More disinformation

And out right lies from the right wing soicial media types. They are claiming Biden's income tax proposal would mean families earning $75K a year will see half their bi-weekly paychecks cut in half due to new tax hikes..Lies...Fact check: Biden tax plan would raise rates for those who make more than $400K, corporations

Leftists in general LIKE to raise taxes, Leftists do have a long history of doing this. The Modern Leftists who are now Neo-Communists also have that infamous Communist policy about wanting to Redistribute The Wealth, they have even said that the COVID-19 situation should be USED to bring in RADICAL ECONOMIC CHANGES so that wealth distribution is more equal.
And out right lies from the right wing soicial media types. They are claiming Biden's income tax proposal would mean families earning $75K a year will see half their bi-weekly paychecks cut in half due to new tax hikes..Lies...Fact check: Biden tax plan would raise rates for those who make more than $400K, corporations
Honesty hasn't been a priority in American politics for quite a while.

That's what happens when people think they're in a "war".
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And out right lies from the right wing soicial media types. They are claiming Biden's income tax proposal would mean families earning $75K a year will see half their bi-weekly paychecks cut in half due to new tax hikes..Lies...Fact check: Biden tax plan would raise rates for those who make more than $400K, corporations

Leftists in general LIKE to raise taxes, Leftists do have a long history of doing this. The Modern Leftists who are now Neo-Communists also have that infamous Communist policy about wanting to Redistribute The Wealth, they have even said that the COVID-19 situation should be USED to bring in RADICAL ECONOMIC CHANGES so that wealth distribution is more equal.
Leftists like Ronald Reagan? The 1980's. FICA. Remember yet?

Wealth Redistribution? As a wealthy American I don't see it. I personally make $7M+ per year, and due to Republican placed loopholes pay zero income tax. My corporations all pay 1.5% of revenue down from 3%.
And out right lies from the right wing soicial media types. They are claiming Biden's income tax proposal would mean families earning $75K a year will see half their bi-weekly paychecks cut in half due to new tax hikes..Lies...Fact check: Biden tax plan would raise rates for those who make more than $400K, corporations
To the pseudo-conservatives fake tax claims are always in style.
and lying leftist like you know for a fact that dems cant pay for the changes they want by taxing only the rich !dems have a long history of raising taxes on the middle class.
And out right lies from the right wing soicial media types. They are claiming Biden's income tax proposal would mean families earning $75K a year will see half their bi-weekly paychecks cut in half due to new tax hikes..Lies...Fact check: Biden tax plan would raise rates for those who make more than $400K, corporations

Leftists in general LIKE to raise taxes, Leftists do have a long history of doing this. The Modern Leftists who are now Neo-Communists also have that infamous Communist policy about wanting to Redistribute The Wealth, they have even said that the COVID-19 situation should be USED to bring in RADICAL ECONOMIC CHANGES so that wealth distribution is more equal.
Leftists like Ronald Reagan? The 1980's. FICA. Remember yet?

Wealth Redistribution? As a wealthy American I don't see it. I personally make $7M+ per year, and due to Republican placed loopholes pay zero income tax. My corporations all pay 1.5% of revenue down from 3%.

7M a year, to me that is called Pocket Money. 7M a year is not wealthy, that is called being rich, there is difference between Wealthy and Rich, I am Independently Wealthy, I won't say how much and I won't say how much my family is worth because that would be very vulgar and also it would probably freak peoples out.

But the Leftists WANT MY Wealth and they WANT my family WEALTH and we ALL know it and they should KNOW they will NEVER get it. Period. We have had Wealth for Centuries and each Generation has added more to it and the filthy Leftists can GTFO. It is OURS and we will NOT be giving it up. Period.
And out right lies from the right wing soicial media types. They are claiming Biden's income tax proposal would mean families earning $75K a year will see half their bi-weekly paychecks cut in half due to new tax hikes..Lies...Fact check: Biden tax plan would raise rates for those who make more than $400K, corporations

Leftists in general LIKE to raise taxes, Leftists do have a long history of doing this. The Modern Leftists who are now Neo-Communists also have that infamous Communist policy about wanting to Redistribute The Wealth, they have even said that the COVID-19 situation should be USED to bring in RADICAL ECONOMIC CHANGES so that wealth distribution is more equal.
Leftists like Ronald Reagan? The 1980's. FICA. Remember yet?

