More convicted felons allowed to enlist in Army, Marines

I'm not enamored of the fact that my daughters may have to work with these yahoos.
Yeah, short of military recruitment videos/commercials, you don't really see too much military pride on TV. I wish you did. Something needs to be done (outside the military resources) to boost morale and recruitment. I know the military can handle their own, but the "nation" needs to do a better job of promoting military service.
Yeah, short of military recruitment videos/commercials, you don't really see too much military pride on TV. I wish you did. Something needs to be done (outside the military resources) to boost morale and recruitment. I know the military can handle their own, but the "nation" needs to do a better job of promoting military service.

Hmmm? But I thought the media were already doing their part by not showing the caskets of fallen soldiers? Are you saying that's not enough?
Yeah, short of military recruitment videos/commercials, you don't really see too much military pride on TV. I wish you did. Something needs to be done (outside the military resources) to boost morale and recruitment. I know the military can handle their own, but the "nation" needs to do a better job of promoting military service.

I disagree. If we were in a real war, I could see your point. But it isn't the media's job to glad hand the government. In fact, just the opposite.
You are such an incredible dumbass. Ask the families of soldiers who have been killed if it's a "real war," you sneering twit.
Military family members share public's division on Iraq war, Bush

Close family members of U.S. troops are split on whether the Iraq invasion was a mistake, and 55% disapprove of President Bush's job performance, according to USA TODAY/Gallup Polls focusing on immediate relatives of servicemembers.


Got one that says most want us to cut and run? Rayboy tried that and his doesn't say it anymore than yours does.
Got one that says most want us to cut and run? Rayboy tried that and his doesn't say it anymore than yours does.

I have stated my opinion long ago that attempting to get sunnis and shiites to live together in a multicultural democracy within the confines of the artificially created state of Iraq is not feasible.

How many decades would YOU be willing to continue to flush American blood and treasure down the drain in Iraq before you would admit that I was right and that we should have left when I suggested it?

To castigate opponents of the President's foregin policy and characterize their desire to leave Iraq to the Iraqis and start aggressively fight islamic extremism as "cut and run" is just pure inflammatgory bullshit. It casts much heat and no light.
I have stated my opinion long ago that attempting to get sunnis and shiites to live together in a multicultural democracy within the confines of the artificially created state of Iraq is not feasible.

How many decades would YOU be willing to continue to flush American blood and treasure down the drain in Iraq before you would admit that I was right and that we should have left when I suggested it?

To castigate opponents of the President's foregin policy and characterize their desire to leave Iraq to the Iraqis and start aggressively fight islamic extremism as "cut and run" is just pure inflammatgory bullshit. It casts much heat and no light.

Simple BULLSHIT, we do IN fact have a plan and we re IN FACT following it. It is to train and equip the Iraqi military and police to handle the job themselves, which they are trying to do. And I guess you missed the post where 12 of the 18 goal posts set by the Dems have been met?
Military family members share public's division on Iraq war, Bush

Close family members of U.S. troops are split on whether the Iraq invasion was a mistake, and 55% disapprove of President Bush's job performance, according to USA TODAY/Gallup Polls focusing on immediate relatives of servicemembers.


Except that wasn't what she said. She said they were divided regarding whether it was a WAR or not.
Now you're both dumbasses.
We declared war on terrorists before we entered Iraq, and determined we'd go wherever we needed to to fight them.

We entered Iraq to take care of Saddam. We're still there because that's where the terrorists are fighting us. It's a little complicated for your little pea brain, I know.
We declared war on terrorists before we entered Iraq, and determined we'd go wherever we needed to to fight them.

We entered Iraq to take care of Saddam. We're still there because that's where the terrorists are fighting us. It's a little complicated for your little pea brain, I know.


There was no declaration of war on terrorists.

There was no declaration of war on Iraq.

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