Moral question for Americans


Sep 10, 2008
Dear Americans,

I have a moral question for you people.

I want all American people to ask them selfs this question:

If you had a neighbourhood bully living in your street who constantly intimidates you and tells you what to do and threatens you with force everytime you wouldnt comply with his demands,

A bully that would go into your garden and would take anything he wants from you and tells you what you should grow or have in your garden.
What would you do?

Seriously people?
What would you do?

Would you allow the neighbourhood bully to reign in your neighbourhood?
Or would you stand up to him with all of your neighbours?

Im quite sure all of you people agree that the bully should be stopped.
Because no one wants a tirant to reign their neighbourhoods.

So, why in Gods name do you allow your government to act this way?

In my and almost all the rest of the worlds view America has become the Worlds bully, thinking it has the legitimicy to act as the world police and constantly telling other people and coutries how to live their lives and puting up sanctions on country's that do not reply.
Invading countries for oil and saying it was to search for weapons of mass destruction.
As i recall the first thing American troops did when invading Iraq was making sure the ministry of oil was well protected.
Were there weapons of mass destruction there?
Or was it for oil only?

Don't get me wrong, i love America, at least i used to love America as an European. It was a great country and still could be.
But this new politics is killing America and all it stands for!

After 8 years of scare tactics by the Bush administration and probably the worsed financial and foreign policy ever in American history how can anyone vote for senator McCain?


With respect to McCain as being a war hero and all, why in Godsname would anyone pick a guy that's been playing wargames all his live and supported almost all bills of the Bush administration?
The man thinks every issue should be handled with force and war.
Do you McCain voters have any idea what is going on in the world?
Or are you people so blinded by your media you can't see what's really going on in the world?

The coming elections of 2008 are maybe the most important ones ever in American history.

Do American's allow their beautifull country to fall into the hands of another world tirant(McCain) who will continue the scare politics in search for personal intrests like Bush and Cheney did?
Or in the hands of a wise man whom speaks from the heart and will act as a bridgebuilder bringing people together(Obama).

I think people should look at situations from both side's
Yes, there are allot of muslim countries that are real angry at America.
But why is that?

Could that have anything to do with the fact that the American government is supporting regimes that keep all wealth for themselves and giving nothing to it's people? like Saoudi Arabia for instance? only to get cheap oil?

Is it because America is constantly telling other countries and people how to live their lives?

The only way forward to a better world is by understanding and dialoque.
War can give advantages on the short run, but in the long run it will allways have great consequences for the bully and its people.
Look at history, all of the worlds bully's and their countries will eventually fall...

Please read some non-US news sites on situations in the world and look at situations from both sides.

And do the world a real big favor and vote wisely!
LOL. Ya cause other Countries NEVER act in their best interests. I wish sometimes we actually did a third of the things you people claim we do. I mean we get blamed for it, lets actually do it.
LOL. Ya cause other Countries NEVER act in their best interests. I wish sometimes we actually did a third of the things you people claim we do. I mean we get blamed for it, lets actually do it.
when you consider the crap the dutch have done around the world, we have a long way to go to catch up to their atrocities
when you consider the crap the dutch have done around the world, we have a long way to go to catch up to their atrocities

Your absolutely right about that, but there is no way we Dutch could change that around that damage is done, we can only financially support the former colony's as some means of paying back the debts, which is quite a lousy means ofcourse.

But you still have the opportunity to change things for the better!
when you consider the crap the dutch have done around the world, we have a long way to go to catch up to their atrocities

OK, so we committed the worst genocide in world history(Native Americans), we funded slavery for 250 years and then committed the "Jim Crow" era of Separate but Equal BS for another 100 years where in many parts of the country a normal Friday night meant going to a lynching a you have the nerve to talk to anyone else about their atrocities? Learn your own history first before you start running your mouth.

And yes, what the Dutch did in S. Africa was absolutely gross, but a close fiend of mine is the Chancellor of Saba which is a apart of the Netherlands Antilles and he is always talking about how to rectify that situtation. I met the President of Germany(Schroeder) in 2005 and he was talking about trying to do what is right about WW2 and what do we do here? We say, "I didn't do slavery, or blacks need to get over it." Great attitude though we love to talk about what the Chinese, Russians, or what Sadaam Hussein was doing to his people. I'M SO SICK OF THE HYPOCRACY!
ok, So We Committed The Worst Genocide In World History(native Americans), We Funded Slavery For 250 Years And Then Committed The "jim Crow" Era Of Separate But Equal Bs For Another 100 Years Where In Many Parts Of The Country A Normal Friday Night Meant Going To A Lynching A You Have The Nerve To Talk To Anyone Else About Their Atrocities? Learn Your Own History First Before You Start Running Your Mouth.