Wealth Redistribution? As a wealthy American I don't see it. I personally make $7M+ per year, and due to Republican placed loopholes pay zero income tax. My corporations all pay 1.5% of revenue down from 3%.

7M a year, to me that is called Pocket Money. 7M a year is not wealthy, that is called being rich, there is difference between Wealthy and Rich, I am Independently Wealthy, I won't say how much and I won't say how much my family is worth because that would be very vulgar and also it would probably freak peoples out.

But the Leftists WANT MY Wealth and they WANT my family WEALTH and we ALL know it and they should KNOW they will NEVER get it. Period. We have had Wealth for Centuries and each Generation has added more to it and the filthy Leftists can GTFO. It is OURS and we will NOT be giving it up. Period.
I won't say how much and I won't say how much my family is worth because that would be very vulgar...

Vulgarity is the stock in trade for leftists...I believe not a single word of people who brag about how much they make.
And out right lies from the right wing soicial media types. They are claiming Biden's income tax proposal would mean families earning $75K a year will see half their bi-weekly paychecks cut in half due to new tax hikes..Lies...Fact check: Biden tax plan would raise rates for those who make more than $400K, corporations

Leftists in general LIKE to raise taxes, Leftists do have a long history of doing this. The Modern Leftists who are now Neo-Communists also have that infamous Communist policy about wanting to Redistribute The Wealth, they have even said that the COVID-19 situation should be USED to bring in RADICAL ECONOMIC CHANGES so that wealth distribution is more equal.
Leftists like Ronald Reagan? The 1980's. FICA. Remember yet?

Wealth Redistribution? As a wealthy American I don't see it. I personally make $7M+ per year, and due to Republican placed loopholes pay zero income tax. My corporations all pay 1.5% of revenue down from 3%.

7M a year, to me that is called Pocket Money. 7M a year is not wealthy, that is called being rich, there is difference between Wealthy and Rich, I am Independently Wealthy, I won't say how much and I won't say how much my family is worth because that would be very vulgar and also it would probably freak peoples out.

But the Leftists WANT MY Wealth and they WANT my family WEALTH and we ALL know it and they should KNOW they will NEVER get it. Period. We have had Wealth for Centuries and each Generation has added more to it and the filthy Leftists can GTFO. It is OURS and we will NOT be giving it up. Period.

^^^^ I feel it's important for me to add that I am NOT selfish, I give a lot of moneys each year to approx 15 different Charity Organisations of my CHOICE. I also have helped many friends out during the COVID-19 thing who because of the INSANE situation were literally going to be RUINED and so I have given them moneys to keep them going, they know these are NOT Loans they are GIFTS from one friend - me - to another, them.

The situation is as a family we feel NO need to give ANY moneys to Third World Shitholes, which is essentially WHAT the Leftists WANT to do with OUR moneys IF they got their filthy Commie hands on OUR moneys, they want OUR moneys to give to worthless Third World Shitholes and also to fund their disgusting Communist policies.

My family wealth has basically survived INTACT through MANY Wars of the 19th Century AND the 20th Century AND two Financial Market crashes and it has survived because we do not use the same type of Banking as regular peoples do, there is a different type of Banking for us and it ensures we NEVER lose moneys.
And out right lies from the right wing soicial media types. They are claiming Biden's income tax proposal would mean families earning $75K a year will see half their bi-weekly paychecks cut in half due to new tax hikes..Lies...Fact check: Biden tax plan would raise rates for those who make more than $400K, corporations

Leftists in general LIKE to raise taxes, Leftists do have a long history of doing this. The Modern Leftists who are now Neo-Communists also have that infamous Communist policy about wanting to Redistribute The Wealth, they have even said that the COVID-19 situation should be USED to bring in RADICAL ECONOMIC CHANGES so that wealth distribution is more equal.
Leftists like Ronald Reagan? The 1980's. FICA. Remember yet?

