MORE 'Boots on the Ground'....In Syria


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Speaking of 'Obama broken promises'... Barry's send8ng in 200 ground troops to fight alongside Kurds and Arabs...

Obama continues to send combat troops into Syria to fight his own personal Un-Constitutional War against the enemy he supplied, financed, armed, trained, protected, and allowed into Iraq...

U.S. is sending 200 more troops to Syria to help fight ISIS

MANAMA, Bahrain – U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter said Saturday that as many as 200 more American troops are being sent to Syria to help Kurdish and Arab fighters capture the Islamic State group's key stronghold of Raqqa.

U.S. is sending 200 more troops to Syria to help fight ISIS
At least Bush had Congressional approval to go to war.

How many more soldiers are going to be sent to fight in Barry's private war to make up for his 'Red Line' F*-Up?!
At least Bush had Congressional approval to go to war.

How many more soldiers are going to be sent to fight in Barry's private war to make up for his 'Red Line' F*-Up?!

I just want to be clear on this- you do not want American troops committed to fighting ISIS?
From what he had said before these troops will consicst mainly of special forces. Guess Obombs wants to take out as many Rangers,Seals, Grren Berets etc, as he can before he leaves office where he has already set up islam in most high security positions. Wonder what weapons they will be naively deliverign this time?
We should get out of Syria. Let Russia and Assad do what needs to be done. Let them wipe out all the Jihadists. We committed awful blunders there. We allowed 'allies' like Saudi Arabia to fund and arm awful people there. Much of the money and weapons has gone to brutal terror groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS. Time to step back and allow Russia and Assad to clean house.
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Nobel should demand Obama return his 'Peace' Prize. How many people has he killed during his eight years as President?
Nobel should demand Obama return his 'Peace' Prize. How many people has he killed during his eight years as President?
An estimated 75 percent of the all U.S. military deaths and about 90 percent of the injuries linked to the ongoing war in Afghanistan have occurred under President Obama’s watch, according to a Breitbart News tally.
Nobel should demand Obama return his 'Peace' Prize. How many people has he killed during his eight years as President?
An estimated 75 percent of the all U.S. military deaths and about 90 percent of the injuries linked to the ongoing war in Afghanistan have occurred under President Obama’s watch, according to a Breitbart News tally.

Obama is more deadly to our troops than the enemy....
At least Bush had Congressional approval to go to war.

How many more soldiers are going to be sent to fight in Barry's private war to make up for his 'Red Line' F*-Up?!

I just want to be clear on this- you do not want American troops committed to fighting ISIS?

Are you serious about fighting ISIS? Do you want to see them destroyed? The fastest way for that to happen is for us to get the hell out of Syria, and offer whatever information or assistance they request. Because right now, we're the baddies in the fight. Before you get upset or accuse me of some heinous crime or wanting our enemies to win think about it.

First, our NATO allies in the form of Turkey are buying stolen Syrian Oil and paying ISIS for it. Syria oil map: the journey of a barrel of Isis oil

So our allies in the fight against ISIS is actually providing money to fund ISIS through the purchase of stolen oil.

Well at least we have our good friends in Jordan helping the so called Moderate Jihad forces and providing them with weapons we are buying in Eastern Europe for that purpose. Doh. No it turns out Jordan is selling the weapons to ISIS for some of that cash that Turkey gives them, oh and they'll take Oil in exchange too. CIA weapons for Syrian rebels sold to arms black market: NYT

So if we pull out. The worst that can happen is that the flow of weapons to ISIS would be severed. Then we can pressure our allies in Turkey to stop buying the stolen oil, and by providing information to Russia and Syria we could even speed the collapse of ISIS. Nope, we have to defeat Russia because Putin sucks or something. We have to defeat Syria because Assad sucks, or something. ISIS we will get to eventually, after they have managed to steal all the oil in Syria and enrich our allies. Or something.

So what technique do you suggest since our active involvement is actually helping the enemy we're supposed to be fighting?
I just want to be clear on this- you do not want American troops committed to fighting ISIS?
I want to be clear on this:

1. You are a partisan idiot.

2. You do not speak for me.

3. I want a President who does NOT supply, finance, arm, protect, & defend terrorists - Obama has proven he isn't such a President.

4. I want a President who does not violate the US Constitution by taking the country to war on his own, by-passing Congress to do so, which Barry has done. He never went to Congress and asked for the authority to send combat ground troops into Syria!

5. Obama, as usual, is a LIAR - he promised 'NO BOOTS ON THE GROUND', and now he's sending at least 200 more (approx 500 troops total) into Syria... NOT BAD FOR A NOBEL PEACE PRIZE WINNER.

6. :fu:
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I just want to be clear on this- you do not want American troops committed to fighting ISIS?
I want to be clear on this:

1. You are a partisan idiot.

2. You do not speak for me.

3. I want a President who does NOT supply, finance, arm, protect, & defend terrorists - Obama has proven he isn't such a President.

4. I want a President who does not violate the US Constitution by taking the country to war on his own, by-passing Congress to do so, which Barry has done. He never went to Congress and asked for the authority to send combat ground troops into Syria!

5. Obama, as usual, is a LIAR - he promised 'NO BOOTS ON THE GROUND', and now he's sending at least 200 more (approx 500 troops total) into Syria... NOT BAD FOR A NOBEL PEACE PRIZE WINNER.