And Yes, What The Dutch Did In S. Africa Was Absolutely Gross, But A Close Fiend Of Mine Is The Chancellor Of Saba Which Is A Apart Of The Netherlands Antilles And He Is Always Talking About How To Rectify That Situtation. I Met The President Of Germany(schroeder) In 2005 And He Was Talking About Trying To Do What Is Right About Ww2 And What Do We Do Here? We Say, "i Didn't Do Slavery, Or Blacks Need To Get Over It." Great Attitude Though We Love To Talk About What The Chinese, Russians, Or What Sadaam Hussein Was Doing To His People. I'm So Sick Of The Hypocracy!

Retard Alert.
Retard Alert.

Definitely not surprising especially coming from an Alpha male military man who can't even deal with Homosexuality. And I love how your talking to someone with their P.H.D in History yet I'm retarded. Did you even go to school?

You'd think that evolution would have gotten rid of all the cavemen, but then you show up sir to remind us that you still exist. Go vote for McCain Neanderthal
The American Experiment is the culmination of Western Civilization, birthed from the European conquest of the world. Western Civilization basis its success and growth on property ownership and wealth accumulation.

Ever since powerful wealth migrated from Europe and established itself in America, it has attempted to do what Western Civilization has been training it to do since Alexander The Great - accumulate as much as you can to call your own.

The American Experiment was not a shift away from those values, it is an attempt to bring access to wealth accumulation into the hands of people who are willing to work for it as well as those whose families were of nobel decent. The vast, poorly defended resources of the Americas, combined with the marketplace of Europe made hard work a viable vehicle to true wealth.

America is only 230 years old and now that the resources of this continent are pretty much claimed, we are now dealing with wealth's attempt to consolidate power as a way to protect itself. Just like Louie the 14th did in France in the 1600's, giving us The French Revolution... America now, like France then, is the big kid on the block. The biggest difference is that we don't have a greedy face to attach to our troubles. The good news is that in America, there is enough powerful wealth that true competition for power exists. American power has many faces of wealth... they and their lobbyists are all competing to be king.

This competition among the wealth for power, while it is a major pain in the ass, is much better than having concentrated control in the form of a dictator or king. Join us in hoping that We, The People can soon rid our government of the fence of professional lobbying that separates us from our representatives in government.

Definitely not surprising especially coming from an Alpha male military man who can't even deal with Homosexuality. And I love how your talking to someone with their P.H.D in History yet I'm retarded. Did you even go to school?

You'd think that evolution would have gotten rid of all the cavemen, but then you show up sir to remind us that you still exist. Go vote for McCain Neanderthal

You are brain damaged, thus retarded. Slavery ended in 1865. No one alive was part of that. We fought a bloody Civil War that ended that. And last I checked most of the dead where WHITE men.

It is simply a fact that through out human history stronger more powerful societies destroy weaker ones. The Indians were forced onto reservations because they were unable to force US to die or go away. Last I checked Indians still exist, So much for Genocide. I guess we were just incompetent right?

Maybe we should give back Europe to the Gallic tribes and Germanic hordes. After all that is who Roman took it from and pacified the Gauls. And Israel , well using YOUR logic Jews have EVERY right to be there, after all that land was taken from them too.

Isn't it convenient how you pick and choose what to be ashamed or appalled by.

Last I checked the Indians in North American actually drove out the inhabitants that were there before them AND DID commit Genocide, no trace remains of those peoples. But evil white men should be condemned not the Indian.

You hate your heritage? Move and find somewhere you are more comfortable with their heritage.

As for Jim Crow, last I checked DEMOCRATS created that and enforced it for all those years. AND last I checked WHITE men over turned it and set things right.

Your absolutely right about that, but there is no way we Dutch could change that around that damage is done, we can only financially support the former colony's as some means of paying back the debts, which is quite a lousy means ofcourse.

But you still have the opportunity to change things for the better!

How about the Atlantic Slave trade that you paticipated in. Are you planning on footing the bill for reparations ? Slaves were bought and sold here by European colonists before America even existed.
I am no isolationist but christ man we are in so much debt. Can we afford to keep playing in the worlds sandbox?... Though the world market economy has been good for capital and investments the fiscal soundness of our middle class and this nation as a whole has gone right in the crapper.. Lets pull back a bit... rebuild infrastructure, create a job or two and improve the lives of everyday americans.

You presume that we live in a real demcoratic republic.