Wealth Redistribution? As a wealthy American I don't see it. I personally make $7M+ per year, and due to Republican placed loopholes pay zero income tax. My corporations all pay 1.5% of revenue down from 3%.

7M a year, to me that is called Pocket Money. 7M a year is not wealthy, that is called being rich, there is difference between Wealthy and Rich, I am Independently Wealthy, I won't say how much and I won't say how much my family is worth because that would be very vulgar and also it would probably freak peoples out.

But the Leftists WANT MY Wealth and they WANT my family WEALTH and we ALL know it and they should KNOW they will NEVER get it. Period. We have had Wealth for Centuries and each Generation has added more to it and the filthy Leftists can GTFO. It is OURS and we will NOT be giving it up. Period.
I won't say how much and I won't say how much my family is worth because that would be very vulgar...

Vulgarity is the stock in trade for leftists...I believe not a single word of people who brag about how much they make.

The general rule in Polite Society is that you NEVER discuss your money, it is considered the epitome of vulgarity and all these vulgar Nouveau Riche who have suddenly made money within ONE Generation are literally the worst, they also I add in general have ABSOLUTELY no taste OR finesse. They buy UGLY vulgar houses, filled with UGLY vulgar furniture, they buy UGLY so-called Art and they buy hideous jewellery and sometimes for some REASON they end up at a Party with peoples like my family and they CANNOT STOP talking about their MONEY, of course being polite we never tell them to STFU but after such a Party we ALL do say how vulgar and COMMON they are and then usually LAUGH at them.
And out right lies from the right wing soicial media types. They are claiming Biden's income tax proposal would mean families earning $75K a year will see half their bi-weekly paychecks cut in half due to new tax hikes..Lies...Fact check: Biden tax plan would raise rates for those who make more than $400K, corporations
No need to worry. Biden’s proposal is all propaganda. He has no intention of raising taxes on the rich.
I really like your sign, Gipper. I should have had one of those for 2016.:(
And out right lies from the right wing soicial media types. They are claiming Biden's income tax proposal would mean families earning $75K a year will see half their bi-weekly paychecks cut in half due to new tax hikes..Lies...Fact check: Biden tax plan would raise rates for those who make more than $400K, corporations

Leftists in general LIKE to raise taxes, Leftists do have a long history of doing this. The Modern Leftists who are now Neo-Communists also have that infamous Communist policy about wanting to Redistribute The Wealth, they have even said that the COVID-19 situation should be USED to bring in RADICAL ECONOMIC CHANGES so that wealth distribution is more equal.
Leftists like Ronald Reagan? The 1980's. FICA. Remember yet?

Wealth Redistribution? As a wealthy American I don't see it. I personally make $7M+ per year, and due to Republican placed loopholes pay zero income tax. My corporations all pay 1.5% of revenue down from 3%.

7M a year, to me that is called Pocket Money. 7M a year is not wealthy, that is called being rich, there is difference between Wealthy and Rich, I am Independently Wealthy, I won't say how much and I won't say how much my family is worth because that would be very vulgar and also it would probably freak peoples out.

But the Leftists WANT MY Wealth and they WANT my family WEALTH and we ALL know it and they should KNOW they will NEVER get it. Period. We have had Wealth for Centuries and each Generation has added more to it and the filthy Leftists can GTFO. It is OURS and we will NOT be giving it up. Period.
I won't say how much and I won't say how much my family is worth because that would be very vulgar...

Vulgarity is the stock in trade for leftists...I believe not a single word of people who brag about how much they make.

