More Anti-Nazi Spam On TV


Feb 28, 2017
I saw that there was going to be another "spam" BS propaganda show coming up on TV about "Nazi death squads." I have to wonder just how stupid they think you are. But apparently, it is pretty stupid. The Nazis were pretty busy fighting the Russians. Even "if" there were any Nazi death squads, no doubt they would basically make it seem that they were the whole point of what the Germans were doing. And even "if' there were any death squads, they would have been doing what almost ALL armies do. Kill the enemies that will be wearing civilian clothing.

Also, like it or not, everybody knows that the Russians were far worse than the Nazis could be made out to be. For example, both Germany and Russia took over Poland. The Russians took around 22,000 of their Polish POW's and executed them in the Kaytn massacre. The Nazis didn't do anything like that. Boy what a pollock any Polish person would have to be to sling mud at the Nazis after something like that! There are many more truths I would like to tell you. But I know how much you hate the truth. Especially when it goes against what your great GOD TV tells you.

So luckily for you, it is unlikely that I will be allowed to tell you any more of it. No doubt it will be called spam and I will be called a sock. Even now, no doubt there are many with their cursors over the 'report" button and getting ready to click on it. But I don't blame you. Basically, it is what you are programmed to do. And it is an action that has basically been imprinted on you. Just like a newly hatched duckling can quickly become imprinted on a human who is taking care of it.
I saw that there was going to be another "spam" BS propaganda show coming up on TV about "Nazi death squads." I have to wonder just how stupid they think you are. But apparently, it is pretty stupid. The Nazis were pretty busy fighting the Russians. Even "if" there were any Nazi death squads, no doubt they would basically make it seem that they were the whole point of what the Germans were doing. And even "if' there were any death squads, they would have been doing what almost ALL armies do. Kill the enemies that will be wearing civilian clothing.

Also, like it or not, everybody knows that the Russians were far worse than the Nazis could be made out to be. For example, both Germany and Russia took over Poland. The Russians took around 22,000 of their Polish POW's and executed them in the Kaytn massacre. The Nazis didn't do anything like that. Boy what a pollock any Polish person would have to be to sling mud at the Nazis after something like that! There are many more truths I would like to tell you. But I know how much you hate the truth. Especially when it goes against what your great GOD TV tells you.

So luckily for you, it is unlikely that I will be allowed to tell you any more of it. No doubt it will be called spam and I will be called a sock. Even now, no doubt there are many with their cursors over the 'report" button and getting ready to click on it. But I don't blame you. Basically, it is what you are programmed to do. And it is an action that has basically been imprinted on you. Just like a newly hatched duckling can quickly become imprinted on a human who is taking care of it.
Nazi's did not "fight" the Russians.

They INVADED the Russians.

It was one of the last nails in their coffin.
The Einsatzgruppen, commonly referred to as the Death Squad, were german soldiers tasked with the job of finding and executing bolshevik jews. Who made up the majority of the soviet Russian leadership.

Due to the jewish influenced media, the Einsatzgruppen has been much maligned and viewed in a negative light. ...... :cool:
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I saw that there was going to be another "spam" BS propaganda show coming up on TV about "Nazi death squads." I have to wonder just how stupid they think you are. But apparently, it is pretty stupid. The Nazis were pretty busy fighting the Russians. Even "if" there were any Nazi death squads, no doubt they would basically make it seem that they were the whole point of what the Germans were doing. And even "if' there were any death squads, they would have been doing what almost ALL armies do. Kill the enemies that will be wearing civilian clothing.

Also, like it or not, everybody knows that the Russians were far worse than the Nazis could be made out to be. For example, both Germany and Russia took over Poland. The Russians took around 22,000 of their Polish POW's and executed them in the Kaytn massacre. The Nazis didn't do anything like that. Boy what a pollock any Polish person would have to be to sling mud at the Nazis after something like that! There are many more truths I would like to tell you. But I know how much you hate the truth. Especially when it goes against what your great GOD TV tells you.

So luckily for you, it is unlikely that I will be allowed to tell you any more of it. No doubt it will be called spam and I will be called a sock. Even now, no doubt there are many with their cursors over the 'report" button and getting ready to click on it. But I don't blame you. Basically, it is what you are programmed to do. And it is an action that has basically been imprinted on you. Just like a newly hatched duckling can quickly become imprinted on a human who is taking care of it.
Nazi's did not "fight" the Russians.

They INVADED the Russians.

It was one of the last nails in their coffin.

Why don't you cry me some tears about Russia invading Poland and Finland. It's too bad that I'm not allowed to tell you the real truth.
The Einsatzgruppen, commonly referred to as the Death Squad, were german soldiers tasked with the job of finding and executing bolshevik jews. Who made up the majority of the soviet Russian leadership.

Due to the jewish influenced media, the Einsatzgruppen has been much maligned and viewed in a negative light. ...... :cool:
Four groups totaling almost 13 thousand killers are "much maligned"? How about that. They should be, SM.
The Einsatzgruppen, commonly referred to as the Death Squad, were german soldiers tasked with the job of finding and executing bolshevik jews. Who made up the majority of the soviet Russian leadership.

Due to the jewish influenced media, the Einsatzgruppen has been much maligned and viewed in a negative light. ...... :cool:

Repeating such BS propaganda. You should be ashamed. For the Germans, I doubt if ANY bolsheviks were on their "favorite persons" list. It just so happens that if they were jewish, chances were far more likely than not that they were bolsheviks. After all, take what the jewish head of the Russian NKVD had to say. Who by the way was responsible for at least 10 million deaths.
Anyone who defends the Nazis is suspect of many t hings.
I knew a guy who's grandma was polish. His grandfather was scrutinized by the Nazis because of Arabic blood in him. But his grandma said she liked the Germans but hated the Russians.

Communist culture is a vile thing. Do not wish for it.
Anyone who defends the Nazis is suspect of many t hings.
I knew a guy who's grandma was polish. His grandfather was scrutinized by the Nazis because of Arabic blood in him. But his grandma said she liked the Germans but hated the Russians.

Communist culture is a vile thing. Do not wish for it.
I agree that you, Goose, should not wish for it.

And there is no binary choice in the world between communism and fascism.
The bolshevik jews were Stalin's henchmen who spread communism and ruled the people with a brutal iron fist. They participated in the starvation of the Ukrainian people. The brave Einsatzgruppen were doing the world a favor by exterminating these communist jew savages. ..... :cool:
Anyone who defends the Nazis is suspect of many t hings.

Anybody who doesn't defend the Nazis is GUILTY of many things.
Sure thing, Fritz.

Look at post #11. If you support them, you support what they did. That makes you equally GUILTY.
You are not making any sense.

Let's try this: Nazi bad, Commie bad, Stormfront, bad.

Does that help?
Just sayin' it sucks watching documentaries where the Soviets are painted as good guys.
I really wish Hitler had defeated the Russian communists.

The world would have been a safer and more stable place. .... :cool:
I doubt it.

Adolf's next goal as surmised from his unpublished sequel to his first book (which is still a best seller in Germany) was to conquer the USA.

FDR and Churchill were right -- Adolf was the greater menace compared with Japan.
The bolshevik jews were Stalin's henchmen who spread communism and ruled the people with a brutal iron fist. They participated in the starvation of the Ukrainian people. The brave Einsatzgruppen were doing the world a favor by exterminating these communist jew savages. ..... :cool:
Damn your smart Sunni Man -- smarter than I thought.

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