I want to be clear

1. You are dodging the question- because you are just another anti-Obama asshole.

2. You are a partisan idiot.

3. No one would want to speak for you.

4. You will be fine when Trump unilaterally send troops anywhere.

5. Trump has been lying all the way into his election. And you are not only okay with that, you will applaud Trump as he lies to us as President.
At least Bush had Congressional approval to go to war.

How many more soldiers are going to be sent to fight in Barry's private war to make up for his 'Red Line' F*-Up?!

I just want to be clear on this- you do not want American troops committed to fighting ISIS?

Are you serious about fighting ISIS? Do you want to see them destroyed? The fastest way for that to happen is for us to get the hell out of Syria, and offer whatever information or assistance they request. Because right now, we're the baddies in the fight. ?

Am I serious about fighting ISIS? I am not sure that the United States should be in their at all. Our record of intervention in the Middle East is pretty spotty.

Unfortunately I tend to agree with you- we should probably pull out of Syria and leave the Syrians to the mercy of ISIS and Abbad. Because we aren't helping there.

And then pressure Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan to actually defeating ISIS. While continuing our strategy of targeting ISIS leadership for drone and special forces strikes.
I just want to be clear on this- you do not want American troops committed to fighting ISIS?
I want to be clear on this:

1. You are a partisan idiot.

2. You do not speak for me.

3. I want a President who does NOT supply, finance, arm, protect, & defend terrorists - Obama has proven he isn't such a President.

4. I want a President who does not violate the US Constitution by taking the country to war on his own, by-passing Congress to do so, which Barry has done. He never went to Congress and asked for the authority to send combat ground troops into Syria!

5. Obama, as usual, is a LIAR - he promised 'NO BOOTS ON THE GROUND', and now he's sending at least 200 more (approx 500 troops total) into Syria... NOT BAD FOR A NOBEL PEACE PRIZE WINNER.

I want to be clear

1. You are dodging the question- because you are just another anti-Obama asshole.

2. You are a partisan idiot.

3. No one would want to speak for you.

4. You will be fine when Trump unilaterally send troops anywhere.

5. Trump has been lying all the way into his election. And you are not only okay with that, you will applaud Trump as he lies to us as President.
1. Against fighting ISIS? That's not a question - that's you being a partisan
asshole. You try serving 20+ years in the military, fighting terrorists your 'boss' is supplying, funding, arming, and training...Barry has played both sides, has aided terrorists, violated the Constitution...

Obama has HELPED ISIS...and you defend him...which means, if anything, YOU support aiding ISIS.

4. Now YOU are dodging the FACTS that:
- Barry violated the Constitution by starting his own personal war and sending combat ground troops into Syria without Congressional authorization to do so.


He lied to your ass, & you're STILL trying to defend him and justify his lies and Constitutional violations. Oh you poor manipulated / brainwashed snowflake! :p
At least Bush had Congressional approval to go to war.

How many more soldiers are going to be sent to fight in Barry's private war to make up for his 'Red Line' F*-Up?!

I just want to be clear on this- you do not want American troops committed to fighting ISIS?

Were fine with that, but get congress on board and dont tell us what cities you will attack. Keep it on the DL.
Got news for you, by this time next year we will have invaded the place and two years from now there will be several thousand American troops stuck in the middle of a civil war they have no hope of putting down. Look at all the generals and defense executives your messiah has appointed, every one of them is already counting the money they are going to make. What? Did you actually believe Trump's isolationist bullshit? Sucker.
At least Bush had Congressional approval to go to war.

How many more soldiers are going to be sent to fight in Barry's private war to make up for his 'Red Line' F*-Up?!

I just want to be clear on this- you do not want American troops committed to fighting ISIS?

Are you serious about fighting ISIS? Do you want to see them destroyed? The fastest way for that to happen is for us to get the hell out of Syria, and offer whatever information or assistance they request. Because right now, we're the baddies in the fight. ?

Am I serious about fighting ISIS? I am not sure that the United States should be in their at all. Our record of intervention in the Middle East is pretty spotty.

Unfortunately I tend to agree with you- we should probably pull out of Syria and leave the Syrians to the mercy of ISIS and Abbad. Because we aren't helping there.

And then pressure Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan to actually defeating ISIS. While continuing our strategy of targeting ISIS leadership for drone and special forces strikes.
There is no problem joining a coalition and FIGHTING ISIS. Barry, however, has played BOTH sides.

While 'fighting' ISIS he has supplied, financed, aided, armed, protected, and trained them.

While 'fighting' ISIS Barry wrote Rules of Engagement which protected ISIS' black market oil industry, preventing coalition forces from targeting their ability to fund 50% of it's terrorist operations, TO INCLUDE THE ATTACK ON PARIS.

AFTER the attack on Paris, the largest attack on France sInce WWII, when France and Russia finally decided to ignore Obama's Pro-ISIS Rules of Engagement and attack the oil facilities, Obama did not seek to join them in the attack - No, Barry preferred to WARN ISIS that the attack was coming!

We should not be IN SYRIA.

There is no Congressional authorization to be fighting a war and have US troops IN SYRIA!

Partisan douchebags with an eternal hate-on for Bush appropriately remind us that Bush dragged us into Iraq when we had no business being there despite being given Congressional approval to do so ... yet they DEFEND Obama for doing the EXACT SAME thing in Syria WITHOUT the Congressional approval to do so.

...and THAT makes you douchebags worthless, hypocritical, partisan pieces of shite! At LEAST be HONEST about it / what Barry is doing!

'No Boots On The Ground? Any way you want to cut it / justify it, BARRY IS A LIAR!

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