More Babble at 1:30 Eastern


Gold Member
Dec 15, 2012
Near the Alamo
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"Let me say at the outset that at the end of the day, the notion that I or any member of my administration would support tax cuts for millionairess and billionaires and put the burden on the middle class, causing them to not be able to send their kids to college, care for their disabled parents or autistic chirren, leave green energy sources unfunded, ignore our infrastructure, layoff teachers and firefighters and police, and not fund any more vacations for offensive."
Who were those folks behind him...I thought at first it was a weight watchers meeting...

I wasn't watching it, listening from the other room.. here's what he wants, taxes on the rich , he's obsessed with this notion, it will fund gov for 8 days but hair lip paul he'll do it, :D he don't want the sequestrations going through, he wants zero cuts in gov. he wants more money to spend. :D o in my mind we're over the fucking cliff already.
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"Let me say at the outset that at the end of the day, the notion that I or any member of my administration would support tax cuts for millionairess and billionaires and put the burden on the middle class, causing them to not be able to send their kids to college, care for their disabled parents or autistic chirren, leave green energy sources unfunded, ignore our infrastructure, layoff teachers and firefighters and police, and not fund any more vacations for offensive."

Yeah, he had his human shields there was well. I baffles the mind to think that the man who lost the election among middle class voters thinks he can draw out his middle class human props for public sympathy. It’s kinda like when he invited doctors to attend his Obamacare rally at the Whitehouse and passed out white lab coats for dramatic effect.

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