud goes to the democrats. The republicans get those votes. Are y'all good with that? I mean they just need a little calibrating? Right? Put your money where your mouth is.


You know, I'm not a partisan, so I had to laugh at the source of this news. Seriously guys? The MSM is there for ratings and to get people all riled up. Though it is true. The political elites that control the vote determine elections. However, you are kidding yourselves if you think only one side does this. The Republicans do the same thing. They have admitted to as much. Bush would have never won in 2000 and 2004 if they didn't.

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Fox news, or any of the MSM that relies on commercials and is in bed with the CFR never pretends to serve you up the truth. Now their terms of use even indemnify themselves of any such notions. Seriously people.
9 times out of 10 the "error" is in favor of the Democrats. Coincidence? Not likely.

Got a cite for that % or just pull it out of your ass? I think we know. The Republicans are lining up the excuses for why they didn't get their "sure win".

I see Conrad is already BUTTHURT!

The truth will be told Tuesday. Have your fun now, but remember 9/7/12. :lmao:

BTW, your comment makes no sense.

You see Conrad, you subversives just don't have the IQ TO GET IT.... others do!
9 times out of 10 the "error" is in favor of the Democrats. Coincidence? Not likely.

Got a cite for that % or just pull it out of your ass? I think we know. The Republicans are lining up the excuses for why they didn't get their "sure win".

I see Conrad is already BUTTHURT!

The truth will be told Tuesday. Have your fun now, but remember 9/7/12. :lmao:

BTW, your comment makes no sense.

You see Conrad, you subversives just don't have the IQ TO GET IT.... others do!

Whatever, you're boring and unoriginal. ***YAWN***
9 times out of 10 the "error" is in favor of the Democrats. Coincidence? Not likely.

Got a cite for that % or just pull it out of your ass? I think we know. The Republicans are lining up the excuses for why they didn't get their "sure win".

I see Conrad is already BUTTHURT!

The truth will be told Tuesday. Have your fun now, but remember 9/7/12. :lmao:

BTW, your comment makes no sense.

You see Conrad, you subversives just don't have the IQ TO GET IT.... others do!

Whatever, you're boring and unoriginal. ***YAWN***

An advanced reply for a low 2 digit IQ'd subversive! :rolleyes-41:

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