DoD: Climate change is a national security issue that needs to be addressed


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
Bham, AL
the desperation and fear of the establishment types and our friends on the left and in the media is astounding

we're about to have new leadership at DoD and many other agencies

the histrionic cries as policies change and spending priorities are diverted will be lots of fun the watch!

DoD Releases Report on Security Implications of Climate Change

WASHINGTON, July 29, 2015 — Global climate change will aggravate problems such as poverty, social tensions, environmental degradation, ineffectual leadership and weak political institutions that threaten stability in a number of countries, according to a report the Defense Department sent to Congress yesterday.

The Senate Appropriations Committee requested the report in conjunction with the Defense Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2015, asking that the undersecretary of defense for policy provide a report that identifies the most serious and likely climate-related security risks for each combatant command and the ways those commands integrate risk mitigation into their planning processes.

Fragile States Vulnerable to Disruption

The report finds that climate change is a security risk, Pentagon officials said, because it degrades living conditions, human security and the ability of governments to meet the basic needs of their populations. Communities and states that already are fragile and have limited resources are significantly more vulnerable to disruption and far less likely to respond effectively and be resilient to new challenges, they added.
Americans are dying in a freaking war Barry Hussein doesn't want to fight and genuine Heroes are being investigated by political appointed drones in the crooked DOD as war criminals for doing their jobs. Meanwhile the laughable mission for the Department of Defense is to consider action against American citizens for alleged violations of the fake science of "man-made global warming". I can't wait for January 20th either.
the desperation and fear of the establishment types and our friends on the left and in the media is astounding

we're about to have new leadership at DoD and many other agencies

the histrionic cries as policies change and spending priorities are diverted will be lots of fun the watch!

DoD Releases Report on Security Implications of Climate Change

WASHINGTON, July 29, 2015 — Global climate change will aggravate problems such as poverty, social tensions, environmental degradation, ineffectual leadership and weak political institutions that threaten stability in a number of countries, according to a report the Defense Department sent to Congress yesterday.

The Senate Appropriations Committee requested the report in conjunction with the Defense Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2015, asking that the undersecretary of defense for policy provide a report that identifies the most serious and likely climate-related security risks for each combatant command and the ways those commands integrate risk mitigation into their planning processes.

Fragile States Vulnerable to Disruption

The report finds that climate change is a security risk, Pentagon officials said, because it degrades living conditions, human security and the ability of governments to meet the basic needs of their populations. Communities and states that already are fragile and have limited resources are significantly more vulnerable to disruption and far less likely to respond effectively and be resilient to new challenges, they added.
They have 41 days to do something about it...:lol:
I pray that Trump gets into office and tries to do something about all this... and then all the employees tell him to go fuck himself. Then he'll be stuck with either firing over 50% of the federal employees or changing his position.
The DoD said the same thing under the Bush administration. Back then they even started testing bio-fuel in military equipment & fighter Jets.
I pray that Trump gets into office and tries to do something about all this... and then all the employees tell him to go fuck himself. Then he'll be stuck with either firing over 50% of the federal employees or changing his position.
I think he will fire somewhere near 80%+ of the fascist nut job .gov workers....
The DoD said the same thing under the Bush administration. Back then they even started testing bio-fuel in military equipment & fighter Jets.
I remember the liberals killing soldiers using walnut shells to clean equipment against specification.....fucking LWNJs are insane....
I pray that Trump gets into office and tries to do something about all this... and then all the employees tell him to go fuck himself. Then he'll be stuck with either firing over 50% of the federal employees or changing his position.

I like that idea too.

Trump has no problem firing assholes who need fired.
I hope he fires them and when they riot HE can declare Martial law and executes them for TREASON. We need to purge the liberal scum from our midst, they are trying to and ARE indoctrinating our children and young people with a lack of ambition, perspective, duty and honor. The idea being to make all of their subjugated class of "inferiors", or what the shitbitch called "deplorables" follow their orders and let them take what they will with no opposition. They are just like hitler, idi amin, pol pot, and all of the other murderous scum dictators that have defiled the earth before. They consider themselves smarter though they are not, they consider themselves more deserving though they are not, they consider themselves to be somehow above anyone who does not agree with them though they are not. They ARE petty, conniving, thieving, scum of the lowest type to ever inhabit the earth. The idea that a liberal can just label ANYONE with one of their little petty labels and marginalize them is worn to an invisible thread. Liberals labels are just one of the things WE the People kicked their ass out for, and we will keep them out by whatever means is needed to completely eradicate them. How can a super racist scum liberal even begin to call anyone else a racist?
the desperation and fear of the establishment types and our friends on the left and in the media is astounding

we're about to have new leadership at DoD and many other agencies

the histrionic cries as policies change and spending priorities are diverted will be lots of fun the watch!

