More Corruption on Mueller's Witch Hunt Team of Political Hacks !


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
A lawyer involved in protecting Crooked Hillary and the stooge who set up her illegal private email server is on the Mueller team of Swamp Rats investigating the DNC emails...oops I mean The Donald's finances! :p
Thu's endeth his "investigation"......

How many times is it going to end? This makes at least a dozen. Would you say "ANY DAY NOW?"
From A Legal Perspective, Mueller’s Investigation is Dead. Here’s Why

That is nothing more than an Op ED. The question remains----------"ANY DAY NOW?"
Based on the law......not to mention his mandate is unconstitutional to begin with since there was no many reasons it will all be ashcanned by a court
A lawyer involved in protecting Crooked Hillary and the stooge who set up her illegal private email server is on the Mueller team of Swamp Rats investigating the DNC emails...oops I mean The Donald's finances! :p
Its hard to find ANYONE in Washington who supports this criminal president..
Thu's endeth his "investigation"......

How many times is it going to end? This makes at least a dozen. Would you say "ANY DAY NOW?"
From A Legal Perspective, Mueller’s Investigation is Dead. Here’s Why

That is nothing more than an Op ED. The question remains----------"ANY DAY NOW?"
Based on the law......not to mention his mandate is unconstitutional to begin with since there was no many reasons it will all be ashcanned by a court

Which court do you think it will be, and when? Any day now?
Thu's endeth his "investigation"......
You wish.
You idiots have been predicting Mueller’s demise and his investigation since day one.
You know Trump is guilty of so many things or you’d all be saying ,” I’m glad this investigation is going on to clear his name.”

Same thing for the crook in the Oval Office. If he was innocent he wouldn’t have to try so hard in derailing the investigation.

You fuctards are just way too easy.

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