I forgot to comment, peoples who brag in public settings about how much moneys they make a year they are like men who brag about having a 9 inch dick.
And out right lies from the right wing soicial media types. They are claiming Biden's income tax proposal would mean families earning $75K a year will see half their bi-weekly paychecks cut in half due to new tax hikes..Lies...Fact check: Biden tax plan would raise rates for those who make more than $400K, corporations

Leftists in general LIKE to raise taxes, Leftists do have a long history of doing this. The Modern Leftists who are now Neo-Communists also have that infamous Communist policy about wanting to Redistribute The Wealth, they have even said that the COVID-19 situation should be USED to bring in RADICAL ECONOMIC CHANGES so that wealth distribution is more equal.
Leftists like Ronald Reagan? The 1980's. FICA. Remember yet?

Wealth Redistribution? As a wealthy American I don't see it. I personally make $7M+ per year, and due to Republican placed loopholes pay zero income tax. My corporations all pay 1.5% of revenue down from 3%.

7M a year, to me that is called Pocket Money. 7M a year is not wealthy, that is called being rich, there is difference between Wealthy and Rich, I am Independently Wealthy, I won't say how much and I won't say how much my family is worth because that would be very vulgar and also it would probably freak peoples out.

But the Leftists WANT MY Wealth and they WANT my family WEALTH and we ALL know it and they should KNOW they will NEVER get it. Period. We have had Wealth for Centuries and each Generation has added more to it and the filthy Leftists can GTFO. It is OURS and we will NOT be giving it up. Period.
Most of the people I know who are wealthy are miserable so I don't know why people need to brag about a gift given them by God.
And out right lies from the right wing soicial media types. They are claiming Biden's income tax proposal would mean families earning $75K a year will see half their bi-weekly paychecks cut in half due to new tax hikes..Lies...Fact check: Biden tax plan would raise rates for those who make more than $400K, corporations

Leftists in general LIKE to raise taxes, Leftists do have a long history of doing this. The Modern Leftists who are now Neo-Communists also have that infamous Communist policy about wanting to Redistribute The Wealth, they have even said that the COVID-19 situation should be USED to bring in RADICAL ECONOMIC CHANGES so that wealth distribution is more equal.
Leftists like Ronald Reagan? The 1980's. FICA. Remember yet?

Wealth Redistribution? As a wealthy American I don't see it. I personally make $7M+ per year, and due to Republican placed loopholes pay zero income tax. My corporations all pay 1.5% of revenue down from 3%.

7M a year, to me that is called Pocket Money. 7M a year is not wealthy, that is called being rich, there is difference between Wealthy and Rich, I am Independently Wealthy, I won't say how much and I won't say how much my family is worth because that would be very vulgar and also it would probably freak peoples out.

But the Leftists WANT MY Wealth and they WANT my family WEALTH and we ALL know it and they should KNOW they will NEVER get it. Period. We have had Wealth for Centuries and each Generation has added more to it and the filthy Leftists can GTFO. It is OURS and we will NOT be giving it up. Period.

I won't say how wealthy I am either, because, as you say, that would be vulgar, but when I order a meal, I go with the curly fries and a large drink every time. I don't even worry about the extra cost.
And out right lies from the right wing soicial media types. They are claiming Biden's income tax proposal would mean families earning $75K a year will see half their bi-weekly paychecks cut in half due to new tax hikes..Lies...Fact check: Biden tax plan would raise rates for those who make more than $400K, corporations

Leftists in general LIKE to raise taxes, Leftists do have a long history of doing this. The Modern Leftists who are now Neo-Communists also have that infamous Communist policy about wanting to Redistribute The Wealth, they have even said that the COVID-19 situation should be USED to bring in RADICAL ECONOMIC CHANGES so that wealth distribution is more equal.
Leftists like Ronald Reagan? The 1980's. FICA. Remember yet?

Wealth Redistribution? As a wealthy American I don't see it. I personally make $7M+ per year, and due to Republican placed loopholes pay zero income tax. My corporations all pay 1.5% of revenue down from 3%.

7M a year, to me that is called Pocket Money. 7M a year is not wealthy, that is called being rich, there is difference between Wealthy and Rich, I am Independently Wealthy, I won't say how much and I won't say how much my family is worth because that would be very vulgar and also it would probably freak peoples out.