DoD Releases Report on Security Implications of Climate Change

WASHINGTON, July 29, 2015 — Global climate change will aggravate problems such as poverty, social tensions, environmental degradation, ineffectual leadership and weak political institutions that threaten stability in a number of countries, according to a report the Defense Department sent to Congress yesterday.

The Senate Appropriations Committee requested the report in conjunction with the Defense Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2015, asking that the undersecretary of defense for policy provide a report that identifies the most serious and likely climate-related security risks for each combatant command and the ways those commands integrate risk mitigation into their planning processes.

Fragile States Vulnerable to Disruption

The report finds that climate change is a security risk, Pentagon officials said, because it degrades living conditions, human security and the ability of governments to meet the basic needs of their populations. Communities and states that already are fragile and have limited resources are significantly more vulnerable to disruption and far less likely to respond effectively and be resilient to new challenges, they added.

ineffectual leadership

Damn AGW might be real how else could you explain obama becoming president ?
I hope he fires them and when they riot HE can declare Martial law and executes them for TREASON. We need to purge the liberal scum from our midst, they are trying to and ARE indoctrinating our children and young people with a lack of ambition, perspective, duty and honor. The idea being to make all of their subjugated class of "inferiors", or what the shitbitch called "deplorables" follow their orders and let them take what they will with no opposition. They are just like hitler, idi amin, pol pot, and all of the other murderous scum dictators that have defiled the earth before. They consider themselves smarter though they are not, they consider themselves more deserving though they are not, they consider themselves to be somehow above anyone who does not agree with them though they are not. They ARE petty, conniving, thieving, scum of the lowest type to ever inhabit the earth. The idea that a liberal can just label ANYONE with one of their little petty labels and marginalize them is worn to an invisible thread. Liberals labels are just one of the things WE the People kicked their ass out for, and we will keep them out by whatever means is needed to completely eradicate them. How can a super racist scum liberal even begin to call anyone else a racist?

The little card board roll in my bathroom that toilet paper is wrapped around is more intelligent than Trump.
I hope he fires them and when they riot HE can declare Martial law and executes them for TREASON. We need to purge the liberal scum from our midst, they are trying to and ARE indoctrinating our children and young people with a lack of ambition, perspective, duty and honor. The idea being to make all of their subjugated class of "inferiors", or what the shitbitch called "deplorables" follow their orders and let them take what they will with no opposition. They are just like hitler, idi amin, pol pot, and all of the other murderous scum dictators that have defiled the earth before. They consider themselves smarter though they are not, they consider themselves more deserving though they are not, they consider themselves to be somehow above anyone who does not agree with them though they are not. They ARE petty, conniving, thieving, scum of the lowest type to ever inhabit the earth. The idea that a liberal can just label ANYONE with one of their little petty labels and marginalize them is worn to an invisible thread. Liberals labels are just one of the things WE the People kicked their ass out for, and we will keep them out by whatever means is needed to completely eradicate them. How can a super racist scum liberal even begin to call anyone else a racist?

The little card board roll in my bathroom that toilet paper is wrapped around is more intelligent than Trump.

Throwing the most intelligent thing in your house into the trash huh?
I hope he fires them and when they riot HE can declare Martial law and executes them for TREASON. We need to purge the liberal scum from our midst, they are trying to and ARE indoctrinating our children and young people with a lack of ambition, perspective, duty and honor. The idea being to make all of their subjugated class of "inferiors", or what the shitbitch called "deplorables" follow their orders and let them take what they will with no opposition. They are just like hitler, idi amin, pol pot, and all of the other murderous scum dictators that have defiled the earth before. They consider themselves smarter though they are not, they consider themselves more deserving though they are not, they consider themselves to be somehow above anyone who does not agree with them though they are not. They ARE petty, conniving, thieving, scum of the lowest type to ever inhabit the earth. The idea that a liberal can just label ANYONE with one of their little petty labels and marginalize them is worn to an invisible thread. Liberals labels are just one of the things WE the People kicked their ass out for, and we will keep them out by whatever means is needed to completely eradicate them. How can a super racist scum liberal even begin to call anyone else a racist?