You presume that the American people have far more power over their government's actions than we do.

Tell me, how much control do you personally have over Royal Dutch Shell?

Zero, right?

Well, that's exactly how much power I have over Exxon-Mobile, sport.
Definitely not surprising especially coming from an Alpha male military man who can't even deal with Homosexuality. And I love how your talking to someone with their P.H.D in History yet I'm retarded. Did you even go to school?

You'd think that evolution would have gotten rid of all the cavemen, but then you show up sir to remind us that you still exist. Go vote for McCain Neanderthal


this is a joke, right?
don't try to be logical with this bunch.

they don't see it as bullying or aggression... they see it as somehow our right to do as we please regardless of how that impacts the rest of the world.

Americans are stupid and's really that simple.
don't try to be logical with this bunch.

they don't see it as bullying or aggression... they see it as somehow our right to do as we please regardless of how that impacts the rest of the world.

Americans are stupid and's really that simple.

Then MOVE. LEAVE. Go to some place more to your liking.
don't try to be logical with this bunch.

they don't see it as bullying or aggression... they see it as somehow our right to do as we please regardless of how that impacts the rest of the world.

Americans are stupid and's really that simple.

And you think the Europeans are better ? :lol:
don't try to be logical with this bunch.

they don't see it as bullying or aggression... they see it as somehow our right to do as we please regardless of how that impacts the rest of the world.

Americans are stupid and's really that simple.

Correction SOME AMERICANS are stupid and selfish.
don't try to be logical with this bunch.

they don't see it as bullying or aggression... they see it as somehow our right to do as we please regardless of how that impacts the rest of the world.

Americans are stupid and's really that simple.

I disagree. I think that American wealth is selfish. Americans in general are not stupid, just ill-informed and scared.

Dear Americans,

I have a moral question for you people.

I want all American people to ask them selfs this question:

If you had a neighbourhood bully living in your street who constantly intimidates you and tells you what to do and threatens you with force everytime you wouldnt comply with his demands,

A bully that would go into your garden and would take anything he wants from you and tells you what you should grow or have in your garden.
What would you do?

Seriously people?
What would you do?

Would you allow the neighbourhood bully to reign in your neighbourhood?
Or would you stand up to him with all of your neighbours?

Im quite sure all of you people agree that the bully should be stopped.
Because no one wants a tirant to reign their neighbourhoods.

So, why in Gods name do you allow your government to act this way?

In my and almost all the rest of the worlds view America has become the Worlds bully, thinking it has the legitimicy to act as the world police and constantly telling other people and coutries how to live their lives and puting up sanctions on country's that do not reply.
Invading countries for oil and saying it was to search for weapons of mass destruction.
As i recall the first thing American troops did when invading Iraq was making sure the ministry of oil was well protected.
Were there weapons of mass destruction there?
Or was it for oil only?

Don't get me wrong, i love America, at least i used to love America as an European. It was a great country and still could be.
But this new politics is killing America and all it stands for!

After 8 years of scare tactics by the Bush administration and probably the worsed financial and foreign policy ever in American history how can anyone vote for senator McCain?


With respect to McCain as being a war hero and all, why in Godsname would anyone pick a guy that's been playing wargames all his live and supported almost all bills of the Bush administration?
The man thinks every issue should be handled with force and war.
Do you McCain voters have any idea what is going on in the world?
Or are you people so blinded by your media you can't see what's really going on in the world?

The coming elections of 2008 are maybe the most important ones ever in American history.

Do American's allow their beautifull country to fall into the hands of another world tirant(McCain) who will continue the scare politics in search for personal intrests like Bush and Cheney did?
Or in the hands of a wise man whom speaks from the heart and will act as a bridgebuilder bringing people together(Obama).

I think people should look at situations from both side's
Yes, there are allot of muslim countries that are real angry at America.
But why is that?

Could that have anything to do with the fact that the American government is supporting regimes that keep all wealth for themselves and giving nothing to it's people? like Saoudi Arabia for instance? only to get cheap oil?

Is it because America is constantly telling other countries and people how to live their lives?

The only way forward to a better world is by understanding and dialoque.
War can give advantages on the short run, but in the long run it will allways have great consequences for the bully and its people.
Look at history, all of the worlds bully's and their countries will eventually fall...

Please read some non-US news sites on situations in the world and look at situations from both sides.

And do the world a real big favor and vote wisely!


I don't give a flying fuck who the "world" wants me to vote for, I'm voting for Obama because I think he's the better man for the job. Period. If I was going to let your bullshit influence me, I'd be voting for McCain.

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