But the Leftists WANT MY Wealth and they WANT my family WEALTH and we ALL know it and they should KNOW they will NEVER get it. Period. We have had Wealth for Centuries and each Generation has added more to it and the filthy Leftists can GTFO. It is OURS and we will NOT be giving it up. Period.
Most of the people I know who are wealthy are miserable so I don't know why people need to brag about a gift given them by God.
Please list their names and phone numbers so I can start a support group. FYI, I have a personal income of $7M+ per year, and a investment portfolio of $1.3B+. God didn't give me any of that.
And out right lies from the right wing soicial media types. They are claiming Biden's income tax proposal would mean families earning $75K a year will see half their bi-weekly paychecks cut in half due to new tax hikes..Lies...Fact check: Biden tax plan would raise rates for those who make more than $400K, corporations

Leftists in general LIKE to raise taxes, Leftists do have a long history of doing this. The Modern Leftists who are now Neo-Communists also have that infamous Communist policy about wanting to Redistribute The Wealth, they have even said that the COVID-19 situation should be USED to bring in RADICAL ECONOMIC CHANGES so that wealth distribution is more equal.
Leftists like Ronald Reagan? The 1980's. FICA. Remember yet?

Wealth Redistribution? As a wealthy American I don't see it. I personally make $7M+ per year, and due to Republican placed loopholes pay zero income tax. My corporations all pay 1.5% of revenue down from 3%.

7M a year, to me that is called Pocket Money. 7M a year is not wealthy, that is called being rich, there is difference between Wealthy and Rich, I am Independently Wealthy, I won't say how much and I won't say how much my family is worth because that would be very vulgar and also it would probably freak peoples out.

But the Leftists WANT MY Wealth and they WANT my family WEALTH and we ALL know it and they should KNOW they will NEVER get it. Period. We have had Wealth for Centuries and each Generation has added more to it and the filthy Leftists can GTFO. It is OURS and we will NOT be giving it up. Period.
Most of the people I know who are wealthy are miserable so I don't know why people need to brag about a gift given them by God.
Please list their names and phone numbers so I can start a support group. FYI, I have a personal income of $7M+ per year, and a investment portfolio of $1.3B+. God didn't give me any of that.
Sadly, most suffer from avarice and greed.
They watch the market all day and most of them are divorced.
And out right lies from the right wing soicial media types. They are claiming Biden's income tax proposal would mean families earning $75K a year will see half their bi-weekly paychecks cut in half due to new tax hikes..Lies...Fact check: Biden tax plan would raise rates for those who make more than $400K, corporations

Leftists in general LIKE to raise taxes, Leftists do have a long history of doing this. The Modern Leftists who are now Neo-Communists also have that infamous Communist policy about wanting to Redistribute The Wealth, they have even said that the COVID-19 situation should be USED to bring in RADICAL ECONOMIC CHANGES so that wealth distribution is more equal.
Leftists like Ronald Reagan? The 1980's. FICA. Remember yet?

Wealth Redistribution? As a wealthy American I don't see it. I personally make $7M+ per year, and due to Republican placed loopholes pay zero income tax. My corporations all pay 1.5% of revenue down from 3%.

7M a year, to me that is called Pocket Money. 7M a year is not wealthy, that is called being rich, there is difference between Wealthy and Rich, I am Independently Wealthy, I won't say how much and I won't say how much my family is worth because that would be very vulgar and also it would probably freak peoples out.

But the Leftists WANT MY Wealth and they WANT my family WEALTH and we ALL know it and they should KNOW they will NEVER get it. Period. We have had Wealth for Centuries and each Generation has added more to it and the filthy Leftists can GTFO. It is OURS and we will NOT be giving it up. Period.
I won't say how much and I won't say how much my family is worth because that would be very vulgar...

Vulgarity is the stock in trade for leftists...I believe not a single word of people who brag about how much they make.