The little card board roll in my bathroom that toilet paper is wrapped around is more intelligent than Trump.

Throwing the most intelligent thing in your house into the trash huh?

You're pretty bright, you know that in Trump's new world people with creativity will be sent to FEMA camps right?
I hope he fires them and when they riot HE can declare Martial law and executes them for TREASON. We need to purge the liberal scum from our midst, they are trying to and ARE indoctrinating our children and young people with a lack of ambition, perspective, duty and honor. The idea being to make all of their subjugated class of "inferiors", or what the shitbitch called "deplorables" follow their orders and let them take what they will with no opposition. They are just like hitler, idi amin, pol pot, and all of the other murderous scum dictators that have defiled the earth before. They consider themselves smarter though they are not, they consider themselves more deserving though they are not, they consider themselves to be somehow above anyone who does not agree with them though they are not. They ARE petty, conniving, thieving, scum of the lowest type to ever inhabit the earth. The idea that a liberal can just label ANYONE with one of their little petty labels and marginalize them is worn to an invisible thread. Liberals labels are just one of the things WE the People kicked their ass out for, and we will keep them out by whatever means is needed to completely eradicate them. How can a super racist scum liberal even begin to call anyone else a racist?

The little card board roll in my bathroom that toilet paper is wrapped around is more intelligent than Trump.

Throwing the most intelligent thing in your house into the trash huh?

You're pretty bright, you know that in Trump's new world people with creativity will be sent to FEMA camps right?

They will full up with conspiracy theorists like you well before they go after the bright ones.
I hope he fires them and when they riot HE can declare Martial law and executes them for TREASON. We need to purge the liberal scum from our midst, they are trying to and ARE indoctrinating our children and young people with a lack of ambition, perspective, duty and honor. The idea being to make all of their subjugated class of "inferiors", or what the shitbitch called "deplorables" follow their orders and let them take what they will with no opposition. They are just like hitler, idi amin, pol pot, and all of the other murderous scum dictators that have defiled the earth before. They consider themselves smarter though they are not, they consider themselves more deserving though they are not, they consider themselves to be somehow above anyone who does not agree with them though they are not. They ARE petty, conniving, thieving, scum of the lowest type to ever inhabit the earth. The idea that a liberal can just label ANYONE with one of their little petty labels and marginalize them is worn to an invisible thread. Liberals labels are just one of the things WE the People kicked their ass out for, and we will keep them out by whatever means is needed to completely eradicate them. How can a super racist scum liberal even begin to call anyone else a racist?

The little card board roll in my bathroom that toilet paper is wrapped around is more intelligent than Trump.

Throwing the most intelligent thing in your house into the trash huh?

You're pretty bright, you know that in Trump's new world people with creativity will be sent to FEMA camps right?

They will full up with conspiracy theorists like you well before they go after the bright ones.

Right... who would ever think you would actually "support" your candidate right?
Yet the truth steps in again. I voted Trump. But I am a realist, man made global warming is a fact, like 2 +2 =4. It is a mathematical fact, I have lived with it the same way I have lived with illegal aliens, and the harm they do and I am tired of either group sweeping them under the rug for the sake of political expediency.
The DoD said the same thing under the Bush administration. Back then they even started testing bio-fuel in military equipment & fighter Jets.
I remember the liberals killing soldiers using walnut shells to clean equipment against specification.....fucking LWNJs are insane....
"The fuel works so well, all I needed to do was just fly the plane."

"Our mission today and for the rest of the flight tests is to confirm that the fuel makes no difference in performance across the Super Hornet's entire flight envelope, from subsonic to supersonic operations," said Mark Swierczek, Naval Air Systems Command propulsion flight test engineer. "Preliminary results show there was no difference in engine ops attributable to the biofuel. Engine performance is normal and as expected."
Right... who would ever think you would actually "support" your candidate right?

My "candidate" doesn't write laws or pass budgets. I am interested in a conservative Supreme Court, repealing the bulk of Obamacare, maintaining the Second Amendment, creating a more fair international trade situation, protecting citizens while supporting police and several other issues. Unlike out of control snowflakes, I am willing to wait and watch for progress on these items.

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