I forgot to comment, peoples who brag in public settings about how much moneys they make a year they are like men who brag about having a 9 inch dick.
I fall short.
And out right lies from the right wing soicial media types. They are claiming Biden's income tax proposal would mean families earning $75K a year will see half their bi-weekly paychecks cut in half due to new tax hikes..Lies...Fact check: Biden tax plan would raise rates for those who make more than $400K, corporations

Leftists in general LIKE to raise taxes, Leftists do have a long history of doing this. The Modern Leftists who are now Neo-Communists also have that infamous Communist policy about wanting to Redistribute The Wealth, they have even said that the COVID-19 situation should be USED to bring in RADICAL ECONOMIC CHANGES so that wealth distribution is more equal.
Leftists like Ronald Reagan? The 1980's. FICA. Remember yet?

Wealth Redistribution? As a wealthy American I don't see it. I personally make $7M+ per year, and due to Republican placed loopholes pay zero income tax. My corporations all pay 1.5% of revenue down from 3%.

7M a year, to me that is called Pocket Money. 7M a year is not wealthy, that is called being rich, there is difference between Wealthy and Rich, I am Independently Wealthy, I won't say how much and I won't say how much my family is worth because that would be very vulgar and also it would probably freak peoples out.

But the Leftists WANT MY Wealth and they WANT my family WEALTH and we ALL know it and they should KNOW they will NEVER get it. Period. We have had Wealth for Centuries and each Generation has added more to it and the filthy Leftists can GTFO. It is OURS and we will NOT be giving it up. Period.
Most of the people I know who are wealthy are miserable so I don't know why people need to brag about a gift given them by God.
Please list their names and phone numbers so I can start a support group. FYI, I have a personal income of $7M+ per year, and a investment portfolio of $1.3B+. God didn't give me any of that.
Sadly, most suffer from avarice and greed.
They watch the market all day and most of them are divorced.
Greed and greed?
Don't tell anyone but we wealthy don't watch the market, we have people. We also don't cook or clean, we have people. Divorced? I don't think there are anymore per capita wealthy that are divorced than former middle class, but we can afford sugar babies. I have an "allergy" to sagging earlobes.
And out right lies from the right wing soicial media types. They are claiming Biden's income tax proposal would mean families earning $75K a year will see half their bi-weekly paychecks cut in half due to new tax hikes..Lies...Fact check: Biden tax plan would raise rates for those who make more than $400K, corporations

Leftists in general LIKE to raise taxes, Leftists do have a long history of doing this. The Modern Leftists who are now Neo-Communists also have that infamous Communist policy about wanting to Redistribute The Wealth, they have even said that the COVID-19 situation should be USED to bring in RADICAL ECONOMIC CHANGES so that wealth distribution is more equal.
Leftists like Ronald Reagan? The 1980's. FICA. Remember yet?

Wealth Redistribution? As a wealthy American I don't see it. I personally make $7M+ per year, and due to Republican placed loopholes pay zero income tax. My corporations all pay 1.5% of revenue down from 3%.

7M a year, to me that is called Pocket Money. 7M a year is not wealthy, that is called being rich, there is difference between Wealthy and Rich, I am Independently Wealthy, I won't say how much and I won't say how much my family is worth because that would be very vulgar and also it would probably freak peoples out.

But the Leftists WANT MY Wealth and they WANT my family WEALTH and we ALL know it and they should KNOW they will NEVER get it. Period. We have had Wealth for Centuries and each Generation has added more to it and the filthy Leftists can GTFO. It is OURS and we will NOT be giving it up. Period.
Most of the people I know who are wealthy are miserable so I don't know why people need to brag about a gift given them by God.
Please list their names and phone numbers so I can start a support group. FYI, I have a personal income of $7M+ per year, and a investment portfolio of $1.3B+. God didn't give me any of that.
Sadly, most suffer from avarice and greed.
They watch the market all day and most of them are divorced.
Greed and greed?
Don't tell anyone but we wealthy don't watch the market, we have people. We also don't cook or clean, we have people. Divorced? I don't think there are anymore per capita wealthy that are divorced than former middle class, but we can afford sugar babies. I have an "allergy" to sagging earlobes.
The uber people in the Jewish community watch every penny they have because they know what happens when you allow someone else to watch your assets.

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